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VOL 34, NO 9ASEPTEMBER 13, 2016SILVER CHART AND UPDATEIt appears that I forgot to load in the Silver chart in this week’s MMA Cycles report. So here it is.The main thing to note on this chart is that the CCI dropped to -226 on August 22. One week later, on August 29, the price bottomed at 1846. When CI drops below -200, we expect a low within the next 7 trading days, as was the case this time, and then a 9% or greater rally. A 9% rally would have been to 2012. On September 7, Silver soared to 2023.50, so it satisfied this study. Now Silver is falling again, into our September 15 three-star CRD, +/- 3 days. If August 29 was a primary cycle, that low will hold. If it breaks, it means the primary bottom was probably the low of June 1 at 1596.50 in the Dec contract, and not the low of April 1 at 1495. In the first case, next week would begin the 16th week of a normal 13-21 week primary cycle, so the low is due anytime in the next 5 weeks. In the second case, the low of August 29 will probably hold because it was already 22 weeks – an expanded primary cycle.Venus in Libra has a high correlation to primary cycle lows in Silver. Venus went into Libra August 29 and remains there until September 23 (next Friday). Thus, the low of August 29 was on the first day of this combination. But, Venus remains in Libra this week, so there is a possibility the low could form in the next 5 sessions too.In either case, geocosmics suggest this is a time to buy. A continuation down after next week (after September 23) means the planet/sign combo did not work this time. Still, cycle studies indicate a low would be due within five weeks. The next downside price target (if 1846 breaks) would be 1851 +/- 32 or 1776 +/- 37.Traders are advised to look for buying opportunities on this current decline while Venus is still in Libra.Short-Term Reversal Dates in Silver: Look for isolated highs or lows in Silver (and probably Gold) in these solar-lunar periods, and from which prices reverse at least 2.5% (and better if 4%): Sep 28-29**Sep 30*Oct 14*Oct 17**Oct 25-26*Oct 31*PLEASE NOTE: THIS INFO IS FOR PRIVATE USE ONLY OF MMA CYCLES SUBSCRIBERS. TRANSMISSION OF THIS REPORT BY ELECTRONIC MEANS OR OTHERWISE IS ILLEGAL UNLESS PERMISSION TO DO SO IS GRANTED BY MMA, INC.Disclaimer: No guarantees are made. You are solely responsible for any action you initiate in the market. Information is provided with sincere intent, and according to our own studies and methodologies.ANNOUNCEMENTSLESS THAN TWO WEEKS! MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR SEPTEMBER 24, 2016! That is when the next webinar of Raymond Merriman’s update of Financial Markets and the USA Presidential Election will take place. This Autumnal Equinox webinar will analyze the end-of year outlook for Gold, Silver, the USA stock market, crude oil, and the U.S. Dollar, as of September 24, 2016. It will also discuss the USA Election and the change in the world order that will result. A Q and A session will follow immediately afterwards. In the event you are unable to participate in the live presentation, you will be able to order an MP3 audio of the event early the following week. The cost of the live webinar or MP3, is $45.00. Reservations to attend the live webinar must be received by Friday, September 23, at 6:00 PM, EDT. The webinar will begin at 1:45 PM, EST. That is 10:45 AM in the Los Angeles and San Francisco and 6:45 PM in London and 7:45 PM in Switzerland and Germany. It will last a little less than two hours. Get ready for Election 2016! This is a presentation you will not want to miss! Please note that every webinar is limited to 100 live participants, and every webinar over the past three years has sold out. ORDER NOW AND RESERVE YOUR SPOT. Call MMA at 1-248-626-3034, or email ordersmma@. Or, go to the website to make your reservation.ONE MORE WEEK TO SIGN UP! I will be giving a presentation on “How to Use Astrology to Identify Major Reversal Points in Financial Markets” at the AstroSummit 2.0, taking place online on September 19, sponsored by Astrologyhub. For more information, or to take part in this exciting AstroSummit, involving 30+ presentations, go to . This is a cutting edge educational org dedicated to advancing modern-day astrology. If you want to learn how I identify CRDs (Critical Reversal Dates), and how both geocosmic signatures and solar/lunar signatures are used for this purpose, please tune in on September 19.It's that time of the year again! As in the past, MMA offers a special pre-publication discount rate for those who pre-order the next year’s book before October 31, 2016, and that discount period starts NOW. The price of the Forecast 2017 Book will remain at $55.00 plus postage. However, if pre-ordered before October 31, the cost is $45.00 plus postage. The Forecast 2017 Book will be available in both paper and electronic editions. There is no postage for the electronic book format.Additionally, all pre-order purchases qualify for a 10% discount on any 1-year MMA financial markets subscription service! This includes the MMA Cycles Report, the MMA Weekly, and/or the MMA Daily reports. It also includes the International Cycles Report (ICR) and Nitin Bhandari’s Crude Oil report (daily, weekly, and monthly).This is an exceptional time to subscribe to any of these reports, which have been exceptionally profitable in 2016. To qualify for this discount, use the discount code SALE17 at the checkout when you order Forecast 2017 Book online at . ORDER NOW AND SAVE BIG BUCKS!!!This year’s printed version of Forecast 2017 will also available in these languages: Dutch: at markettiming.nlGerman: at : at can view MMA’s Forecast for 2016 Scorecard at . Click on NEWS AND EVENTS. Scroll down to the “Scorecard.” As you will see, it was indeed a very good year.The website for the second MMA Investment Retreat is now up and available for viewing at . This special event will take place at the beautiful Kona Kai Resort on Shelter Island in San Diego, California, March 9-13, 2017, located right on the Pacific Ocean. One of our guest speakers will be Ted Lee Fisher, money manager, former member of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and a legend in Commodity Futures trading. He is one of the most profound thinkers I have met on the current situation in world financial markets – a brilliant man and savvy trader. Egon von Greyerz of Matterhorn Asset Management in Zurich, Switzerland, an asset management company based on wealth preservation principles, will also be a guest speaker. Matterhorn has clients in over 40 countries and Gold vaults in Zurich, the Swiss Alps, Singapore and Hong Kong. Egon was one of the individuals behind the “Save Our Swiss Gold” referendum in Switzerland in 2015, and is well versed on the importance of Gold in a wealth protection strategy in these unstable times. Also present will be some of the brightest minds from the MMTA (Merriman Market Timing Academy) to present their latest research on the best investment ideas of 2017-2018, including MMA analysts Kat Powell and Nitin Bhandari, ICR analyst Ulric Aspegren and ICR editor Mark Shtayerman. Go to for early bird discount registration (before October 31, 2015), and do not miss this powerfully enlightening event!If you are an active short-term trader, or even if you are an investor who likes to keep up with our current thoughts on financial markets, you will be interested in MMA’s Weekly or Daily Market reports. These weekly reports give an in-depth analysis of the DJIA, S&P and NASDAQ futures, Euro currency (cash and futures), Dollar/Yen cash and Japanese Yen futures, Euro/Yen cash, T-Notes, soybeans, Gold and Silver, and crude oil. The daily reports cover all stock indices listed above, as well as futures in the Euro Currency, Japanese Yen, T-Notes, Gold and Silver, plus GLD and SLV (the Gold and Silver ETF’s). Both reports provide trading strategies and recommendations for position traders as well as for shorter-term aggressive traders. Subscription to the daily report also includes the weekly report. These reports are valuable to those who trade Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). For further information, or to subscribe, go to or call our offices at 1-248-626-3034, for more information. Remember: a yearly subscription to this report is available right now with a special 10% discount until October 31, if also pre-ordering the Forecast 2017 Book. And now we have added analysis of the British Pound to the weekly report, by MMTA graduate Ulric Aspegren!ONE MONTH TO GO!!! The most exciting astrological event in 2016 is taking place October 13-17 in Costa Mesa, CA. The subject will be “The Power of Forecasting Meets the Consequence of Choice.” There will be two panels on the USA 2016 presidential election (one of foreign and one of USA astrologers with excellent track records for predicting election winners). The symposium itself will feature six tracks on various forecasting technicals and applications, including a financial track for market timers, with forecasts of various financial markets (including yours truly, Raymond Merriman). I will give a presentation on the correlation of the US Dollar and other financial markets to the USA presidential election, as well as my outlook on precious metals and stock markets. Expected attendance is approximately 500-600, including presentations by over 70 of the world’s top forecasting astrologers. Go to for more information. A special discount rate will remain in effect until the end of August (three more weeks). Get ready for the most exciting astrological and forecasting event in 2016! EVENTSSeptember 19, 2016: “How to Use Astrology to Identify Major Reversal Points in Financial Markets” at the AstroSummit 2.0, on online presentation on September 19, sponsored by Astrologyhub. For more information, on this exciting AstroSummit, involving 30+ presentations for an entire week, please go to . This is a cutting edge educational org dedicated to advancing modern day astrology. If you want to learn how I identify CRDs (Critical Reversal Dates), and how both geocosmic signatures and solar/lunar signatures are used for this purpose, please tune in on September 19.September 24, 2016: Special Autumn 2016 Webinar on “Presidential Election and Financial Markets.” with Raymond Merriman, 1:45 PM EDT. $45.00. Live attendance is limited to 100, but MP3’s of event will be available the following Monday. Visit opening page of for details. SIGN UP NOW!October 13-17, 2016: ISAR 2016 – “The Power of Forecasting Meets the Consequence of Choice.” Costa Mesa, California (near LA). The climax to this symposium will be a panel of expert Mundane Astrologers giving their Forecast of the USA 2016 Presidential Election. This event will include tracks on Mundane and Financial Astrology, Psychological Shifts in Life, Timing of Spiritual Transformations, and Timing of Significant Relationships. If you are not a member and would like this “best rate offering for members,” you may join up at . For a full description of this incredible event, please go to . Get ready for the most exciting astrological event in 2016! March 9-13, 2017: The Second MMA Investment Retreat is now confirmed at the beautiful Kona Kai Hotel right on the Pacific Ocean, in San Diego, California. Save the dates! It will be special. Cost is $4000 ($3600 if reserved by October 15). Go to for details, or on the MMA website at under the banner at the top of the page. Just click it. June 3-4, 2017: It is on! Trinity College at Oxford University! Two-day workshop on MMA Financial Market Timing in Oxford, England. Cost is 995 ?. More details will be coming soon! ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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