Affiliates: Become A Man Women Want - Wing Girl Method

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Thank you in advance for your interest in The Wing Girl Method programs. All programs created by The Wing Girl Method are 100% created by WOMEN for men.

Below are the major selling points of all programs sold through The Wing Girl Method.

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So glad we could team up together on this! Please let me know if you have any questions.


Marni Kinrys


Program: How To Become A Man Women Want

A Guide To A Lifetime of Success With Attractive, Amazing Women!

How To Become A Man Women Want is a Complete System concentrating on the Art Of True Attraction. We help you break down the core issues holding you back from getting the women you want by revealing what women REALLY want from men.

This program was constructed from the opinions of over 500 women around the world.

Selling Points:

1. The RIGHT way to get all your advice about women. Marni and her team of Wing Girls tell you exactly what women want and why they do the things they do.

2. If you've ever suffered from the crippling pain of loneliness, have felt that irritating frustration of being ignored and flaked on by women, and are sick and tired of being confused about how women act, then you've come to the right place, because after reading this website, you're going to know more about women than 90% of men on the planet Earth.

3. The Wing Girl Method is the ONLY source guys can turn to get real insight into how a woman's mind works. 

4. You'll learn to decipher a woman's language to know what she really wants, how to read her body language so you know when she's attracted to you, and what to do and say around women to get them attracted and eager to be with you. 

5. 1 thing you can do to GUARANTEE endless success with women. Get this complete system gives you step-by-step instructions on how to attract, approach, date and keep the women you want!

6. Women reveal the secrets needed to create an attractive lifestyle for yourself and with women. Once you know these secrets, women will be dying to see and find out more about you!

7. Take your seduction skills to the next level with two weeks of unlimited one-on one email coaching and support with me (Marni). This is your opportunity to ask me anything and everything you have ever wanted to know about a woman. Get the real deal and the ultimate female opinion, no holds barred, so you can eliminate any nagging confusion and doubt!

8. Navigate the first month of dating with confidence with a cheat sheet that takes you through the approach, how to date, and actions to take after the date. Your first month of dating will confident and charismatic forever!

9. 8 Essential Facts, Myths, and Urban Legends about women revealed. Side-step the most common mistakes and mis-beliefs that men have about women that may be stopping you from moving forward with the women you want.

10. Master the 3 Top Qualities Women Find Attractive! Watch and learn as my 18-minute video not only explains the qualities you need, but also follows up with 3 months worth of follow up exercises so you can apply and cement these groundbreaking skills to really get her attention... and keep it!

11. Interviews with Dating Masters! Use and apply the secrets of the dating masters into your seduction repertoire as they share their secrets with you, including audio interviews with Carlos Xuma, Dr Ben Karney from the Relationship Institute, and a one-on-one coaching session with a client as we show you how to be the modern alpha male and how to make attraction really last. These interviews are unmissable!

12. Understand, accept and be comfortable with who you really are. Before you can be a man women want you have to be the man YOU want and discover your needs, wants, boundaries and desires.

13. Know what women are saying when they’re not saying anything

14. Eliminate all fears of not knowing what to say to women. Never fumble for conversation again by learning how to create attractive, charismatic conversation that will attract women and make them want you!

15. Identify where to meet women in your area and how to create a social life others would kill for!

16. Understand what women want- and better yet, why they want it

17. Get more women than you ever have before

18. Connect with the women you choose to connect with

19. Be confident and comfortable with women

20. Be in control of your interactions with women

21. Never fall into the friend zone trap of being the man who will just listen and never gets the girl

22. Learn What Women Want

23. Recognize and pick up on cryptic female signals

24. Be The Man In The Room Woman Are Attracted To

25. 8 unadvertised bonuses that total 4 hours of material

26. Full suggested resource list with direct instruction on how to get active in activating your social life.

Program: What’s Inside A Woman’s Mind?

Just Released: Landmark Unprecedented 'Tell All' Interview Captures Some of World's Most Beautiful Women's Previously Confidential and Never Before Revealed Secrets And Confessions…

Find Out What Was Caught On Tape, When A Group Of The World's Most Desirable Women Sat Down And Revealed ALL In A Raw, Uncensored, 'No Holds Barred' Confession Session…!”

If you ever wanted to know EVERYTHING women wished men knew but have never told them or would never admit, then this information will dramatically change your life.

Marni, sits down with 20 attractive, intelligent and amazing women to find out what REALLY goes on inside a woman’s mind.

Discover what women want and what they don’t want. Why they say one thing and mean another and exactly what women want from men.

Get first hand, insider answers to the following questions: Should I buy her a drink? Why do women give out their numbers and then never answer the phone? What are signs a woman is into me? How do I stop a girl from flaking? What kind of man do women want? What do women like sexually? How do I know when she wants to be kissed? Do women want sex as much as men?

Imagine how good life would be if you knew when she was into you and you knew the female signals that were saying GREEN LIGHT, Go for it.

You could make the women in your life so much happier because you would understand us. We’d be more than happy to thank you. I have many female friends who just wish they could find a single great guy who knew how to be a man and please her. I want you to be this man!

Program Contents:

✓ Hidden camera Video of 6 women on a Girl’s Night and talking about

✓ What Women Want From Men (52 min Video)

✓ Common Mistakes Men Make With Women – (45 min Audio)

✓ Why Women Are Wishy-Washy – (38 min Audio)

✓ A Woman’s Opinion On Dating (20 min Audio)

✓ Are Looks As Important To Women? (16 min Audio)

✓ How To Date Younger Women (10 min Audio)

✓ Marni’s Thoughts On Picking Up At Clubs (7 min Audio)

✓ How A Normal Guy Can Attract A Hot Woman (50 min Audio) – interview with Amanda Lyons, wife of Adam Lyons. Very hot, 23 year old who got snagged by the dorky nerd type. Talks about how to create social validation and perceived social status.

✓ How Women Select Long Term Partners (45 min Audio) – interview with Emily Mckay, wife of relationship expert Scot McKay

Selling Points:

1. The RIGHT way to get all your advice about women. Marni and her team of Wing Girls tell you exactly what women want and why they do the things they do.

2. If you've ever suffered from the crippling pain of loneliness, have felt that irritating frustration of being ignored and flaked on by women, and are sick and tired of being confused about how women act, then you've come to the right place, because after reading this website, you're going to know more about women than 90% of men on the planet Earth.

3. The Wing Girl Method is the ONLY source guys can turn to get real insight into how a woman's mind works. 

4. You'll learn to decipher a woman's language to know what she really wants, how to read her body language so you know when she's attracted to you, and what to do and say around women to get them attracted and eager to be with you. 

5. Women reveal the secrets needed to create an attractive lifestyle for yourself and with women. Once you know these secrets, women will be dying to see and find out more about you!

6. Take your seduction skills to the next level with two weeks of unlimited one-on one email coaching and support with me (Marni). This is your opportunity to ask me anything and everything you have ever wanted to know about a woman. Get the real deal and the ultimate female opinion, no holds barred, so you can eliminate any nagging confusion and doubt!

7. Navigate the first month of dating with confidence with a cheat sheet that takes you through the approach, how to date, and actions to take after the date. Your first month of dating will confident and charismatic forever!

8. 8 Essential Facts, Myths, and Urban Legends about women revealed. Side-step the most common mistakes and mis-beliefs that men have about women that may be stopping you from moving forward with the women you want.

9. Know what women are saying when they’re not saying anything

10. Understand what women want- and better yet, why they want it

11. Get more women than you ever have before using the information you learn straight from the mouth’s of women.

12. Be confident and comfortable with women

13. Be in control of your interactions with women

14. Recognize and pick up on cryptic female signals

Any man I know would kill to understand how a woman’s mind works.  Why we do the things we do.  Why we say yes, when we really mean no. How you can turn us on and what you are doing that turns us off.

Well It’s Time To Take Action and Be Enlightened Today!

To find the key to unlocking what's inside a woman's mind click here:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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