Make Your Words Sell!

 Make Your Words Sell!

Look at any e-biz Web site. Take away the words.

Could it sell without the words? Nope.

Now take away the graphics. Could a no-graphics site sell?

Sure. ...

Time to focus on something that gets sales... Words

All you have to do now is... Write to sell!


Make Your Words Sell!


By Ken Evoy, President of

"Words are loaded pistols." -- Jean-Paul Sartre

Selling software on the Net? A service? Infoproducts? Million dollar cables for suspension bridges? If you want to sell more...

Use the right words. Words sell, not graphics.

Sure, graphics set the stage. After all, even written pearls can't make a garish, amateurish-looking site sell. But the right words can certainly overcome the handicap of a so-so look-and-feel. And the wrong words will destroy even the most expensive, professional-looking site.

While words "rule," e-businesses continue to pour most of their dollars and time into graphic issues like "look and feel." Why?

Maybe it's just too tough to write words that sell.

Perhaps it's too hard to find people who can do it.

Or could it be that most folks simply don't know how to write for the Net? Or they think that short blogs () are easier to do.

It's actually not difficult. I suspected that what people really lacked was a do-able approach. And so, the idea for this book was born.

For months, I could not find a copywriter who truly "got the Net." One who understood how to meld words with the Net. One who understood how to convert a visitor into a customer. And then...

... Along came Joe Robson.

I first met Joe when he wrote a review article about SiteSell's first book, "Make Your Site Sell!." Actually, it was more than a review. It was an entire tutorial. He used our SiteSell site () as the subject matter for a lesson about how to sell on the Net.

It was brilliant. He saw into every technique we used. He caught every important persuasive technique. Every tiny nuance. Basically, he undressed me... in a nice kind of way.


Make Your Words Sell!

Only one kind of person can do that. Someone who truly understands the Netselling process. Someone who understands how to persuade visitors to become customers. That's Joe Robson.

I followed Joe's work for a while, on his site () and in his newsletter ("Copywriters' Digest"). His writing was fresh and spoke to me. Original insights. A man who clearly "got it."

I could resist no longer. I asked if he would co-write this book with me. He enthusiastically agreed. Boy, did he agree!...

He immersed himself for eight months.

We would brainstorm and revise periodically. Then he would squirrel himself away for weeks, feverishly re-writing. Suddenly, a manuscript would turn up in my e-mail. I'd tear it apart with Joe, add a bunch of new ideas, and then...

We'd repeat the whole brainstorm-squirrel-manuscript cycle... over and over again.

Finally, eight months later... it was done. Simple. Clean. Clear. Effective. Written from the ground up, created solely to show you how to e-persuade... how to write to sell on the Net.

MYWS! is loaded with original and powerful concepts. But here's my favorite, the guts of the entire book...

Its original SWAT?-it-to-death method guarantees that your copy will sell. "SWAT?" virtually forces you to pull the strongest sales-getting benefits out of your product and onto your visitor's monitor. Study and use it... because if you do, your sales copy will almost write itself.

And really, that's all there is to it. You already know how to persuade people. This book shows you how to do it on the Net. In other words, it shows you how to...

Make Your Words Sell!

P.S. Don't even begin to think in your head... "I'm not a writer." Hemingway was a writer. You don't need to be -- better if you're not! MYWS! does not turn you into a writer... just an effective e-persuader.


Make Your Words Sell!

1. Introduction

"Sales Copy that doesn't SELL should carry a Government health warning!" -- Joe Robson, Copywriter


... I'm Joe Robson. Let's talk about you and how you will benefit from what I believe to be the most innovative and most practical book you will find on writing Web copy for your business. Make Your Words Sell! took 8 months to write... And 30 years to research! Hey, I know the Internet hasn't been in existence that long! But that's how long I've been making my living as a salesman, direct marketer, and copywriter, both on and off the Web. And MYWS! is not just about writing copy... It's about writing Copy to SELL! And, boy, is there a difference! Think of it this way... Would you be a better carpenter if your tutor had spent his working life with callused hands, selling his own creations? Or would advice from a book, written by someone who'd merely studied carpentry, serve you better? It's the little things that make the big difference so we are constantly told. Military strategists tell us no matter how well planned a military campaign is, its success depends on the nitty-gritty experience of the soldiers on the ground. And so it is in copywriting -- the little difference being practical experience of what works and what doesn't work. And this experience is often the only difference between miserable failure and unqualified success. Sometimes phenomenal success.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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