Lesson Plans K-2 - IA1


Lesson Plan: K-2 · IA1



There Is This Feeling by Winnie King, “Face Your Feelings” worksheet,

I Was So Mad by Mercer Mayer (available at or your local bookstore)


1. Say “Raise your hand if you have felt happy? Show me what your face looked like?” Let some students tell about a time they felt happy. Repeat this for feeling mad, sad, and scared.

2. Read, There Is This Feeling and let students act out, where appropriate.

3. Sing the following verses to the tune, “If You’re Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands.”

• If you’re happy and you know it, laugh out loud (Ha, Ha).

• If you’re sad and you know it, say boo hoo (Boo Hoo).

• If you’re mad and you know it, stomp your foot (stomp, stomp).

• If you’re scared and you know it, shake all over (tremble).

4. Hand out “Face Your Feelings” worksheet to students. Complete worksheet together to allow time for discussion about the happenings and feelings.

5. Read the book, I Was So Mad by Mercer Mayer.

6. Discuss feeling mad and running away.


Remind students that all feelings are okay it is being able to work them out that we have to work on.


The students will be able to identify different feelings by completing the worksheet, “Face Your Feelings”.


Name_____________ Date________________

Grade_____________ Teacher______________

There Is This Feeling

There is this feeling inside me today….

It is trying to get me to say “Why don’t you just act like a bug and crawl away?”

There is this feeling inside of me on other days….

It makes me act mean and grumpy to my friends when I play.

There is this feeling inside of me when I am glad

It tells me everything will be okay and there is no need to be sad.

There is this feeling inside of me when I get confused….

It makes me feel like I am in a whirlwind spinning round and round.

There is this feeling inside of me when I am happy….

It makes me feel like a puppy dog wagging his tail.

There are a lot of feelings inside to help us work out our problems...

It is okay to have feelings and it is good to work them out.


I got $20 for my birthday

When I have to get

a shot at the doctor’s


You received detention

Your best friend’s birthday party is the same day as your sister’s

My dog ran away

Your teacher gave your class an ice cream party

Your baby brother cried all night!


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