What Makes a Man Attracted to You - Amazon S3

What Makes a Man Attracted to You

If you really want to keep a man's interest, you need to know what makes him attracted to you in the first place.

When you understand that, it'll be a lot easier to continue to do the things that make him want to stay with you.

First, you'll want to...

Be So Valuable to Him that He Won't Let You Go

If we were to define what being attractive is to a man, we'd eventually narrow it down to how valuable you are to him. When I say valuable, I'm not talking about how much money you're worth.

I'm talking about how he perceives your value as a woman to his life as a man. There are all sorts of different ways to define your value. Most of this is very subjective so I'll give you the overviews.

Value depends completely on the person. It's created through the social norms of whatever society you happen to live in. It's defined by whatever conscious or subconscious importance a man places on it.

Most of the time, he doesn't know what this is. It's like those women who think they know what kind of man they want yet keep dating men who aren't good for them.

It's the same way with men. They think they know what they want but they end up with whoever they're attracted to.

But just because value is subjective and most guys don't really know what they want doesn't mean you can ignore it.

Being valuable to him in conjunction with creating a space for him to come into your life, turns you into a vortex of attraction.

Think about this: even if you're not remotely attractive to one man, another man may think you're perfect for him.

Here's why this is important:

The key is to deliberately create value for the type of man you want to attract so that when you meet this type of man, he'll recognize you and want you in his life.

It doesn't do you any good if you're only attractive to creepy men!

If you know what a quality man would value in a woman, then there's a lot that you can do in order to become attractive to him. If you don't know what he values, it's like trying to win the lottery... you're much more likely to be struck by lightning.

So, how can you become really valuable to quality men?

First, let's talk about...

Increasing Your Sexual Attractiveness

I have a friend who learned a whole bunch of games and mind tricks in order to attract men. She used some of these abilities on a man she was dating and got married to him in less than a year of meeting him.

And 7 months after they got married, they got divorced. But it wasn't because they were fighting and it wasn't because they didn't like each other.

Can you guess what he said his reason was for wanting a divorce?

He said he wanted to get a divorce because she "wasn't his physical type." But this wasn't the real reason they broke up.

I've seen situations like this play out over and over again in working with both men and women. The real reason is because she obviously used games and manipulation to get him to marry her.

And those games wore off and he was justifying his decision to leave with something that she could never fix... which, by the way, is a great tactic if you ever want to break up with someone.

Now, I'm not trying to say that men don't have physical types.

Believe it or not, men do have physical types. Looks do matter. However, there are many cases where men have gone for women who aren't their physical type and I'll be talking to you more about that later in the program.

As I'm sure you know, men are visually stimulated by women. You can see it anywhere. Men turning their heads to check women out... drooling over skimpy outfits and bikinis.

Men want women who are sexually desirable. Now, that doesn't mean that you have to be a size zero or that you need to go on a diet plan.

Different men are attracted to different women to different varying degrees.

I suggest you don't get overly caught up in the trap of trying to be the right woman for every man. Some men like big boobs, some men like small ones. Some men like big butts, some men like small ones.

I'm not here to coach you into getting plastic surgery or wearing body enhancing clothing to try and appeal to every man. The women who generally do this have just as many problems getting a guy as they did before they started doing all that stuff.

And then they have the added problem of attracting superficial men because their entire attraction method is designed around being superficial.

So why am I talking about physical attraction if it's so superficial?

Physical beauty can get you a lot of attention. But this attention may or may not lead to attraction.

The point is that it's important to take care of yourself but not to focus so hard on physical attraction without connecting emotionally with a guy.

Here's why...

Several years ago, I took a trip down to Cartagena Columbia. While I was there, I stayed at this hotel that had the most amazing dinner presentations I had ever seen.

The food was setup so beautifully that I just had to eat there.

I was shocked when I ate the food and it all tasted horrible.

In fact, I was so thrown off by it that I ate there again the next day... just because I was so amazed at how the food was presented that I thought they made a mistake cooking it.

Yet again the food was horrible, I was majorly disappointed, and I never ate there again.

This is kind of what it's like to meet a woman who focuses only on her external appearance without learning how to connect with a man's emotions.

She may get a lot of attention in the short term but men won't be coming back for more when they get a bad taste in their mouths.

With that said, here's something you may want to think about: Your physical appearance can say a lot about you...

The type and amount of makeup you wear can say a lot about your personality. The amount of blemishes on your skin can tell someone about what types of food you eat and whether or not you take care of your body.

How confident you are and what you think and feel about yourself comes out through your body as well. Another powerful component to sexual attraction is the way you hold your body and how comfortable you are in your skin.

Your attractiveness as a woman is holistic. It's not just the words you say or the things you do. It's not just your physical appearance or how you think about yourself.

Your attractiveness to a man is about everything. Everything counts.

If you're physically attractive but you're mentally immature, you'll get men who just want something physical with you.

Most women don't focus on this but it can be more attractive to a man for you to be comfortable in your skin than your actual body type and size. This is also something that a man will notice within seconds of meeting you.

At Webster University, researchers went out to the local bar and studied the flirtatious patterns of men and women. What they found was that the women who got approached the most by men were the women who acted the most confident in their invitations to the man.

In fact, it wasn't the women who were the most attractive that this happened to. It didn't seem to matter what the physical attractiveness was of the woman to the amount to which she was approached.

We'll talk more about this and how to convey confidence in getting a man to approach you in a later section. For now, just realize that how you think and how you feel is conveyed through the way you hold yourself and how you act.

And these traits can be extremely attractive to men or they can tell a man that you're not what he's looking for.

Think about this: If you want a guy who is put together, you should be thinking about having yourself put together to at least the same degree as he is.

And therefore, the way you treat your body is very important to the amount of sexual value you have for a man.

The more you learn about how to exercise and eat well for your body... the more grounded and calm you are... the more you take care of yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically... the higher your sexual value is to a man.

Learn how to take care of yourself. This isn't a quick fix solution but it's what will attract higher quality men the more you do it.

But we're still talking about outward appearance here. Let's talk about something that will make you massively more attractive to men. Let's talk about the key to really connecting with a man's heart.

Let's talk about...

Increasing Your Emotional Attractiveness

Most women don't understand how valuable they really are. It's no secret that most women are more emotionally mature than most men. And believe it or not, this is actually extremely valuable to a man.

Men are taught to be in their heads. We're taught to hide our emotions and spend a lot of time thinking and analyzing things. A man's ability to be logical is the masculine world.

A lot of women get caught up in the idea of entering into his world. That's what we talked about when we discussed the myth of winning a man's heart by being into what he's into.

Instead of entering into his world and attempting to play by his rules, you'll be a lot more attractive to him if you bring him into your world. And by your world, I mean the world of the feminine.

The healing power of the female essence. The connectedness of the woman's grace. A world that most men know very little about.

It's not through his mind that you'll win his heart. And while it's important to be sexually valuable to a man, your physical attraction alone won't make him want to stay with you.

There's a much more powerful force that you have to work with. And it's this...

The key to a man's heart is through YOUR emotions.

The women who understand this are some of the most highly valued women in the world by men. If you come from your emotions when connecting with a man, you'll bypass his logical mind and go straight to his heart.

Some women abuse this power of theirs. They use it to derail men and take power away from them.

A man's capacity for emotions is much different than a woman's. You can go through a multitude of emotions within a few minutes and come out the other side just fine.

For most men though, this isn't the case. If a guy gets too bombarded by emotion, this can completely drain him. It can take him off balance and put him into a state of disorientation.

And in order for a lot of men to collect themselves and get back into a normal emotional state, it can take him hours to even a day or two.

But you can also use this power of yours for productive means. The nurturing, calming, soft, gentle, affectionate, soothing, loving side of your emotions can give a man a peak into a paradise that he's unable to connect with unless you're guiding him.

When you're coming from your heart and you're expressing yourself from the space of your emotions, you immediately increase your emotional attractiveness to him. This is the work of your feminine essence.

It's the only way to create that deeper connection that can make him want you forever. And if you do it the right way, a man will be magnetically drawn to you in a way that little to nothing else can do.

We'll talk more about how to do this in coming sections. For now, just realize that your ability to connect and come from your emotions is extremely valuable and a very powerful force that can make a man hypnotically drawn to you.

And without this ability of yours, it will be very difficult to connect with a man in a way that will make him want you. With it, you can quickly stand out from all the other women who don't know how to connect with a man like this and capture the heart of the man you desire.


1. Talk to some close friends of yours and ask them how your body language comes across to them.

2. How is the way you are coming across through your body language potentially impacting the way men feel about you?

3. Which type of attractiveness do you most need to work on in order to have the relationship you want?

4. How can you start working on being more attractive to men by using that type of attractiveness?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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