Books, Movies, and the Media - Lanternfish ESL

Books, Movies, and the Media

| | |

|[pic] |How often do you read books? |

| |What book are you reading these days? |

| |Who is your favorite author? |

| |Can you recommend a good book? |

| |Do you ever read poetry? |

| |Can you name five poets? |

| |Does your house get the newspaper delivered? |

| |How often do you read the newspaper? |

| |Which section of the newspaper do you read? |

| |Have you ever been to a play? |

| |Have you ever been in a play? |

|Can you recommend a good movie? |

|When was the last time you saw a movie? |

|What genre of movies do you prefer? |

|Do you like action movies? |

|Do you like sci-fi movies? |

|Who is your favorite actor/actress? |

|Have you ever met a movie star? |

|What theater do you usually go to? |

|Do you like horror movies? |

|Do you like romantic comedies? |

|About how many hours a week do you spend watching TV? |

|What is your favorite TV program? What time is it on? |

|Do you like TV commercials? |

|Can you think of a funny TV commercial? |

|Do you like to listen to the radio? | |

|What time of day do you listen to the radio? | |

|What is your favorite radio station and program? |[pic] |

|Who is your favorite singer? | |

|Have you ever been to a music concert? | |

|Can you play a musical instrument? | |

|Are you a good singer? | |

|What was the last CD that you bought? | |

|Can you recommend a good CD? | |

Books, Movies, and Culture

Please write the meaning of the following expressions and then write a sentence using the expression:

genre: ________________________________________________


sci-fi: _________________________________________________


horror: ________________________________________________


commercial: ____________________________________________


author: ________________________________________________


recommend: ___________________________________________



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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