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| |BEST PRACTICES, Civic Engagement |


Name of Local Government: Village of Burns Lake

Project/Program Title: Project Local Government

Project Summary Paragraph

Please provide a summary of your project/program in 150 words or less.

Developed by the Village of Burns Lake and the Lakes District Secondary (LDSS) School Career Department, Project Local Government is a two day program that introduces high school students to the inner workings of local government. Through participation in Project Local Government, students obtain ‘hands on’ experience in all departments of the municipality. Attendance at a special meeting of Council provides an in-depth introduction to the work of elected officials. Students hold a mock election where they run for the positions of council and senior staff. On day two of the project, the newly elected student councilors hold a mock Council meeting and complete the duties that are assigned to staff, such as writing letters, creating media releases, and researching project costs. Two successful Project Local Government programs have been held to date, and Council, staff, teachers, and students have all found the program to be a very rewarding and educational experience.

Project Analysis

Please answer the question in 300 words or less in 11 pt Arial font (our judges value directness and brevity). If you experience difficulty answering a particular question, consider the aspects of your program that may relate to the question and show us how they are linked.


What was the inspiration behind the program/project?

In 2009, discussions began between Village Council and staff who sought a way to involve and educate students about local government operations, and introduce them to potential careers in the local government field. The Village of Burns Lake has a relatively young Council and staff who were eager to explore unconventional ways to educate local students about the Village and hoped that students would relay what they had learnt to their parents; continuing the educational process. School District No. 91 hosts a variety of ‘projects’ each year, such as Project Health and Project Forest Management, yet a local government project had not yet been established. The Village of Burns Lake is the first municipality within the School District to develop the program and has set an example for others to follow.


What did you set out to accomplish with the program/project? How effectively did you meet your goals?

Project Local Government was an idea brought forward by Council and staff to provide an opportunity for local youth to gain insight into the inner workings of local government. Prior to attending Project Local Government, the students who participated had little to no knowledge of local government and its operations. Surveys were administered to the students to determine the value of the project. Results indicated that the students had an enriching experience during the two day project. The project left the students with a much better understanding of the functions and responsibility of a municipality. As one student remarked: “I couldn’t believe that there are only 6 people at Public Works who maintain the entire town – it is a good insight to the real working of the municipal government and clears up a lot of stereotypes.”


a. How was the community involved in your program/project? Please provide measurable results.

School District 91 provided approximately 12 students to participate in the project annually. Two students who participated in the first session of ‘Project Local Government’ returned to the second session because they enjoyed their experience and felt that there was more that they could learn about local government. Since participating in ‘Project Local Government’, some of the students have volunteered at community events hosted by the Village of Burns Lake because they were more aware of the opportunities that the Village offered. Village staff members and LDSS Career and Trades Department staff have begun the developing other partnership opportunities, such as the creation of a Student Committee of Council (as recommended by Council), that will be involved with local government operations throughout the year.

b. Tell us about all levels of teamwork involved in making this program/project possible. Include a description of any barriers or challenges it was necessary to overcome.

A strong partnership was developed between Village staff and LDSS Career and Trades Department staff. Numerous meetings were held between these staff members to develop the program structure. In an effort to minimize the financial implications to either organization, costs associated with the program were divided between the two partners. The School District provided access to a school bus and a bus driver who was able to transport the students between locations and the Village funded supplies and meals for both days of the project. The structure and success of other School District ‘projects’ made it relatively simple to develop ‘Project Local Government’. The demonstrated collaboration between School District staff and Village staff provided Village Council with the confidence necessary to support and implement the project.


How has the program/project saved the community money and/or resources or encouraged economic development?

Village of Burns Lake Council hope that the ‘Project Local Government’ experience will encourage students who participated to consider a career in local government and return to the community upon completion of their post secondary education.


How has this program/project improved upon accountability to the community's citizens?

‘Project Local Government’ demonstrates the Village of Burns Lake Council’s commitment to be open and transparent with all aspects of local government operations. Students received a ‘behind-the-scenes’ tour of the Village Public Works Department, the Tom Forsyth Memorial Arena, the Volunteer Fire Department, Village administration and Council operations. Many excellent questions were asked by the students throughout the two day program. During a lunch meeting with Council, students had the opportunity to ask any questions they like, such as political motivations and why each member of Council chose to run in the election. When asked what they most enjoyed during their lunch with Mayor and Council, student responses included “the open conversation”, “that Council members were real people and didn’t act better than anyone else”, and “that they interacted with each of us and seemed really interested.”


How has this program/project created more awareness in the community about local government actions?

Upon completion of ‘Project Local Government’ each year, a media release is provided to all local media outlets and a story explaining the project and what it involves is printed in the Village Newsletter which is mailed to over 2000 residents of the Lakes District. By educating students, Village Council hope that they will relay what they learn during the project to their parents and friends. This diffusion of knowledge helps a wider range of citizens understand what local government is and how they can become involved, far beyond the scope of the original 12 participants.


What makes this program/project innovative and creative?

The Village of Burns Lake ‘Project Local Government’ is the first project of its kind in the School District No. 91 area. This unconventional method of public engagement shows initiative and demonstrates to the public that the Village is making an effort to be open and transparent. The project also provides students with the opportunity to learn about training requirements and local government career options that they could pursue in their hometown. Many students were not aware of many of the functions of the Village of Burns Lake, and the political decision making process. The opportunity to assume the roles of Mayor, Council and staff for a day was an eye opening experience and was enjoyed by all.


What measures have you put in place to ensure the continued operation of this initiative? (e.g. staff time, resources, financial)

Council has been very pleased with the success of the first two ‘Project Local Government; session and they plan to continue the program for as long as possible. Funding has been allocated in the budget to support the two day project and staff time will be allocated as required to ensure that the project takes place each year. With the development of a Student Committee of Council, Village of Burns Lake Council members hope to see ‘Project Local Government’ expand to include additional students or stretch over a three day period to cover even more aspects of local government operations.


What sets this program/project apart as a winning idea? Why should it be considered a best practice, in comparison to other similar programs?

Local governments are continually challenged to find innovative ways to engage their citizens. ‘Project Local Government’ is an unconventional method of public engagement with a proven track record of success. The ability to connect with local students who will relay the information to their parents and peers is a creative way to share local government information and explanations with the public. Two successful ‘Project Local Government’ sessions have been held to date, and Village staff and Council plan to continue the program for years to come. Burns Lake is a small rural community where students are not widely exposed to a variety of career options. ‘Project Local Government’ addresses this shortfall by introducing students to career opportunities within local government, allowing students to see firsthand how diverse and rewarding these careers can be. A student participant summarized their ‘Project Local Government’ experience and what they learned by saying “Project Local Government makes you really look at what it takes to run Burns Lake, thank you so much for this amazing opportunity.”


How is this program/project transferable to other local governments?

Despite variations in size and operations of local governments in British Columbia, Project Local Government is easily transferable to other jurisdictions. The two day format of Project Local Government and the activities undertaken by the student participants stand as an example to be followed by other municipalities. Village of Burns Lake staff would be pleased to assist any other local governments interested in hosting a similar program.


What helpful advice would you share with other communities looking to embark on a similar project?

Village staff quickly learned the importance of developing a strong partnership with LDSS Career Department. Collaboration with the Department helped both parties to not only minimize costs, but to also shape the most positive and enriching experience for students possible. Despite initial apprehension and nerves, the student participants embraced their roles and greatly enjoyed the experience of hands on learning. Village staff also learned the importance of keeping the program fast paced and full of variety to ensure the students were engaged.

Allowing students to assume the roles of Mayor, Council, and senior staff facilitated a deeper understanding of the challenges and rewarding experiences that come with each job


Please share any other information you think may help us better understand your submission.

Village Staff are very excited to be hosting the 3rd Annual Project Local Government, planned for late 2011!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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