The Jase fantasies

JaseIt started off as muscle-worship. Understandably. From that first mouth-gaping moment he clapped eyes on Pop’s army buddy. A young teenager. He grew up in a household dominated by the presence of men. Real men, rugged, tough. A father for whom fitness was the thin line between life and death. He must have been about 12. Since he’d been aware, he’d been emulating his Pop. Physically driven, his dream to be the chip off the old block. Back then he'd got to know his Pop's best buddy, both elite SF. What was there not to like about the guy? Rugged good looks. Physique of a Leonardo statue. What was there not to admire? Like his Pop, they put their lives on the line whenever they went out to work. An exhilarating thought for the teen.As a kid, he had already worked his body into a shape that caught the eye. Only natural, then, that he came to drool over Pop's buddy. Unconsciously, admiration became worship. Privately worshipping at the feet of that almost godlike physique, perfectly sculptured out of rock hard muscle. His teen admiration had secretly turned to hero-worship. Driven to imitate Pop’s best bud. Driving himself to look that good. His worship of the man .. his physique, his charisma … that segued imperceptibly into a perpetual fascination. He fantasised. Alone, his hero filled his mind. Privately he’d wondered about his hero's secretive life under-cover, sweating through his real-life dangers. The duress he encountered working under stealth. In his private moments then his imagination blossomed. It expanded. Real-life merged into fantasy. Pop’s buddy replaced the figures in his super-heroes comics. He built scenarios of that muscle-rippling physique in action movies. Transplanting Pop’s shredded buddy into fantasy dangers. Always under stress. No other character could better bring these fantasies to life.School gave way to college, on to university .. imperceptibly Jase’s fantasies had become a way of life. A private obsession. A fathomless exploration of his hero's hidden depths. How much could Uncle Bob take? What did it take to break Uncle Bob?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The lookHe was turning into a fine-looking young man. Bob had seen over the years how Jase had thrown himself into his sports. His dedication to the gym had really paid off. He was in every way physically a chip off the old block. His old man, himself a prime specimen of the male species …. he was so proud of how his son was turning out.Rightly. Jase was a head-turner. Bob always prized what shoulders did to a guy. Setting off that manly shape. Defining the breadth of the back. Catching looks from the front. Drawing the eye to the overhang on his chest. And Jase really pulled off the lean look. Those shoulders capped with solid young muscle dizzying the eye down to a tight small waist. Which again only accentuated the shoulders. Making them look like “out-to-here”. He really stood out from the crowd. Lean, young-manly, confident as hell.There was, though, something about Jase that made Bob a teeny-bit squirm. He’d never raised it with Jase’s Pop, he wouldn’t know how. And was it just in Bob’s head? It was the way Jase looked at him, a bit uncanny, creepy. Not when Jase would look you in the eye when talking to you. It was the way he was looking when you weren’t looking his way. When he thought he was not being observed. The way Jase was looking when Bob caught him out. Bob might have been talking to their Mom. And then impulsively he’d swerve his head around and find himself caught in the headlights. Exposed. A bit like Bob had been under interrogation .. blinded by arc-lights. His body was being grilled. He was being observed. Scrutinised. He’d get hit by a sudden uncomfortable feeling. He was being dissected. The way Jase had been looking at him when unobserved. That was the word. DISSECTED. Bob felt himself being cut up and analysed.Jase's reaction was not to look away. When Jase found himself caught out …. cleverly Jase didn’t look away. Not the way anyone would if he'd been caught doing something he shouldn't be. No, he kept on looking. He had a ruse up his sleeve. That extreme intensity of the look unnoticeably faded. Almost imperceptible. Changed from OBSERVING to SEEING. Not even WATCHING.He was good at that. No surprise, Jase was practised. Bob had caught him out dozens of times. And there must have been numerous more times Bob had been being dissected and he hadn't noticed. Was just his imagination? Had he got this feeling in his head? And he couldn’t shake it off. Was detecting that dissecting look a self-fulfilling prophecy? A trick of the mind?No, it wasn’t just getting checked out. Looking the way Bob did, he was more than used to that. With Jase … the look was different. Admiration, that was part of it. Certainly not envy. But the look was intrusive. Something spooky. At least spooky, until Jase spotted that he himself had been spotted. And subtly, almost imperceptibly, he could lessen the intensity. He went into a thousand-yard stare. That move, so imperceptible … perfecting that move took practice. That in itself was spooky …? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? CreepyBob liked the kid. He'd known Jase since he was a teen, first time Jase must have been about twelve years old. Since, he’d grown up into a fine good-looking young man, starting now to major in sports at college. Physically he took after his Pop, same old granite-muscled block. Bob and Jase's dad, Scott, were veterans of many missions together. Early on, Scott's wife had brought the young kids to the base to pick Pop up after a tour away. "Uncle Bob" had always made sure he had candy if the boys were coming.Back then, Bob had usually been racing off to catch up on lost time with whichever girl he was an item with. But then Scott’s wife had invited Bob .. to stay for a few days. And she’d insisted. The boys liked him staying. The more rough-and-tumble the better. It was a “man’s family”. Three physically driven males. Though Mom was more than capable of holding her own. Having another hunky male to play sports with was right up the kids’ street. Invitations got more frequent. Soon "Uncle Bob" was a popular regular.Later, when Jase was older, in high school specialising in sports science, Bob had caught Jase looking at him in the showers. Not unusual, guys checked each other out. And Jase was getting a fine manly figure, by the looks of him, he was certainly male-aware. He was also intensely competitive. Only natural to check other guys out. But in Bob’s book, that competitive flair would have been checking on the other young guys in the showers. Not on a full-grown man. Not a family friend.There it was again .. in the showers …. there was that look. It was indefinable. But not just the curiosity of a young man. There was something creepy. That look Bob caught before Jase spotted he’d been caught out. A look of fathomless intensity .. that seemed to be habouring thoughts behind it. And Jase could segue that intensity into a look of bland neutrality. Like he’d been engaged in some thousand-yard stare, not looking, he’d been day-dreaming. But Bob wasn’t fooling himself. He wasn’t fooled either. Stood with all on display under the shower-head, Bob was being checked out. There was definitely something disturbing in that look. But why Jase did that ….? A mystery. Creepy, though.Bob was used to being checked out. He took it for granted. It was the muscle-hunk’s burden, he used to joke. He preferred it from the females. But he was used to it from men too. He was good looking. Like Jase’s Pop, the job kept them in the peak of male fitness. The demands of their role in the military had them honing their bodies to competition-ready top-class bodybuilder standards. That caught the eyes of other men, it had to. Plus Bob exuded that kind of confidence that men outstanding at their job gave out. Especially in a job where they put themselves on the line. And where supreme physical fitness and lightning-fast body reactions were the tightrope between life and death. Instinctively other guys saw in Bob and Jase’s Pop men whose physically demanding lives carved them out as special. Women checked Bob out all the time. That went without saying. Many men did too. When Bob was between missions and helped out at a buddy's gym .. on men's night and the guys went shirtless .. he also saw men’s eyes on him through the mirrors. Not surprising. He was military, SF .. he was in the peak of physical shape. He looked the way most guys ached to look, he had to, his life could depend on it. Of course, guys checked each other out. Males were competitive. But Jase wasn’t checking him out. There was something else going on. Something happening behind those eyes.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? First timeIt wasn’t getting checked out by Jase that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. The look wasn’t only admiration. There was something decidedly creepy about it. It wasn’t jealousy either .. Bob knew that other guys ached to look that good. Bob didn’t flatter himself. But guys like him and Jase’s Pop had physiques that looked exceptional. That earned them all kinds of reactions.Besides, Jase had nothing to feel second-rate about. He was developing a great physique. That look Bob snapped from Jase, though …. it wasn’t the eager admirer finding motivation to even more demanding work-outs. The way Jase looked Bob over …. he wasn’t seeking inspiration so he could look that good himself either. There was something behind the look. Thoughts? Disturbing ideas? Bob struggled to put his finger on it. But it could send shivers down his spine.Was Jase gay, Bob had wondered? Was that the attraction? Was he lusting after a guy who turned him on? And was that why Bob’s reaction felt it as creepy? Jase was gay? Intriguing to wonder how Jase’s hyper-macho Pop would take that? But Scott had mentioned that he always kept a good stash of condoms in the bathroom cabinet. Jase was regularly emptying him out. Pop always assumed …. the way Jase looked …. he’d have no problems reeling the female catch in. Jase was active, he was practising safe, that was all that mattered to Pop. Jase pulling in the girls …. that didn't surprise Bob. Jase had the sculpted muscles of a gymnast's build, he was school champion at every sport he'd ever turned his hand to. Solid chest, its overhang showcased in every top Jase wore, even loose ones. Chiselled abs .. Bob reckoned girls couldn't keep their hands of them. He guessed girls drank in Jase’s solid pecs and got moist at the thought of playing with Jase’s ripped six pack. That wouldn’t surprise him at all. Jase was a stud. After a hard game, a girl would be itching to help him out of his sweat-stained tank top. Even at rest, there was a dynamic energy about the guy .. muscles rippled fluently beneath a smooth sun-kissed skin.There was that certain indefinable something about Jase, still. When Bob caught him looking furtively. Bob had wondered, Did Jase give other guys that same look, too? It never occurred to him that Jase reserved that intense look for him alone. If not gay …. well, there was something homoerotic in that look. Bob wondered, he questioned himself. But Bob had never dared raise it with Jase’s Pop. How did you talk about a look?Bob remembered the first time that feeling really got to him, really disturbing ….. Jase must have been about sixteen.It was a scorching summer. Scott, Bob, a few more buddies and wives had been to the club. Bob had got competitive and Scott had responded with a few punishingly hard rounds of tennis. They were going out for a BBQ later that afternoon so they didn't even shower at the club. Back home quick, still running with sweat, shirts off in the truck. The two boys were clustered around the TV when they got back. As the big brother, that afternoon Jase had drawn the short straw, unpaid baby sitter for the afternoon."What you been watching?"Friendly, completely at home in this house, Bob had strolled into the lounge in just his shorts. Skin still glowing from an afternoon's exertions. Bob tousled the hair of Pete, Scott's youngest."This “Strike Back"?"Pete grunted, not taking his eyes off the screen. It was inevitable that Scott's two boys showed an interest in action movies. No one ever talked about things. But they knew what their Pop did when he went away. And "Strike Back" in their heads was pretty darned close to what Uncle Bob and Pop got up to. For them, Pop lived like in the movies. All thrills, no risks.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Movie-starDrago- PezicStrike Back was on. Jase did his usual groan over his kid brother’s TV choices."And before that …."Jase threw in …."It was that "He-man" movie. Again!"Bob grinned. He knew Pete watched it incessantly. Drove his big brother mad."The Dolph Lundgren one?"Was there ever another one for Pete?Pete nodded."Yeah," Bob added. "I remember that one."He gave Scott's long-suffering older son a wink. He knew what young Pete was like. Once he got his teeth into a film, he’d watch it over and over again."Enjoy that?"The kid grinned back and nodded.“My favourite,” he answered. Scott grinned as he heard the big brother groan."And we were wondering ….?"Jase jumped into the conversation again. This time more animated. He looked intently at his Uncle Bob. Dressed only in his damp shorts. Body still glistening from an afternoon of exertions at sports."We asked ourselves …. You remember that scene? He-man's got captured. And Skeleton has him whipped. To bend He-man’s will to his. He’s using some crazy sort of energy-whip ….?"THAT was that moment … that second … Bob always remembered it. That was the first time Bob was aware of that look. He was crouched down beside Scott's youngest boy. Still hot and sticky, shirt off, dressed in just his damp tennis shorts. And he felt rather than saw a look swept over him. He looked up. Transfixed in that strange look from Jase.He'd been seen without a shirt on enough times in the house. They sunbathed outside, they used the hot-tub, they played ball in the garden. Maybe Jase had caught Bob in the shower? It was nothing unusual for Bob to be seen by the boys looking like this. But Jase seemed to be eating the sight of Bob near-naked up."We were wondering ….," Jase continued with a cheeky grin " … if it wasn't Lundgren taking a whupping from Skeletor ….?That intense strange look enfolded Bob.“ …. Who'd we'd replace him with? What'd you think, Uncle Bob?"Bob grinned. He smirked. He gave it a quick thought."Bruce Willis?'The youngest shook his head. Proudly Pete corrected Bob."I said Pop. He's one tough cookie."Bob again tousled the youngster's hair. There was genuine pride in the youngster's eyes."I reckon you're right there, buddy. Your Pop, it is. One tough cookie. He-Man. That's your Pop."Bob put his sweaty arm around the kid's shoulder and gave him a hug. Out of a cold front came Jase’s correction."I said Uncle Bob."Bob felt a tremor down his spine.There was something in the tone of voice. Something decisive, clinical. A tone that made Bob edgy. Curious he turned to Jase. That look in the eyes that he could never fully identify. He couldn’t read Jase’s face. But three were thoughts going on behind those eyes. A sensation sent a slight tingle through Bob's nerves. It was a reaction that wasn't unfamiliar. From the job. From his missions. A sensation that had to do with scenting danger. Intuitive. Sensing a panther on the prowl. But feelings like those belonged to Bob’s professional life. Not here in his buddy's lounge. Bob's hesitation was only momentary. But he looked inquiring back into Jase's gaze. Wondering what it was about that look he was getting.It was the matter of an instant. All over in a flash. But suddenly Jase’s eyes seem to stare at him hungrily .. like burning into Bob’s soul. He felt a lurch in his groin. A sudden flash of searing heat. Was he going mad? Had he got a bit of sun-stroke? Bob was not at all shy, felt self-conscious about his body. All the men took in the massive pecs, eye-fingered his delts and envied him the ripped abs of his bare torso. But for a nano-second ….Why was he having such thoughts? Momentarily he’d lost charge of himself. He felt decidedly queasy. Then Bob broke the moment. Deliberately. Or was it more like breaking the tension? Changing the subject, Bob squeezed the younger son by the shoulder again."Na," he laughed. "This one's got it right. Pop. One tough cookie."He shot Jase one questioning look. But he got nothing back.Bob left for that overdue shower. But why did he sense Jase's look scouring down his bare back as he left? A strange feeling shimmered down his spine. There was something disquieting about this kid.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ................

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