TRAINING MODULE #1 Why 2018 Will Be the Best Time Ever to …

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Why 2018 Will Be the Best Time Ever to Make a Fortune from Marijuana Stocks

Marijuana Millionaire Summit TRAINING MODULE #1

Hello and welcome to the first training module for the Marijuana Millionaire Summit. I'm John Wieland. In addition to hosting the Marijuana Millionaire Summit, I'll be taking you through these trainings that will help you get the most out of the Summit on January 10th. In today's training, you're going to discover:

? 3 reasons why the marijuana market is going to explode in 2018 ? How some of the largest corporations (including Fortune 500 companies and

hedge funds) are plowing money into the marijuana industry (and how you can profit from it) ? And two "hidden" reasons why the legal marijuana market is going to grow much bigger and faster than anyone predicts. Even alleged "experts" miss these points. So, let's get going: We're at the start of the biggest marijuana boom of our lifetime. It's going to be 8 times bigger than the previous pot boom. But most investors don't have a clue. They're going to miss out again. But, because you're reading this right now, you could become a marijuana millionaire with pot stocks. You can buy them with your current brokerage account. And they're safe enough to hold in your IRA. You have an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of one of the most valuable commodities on earth. If you didn't make a fortune on Amazon, Google, Apple when they first went public. Right now, you have a chance to get in on the future blue chips of pot. Today's tiny little marijuana companies are going to become the billion-dollar "Fortune 500s" of pot. Only one other time in history have we seen a proven commodity go from Black Market to legal. That was alcohol after prohibition. And today, some of the world's biggest businesses are alcohol companies. Imagine if you could have invested in Coors, Anheuser-Busch and Stroh's on December 5, 1933, the day prohibition ended.


Marijuana Millionaire Summit TRAINING MODULE #1

Investing in marijuana stocks today is like investing in alcohol companies after prohibition.

Today, few people know the names of these companies. But in five and ten years from now, we feel some of these will be household names. As famous and profitable as Coors... Marlboro... and Jack Daniel's.

We've never seen an opportunity with as much profit potential as the legal marijuana market has right now.


It all starts with the fact that marijuana is one of the most in-demand commodities on earth.

The global market for cannabis is worth about $150 billion a year.

Annual Production Value (in billions)

Marijuana Dwarfs Other Major Commodity Markets

$175 $167




$125 $116


$94 $93 $90


$50 $34 $33


$21 $17

$0 Gold Marijuana Corn Iron Wheat Copper Aluminum Zinc

Sources: Statista, The World Gold Council, The Silver Institute, The United Nations

Coffee Nickel Silver

That's more than corn, iron, wheat, copper, coffee and silver. For perspective, $17 billion worth of silver was produced in 2016. Making the cannabis market nine times bigger than the silver market. But there's one big difference... The majority of marijuana sales have been from ILLEGAL marijuana. So, it's been almost impossible for investors to profit from legal pot. But that's changing fast as marijuana legalization is sweeping the planet.


Marijuana Millionaire Summit TRAINING MODULE #1

Marijuana legalization comes in two forms: 1) Medical 2) Recreational

California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana way back in 1996. But back then, the only way to profit from legal marijuana was to open a medical dispensary or grow it and sell it to dispensaries. There weren't many investing options. The big opportunity for investors came in 2012. That's when Colorado and Washington became the first states to legalize recreational pot. Anyone over the age of 21 could buy, smoke and grow pot, legally. That set off a marijuana stock boom. And for the first time ever, marijuana investors made fortunes. Regular people who never smoked a joint in their life... had the chance to cash in big with legal weed. At their peak, the best pot stocks saw gains of...

2,455% gains for 22nd Century Group... 2,608% gains in 12 months for American Cannabis... 3,986% gains in 5 months for Surna Inc... 6,233% gains in 4 months for Axim Biotechnologies... 7,820% gains in 8 months for Praetorian Property... 16,874% gains in 6 months for Cannabics... 69,900% gains in 4 months for Vapir Enterprises Our research shows that 42 pot stocks went up 1,000% or more in the first marijuana boom. And 11 went up 10,000% or more! But most folks missed out on the first pot boom. Marijuana investing was still new. Many didn't even know what a pot stock was. And back then, many were worried the federal government would come in and put a stop to it... Back in 2012, many weren't sure what the federal government would do.


Marijuana Millionaire Summit TRAINING MODULE #1

But today, we don't have to worry about the federal government interfering.

Even Donald Trump pledged to leave marijuana legalization up to the states.

In a radio with WWJ News Radio 950 in Michigan on March 8, 2016, Trump said "I think it certainly has to be a state decision... I do like it, you know, from a medical standpoint... it does do pretty good things. But from the other standpoint, I think that it should be up to the states."

The federal government has stayed arms-length away from marijuana. It's doing the smart thing and letting the states regulate it.

As marijuana goes from illegal to legal... fortunes will be made. Not just by sellers and growers... but by smart investors.


If you missed out on the first marijuana boom, you now have a second chance.

In the past few years, attitudes toward marijuana have radically changed. And a recent CBS poll showed that support for legalizing marijuana is at an all-time high.

The poll showed that 61% of Americans think marijuana use should be legal. And 88% favored medical marijuana use.

Seventy-one percent oppose the federal government's efforts to stop marijuana sales.

In other words, the MAJORITY of Americans are accepting of legal marijuana.

Which has led to an increase in marijuana legalization.

Today 29 states and Washington, D.C. have legal medical marijuana.

And 8 states plus the District of Columbia have legal recreational pot.

And over a dozen countries in Europe and Latin America have recently softened their marijuana laws. The momentum has reached a tipping point.

And now, the two biggest events in the history of marijuana profits are happening. And together, they're going to take the market to new heights.

I'm talking about California going fully recreational on January 1st of this year. And Canada is set to sell recreational pot throughout the whole country later this year.


Marijuana Millionaire Summit TRAINING MODULE #1

You may have seen the headlines recently when California legalized recreational pot.

California selling recreational pot will soon DOUBLE the size of the legal marijuana market. That's because California has the sixth largest economy in the world. Making it bigger than France, India, Italy and Brazil. And California's population is bigger than the other 7 states that sell recreational pot -- combined! The California "Green Rush" will make Colorado's look like a tiny blip. The move unleashed a $50 billion industry. This is why right now is the best time in history to invest in pot stocks. And California is only the start. Legal pot is still in its infancy. Marijuana mania is going to be with us for a long, long time. Because every time a new state legalizes medical or recreational marijuana, the marijuana bull market will get stronger. In addition to the 29 states that have already legalized some form of marijuana, 15 additional states have policymakers working to legalize marijuana right now, including...



Marijuana Millionaire Summit TRAINING MODULE #1

New Jersey New York Virginia Texas Wyoming Arizona Connecticut Hawaii Kentucky Maryland Mississippi Missouri New Hampshire New Mexico That's 108 million more people one-step closer to buying, smoking and growing legal marijuana. And this is just in the United States.


In 2001, Canada legalized medical marijuana nationwide. Since then, it's been slowly moving toward recreational legalization. It recently started the process of making it official. On April 13th of last year, Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau fulfilled one of his biggest campaign pledges by introducing Bill C-45, the Cannabis Act, which legalizes recreational marijuana in Canada. It'll be the first industrialized nation to do so. And this will set off another marijuana boom, with even more chances to make a fortune.


Marijuana Millionaire Summit TRAINING MODULE #1

While everything isn't set in stone, there are five clear reasons why Canada's move to legalize recreational pot will take the marijuana market to a whole new level...

Reason #1: Canada is more progressive than the United States with pot regulation. Canada legalized medical marijuana for the whole country in 2001. In the United States, medical marijuana is still illegal in 21 states.

Reason #2: Canada is making recreational marijuana available to every person in the country 18 and over. In the U.S., recreational pot is only available in 8 states. Put another way, imagine if Amazon could only deliver goods to eight states. Nobody would know who Jeff Bezos is.

Reason #3: In Canada, pot will be regulated and treated the same way alcohol is. You'll be able to buy it online. Have it delivered to your home. In the U.S., marijuana is still a Schedule 1 drug, the DEA's most serious category of illegal substances.

Reason #4: In Canada, dispensaries will accept credit cards. In the U.S., you must pay cash. Imagine if Starbucks wasn't legally allowed to accept credit cards. Suddenly, its stock isn't so hot. And it's a federal crime for banks to accept money from dispensaries.

Reason #5: Convenience. In the U.S., you can only buy marijuana in a dispensary. In Canada, you'll be able to buy it in stores. One marijuana producer just inked a deal to eventually sell its pot in a chain of 250 convenience stores.

In fact, in the next Marijuana Millionaire Summit training module, I'll show you the only two ways to invest in marijuana stocks. And I'll reveal why Canada offers an opportunity that you can't get with American stocks.

Few people understand the difference between American pot stocks and Canadian stocks. But when you know it, it opens up a new world of potential profits.

And the Canadian pot stocks we're going to be highlighting on the Marijuana Millionaire Summit, all trade on American stock exchanges.

They're as easy to buy as Amazon or Apple.

And there's one more reason why today is the best-time-ever to get into pot stocks...


As marijuana legalization grows, venture capitalists and large corporations are beginning to buy in.

Our research discovered that the best marijuana stocks averaged 24,000% peak gains.



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