Dana Bouque What Makes a Successful Community College …

Dana Bouque

What Makes a Successful Community College Student?

For me, returning to college after 20 years, was an overwhelming and stressful endeavor. When I returned to college, I knew I had a dream and I wanted to be successful. I believe the most important part of being a successful community college student is to have a plan and to know what your goals are. Second, I think that you must participate in class and use all the resources available. Last you must learn to manage your time wisely. To be a successful community college student, you must first have a plan and know your goals. Being a bit of an older student, having a full-time job and a family, being a traditional student was not going to work. The first appointment I made when I decided to return to college was with an academic advisor. I was open about my career goals and my situation with having a job and family. She was willing to help guide me and together we were able to come up with a schedule that would work for me. From there I started working on and writing down my short-term, mid-term and long-term goals. As my ACA instructor Jesse Bennett stated in class, "people who write down their goals earn 9 times as much over their lifetimes as people who do not write them down." I think it is also important to begin with your "end in mind" and a detailed and realistic plan to obtain those goals. As important as writing down your goals are, it is also important to refer to these goals on a regular basis and make sure that you are on track. Life happens so you may have to readjust and change your goals as needed. Second, I think you have got to be a willing participant in and out of class. You need to attend every class, you need to take notes, you need to be well rested and prepared. A successful student needs to read their textbook and keep up with assignments and ask questions and not procrastinate. They need to be actively involved in class discussions and have an open line of communication with your instructor and other class mates. Be vocal if you don't understand something and ask lots of questions. In life, just like school, if you are struggling no one is going to know to help if you don't ask. Asking for help and learning is a part of growing and our instructors are an integral part of our learning. Also, you have also got to be familiar with the resources that you have available to you at your fingertips. I know when I first started this process, I had no idea there were so many available hands to help ? The Learning Assistance Center that provides tutoring, the Career Counseling Center that can assist you in finding jobs and internships in your field of interest, Computer Labs, and Academic Counselors. Last, I think it is most important to find the right balance in both your personal life and student life and that comes through organizing your time. Time management is crucial. I have a planner that I use to organize my work, school and family commitments. Organizing my time between all my different commitments may also mean having to say no to certain activities and that is ok. That is knowing what your priorities are and making sure that you have allotted enough time to be fully present for those obligations and activities you are committing to. College is an overwhelming but exciting time and every student's journey in life is different but the opportunity to be a successful community college student is available to everyone. I believe you must first have a dream and from there you have a plan, be a willing participant in your plan, and be able to manage your plan through balancing all that life gives you. Colin Powell stated, "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work."


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