Notes – Bacteria Ch

Notes – Bacteria Ch. 18.1


Is defined as the scientific study of the nature of ___________________ and its causes, processes, development, and ___________________.

A ___________________ is a disease causing agent, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites.

Bacteria: singular: ___________________ / plural: bacteria

Microscopic ___________________

___________________ CELL NUCLEUS

Until recently, bacteria were placed into one Kingdom. As a result, sometimes bacteria are referred to as Monerans.

Kingdom Eubacteria & Archaebacteria

1. Eubacteria (___________________ bacteria)

Tend to be ___________________

Classified according to their mode of getting nutrients, mechanism of ___________________,

and their ___________________

2. Archaebacteria (___________________ Bacteria)

Tend to be ___________________

Tend to live in ___________________ environments -sometimes they are called "Extremophiles"


_____________– Live in very _____ environments; Great Salt Lake

_____________ – live in high temperatures

Ex: Thermoacidophiles – sulfur hot springs; hydrothermal vents

– _____________ – cannot live in the presence of _______; sewage treatment plants, swamps, bogs

Interaction with Oxygen

Obligate ___________________- require oxygen for respiration, _____________ oxygen to grow and survive

Obligate ___________________- must avoid oxygen, they will ___________________in its presence

Facultative Anaerobes - can use oxygen when it is available, but can also do ___________________it


___________________- get energy by consuming organic molecules made by other organisms

Chemoheterotrophs- an organism that gets “nourishment from _____________and from using _____________”

Photoheterotrophs- an organism that gets “nourishment from ______________and from using _____________”

___________________- make their own food from inorganic molecules

– Chemoautotrophs- an organism that gets “nourishment for ___________________using ___________________”

– Photoautotrophs- an organism that gets “nourishment for __________using ________________”

Cocci - ___________________

Bacilli - ___________________

Spirilla - __________________

Diplo – in _________________

Staph - in ___________________

Strep - in ___________________

Survive in hostile environments by

___________________ (slime layers) - help evade immune system and adhere to surfaces

pili - ___________________projections

endospores - bacteria become ___________________until conditions become favorable

flagella - one or more ___________________structures

Gram Stain

Bacterial species with walls containing ___________________ amounts of peptidoglycan are Gram-___________________.

Bacteria with walls containing relatively ___________________amounts of peptidoglycan are Gram- ___________________.


Binary fission - _______ cell splits into ________ cells, offspring are genetically ___________________to parent

Conjugation - a form of ___________________reproduction where bacteria exchange genetic information before dividing, offspring have ___________________genes genetically ___________________to parent

Friendly Bacteria

1. _____________ – eat dead organisms

2. Help ________ food as well as _________ vitamins

3. Help ________ absorb nutrients thru the _________

4. ________-________ bacteria: _______ take in a usable form of nitrogen for the plant

5. Food – Milk, Cheese, Yogurt

6. Clean oil spills (purify water)

7. ___________ – bacteria fighting bacteria

Notes – Viruses Ch. 18.2

Virus = ________________

1. ________________characteristics of viruses

They contain ________ _________ (DNA or RNA) ________ both!!

2. ________________characteristics of viruses

They are ________________, that is, they contain no cytoplasm or cellular organelles.

They carry out no metabolism on their own and must replicate using the _________ cell's metabolic machinery.

Viruses don't ________________ and divide. Instead, new viral components are synthesized and assembled within the infected host ________________.

***They are NOT alive***

Structure of a virus

A virus ________________, or virion, consists of the following:

Nucleic acid - Set of ________________instructions, either DNA or RNA, either single-stranded or double-stranded

Coat of ________________- Surrounds the DNA or RNA to protect it

Lipid ________________- Surrounds the protein ________________ (found only in some viruses, including influenza; these types of viruses are called enveloped viruses as opposed to naked viruses)

Viruses are specific to their ________________.

They can only attack ________________cells (receptor sites)

Rabies, for instance, can be passed from ________________to human. HIV is a virus that seems specific to ________________.

Influenza is a virus that specifically attacks cells of the ________________ track (hence the coughing, sneezing, and sniffling).

HIV virus specifically attacks ________________ blood cells. (helper T cell)

White blood cells can engulf foreign pathogens by a process called _______________.

Bacteriophage - ________________ that infect ________________

Have a protein "tail" attached to the ________________ (protein coat that envelopes the genetic material), which is used to infect the host bacteria.

Virus’s ________________ reproduce on their own, and must infect a host cell in order to create more ________________.


1. ________________ - surface proteins bind to host, and release ________________ material (RNA or DNA) into the cytoplasm

2. Replication - the viral genetic material is ________________

3. Transcription - the genetic material is used as a blueprint, for the cell to make ________________ which is used to make viral proteins

4. Protein synthesis - occurs in the cytoplasm (ribosomes), viral ________________ are made

5. Viral ________________ - the viral genetic material (from replication) is surrounded by the newly made viral proteins

6. Release - viruses emerge from the cell by "________________ " from the cell membrane or ________________ out of the cell (this causes the cell's death)

________________ Pathway - the virus stays within the cell until certain environmental ________________ cause it to enter the lytic cycle

________________ Pathway - rapid replication of the virus, ending in cell ________________ (or death). More phages are released to infect other cells

Human Immunodefiency Virus (HIV) - causes AIDS

Retrovirus - ________________ inside a protein coat

HIV infects one particular type of immune system cell, called the ________________ cell in the body’s immune response.

HIV will slowly reduce the number of T-cells until the person develops ___________. People with AIDS contract other diseases that are rare in the rest of the population.

Notes - Kingdom Protista Ch. 19

• Contains the most _______________ organisms of all of the kingdoms

• Mostly unicellular

• Autotrophic/heterotrophic

• Cell walls sometimes present

o Composed of cellulose

• _____________________

• Because the Protist Kingdom tends to be a “dumping” ground for organisms that don’t quite fit anywhere else, the organisms in this kingdom tend to closely resemble organisms of the other kingdoms.

• This is why we group protists as being _____________________-like, ____________________-like, and _________________-like.

Plant-like Protists

• Use ___________________ to make their food (photosynthetic)


• Do not have roots, stems, leaves

• Unicellular

• Multicellular

Major Phyla of Algae:


• _______________, unicellular and multicellular

• _______________ because can photosynthesize

• ________________ because without the presence of light can ingest food.


• Unicellular and photosynthetic

• Marine and freshwater

• Reproduce asexually and sexually

• Store food as oil rather than starch- gives fish an oily taste.


• Most are live in _________________ environments

• Thick cell walls

• Produce ______________ which are responsible for fish kills

• Cause what is known as “___________________”

o These toxins can infect shellfish that feed on it so harvesting of these shellfish is usually banned during these months to prevent sickness.


• Live in ________________ water where other seaweeds cannot survive because they have pigments that can absorb sunlight at depths greater than 100 m.

Brown Algae

• _________________ near surface where light is available

• Form thick, underwater forests that provide a rich underwater ecosystem.


• Most diverse.

• Most are in ________________ water.

• Asexual and sexual reproduction.

• ____________________ or __________________.

Animal-like Protists

• Unicellular heterotrophs

• __________________

o Grouped according to how they _________.

Four main groups of protozoans:

1. Amoebas (also known as Sarcodines)

• Form pseudopodia to engulf food particles (endocytosis) as well as for movement.

o Pseudopodia: ________________________________________________ “__________”

• Reproduce through asexual reproduction

2. Flagellates

• Move through use of flagella

o Flagella: ________________________________________________________________

• Some act as parasites while some are beneficial

3. Ciliates

• Use cilia for movement

o Cilia: ___________________________________________________________________

• Diverse aquatic habitats

4. Sporozoans

• Produce _________________ which is a reproductive cell that forms without fertilization and produced a new organism.

• Internal parasites (ex. Animal blood or intestines)

Animal-like Protists and Disease

• Many protists are disease-causing parasites. Most commonly they cause _______________ and African sleeping sickness.

• Sporozoans and Malaria: ___________________ carry the spores of Plasmodium and infect humans as they bite them. The sporozites reproduce asexually in human’s ______________, forming spore-like cells that enter the red blood supply and reproduce rapidly.

Fungus-like Protists

• Examples include: Slime-mold

• Can ___________________ dead organisms

• Could __________________ at one point in their life.

Notes- Kingdom Fungi Ch. 20

• Mushrooms, mold, __________________

• Eukaryotic

• ______________________________

• “Great ____________________________”

• Few unicellular fungi (yeast)

• Mostly multicellular

Fungus Structure

• __________________: the primary structural unit of fungi.

• ___________________: A thick mat of hyphae

• The part you see of a mushroom is the only ___________________________ structure.

• ___________________ form and are released from the gills under the mushroom cap which is how a mushroom reproduces.

Adaptations in Fungus


• spoiled food, diseases, poisonous mushrooms

Plant Diseases

• Fungi can cause diseases such as __________ smut which destroys corn kernels. Also can cause wheat rust which affects wheat fields.

Human Diseases

• Athletes foot

o A ______________ infection common on feet

• Candida

o A yeast overgrowth common in the mouth and on the skin

• Ringworm

o A ______________ infection common on skin

Animal Disease

• Cordyceps

o A fungus that attacks certain species of grasshopper and other insects in the rain forests of Costa Rica


• Decompose large quantities of Earth’s _________________- without fungi there would be large quantities of waste sitting around.

• Break down complex organic substances into raw materials which living organisms need


• A symbiotic relationship between a ______________ and a photosynthetic plant such as algae.

o A _________________ relationship is when two organisms live in close association with each other.

o In a lichen, the fungus provides _____________ for the plant to photosynthesize and the plant provides _________________ for the fungus to survive.


• A mutualistic relationship between a fungus and ___________ of plants.

o A _________________ relationship is a type of symbiosis where two organisms benefit from a close relationship.

o In mycorrhizae, the roots provide ________________ for the fungus and fungus provides ______________ for the roots.


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