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Name:________________________________________________________________Complete the following activities in response to the film. You may answer on the back of this page or on a separate sheet of paper.Red Tails Movie Response Questions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Each answer should be 3-4 sentences in length.Colonel AJ Bullard gives an argument as to why the Tuskegee experiment has thus far failed in the eyes of the others in command. Why does he say the experiment has yet to reach its full potential? Lightning goes to the Officer’s Club. How is he treated once he is there even though he is an Officer? Why is this and what happened as a result?“Politics is the art of postponing a decision until it is no longer relevant.” What does this mean in regards to the Tuskegee Airmen? What changed that encouraged the White Officers to call the Black Officers over to the Officer’s Club and invite them to have a drink with them? Why is this significant? Prior to going into combat, the fighter pilots chant, “Through adversity to the stars.” How is this motto reflected in the experiences of the Tuskegee Airmen? Provide two specific examples from the movie that support your claims.How did this movie prove or disprove the following statement? Give at least two specific examples. “Blacks are mentally inferior, by nature subservient, and cowards in the face of danger. They are therefore unfit for combat.” 1925 US Army War College StudyParagraph Response and Follow-up QuestionThe Double V Campaign encouraged black men to join the military and fight during the war in an effort to help fight racism at home. Read the following quote from the movie and then explain in one well written paragraph (6-8 sentences) how you think the Tuskegee Airmen felt about their role in this campaign. What do you feel motivated them to keep fighting? “You all thought what? That you would sign up, you get shiny boots, a uniform, and that’d be the end of 100 years of bigotry? You’re colored men in a white man’s army. It’s a miracle you’re flying fighters in Italy, and not mopping latrines in Milwaukee? You want it straight? Yes, the old man’s stateside fighting the good fight. And when he comes through for us, we better be damn sure we’re ready to do the same for him. Any of you feel otherwise, any of you want to wash yourselves out, well, Negro, please do so, and I’ll have you n the next things smoking back home to make room for the men who want to stand and fight. Get your head up sons. You’re fighter pilots.”How do you anticipate that this motivation impacted other African Americans in this United States during this time and the following years during the Civil Rights era? ................

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