University of Alabama at Birmingham

Fat digestion yields fatty acids and glycerol, whereas protein digestion yields amino acids. Both digestive processes?add a water molecule to break bonds.?occur inside cells in most animals.?Consume ATP.?Require a low pH resulting from HCl production.The mammalian trachea and esophagus both connect to the?stomach.?rectum.?large intestine.?pharynx.Which of the following organs is incorrectly paired with its function??small intestine-nutrient absorption?stomach-protein digestion?pancreas-enzyme production?large intestine-bile productionWhich of the following is not a major activity of the stomach??enzyme secretion?nutrient absorption?HCl secretion?mechanical digestionAfter surgical removal of an infected gallbladder, a person must be especially careful to restrict dietary intake of?fat.?starch.?sugar.?protein.A breakfast cereal advertises that it contains essential vitamins and minerals. In this context, the word essential means __________.__________.that it contains the essence of vegetables used to extract the nutrientsthat they can be made in the body but it is important to eat food containing these nutrients so that we do not waste essential energy in making themthat the nutrients must be supplied in the diet and cannot be made in the bodythat they are necessary for lifenothing: this is just a gimmickWhich of the following are considered essential nutrients: (1) certain carbohydrates, (2) certain fatty acids, (3) certain amino acids, and/or (4) cholesterol?1, 2, 3, and 41, 2, and 32, 3, and 42 and 33In general, B vitamins function in your body as __________.a source of energystructural components of cell membranesa source of mineralscoenzymesantioxidantsB vitamins should be consumed daily, but A vitamins can be consumed more sporadically. Why is this true?B vitamins are an essential nutrient, and vitamin A is not.Vitamin A can be stored in the body fat, but B vitamins are not stored by the body.The body needs much larger amounts of B vitamins than vitamin A.The body requires B vitamins, but vitamin A is just an "extra."Vitamin A is water-soluble, and B vitamins are fat-soluble.The fat-soluble vitamins include __________.vitamins A, D, E, and Kvitamin A and the B groupthe B vitamins and vitamin Cvitamins C, D, E, and Kriboflavin and niacin__________ are needed in the diet as components of teeth and bone, as parts of certain enzymes, for normal muscle and nerve function, and for water balance.StarchesFatsMineralsNucleic acidsVitaminsAn insufficient supply of chemical energy in the diet or a shortage of one or more essential nutrients results in which of the following?undernutritionmalnutritionprotein deficiencyhypernutritionAll of the listed responses are correct.Which of the following statements about nutrition and digestion is true?Feeding and digestion are synonyms.Chemical digestion typically precedes mechanical digestion in wolves.During absorption, small molecules such as amino acids and simple sugars are absorbed.Elimination rids the body of excessive nutrients.Small sugars are joined by enzymatic hydrolysis to form large carbohydrates.Which of the following statements is true?The last stage of food processing is absorption.Ingestion breaks down food into molecules small enough for the body to absorb.Absorption breaks bonds using enzymatic hydrolysis.Ingestion is the act of eating.Undigested materials pass out of the alimentary canal by absorption.Which of the following animals uses only intracellular digestion?earthwormspongehydrahumanflatwormChemical digestion of carbohydrates begins in the __________ with the action of __________.mouth ... salivary amylasestomach ... hydrochloric acidsmall intestine ... lipasesmall intestine ... pancreatic amylasestomach ... salivary amylaseThe tongue does all of the following EXCEPT __________.taste foodmanipulate food within the mouthshape food into a bolussecrete salivapush food into the pharynx to begin swallowingHow is the stomach lining protected from the strongly acidic pH of its contents?It releases a hormone called gastrin, which stops gastric juice secretion.Mucous cells secrete a protective lubricant into the stomach.Bile neutralizes the acid soon after it enters the stomach.Parietal cells secrete a protective buffer to neutralize hydrochloric acid.The acid is neutralized quickly when it combines with pepsinogen to make pepsin.Which of the following statements regarding protein digestion is true?Protein digestion begins in the small intestine.Active pepsin is formed in the lumen of the stomach, where it helps to break down proteins.Protein digestion is dependent on amylase from parietal cells of the stomach.Protein digestion in the stomach occurs at a pH of about 7.0.Protein digestion begins in the mouth through the action of salivary amylase.Which of the following might make the most effective anti-ulcer medication?a chemical that stimulates the parietal cells of the gastric pitsa chemical that kills bacteria in the stomacha chemical that inhibits epithelial cells in the stomach that produce mucusa chemical that stimulates the secretion of bilea chemical that stimulates the chief cells of the gastric pitsAcid chyme __________.contains digested fatis a mush made from boluses and hydrolytic enzymes secreted by the pancreas and duodenumcontains food and gastric juice and moves through the pyloric sphinctercauses gastric ulcerspasses into the large intestine, where water is removedWhich of the following processes, structures, or conditions are properly matched?peristalsis ... heartburnmucous cells ... ulcersparietal cells ... diarrheachief cells ... diarrheaacid chyme backflow ... heartburnIn humans, most nutrient molecules are absorbed by the __________.stomachliversmall intestinelarge intestinepancreasThe liver and pancreas add their secretions to the partially digested food produced in the stomach, in the __________ of the small intestine.sphincterduodenumjejunumileumcolonMost digestive enzymes function in the __________.large intestineoral cavitystomachliversmall intestineThe natural antacid that protects the intestines against stomach acid is produced by the __________.stomachliveresophaguspancreassmall intestinePepsin is an enzyme produced in the stomach that attacks proteins to break them down into smaller peptide molecules. Which of the following statements about this enzyme is true?The activity of pepsin will speed up in the small intestine because the pH becomesless acidic.Pepsin will continue to work at the same rate as it moves through the intestines until all the protein is broken down.Pepsin will cease to function in the small intestine as basic secretions from the pancreas neutralize the pH.Salivary amylase activates pepsin, converting it to a functioning form in the stomach.Gallstone surgery sometimes requires that the gallbladder be removed. Patients are then advised to avoid ingesting large amounts of fat because __________.the gallbladder makes bile, which is necessary for fat emulsificationwithout the bile produced by the gallbladder, fats cannot be enzymatically hydrolyzedthe gallbladder stores the hormone cholecystokinin, necessary to digest fatsthe gallbladder stores large quantities of bile, which is used to emulsify fatschylomicrons first enter the gallbladder before moving to the liverThe lungs consist of many small air sacs and blood vessels, which greatly increase surface area and improve the transfer of substances through their walls. The structures in the digestive system most similar in function to these air sacs and capillaries are the __________.villi and microvilliesophagusgastric glandscecumsphinctersThe lymphatic vessels in the villi absorb and transport __________.chylomicronsfatsmonosaccharidesamino acidspeptides Explain the movement of food from the mouth to the stomach. (Swallowing) Explain protein digestion in the stomach. ................

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