Axia Appendix - University of Phoenix

University of Phoenix Material

Strategies for Gathering and Evaluating Sources

Evaluate three sources for your final project by completing this worksheet.

Source 1

|Source Information |

| |

| |

|Questions to Consider |Answers (one sentence each should suffice) |

|Is the author affiliated with an organization related to the subject | |

|of the article? (Does he or she have an ulterior motive?) | |

|What is the author’s experience with the subject, including related | |

|academic or professional credentials? (Is he or she qualified to | |

|interpret and explain the complexities of the subject?) | |

|Does this article report on information experienced by the author, or| |

|is it a summary or retelling of information from other sources? (How | |

|close is the author to the actual information?) | |

|Is the information current? When was the information published or | |

|last updated? (Might there be resources with more current | |

|information?) | |

|In general, does the information in the source article match with | |

|information found in other sources, or is it different or unique? | |

|(Can this information be confirmed by more sources than just this | |

|one?) | |

|Does the source make any claims without evidence to support them? | |

|What makes this source credible? | |

Source 2

|Source Information |

| |

| |

|Questions to Consider |Answers (one sentence each should suffice) |

|Is the author affiliated with an organization related to the subject | |

|of the article? (Does he or she have an ulterior motive?) | |

|What is the author’s experience with the subject, including related | |

|academic or professional credentials? (Is he or she qualified to | |

|interpret and explain the complexities of the subject?) | |

|Does this article report on information experienced by the author, or| |

|is it a summary or retelling of information from other sources? (How | |

|close is the author to the actual information?) | |

|Is the information current? When was the information published or | |

|last updated? (Might there be resources with more current | |

|information?) | |

|In general, does the information in the source article match with | |

|information found in other sources, or is it different or unique? | |

|(Can this information be confirmed by more sources than just this | |

|one?) | |

|Does the source make any claims without evidence to support them? | |

|What makes this source credible? | |

Source 3

|Source Information |

| |

| |

|Questions to Consider |Answers (one sentence each should suffice) |

|Is the author affiliated with an organization related to the subject | |

|of the article? (Does he or she have an ulterior motive?) | |

|What is the author’s experience with the subject, including related | |

|academic or professional credentials? (Is he or she qualified to | |

|interpret and explain the complexities of the subject?) | |

|Does this article report on information experienced by the author, or| |

|is it a summary or retelling of information from other sources? (How | |

|close is the author to the actual information?) | |

|Is the information current? When was the information published or | |

|last updated? (Might there be resources with more current | |

|information?) | |

|In general, does the information in the source article match with | |

|information found in other sources, or is it different or unique? | |

|(Can this information be confirmed by more sources than just this | |

|one?) | |

|Does the source make any claims without evidence to support them? | |

|What makes this source credible? | |


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