Persuasive Essay-The Leadership and Defense Plan of Glenbard

The Leadership and Defense Plan of Glenbard

By Chelsea

“Ruling a city is impossible to do!” Nope, this statement is false. You can rule a city, if you know how to and if you know the tricks for being a good ruler. Are you looking forward to hearing the two simple tricks? Okay, here goes, but it is only for your ears and no other.

The two simple tricks are first, remember to never be afraid. The fear of failure is the second thing to keep in mind. The fear of failure makes you fail, and stops you from what you do and what you believe in.

Lisa was brave; she ruled a city, the city of Glenbard, and anyone can. Lisa had some difficulties in doing this however. Of course, she did not let the fear of failure stop her. This was the story I told my sister at night after I finished reading the book, The Girl Who Owned a City. Lisa, a girl who owned the city of Glenbard, had some problems with leadership and defense plans. My reason for writing this should explain how and what I would change about her leadership and defense plans, to be even more successful than Lisa.

As I said before, ruling righteously is important. This is one of the things Lisa did not do as a leader, since nobody is perfect. She did not want to let the citizens talk and express their opinions. In my point of view, I think speaking or expressing ideas is good. The more feedback there is, the better Glenbard will be.

Ruling righteously also means that you should be organized and you should plan. Planning is important, because in Glenbard, when an enemy comes to attack you, you cannot do things straight away, so it is always a good idea to plan first before a bad thing happens.

I think the militia captains of Glenbard should be changed. Steve, Jill, Charlie, and Lisa should be the militia captains, but not Craig. Four militia captains should be enough. I do not want Craig as a militia captain, because he is really only into farming, and he wants to stay on the old farm on Swift Road. I am really worried that he might draw other people’s attention and make many people go with him to the farm. He would then possibly make his own city, which means that Glenbard would have fewer people to run it. This would be bad, because Glenbard would be a mess with people going in and out. We would also have more work to do, and this is not acceptable.

I would organize people in different places. Jill would take care of the hospital, and Todd would help. Lisa should take good care of the defense plan. Katy and Missy would take care of the cafeteria and serve lunches. Each day, five boys or girls would act as sentries on the rooftops and all around Glenbard.

Every morning, there would be survival classes. They would start at 7:00 A.M. and at 11:00 A.M. The children would then have lunch. Starting at 12:00 P.M. normal classes would begin that teach the different skills the children need to learn to work different jobs. They would have classes until 2:00 P.M., and then they would take a break and work on defense plans, or they would just relax. You might wonder why the schedule is really strict and disciplined. It is structured because if it is not scheduled properly, things could go wrong.

Bravery is the other part of ruling that is essential. Do not fear. Lisa should have motivated and given the speech to others about fear. You also always have to overcome your fear when you meet your rival, but you also have to be nonviolent.

Speaking of non-violence, I think Lisa should have been a little bit more non-violent when she used her defense plan. Mahatma Gandhi said, “An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.” Do not ever fight, or fight back. She could have talked to Tom Logan, her enemy, about his cruelty, and named his fears in the beginning, so that he realized that he was mean. You all might wonder why naming a person’s fears is a good weapon, but it is, because Lisa named Tom’s fear at the end of the story and Tom left Lisa alone.

The defense plan of Glenbard is that we would make Molotov Cocktails. Lisa should have made armor out of metal, so it could protect them. They could spray water at the intruders, but not in a harsh way that would create injury, but rather shock and surprise them. If you want the intruders to be hurt, you can pour boiling oil or topple rocks over the intruders. This would keep the enemy from intruding.

To rule a city, you have to ask yourself and your citizens to earn things for themselves. I think Lisa and her citizens should have better facilities. They should earn more food, vehicles, and more supplies. They should try to find a way to get electricity, and have running water. What I think they could do is connect a pipe from the lake to Glenbard and there would be the source of water. Earning is so important and essential, because you have to have a job of your own, be able to accomplish, and be proud of yourself. If you do not earn the things that you get, you probably think you do not deserve them, but if you do earn them, you know you deserve them.

Many of you may think, “How can a small kid do this?” Well, do not judge a book by its cover. Lisa and anyone have the potential to be a leader, the ability to problem-solve, and the courage to do anything. We may look small, but we kids can do whatever we set our minds to. It is just like the story of a small mouse saving a huge lion. Before the small mouse saved the lion, the lion thought the mouse could not do it, because he was small. However, the mouse succeeded, because he believed in himself. Anyone, who believes in his or her abilities and is unafraid to risk, can be a good leader.

I have made changes to Lisa’s leadership plan. I have also spoken of why I made these changes and what I think is important to lead well. If you want to rule well, remember the three tips I have given you: be fair and righteous, be brave, and earn the things that are important to you, and I am sure you will be an excellent leader.


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