TV's Ramsay 'will keep swearing' - Skills Workshop

[Pages:5]August 2008. To print your own copies of this document visit

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TV's Ramsay 'w ill keep sw earing'

From BBC News 18.06.08 ? BBC MMVI I I http:/ / 1/ hi/ entertainment/ 7465420.stm

Chef Gordon Ramsay has dismissed controversy in Australia over his bad language on TV, saying he has no intention of changing his st yle.

"I t's high pressure, high energy and more importantly, real. That's how we keep it each and every day," Ramsay told the country's Nine Network.

An inquiry was initiated by Liberal senator Cory Bernardi, after he watched Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares. The chef is in Australia for a series of cooking shows in Sydney.

Ramsay said his television shows Kitchen Nightmares and Hell's Kitchen ? both broadcast on Channel Nine ? demonstrated the real pressures of working in a resturant kitchen. "I want to run a proper kitchen... not stand there and wish everybody a Merry Christmas and pat them on the back every time they do a good job," he said.

Ramsay added that the easiest way to avoid his cursing would be to change the channel. "Turn over. I sn't it easier?" he said.


Both series have proved to be ratings winners with audiances in Australia.

"I 'd like to give Channel Nine a big telling-off for making my name bad in Australia," joked Ramsay. "Has no-one got an edit suite and not broadcasting those naughty words before nine o'clock? "I 'm getting the flak for it everywhere I go."

The Senate inquiry was prompted by one episode aired earlier this year, in the 20.30 time slot, in which Ramsay used a four-letter expletive more than 80 times in 40 minutes.

Mr Bernardi said there was "no excuse for gratuitous bad language to be broadcast repeatedly" when it could be "beeped out". But senators stopped short of imposing an outright ban on swearwords, citing a lack of an "overwhelming community consensus" in favour of such a ban.

Kindly contributed by Dave Norgate, Bromley Adult Education College. L1.1, L1.3 (reading comprehension, identify main points); Rw/L1.1-1.3 (vocabulary); Ww/L1.1 (spelling); Wt/L1.1-L1.6 (Level 1 writing ? Question B only).

August 2008. To print your own copies of this document visit

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TV's Ramsay 'w ill keep sw earing'

A. Read t he ar t icle on page 1 N ow answer t he f ollowing quest ions. Cir cle t he cor r ect answer .

1. Why did senat or s not vot e f or a t ot al ban on swear wor ds.?

a. The swear wor ds can be beeped out

c. They wer e wor r ied about Gor don Ramsay's r eact ion

b. Because t he pr ogr amme could go out af t er 9pm

d. Ther e was not enough suppor t f r om t he public

2. Which of t he f ollowing st at ement s is incor r ect ?

a. Gor don Ramsay is get t ing hassle f or swear ing ever ywher e he goes.

c. His ser ies have not pr oved popular wit h audiences

b. Gor don Ramsay has t wo shows r unning in Aust r alia.

d. He once used t he f wor d 80 t imes in one show.

3. What is t he cor r ect spelling of r est ur ant ?

a. r et r aunt c. r est aur ant

b. r est ar ant d. r est aur ent

4. What is t he cor r ect spelling of audiances?

a. audianses c. audences

b. audienses d. audiences

5. Accor ding t o Ramsay how can viewer s avoid his cur sing?

a. Have t he wor ds beeped out .

c. Make sur e t he pr ogr amme is on af t er 9 o'clock

b. Tur n over t o a dif f er ent channel

d. Wat ch wit h t he sound down

Kindly contributed by Dave Norgate, Bromley Adult Education College. L1.1, L1.3 (reading comprehension, identify main points); Rw/L1.1-1.3 (vocabulary); Ww/L1.1 (spelling); Wt/L1.1-L1.6 (Level 1 writing ? Question B only).

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TV's Ramsay 'w ill keep sw earing'

6. How might t he act ion `pat t hem on t he back ever y t ime t hey do a j ob' be int er pr et ed?

a. As cr it icising t hem c. As pr aising t hem

b. As laughing at t hem d. As pat r onising t hem

7. How could Mr Ber nadi's views be best summar ised?

a. Ramsay's pr ogr ammes should be banned

c. To save it f r om being br oadcast t he cur sing can beeped out

b. He hat es people who swear .

d. All swear ing on TV should be banned.

8. Which wor d would best r eplace excuse?

a. j ust if icat ion c. st at ement

b. agr eement d. r epor t

B. What is your opinion on Gor don Ramsay and swear ing? Should he be t old t o st op? Would it be Gor don Ramsay wit hout t he swear ing? What do you t hink gener ally about swear ing? I s it j ust par t of ever yday lif e? Ar e we lazy and swear because we cannot t hink of ot her wor ds or do we t hink it makes us look `big'? Wr it e an essay det ailing your views.

Kindly contributed by Dave Norgate, Bromley Adult Education College. L1.1, L1.3 (reading comprehension, identify main points); Rw/L1.1-1.3 (vocabulary); Ww/L1.1 (spelling); Wt/L1.1-L1.6 (Level 1 writing ? Question B only).

August 2008. To print your own copies of this document visit

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TV's Ramsay 'w ill keep sw earing'

C. Look at t he wor ds in t he t ext t hat ar e in bold. They ar e list ed on t he lef t below. Can you mat ch t hem wit h a wor d on t he r ight t hat can r eplace t hem in t he t ext ? For example impor t ant ly can be r eplaced by signif icant ly

impor t ant ly > signif icant ly

init iat ed


demonst r at ed

har mony

r eal

ent ir e


inst igat ed

cur sing

enf or cing

f lak


gr at uit ous

sidest ep



out r ight

cr it icism


swear ing

Kindly contributed by Dave Norgate, Bromley Adult Education College. L1.1, L1.3 (reading comprehension, identify main points); Rw/L1.1-1.3 (vocabulary); Ww/L1.1 (spelling); Wt/L1.1-L1.6 (Level 1 writing ? Question B only).

August 2008. To print your own copies of this document visit

TV's Ramsay 'w ill keep sw earing'

Answer s


1. d

5. b

2. c

6. d

3. c

7. c

4. d

8. a


impor t ant ly init iat ed

demonst r at ed r eal avoid

cur sing f lak

gr at uit ous imposing out r ight consensus

signif icant ly inst igat ed

showed genuine sidest ep swear ing cr it icism needless enf or cing ent ir e har mony

Kindly contributed by Dave Norgate, Bromley Adult Education College. L1.1, L1.3 (reading comprehension, identify main points); Rw/L1.1-1.3 (vocabulary); Ww/L1.1 (spelling); Wt/L1.1-L1.6 (Level 1 writing ? Question B only).


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