Molloy CollegeDivision of EducationHeading for CourseworkStudent: Meaghan BoschProfessor Kevin SheehanCourse EDU 509Date: November 16, 2017Grade: 5th Topic: Does where you live shape your life? Content Area: Western HemisphereINSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES (s) (Lesson Objective(s)*)After viewing two videos, students will read text closely answering a teacher created history to determine if where you live make you happy with three accurate reflections. NYS-CCLS / +NYS STANDARDS AND INDICATORSNEW YORK STATE SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS5.4 GEOGRAPHY IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE: The diverse geography of the Western Hemisphere has influenced human culture and settlement in distinct ways Human communities in the Western Hemisphere have modified the physical environment.Indicator: This will be evident when the student determines which area of the Western Hemisphere is the happiest. 5.4b The Western Hemisphere can be divided into regions. Regions are areas that share common, identifiable characteristics such as physical, political, economic, or cultural features. Regions within the Western Hemisphere include: North America (Canada and the United States), Mesoamerica (Mexico and Central America), Caribbean and South America.Indicator: This will be evident when the students are given facts, excerpts, opinions and polls to figure out a Mystery. The students based on the clues will be able to decide what area of the Western Hemisphere that clue came from. NATIONAL SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS AND THEMESIII. People, Places, & Environments: Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of people, places, and environments, so that the learner can examine the interaction of human beings and their physical environment, the use of land, building of cities, and ecosystem changes in selected locales and regions;Indicator: This will be evident when the student sees the different aspects of each area in the Western Hemisphere. ELA STANDARD:Reading Standards Craft and Structure 6. Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent. Indicator: This will be evident when the student compares all the clues in the mystery to determine what areas in the Western Hemisphere are happy.Integration of Knowledge and Ideas7.Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently.Indicator: This will be evident when the student finds where the clues lead to what area the person lives in. 8. Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text, identifying which reasons and evidence support which point(s).Indicator: This will be evident when the student comes to a conclusion about what area is the happiest of the Western Hemisphere. NCSS C3 INQUIRY ARC:Dimension 3: Students will work toward conclusions about societal issues, trends, and events by collecting evidence and evaluating its usefulness in developing causal explanations.Indicator: This will be evident when the student solves The History Mystery. SOCIAL STUDIES PRACTICES: HABITS OF MINDD. Geographic Reasoning1.Use location terms and geographic representations such as maps, photographs, satellite images,and models to describe where places in the Western Hemisphere are in relation to each other, to describe connections among places, and to evaluate the benefits of particular places for purposeful activities.Indicator: This will be evident when the student uses the clues provided to them to determine where the clue takes place based on the use of a river, a building or a landmark. INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCESComputer Power Point PresentationYouTube video (Happy by Pharrell Williams)Are you Happy? WorksheetYouTube video (Evan YouTube Mystery)The History Mystery group project Pens Envelopes CluesPaperThe History Mystery HomeworkMOTIVATION (Engaging the learner(s)*)The students will view a YouTube video of Pharrell Williams song Happy as well as another YouTube video of Even YouTube Mystery. The students will try to work in groups to solve a mystery to work out whether where you live is the determinant of your happiness. DEVELOPMENTAL PROCEDURES(including Key Questions)Students will view a YouTube video of a music video entitles Happy by Pharrell Williams. (What types of people do you see in the video? Do they look happy? What type of clothes are they wearing? Are they smiling? How does this song make you feel? What makes us happy?)Students will complete the Are You Happy Worksheet? (Why are you happy? What makes you happy? Why are you unhappy? What makes you unhappy?) The teacher will explain what a mystery is and how to solve a mystery. (Are there any mysteries, are you? How can you solve a mystery?)Students will view a YouTube video of Even YouTube Mystery. (What happens in the video? How did Evan solve the mystery?)Teacher will question what area in the Western Hemisphere do the students feel are the happiest? (What area do you think is the happiest? Why do you feel that area is the happiest? What elements of an areas make it happy of unhappy?)Students will be given The History Mystery and asked to form groups to solve the mystery together. (What are you seeing in the envelopes? What area of the Western Hemisphere are expressed in the envelopes?)Teacher and students will discuss the findings of The History Mystery. (What area seems to be the happiest? What area seems to be the unhappiest?)Students will work on They History Mystery worksheet and complete a FlipGrid on n assigned citizen of a country of the Western Hemisphere. (What clue did you receive? What area of the Western Hemisphere do you think the clue is related to? How did you complete your FlipGrid? Did you like completing the FlipGrid?) INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (Learning Strategies*)DiscussionIndicator: This will be evident when students are discussing The History Mystery group project and where they think the happiest area of the Western Hemisphere is. DemonstrationIndicator: This will be evident when the teacher shows the students the different YouTube videos, explains what happiness means, and explains how to solve a mystery. ModelingIndicator: This will be evident when the students form groups and work together to solve The History Mystery.Cooperative LearningIndicator: This will be evident when students work in groups with assigned areas to discuss where happiness is. ADAPTATIONS (Exceptionality*)The student that has trouble focusing on the lesson will be placed in the front of the room, whether in a desk or on the carpet. The student that is an English learner will be given the lesson prior to the class. The student that has physical limitations will be allowed to work with a friend that is used to helping that student with writing. DIFFERENTIATION OF INSTRUCTIONAuditory Learners: For auditory learners they will learn what they believe happiness is and how to solve They History Mystery through the YouTube videos.Social Interaction Learners: For learners that rely on social interactions will get to work in groups with others. Kinesthetic Learners: For kinesthetic learners they will be active by moving around the room trying to determine where in the Western Hemisphere the clues are pointing to. ASSESSMENT (artifacts* and assessment [formal & informal]*)Students will be graded based on their work through the Are You Happy? Worksheet, their performance on solving The History Mystery, their performance through their The History Mystery worksheet. Students will also need to score an 8 out of 10 on the test given at the end of the unit. Students will share one new fact that they learned from the lesson.INDEPENDENT PRACTICEThe students will be given time to create additional FlipGrid on additional citizens of a country of the Western Hemisphere. FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITIES: DIRECT TEACHER INTERVENTION AND ACADEMIC ENRICHMENTDirect Teacher InterventionThe student under direct intervention with the teacher will be taught what a History Mystery is and how to solve a History Mystery. The teacher will help by using a Graphic Organizer to place the clues in specific areas of the Western Hemisphere. Academic EnrichmentFor students that are gifted the teacher will have the students create their own mystery! They will choose a topic, find clues and present it to their classmates. REFERENCES(Put References on a separate page using APA style)Flipgrid, Inc. (2017). Retrieved from Williams, Happy Music Video. (2013, November 21). Retrieved from CASE of the BROKEN VASE! An EvanTubeHD Detective Story. (2016, April 24). Retrieved from YOU HAPPY?!?!?!Directions: Lets answer some questions about YOU!Are you happy?Why are you happy? When are you your happiest? Are you ever unhappy? Why?Name: ___________________________________The History Mystery!!!After going through the History Mystery in class with your groups we are now going to bring the clues to life. Each of you will create a Flip grid with one of the clues from the mystery and develop the characters. All of the clues are actual jobs and places from throughout the Western Hemisphere. You will need to figure out what your job is and where you live. I’m expecting everyone to be creative, inventive and to BECOME the characters! Dress up, stage a background, have an accent, use your IMAGINATION! Most importantly HAVE FUN!!! Your Clue: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Your Ideas: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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