Section one - Ms. Miron


Section One

□ Read first block of Chapters

□ Task #1 – Journal

o Write as many details about one of the characters in your novel.

o Include: physical descriptions and personality and first impression of the character (like/dislike why)

o Compare this character to a character from another book you have read using a Venn Diagram.

o One page, skipping lines, paragraph form.

□ Task # 2 - Journal

o What are the key events so far in the novel? Why do you think they are key events?

o What parts of this story could not be left out? Explain why you think they are important (foreshadowing).

o One page, skipping lines, paragraph form

□ Task # 3 - Journal

o Describe the setting(s). Support your description with at least three quotes from the novel.

o State the page you found the quote on.

o An illustration may be beneficial

o One page, skipping lines, paragraph form

□ Prepare for meeting

□ Meeting

□ Post discussion journal – see Post Discussion Journal handout

Post- Discussion Response Journal

Answer the following questions on a lined sheet of paper. You will be assessed using the Journal Rubric.

• Summarize the group’s conversations in regard to topics covered. (This should be extremely general and brief.)


• Discuss topics in which group members agreed.


• Discuss topics in which group member disagreed.


• Discuss changes in your previous opinions.


• Did your group discover any new insights or ideas about the novel throughout the discussion? Explain.


Name:_________________ Date:_________________ Novel:____________

Section one Assessment

Journal Rubric

|90-100% |On balance, journal responses are full and complete. Some entries are insightful and perceptive, connecting personal experiences to |

| |the text and making inferences and judgements. There is a thoughtful interpretation of what was read, heard, or viewed. Some entries |

| |go beyond personal experiences or the particular to generalize some aspect(s) of the author’s craft, style, and use of language. All |

| |inferences and judgements are supported with reference to the text. Includes all journal entry components (title, neat, organized,). |

|80-89% |Journal responses are complete. They show personal involvement with and understanding of the text, and make reasonable inferences and |

| |judgements. They reflect an understanding of the author’s stance and perspective on the world. Inferences and judgements are supported|

| |with reference to the text. Some entries comment on the author’s craft, style and use of language. Includes all journal entry |

| |components (title, neat, organized). |

|70-79% |Journal responses meet some expectations but some responses are missing necessary detail or include unnecessary information. The |

| |writer relates to or identifies with characters in the text, but only makes inferences and judgements with general reference to the |

| |text. Entries show the reader connecting the text to life experiences or other texts, but no critically assessing the author’s ideas, |

| |craft, style or use of language. Lacking some of the journal entry components (title, neat, organized). |

|55-69% |Journal responses are general and not expanded upon or may ramble repetitively without clear connections. The writer may empathize |

| |with or judge characters in the text, but not consider the context or significance of the character’s experiences. Entries show an |

| |attempt to interpret or explain the text, but make inferences and judgements with only vague reference to the text itself. |

| |Consideration is not given to the author’s ideas, craft, style, or use of language. Lacking some to the journal entry components |

| |(title, neat, organized). |

|0-54% |Journal responses are incomplete, unclear, or show little effort or insight. The writer occasionally makes observations or |

| |predications about characters or events but these are vague and unsupported. Entries are often simple summaries or retelling of the |

| |events in the text. The writer gives little or no support for assertions. Lacking some of the journal components (title, neat, |

| |organized). |

Name:_________________ Date:_________________ Novel:____________

Section TWO

□ Read second block of Chapters

□ Task #1 – Yearbook Entry

o Imagine what two characters from your novel were like in high school. Cut out a picture of a person from a magazine to represent each character (or you can draw one). Place the picture on blank piece of paper and beside each picture place the following information, which you will create:

▪ Nickname of character

▪ Activities, clubs, sports they were in and what years

▪ Class mock award such as “class clown”

▪ Quotation that shows something about the person and what is important to him or her (the quote could be from a poem, song, movie, etc… but it must not from your novel)

▪ Favourites such as colours and food

▪ Voted “most-likely-to” what?

▪ Plans after high school

□ Task # 2 – Vocabulary

o Find 5 meaningful words from your novel so far. The words could be interesting, descriptive, challenging, or unusual.

o For each word: state the page number in the novel which it is found on , define it, and write your own sentence using the word.

□ Task #3 – Interview

o Pick a character from the novel you would like to interview.

o Create five questions you would like to ask him/her.

o Then have your character answer one of the above questions.

□ Prepare for meeting

□ Meeting

□ Post discussion journal – see Post Discussion Journal handout

Name:_________________ Date:_________________ Novel:____________


Task 1 – Yearbook Entries

|Criteria |0-54% |55-69% |70-79% |80-89% |90-100% |

|Appropriate picture of characters (neatly cut and glued or neatly drawn and | | | | | |

|coloured) | | | | | |

|Page is organized, neat and creative | | | | | |

|Thoroughly includes all necessary information creatively | | | | | |

|Information seems to match or correspond with the characters’ personalities in the | | | | | |

|novel | | | | | |

|Conventions are used with thorough effectiveness (spelling, etc…) | | | | | |

Task 2 – Vocabulary

|Criteria |0-54% |55-69% |70-79% |80-89% |90-100% |

|Includes 5 meaningful, interesting, descriptive, challenging or unusual words | | | | | |

|Page numbers are included | | | | | |

|Definitions suit how the words are used in the novel | | | | | |

|The five sentences are written using appropriate language for a grade 8 student | | | | | |

|The five sentences are interesting, creative and unique | | | | | |

Task 3 – Five Questions and One Answer

|Criteria |0-54% |55-69% |70-79% |80-89% |90-100% |

|Produced five appropriate, interesting and creative questions | | | | | |

|Questions are higher level questions that are meant to dig deeper into the character’s life | | | | | |

|or events in the novel (not just yes and no answers meaning they would make the character | | | | | |

|have to think) | | | | | |

|Fully explained answer that matches the character | | | | | |

|Conventions are used with thorough effectiveness (grammar, spelling, etc…) | | | | | |


| |0-54% |55-69% |70-79% |80-89% |90-100% |

|Post Discussion Journal | | | | | |

Section THREE

□ Read third block of chapters

□ Task #1 – Journal

o What do you think the theme of the story is based on what you have read so far?

o Give examples that prove that this is the theme. (State the page number of the proof and exact quotes may help.)

o One page, skipping lines, paragraph form

□ Task #2 Connector

o Explain five connections. Some connections might be between the book you are reading and the world outside; connect this reading to your own life; or connections may be between the book and other texts.

□ Task # 3 Book Cover Assignment

Think about (you do not need to answer these questions just think about them to help you do a better job of your book cover)

o Examine the cover of the book you are reading.

o What are the aesthetic qualities?

o What qualities of the book does it emphasize?

o To which audience does it appeal?

o How might it be modified or improved?


Based upon your observations from above, create an original novel cover for your literature circle novel by completing the following:

1. For the front cover, include artwork, the title of the novel, and the author of the novel. The illustration should reflect the focus and tone of the novel and be an important scene.

2. On back cover, write a brief plot summary (don’t reveal too much).

3. On the inside flaps, write a mini-review of the novel including original quotes from people who have read it and/or catchy comments to encourage them to read the novel.

o Remember this is to be done like a book cover so think about the layout. Make sure your book cover is original and different from the actual cover.

□ Prepare for meeting

□ Meeting

□ Post discussion journal – see Post Discussion Journal handout.



| |0-54% |55-69% |70-79% |80-89% |90-100% |

|Task One Journal | | | | | |

|Post Discussion Journal | | | | | |

Task 2 – Connector Checklist

|Criteria |0-54% |55-69% |70-79% |80-89% |90-100% |

|Included 5 meaningful connections | | | | | |

|Included various types of connections | | | | | |

|Vocabulary appropriate for a grade 8 student, organized, interesting, and neat presentation| | | | | |

Task 3 – Book Cover

|Criteria |0-54% |55-69% |70-79% |80-89% |90-100% |

|Creativity (front | |* no attempt at conveying |* images unclear |* images are clear and convey |* images are clear, striking, and|

|cover) | |important scene |* important scene is somewhat |focus of the novel |enticing and convey tone and |

| | |* design is copied or |identifiable |* overall appeal of the cover is |focus of novel and important |

| | |unoriginal |* design is unoriginal |interesting |scene |

| | |* no title, or author present |* missing information |* all information is included |* visually appealing, original |

| | | | |* reflects important scene in the |and creative |

| | | | |novel |*all information is included |

|Comprehension | |* limited effort made at plot |* plot summary is mostly |* plot summary is concise, easy to|* reflects a high level of |

|(back cover) | |summary |concise, somewhat easy to |follow, and does not reveal too |understanding (characters, |

| | |* little detail |follow, but may reveal too much |much |problem solution, and how it was |

| | |* very difficult to follow |of the plot |* reflects an understanding of the|resolved) |

| | | | |story |* does not reveal too much |

|Opinion | |* little or no comments made |* some comments made about the |* included catchy comments or mini|* included catchy comments or |

|(inside flaps) | |about the quality of the book |book’s quality |reviews that appeal to the |mini reviews that encourage |

| | |* readers not encouraged to |* somewhat appealing to the |audience (can be quotes from |reading |

| | |read on |audience |classmates or fictitious) |* clearly positive and creative |

| | |* little effort shown | | | |

|Writing | |* writing requires further |* writing is adequate to get the|* overall writing is very good |* writing is of exceptional |

| | |attention |point across |* few errors in spelling, grammar |quality |

| | |* many errors in spelling, |* some errors in mechanics |and punctuation |* no flaws in spelling, grammar |

| | |grammar and punctuation | | |and punctuation |

| | | | | |* complete and varied sentences |


Complete the following:

□ Find connections between the book you are reading and the world outside

□ Connect this reading to your own life, to happenings at school or in the community, to similar events at other times and places, to other people or problems that you are reminded of

□ Connections may be between the book and other writings on the same topic, or by the same author

Some connections I found between this reading and other people, places, events, authors…






Post- Discussion Response Journal Meeting # 3

Answer the following questions on a lined sheet of paper. You will be assessed using the Journal Rubric.

• Summarize the group’s conversations in regard to topics covered. (This should be extremely general and brief)


• Discuss topics in which group members agreed.


• Discuss topics in which group member disagreed.


• Discuss changes in your previous opinions


• Did your group discover any new insights or ideas about the novel throughout the discussion? Explain.


Section FOUR

□ Read section four chapters

□ Task #1– Conflict Connector handout

□ Task # 2 – Poem

o Title acrostic

o Take a sheet white paper and write the title of book down the side of the paper. For each letter in the title, construct a sentence that begins with the letter and that tells something significant about the story.

o Decorate the paper appropriately (Hint: images that go with the story.)

□ Task # 3 – Journal Entry

o One way to get to know characters is to think deeply about them and make inferences based on their actions and on what they and others say about them. Through a persons actions we can learn what they fear and what they want to avoid the most. Select one character from your novel and write a paragraph on what you believe they fear the most. Select two quotes from the novel that demonstrates this fear.

o One page, skipping lines, paragraph form

□ Prepare for meeting

□ Meeting

□ Post discussion journal – see Post Discussion Journal handout

Name:_________________ Date:_________________ Novel:____________


Task 1 – Conflict Connector

|Criteria |0-54% |55-69% |70-79% |80-89% |90-100% |

|Correctly included four of the main conflict from the novel | | | | | |

|Page numbers stated were the conflicts occurred (more than one may be a good idea) | | | | | |

|Included for each conflict a clear, accurate explanation of the conflict | | | | | |

|Include for each conflict how the character(s) have or are working through a resolution to | | | | | |

|the conflict | | | | | |

|Vocabulary appropriate for a grade 8 student, presentation is organized neat and interesting| | | | | |

Task 2 – Title Acrostic

|Criteria |0-54% |55-69% |70-79% |80-89% |90-100% |

|Title of book written neatly, accurately and creatively along the side of the page | | | | | |

|Each letter has a sentence that communicates a significant (interesting) piece of information| | | | | |

|from the story | | | | | |

|All sentences are well written and include appropriate vocabulary and accurate conventions | | | | | |

|The paper is decorated appropriately, creatively, and is neat and organized | | | | | |


| |0-54% |55-69% |70-79% |80-89% |90-100% |

|Task Three Journal | | | | | |

|Post Discussion Journal | | | | | |

Name:_________________ Date:_________________ Novel:____________

Conflict Connector

Your job:

□ Find the conflict(s) in the passages your have read so far in the novel:

o Person vs. Person

o Person vs. Nature

o Person vs. Self

o Person vs. Society

o Person vs. Unknown

o Person vs. Machine

□ Then, for each conflict, complete the following:

o State the conflict and the page(s) it is found on

o A brief explanation of the conflict

o Explain how the character(s) works through a resolution to the conflict

1) Person vs. _____________________________ page(s):________________________


2) Person vs. _____________________________ page(s): _______________________


3) Person vs. _____________________________ page(s): _______________________


4) Person vs. _____________________________ page(s): _______________________


Post- Discussion Response Journal Meeting # 4

Answer the following questions on a lined sheet of paper. You will be assessed using the Journal Rubric.

• Summarize the group’s conversations in regard to topics covered. (This should be extremely general and brief)


• Discuss topics in which group members agreed.


• Discuss topics in which group member disagreed.


• Discuss changes in your previous opinions


• Did your group discover any new insights or ideas about the novel throughout the discussion? Explain.


Name:_________________ Date:_________________ Novel:____________

Section FIVE

□ Read final chapters

□ Task #1 Newspaper Assignment

o Newspaper assignment – see attached outline

□ Task # 2 – Pick one of the following options:

o Option 1 - Award

▪ Create an award for one of the main characters based on their actions in the novel. One might be awarded “most courageous” for fighting peer pressure, another might be awarded “wisest” for the guidance he or she gave other characters.

▪ You need to actually design the award (you can use the computer or hand-draw it). You also need to write a paragraph (skipping lines, one page) that explains why this character deserves this award.

▪ You should include at least two quotes that demonstrate why they deserve this award

o Option 2 – Fortune Cookie

▪ You are out to dinner with a character from your novel at a Chinese restaurant. On this particular night the fortune cookies are amazingly appropriate.

▪ You need to design the message that goes inside the fortune cookie. You also need to write a paragraph (skipping lines, one page) that explains why the fortune is fitting (or appropriate) for this character.

▪ You should include at least two quotes that demonstrate why this fortune is appropriate for them

□ Prepare for meeting

□ Meeting

□ Post discussion journal – see Post Discussion Journal handout

Name:_________________ Date:_________________ Novel:____________


Task 1

See attached Newspaper Rubric

Overall level: _______________

Task 2 – Award/Fortune Cookie

|Criteria |0-54% |55-69% |70-79% |80-89% |90-100% |

|Award/fortune cookie accurately reflects character | | | | | |

|Award/fortune cookie designed creatively | | | | | |

|Written description fully explains why award/fortune is appropriate for the character and | | | | | |

|included at least two appropriate quotes from the novel | | | | | |

|Conventions are used with a high degree of effectiveness | | | | | |

|Overall presentation is creative, interesting, neat and organized | | | | | |


| |0-54% |55-69% |70-79% |80-89% |90-100% |

|Post Discussion Journal | | | | | |

Name:_____________________ Date:____________________ Novel:_____________

Novel News


Written component:

Write a news story of approximately 125-150 words based on an event in the story. The article should include information and details about what lead to the event, the event itself and any consequences from the event (positive or negative). Recall details from the story and include appropriate quotations, they may be direct quotes from the book or quotes you think the characters would say (based upon what you have learned about the characters). Remember, the elements of a good news story include an attention getting headline, a well-written lead, a story that informs – 5 W’s and 1 H – and details and information that are credited to sources.

Visual Component:

You need to include an appropriate illustration with an appropriate caption. You may also want to consider the layout of a real newspaper article to improve the presentation of your article.


You will be assessed on quality and quantity of accurate information. As well, information must be based on the story. Furthermore, creativity is essential. Since this is a writing assignment, grammar and spelling, as well as the writing process, will be assessed (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing). This is also a media assignment, so you will be assessed on the elements of a newspaper article (layout, illustration, caption, headline, placeline, etc…). See attached rubric.

Name:_________________ Date:_________________ Novel:____________

Novel News Rubric

|Criteria |0-54% |55-69% |70-79% |80-89% |90-100% |

|Knowledge/ Understanding | |*Demonstrates limited |*Demonstrates some |*Demonstrates considerable |*Demonstrates thorough |

| | |knowledge and understanding|knowledge and |knowledge and understanding|knowledge and understanding|

| | |of the structure of a news |understanding of the |of the structure of a news |of the structure of a news |

| | |report |structure of a news report|report |report |

| | |*Limited knowledge and | |*Considerable knowledge and|*Thorough knowledge and |

| | |understanding of novel tent|*Some knowledge and |understanding of novel |understanding of novel |

| | | |understanding of novel |content |content |

| | | |content | | |

|Thinking | |*Uses planning skills with |*Uses planning skills with|*Uses planning skills with |*Uses planning skills with |

|*Planning (writing process) | |limited effectiveness |some effectiveness |considerable effectiveness |a high degree of |

|*Critical/creative thinking | |*Uses critical/creative |*Uses critical/creative |*Uses critical/creative |effectiveness |

|process | |thinking processes with |thinking processes with |thinking processes with |*Uses critical/creative |

| | |limited effectiveness |some effectiveness |considerable effectiveness |thinking processes with a |

| | | | | |high degree of |

| | | | | |effectiveness |

|Communication | |*Expresses and organizes |*Expresses and organizes |*Expresses and organizes |*Expresses and organizes |

|*Expression and organization of | |ideas and information with |ideas and information with|ideas and information with |ideas and information with |

|ideas and information in media | |limited effectiveness |some effectiveness |considerable effectiveness |a high degree of |

|forms | |*Uses conventions with |*Uses conventions with |*Uses conventions with |effectiveness |

|*Use of conventions (vocabulary,| |limited effectiveness |some effectiveness |considerable effectiveness |*Uses conventions with a |

|grammar, terminology, etc…) | | | | |high degree of |

| | | | | |effectiveness |

|Application | |*Transfers ideas and novel |*Transfers ideas and novel|*Transfers ideas and novel |*Transfers ideas and novel |

| | |content to news report |content to news report |content to news report |content to news report |

| | |content with limited |content with some |content with considerable |content with a high degree |

| | |effectiveness |effectiveness |effectiveness |of effectiveness |

|Presentation | |*Limited creativity |*Somewhat creative |*Creative |*Highly creative |

|*illustration, caption, and | |*Less than or more than 125|*Less than or more than |*125-150 words typed |*125-150 words typed |

|layout | |words, not typed |125 words, not typed | | |

Post- Discussion Response Journal Meeting # 5

Answer the following questions on a lined sheet of paper. You will be assessed using the Journal Rubric.

• Summarize the group’s conversations in regard to topics covered. (This should be extremely general and brief)


• Discuss topics in which group members agreed.


• Discuss topics in which group member disagreed.


• Discuss changes in your previous opinions


• Did your group discover any new insights or ideas about the novel throughout the discussion? Explain.



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