Did You Know??

[Pages:2]All of the activities in this Family Play Guide meet Florida Department of Education Next Generation Sunshine State Standards! To learn more, and to see

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Family Play Guide! Did You Know??

Some tortoises have been known to live longer than 150 years!

The Aldabra Giant Tortoise weighs up to 750 pounds!

The Brown Hare is one of the ten fastest mammals on the planet!

Cross Country racing was an Olympic sport until 1924!

Look for these words from The Tortoise and The Hare

Obstacle Race

Woodland Distracted

Theatre Vocabulary! Audience ~The people watching a play. Also refers to the actual seats in the theatre.

Stage ~The area of the theatre where the actors perform the play.

Scenery ~The background, furniture, and large pieces that create the location of the play.

Costume ~The clothes worn by the actors during a performance.

Recommended Reading

The Fox and the Grapes:

The Fabled Fifth

A retelling of Aesop's fable By Mark White

Fables By Arnold Lobel

Graders of Aesop Elementary School By Candace Fleming

Aesop's Fables: A pop-up book of Classic Tales

By Chris Beatrice, Kees Moerbeek, and Bruce Whatley

Thicket Fable

Mr. Sloe's Costume Design!

Mr. Fleet's Costume Design!

Who's Who?


Stage Manager

~A person who acts in ~A person who is in

a play, playing a

charge of what


happens backstage.



~A person who writes ~A person who

the words spoken in a designs some part of


the production


(costume, set, lights,

~A person who directs props, or sound).

the action in a play.

Questions to ask

1. What was the first thing that you noticed when you entered the theatre? 2. Were the actors able to bring the characters to life? Did you feel caught up in the story? Did any actors play more than one character? 3. Is there a TV or movie version of the play that you saw today? What was similar? What was different? Talk about what makes a live play unique. 4. Name 3 things that you noticed about the set. Name 3 sounds that you noticed throughout the play. 5. What job would you like to try? Actor, director, designer, stage manager? Why?

Get Active!

Mr. Sloe and Mr. Fleet participate in a cross country race. Here are some ways to get active at home!

What Time Is It, Mrs. Fox? This game is for 3 or more players and should be played in an open area. The object of the game is to walk past Mrs. (or Mr.) Fox without getting caught. Pick someone to be the Fox. Everyone else line up on the starting line. The Fox will stand about 20 feet away with her back turned. The rest of the players say, "What time is it Mrs. (or Mr.) Fox?" Mrs. (or Mr.) Fox answers a time like, "It's five o'clock" and players take five steps forward. If she answers, "It's one o'clock" players take one step forward, and so on. The players can take any size step they want. If Mrs. Fox says, "It's time to eat you!" she turns around and chases the other players back to the starting line. If Mrs. Fox catches someone, he becomes the next Fox. Freeze Dance! This is a game for 5 or more players. One person is the music monitor while everyone else is a dancer. Select music and begin playing - stopping the music every minute or so. Everyone dances any way you'd like (safely) until the music stops, at which time you must freeze! The monitor looks around to see if anyone is still moving when the music stops. Anyone who moves is out and can help the monitor watch the remaining dancers. The last dancer not to get out in is the winner. Try dancing different ways (fast, slow, like a character, silly).

Visit these websites to find more ways to get active: zoom/activities/games health.active-kids

How different would the play be if it starred a turtle and a rabbit? What's the difference between a turtle and a tortoise? A rabbit and a hare? Check out the similarities and differences between these cousins below.

Turtle and Tortoise

Rabbit and Hare



Both are reptiles

Both have long ears

Both lay eggs

and short tails

Both have shells Differences

Both hop to get around Both are mammals


Turtles spend most of

Rabbits are born hairless,

their lives in water, while while hares are born with a

tortoises live on land.

full head of hair.

Turtles tend to have

Rabbits live underground in

webbed feet & tortoises groups, while hares live

have round and stumpy feet. amidst plants and prefer to

live alone.

Popsicle Puppet Show

! Ask an adult to help you cut out these pictures from The Tortoise and the


! Decorate them with whatever you have around your house (suggestions:

stickers, markers, cotton balls, scraps of paper).

! Secure the picture to a popsicle stick (or try a regular stick, pencil, or toilet

paper roll).

! Use your imagination to create the scenery for your puppet show of The

Tortoise and the Hare. Some ideas for scenery for your puppet show could

include fabric, a shoebox, jars or boxes, clothes (mittens and socks are

great!). Use whatever inspires you.

! How was your version of The Tortoise and the Hare different from the one

that you saw in the theatre? How was it the same?


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