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8 Toxin-Free Sex Tips Guest: Susan Bratton

The contents of this presentation are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This presentation does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Diane: Hey, what's up, beauty warriors? Diane Kazer here for another episode on the Non-Toxic Beauty Revolution. And today I have an amazing, very exciting, juicy, passionate, `let's get naked' show today. And I'm talking about not just like get naked physically, I'm talking about, let's get naked in all of the faces that we may wear that block us from true intimacy and beauty. So today, I have Susan Bratton on the show, and I love this woman. She's so fun. She's so genuine. She's so honest. She's so pretty.

And she's going to share with us a lot of really amazing things that we need to know about in the bedroom that are... gosh, there's toxins lurking all over the place, in the beauty care industry and specifically, in the sexual health industry. We want to keep these toxins away from our vagina, which keeps them away from other people's parts who we're engaging with. So, Susan Bratton, she's an advocate and champion of all who desire passionate intimacy. And she's kind of lazy, she's only written 34 books, you know, she's slacking. Susan, thanks for being here with us today.

Susan: Diane, thank you so much for holding space for a conversation around non-toxic sexuality because I'll tell you something, it is a major platform for me, and so few people even know about it. There are so many ways that we can detoxify our sexual environment, just by knowing what's good and what's bad. So let's get into it.

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Diane: Yeah, let's get into it. Putting lube on the hands, put lube on the heart, you guys, put some lube on your minds so we can open it and you can implement some of these things. What I love so much about what we're going to talk about today is that some of these things are either probably in your kitchen, you can start doing some of them now. You don't have to go spend a ton of money.

But we're going to get natural, we're going to get organic. We're going to kind of get, you know, kitchen meets lovemaking in the bedroom kind of thing, which is what I love about this. So we're going to talk no soap in the vulva. We're going to talk about body safe sex toys, ooh-la-la. We're going to talk about organic avocado oil as lubricants. We're going to talk coconut oil carrier cream.

So get this, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for any of you who are out there on hormone replacement therapy. Non-hormonal contraception because birth control can be very, very aggravating to our bodies and a big beauty blocker. Managing your vaginal microbiome. I love this one. How many listening even had an idea that there was such a thing as a vaginal microbiome? It is so cool. This is like, if you've never heard of this, stay to the end because we're going to talk about the good gut bugs and the good girl bugs that need to be in your parts, which is the next one, managing your gut microbiome.

And the last one is detoxing for hormonal resilience. So all of these things to say, I mean, that's a pretty big lineup. I would like to start with this one, Susan, because I'm asking every single person I'm interviewing about beauty because I believe that we've gone really far off track, like you said, on what really truly defines beauty. So in your perspective, what really, truly defines... what makes someone beautiful?

Susan: Health. Health is what makes us beautiful. If you think about the signs of beauty, the signals of beauty, like big boobs and blonde hair, for example, I dye my hair blonde, my boobs are big naturally because I'm German, so I've just got big boobs. But I've got that look; that Barbie doll, `fakey' look, right?

And the reason that that's so appealing, just like a big booty is appealing, now that's in fashion, boobs and butts, and bellies are gynoid fat. And gynoid fat is a signal of fertility. Light colored hair, especially for the Northern European world, which we're really talking about that kind of like white male patriarchal beauty scenario, is that childlike hair. The lighter color is also a sign of fertility and youth.

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So you'd actually be surprised, clear skin, clear eyes, white teeth, all these things that we do, anti-aging, the lack of wrinkles, good skin tone, a healthy glow, it all just goes back to the biologic wiring of the healthy, fertile mate. And we with red lips, we want to look like we can procreate. It's actually... if you peel away everything, that's what it all is under the hood is that we are wriggling tubes of food, eating, pooping, procreating worms, animals on this planet, and we are driven to procreate.

And all the crazy stuff has been... it's like pornography, where you want to see lovemaking, but you end up looking at porn. It's the same with beauty, it's gotten screwed up. It's gotten in like a weird eye, a weird filter. It's gone wrong, if you will. But it starts in biology.

Diane: I love that; it's so true. Health, hormones, harmony, and we've gone so far off the beaten path. Like we're off the bridge. We're jumping off the bridge at this point. So I want to ask you about that. So what are your thoughts on the toxic beauty revolution? Because what I started this entire thing about is obviously, as everybody knows, I had breast implant illness. And you know, when you found that out, you started talking to other women about it too. And it comes as a surprise to so many of us. But then when you really think about it, it's like, "Is it really that big of a surprise?

There's like 30 plus toxins in breast implants, and there's lead in our lipstick." And there's just so many toxins in so many places. So what is your take on, if somebody wants to get breast implants? If somebody wants to do Botox, if somebody wants to do fillers, if somebody wants to use toxic things, in the name of looking healthy, but is synthetic health, what is your stance? What kind of advice would you give people who want to do those things?

Susan: Well, now that I know everything that I've learned from our relationship and my relationship with other females who have gone through this, I would be steadfastly against recommending implants. I just can't see any benefit at all. There's too many risks to it. And with other things, I think you have to pick and choose the things that you're going to carve out as your toxic choices and try to detoxify everywhere else you possibly can.

So for example, I'm wearing Giorgio Armani Foundation, and I'm wearing Yves St. Laurent lipstick, but I don't wear it every day and I don't wear nail polish, as an example of one thing I don't do. I do dye my hair. I eat all organic.

I use Kathy's healing lotion, which is a fabulous, 100% organic, natural body lotion. And I use products like the cream and Purity Woods, and other facial creams.

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Another one I get, called Abeille, that's made with CBD and just really high quality coconut oil, and other natural oils. So I make my own toothpaste out of baking soda and essential oil. You know, so like, you just kind of have to... the laundry detergent I use is as low toxin as possible. My cleaning supplies are as toxic free as my housekeeper will let me use.

Diane: That's a valid point. That's totally valid.

Susan: Yeah. So basically what I've been doing is systematically eradicating every toxin I possibly can, except for the ones I can't live without. That's what I try to do, is I just try to minimize and I'm always detoxing. So I'm taking CytoDetoxTM every morning and night. I do a lot of detoxification as well. And so I think you can't go... there are some people who are much better at it than I but I'm pretty darn good. You do the best you can do at all times. And unless you are very, very sick and you have to... like you got, and you have to eradicate everything down to the ground to get your health back.

If you have a relatively strong immune system and you're healthy, and you're sleeping well, then you can tolerate a few toxic things in your environment. But frankly, I clean the air filters in my cars. I try to stay out of congested traffic. I don't walk on city streets when at all possible. I avoid any kind of car exhausts. I live in a non-polluted area. I live in a place where the water is clean. When I travel, I'm glad to get home to my clean environment. So I'm extremely aware of these things because when you get my age, I'm pushing 60; that catches up on you.

Diane: It sure does. It totally does. Our bucket just fills up and I probably was filled up even more when I was 40, last year when I took these out. Then maybe you were at 60, which is to say it's like, you know, 90% of kids now that are going to see their doctors or their pediatricians have chronic disease, and it's not genetics. Like, this is toxicity and these poor kids, going through all the trauma of toxicity and not knowing the issues.

And I mean, you just named so many. And I've been saying this on all of our episodes, it's like you get to kind of pick and choose but if you're going to pick and choose the ones that you're going to have once in a while, let it not be like living right next to the freeway where exhaust is just dumping on you. That's like not... you know, that's a major beauty blocker.

But like, I have a nice lipstick too, I'm sure it has lead, and I only use it on camera when I'm doing photo shoots. And I have a nice hairspray and a nice mascara. Those are like my three, you know, I think it's really hard to really master those without chemicals. And so like you said, I call it ABC, 'Always Be Cleansing'.

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If you're always cleansing and if you're always conscious about that, and your pathways are open, one of which, major, I believe that our pathways can stay open because of oxytocin, which is number one, stimulated from lovemaking and connection. So that's why our next topic is going to be so important. Of all the ones that you just mentioned, which are all so key and you just so simply, like boom, went through it, which three would you say are the top three beauty builders?

Susan: By beauty builder, what do you mean?

Diane: The things that, like you mentioned a detox product. You mentioned living somewhere that's environmentally conscious and that is like, free of toxins. Beauty builders can be happiness, a beauty builder can be the food that you eat, it could be whatever you feel like, "This makes me beautiful. This makes other women or other humans beautiful."

Susan: The first thing that... I just had lunch before I sat down with you and I had a bowl full of cut up salad vegetables. And I was in a hurry because I didn't even want to do the lettuce and mess up my lipstick and stuff. And I can shove lettuce in like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, I mean I can just be like... or a Brontosaurus. I can eat so much lettuce, green juice, lettuces; organic vegetables. I just have my homemade avocado oil and locally sourced red wine vinaigrette, homemade, with French Dijon mustard and the savory, over a bunch of chopped up, fresh organic vegetables.

And I took a big spoon and I literally was just like, "Grrh, grrrh." And while I was doing it, I was writing an article and doing things, just before I came into the studio to have this conversation with you. So I think healthy organic, raw food vegetables is my number one.

My number two is probably the love of my husband and the support of my partner because my number one relationship value is security. And I really have a need to be really taken care of by my partner. Held and loved and appreciated, and adored. And so for me, that's probably the thing that calms my nervous system and my cortisol, and keeps me in good working order; able to give my gifts. He is my platform that allows me to give my gifts and I've been married to him almost 30 years. So I'm very lucky in that way but I'm not just lucky, we've learned how to be really good in relationship together. We run our sexual, passionate lovemaking techniques business together. So that's number two.

And I think probably number three, from a health perspective, is being able to give my gifts. For me, my passion is passion. My mission is passion, helping

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