What makes a great school? - Stand for Children

[Pages:2]What makes a great school?

Education can open doors. That's why it's important to invest the time now in finding a school that will prepare kids for a successful future. Here are a few of the main factors that go into making a school great. Use this worksheet as you research schools to find the ones that are best for your child.

How to do the research:

Visit the school. There's nothing better than seeing a great school with your own eyes.

Look at a resource material (see the resource list and DPS Enrollment Guide).

Talk with friends and family. People can have vastly different experiences with the same school. Talk to several people to get a sense of what a school is like.

Strong Principals - Strong principals or school leaders can speak clearly about where the school is now and where they would like it to be in the future. They hold high expectations for students and staff and know what is going on in the classrooms. They value staff, teachers, and parents as partners in helping students succeed.

Look for: Respectful interactions between principals, staff, and students Clear communication about the school's past, present, and future Openness to feedback and support


Family Relationships ? Schools that build strong relationships with families invite them to be part of their child's learning experience.

Look for: Regular communication with parents about ways they can help their children learn Volunteer opportunities Back to school nights and other activities throughout the year that offer meaningful engagement with families


Safety - Whatever is happening outside the school grounds, a child's learning environment should be a safe haven. Kids deserve to attend schools where they are safe, both physically and emotionally.

Look for: Front doors are locked and visitors are required to sign in to prevent strangers from entering A clear, consistent, and enforced policy to deal with bullying Students and staff interacting respectfully A sense of safety and calm inside the school and on the playground


What makes a great school?

Strong Learning Environment ? When students are engaged in learning, it shows. Kids are active and alert in class and educators are engaged in the subjects they are teaching. Look for:

Students active and participating in class Teachers working with students individually or in small groups Student work displayed in the school that demonstrates engagement in challenging material notes:

Academic Performance ? An academically prepared student has options after graduation ? whether she wants to go to college, trade school, or pursue a career, nothing is out of reach. Your school (and you as a parent) should set the expectation that your child needs to grow academically year after year. Look for:

Student academic growth on the rise across the school Opportunities for students who are ahead to work on more challenging material and those who are behind to

get individualized help Consistent communication with parents about student progress and what is needed for them to continue to grow notes:

Important Terms to Know: School Performance Framework: The School Performance Framework (SPF) is a tool used by Denver Public Schools to measure how well a school is doing. The ratings measure student academic performance, student academic growth, parent satisfaction, how many kids return to the school each year, among other factors. There are five possible ratings for schools:

? Distinguished (Blue) ? Meets Expectations (Green) ? Accredited on Watch (Yellow) ? Accredited on Priority Watch (Orange) ? Accredited on Probation (Red) You can find a school's SPF online at schoolchoice.enrollment-guides-2013-14/. Or, for a view of school performance on an A-F scale, visit . Student academic achievement: A measure of how well students are doing in meeting Colorado's academic standards (measured by standardized assessments). Student academic growth: A measure of how much students are progressing over a year in meeting Colorado's academic standards. A school that has high growth may not have high academic achievement (and vice-versa).

What makes a great school?


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