Muscle - Georgetown ISD

|Muscle |Origin |Insertion |Action |

|1. Frontalis |galea aponeurotica |eyebrow and nose |raises eyebrows/wrinkles forehead |

| | | | |

|2. Occipitalis |occipital and temporal bones |galea aponeurotica |pulls scalp posteriorly |

| | | | |

|3. Orbicularis oculi |frontal and maxillary bones |eyelid |squinting, blinking |

|4. Zygomaticus |zygomatic bone |skin and muscle at corner of |raises corners of mouth; smiling muscle |

| | |mouth | |

|5. Orbicularis oris |maxilla and mandible |encircles mouth |closes/purses/protrudes lips; kissing/whistling |

| | | |muscle |

|6. Masseter |zygomatic process of temporal |mandible |prime closer of jaw and elevates (raises) mandible |

| |bone and maxilla | | |

|7. Temporalis |temporal fossa |coronoid process of mandible |closes jaw, elevates and retracts (pulls back) |

| | | |mandible |

|8. Sternocleidomastoid |sternum and clavicle |mastoid process of temporal bone|flexes, rotates, tilts head |

| | |and occipital bone | |

|9. Rectus abdominis |Pubic bone and symphysis |xiphoid process and ribs |flexes, rotates vertebral column; depresses ribs; |

| | | |stabilizes pelvis when walking |

|10. External oblique |Ribs |linea alba, pubic bone, and |flexes vertebral column, compresses abdomen, rotates|

| | |iliac crest |and flexes trunk of body |

|11. Internal oblique |Lumbar fascia, iliac crest, |linea alba, pubic bone, ribs |flexes vertebral column, compresses abdomen, rotates|

| |inguinal ligament | |and flexes trunk of body |

|12. Transverse abdominis |Inguinal ligament, ribs, iliac |linea alba, pubic bone |compresses abdominal contents |

| |crest | | |

|13. Serratus anterior |Ribs |Scapula |Prime mover of scapula; raises shoulder; |

| | | |abducts/raises arm (boxer’s muscle) |

|14. Trapezius |occipital bone and thoracic |clavicle and scapula |stabilizes, raises, retracts, rotates scapula (moves|

| |vertebrae | |scapula) |

|15. Pectoralis major |Clavicle, sternum, and ribs |Humerus |flexes, rotates, adducts arms; lifts ribs upward |

|16. Latissimus dorsi |Ribs, vertebrae, and ileum |Humerus |Extends, adducts, rotates arm; pulls body up |

| | | |/forward with hands overhead |

|Muscle |Origin |Insertion |Action |

|17. Deltoid |clavicle and scapula |Humerus |Abducts arm; antagonist of pectoralis major and |

| | | |latissimus dorsi; active during arm swinging when |

| | | |walking |

|18. Teres minor |Lateral border of scapula |Humerus |Holds head of humerus in glenoid cavity; stabilizes |

| | | |shoulder; adducts/rotates arm |

|19. Teres major |Posterior surface of scapula at|Humerus |Extends, rotates, and adducts humerus |

| |inferior angle | | |

|20. Triceps brachii |Scapula and humerus |Olecranon process of ulna |Extends forearm at elbow |

|21. Biceps brachii |Coracoid process of scapula; |Radius |Flexes forearm at elbow; supinates forearm |

| |glenoid cavity; humerus | | |

|22. Sartorius |Ileum |Tibia |Flexes, abducts, rotates thigh; flexes knee |

|23. Adductor magnus |Ischium and inferior ramus of |Linea aspera and adductor |Adducts, rotates, flexes thigh |

| |pubic bone |tubercle of femur |(raises thigh towards body), and extends thigh |

| | | |(lowers thigh) |

|24. Gracilis |Ischium and inferior ramus of |Tibia |Adducts, flexes, and rotates thigh; flexes knee |

| |pubic bone | | |

|25. Quadriceps Group: |Ileum; femur |Base of patella; tibia |Extends and stabilizes knee; flexes thigh at hip |

| | | | |

|Rectus femoris | | | |

|Vastus lateralis | | | |

|Vastus medialis | | | |

|Vastus intermedius | | | |

|26. Gluteus maximus |Ileum, sacrum, coccyx |Femur |Extends, abducts, and rotates thigh |

|27. Gluteus medius |Ileum |Femur |Abducts and rotates thigh; important function of |

| | | |steadying pelvis when walking |

|28. Hamstrings: |Ischium; femur |Femur, fibula, tibia |Extends thigh; rotates leg; flexes knee |

| | | | |

|Biceps femoris | | | |

|Semitendinosus | | | |

|Semimembranosus | | | |

|29. Tibialis anterior |Tibia |Tarsus and a metatarsal bone |Flexes and inverts foot |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Muscle |Origin |Insertion |Action |

|30. Fibularis (peroneus) longus |Fibula |Tarsus and a metatarsal bone |Plantar flexes and everts foot |

| | | | |

|31. Gastrocnemius |Femur |Calcaneus via the Achilles |Plantarflexes foot when knee extended (leg is |

| | |tendon |straight and foot bends toward tibia); flexes knee |


Origin, Insertion, and Action Worksheet

(new book - p. 335-383; old book - p. 286-323)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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