Title: God Made Me Special 15 minutes 10 minutes 10 ...

Title: God Made Me Special


Provide a Dress-up box with costumes and accessories for the children to dress-up. Also provide a full-length mirror for them to see the results. You could take pictures of them and post on a wall for parents to enjoy.

10 minutes MEMORY VERSE

Psalm 139:14 I praise you because I am wonderfully made.

10 minutes LESSON Psalm 139 When you make something or you paint a picture or when you dress up, you can decide what you want to do. You pick a color or you decide how big or how little to make the thing you are making. You can decide where to put a nose or the eyes. When God made you, He decided how you should look. He made all your parts and He knows everything about you.


Give each child a people shape. (These can be made by drawing around a gingerbread man cookie cutter on a piece of card-stock.) Have available: glue sticks, crayons and bits of ribbon, felt or small pieces of scrap material, Help children create or decorate their person.


Snack Gingerbread man cookies


My Head My Shoulders My Knees My Toes

There's No-one Exactly Like Me

I Am Special, I Am Special to the Lord. (2x) For the Lord He loves me so. And I'll let the whole world know. I am special, I am special to the Lord.

LESSON APPLICATION AND PRAYER God made you very special and He wants you to use what He has given you to please Him.

PRAYER You made the people that I meet. All the people, great and small. At home and school and down the street. And you made me to love them all.


Make plaster casts of the children's hands. Or make hand prints of foot prints in sand or soil.

Each hand print is individual and unique.

ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY Baby search and color page


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