嚜燕UBLIC LAW 112每239〞JAN. 2, 2013

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126 STAT. 1632

PUBLIC LAW 112每239〞JAN. 2, 2013

Public Law 112每239

112th Congress

An Act

Jan. 2, 2013

[H.R. 4310]

National Defense


Act for Fiscal

Year 2013.

To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2013 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year,

and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of

the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the &&National Defense Authorization

Act for Fiscal Year 2013**.


(a) DIVISIONS.〞This Act is organized into four divisions as


(1) Division A〞Department of Defense Authorizations.

(2) Division B〞Military Construction Authorizations.

(3) Division C〞Department of Energy National Security

Authorizations and Other Authorizations.

(4) Division D〞Funding Tables.

(b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.〞The table of contents for this Act

is as follows:

Sec. 1. Short title.

Sec. 2. Organization of Act into divisions; table of contents.

Sec. 3. Congressional defense committees.



Subtitle A〞Authorization of Appropriations

Sec. 101. Authorization of appropriations.

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Subtitle B〞Army Programs

Sec. 111. Multiyear procurement authority for Army CH每47 helicopters.

Sec. 112. Reports on airlift requirements of the Army.

Subtitle C〞Navy Programs

Sec. 121. Extension of Ford class aircraft carrier construction authority.

Sec. 122. Multiyear procurement authority for Virginia class submarine program.

Sec. 123. Multiyear procurement authority for Arleigh Burke class destroyers and

associated systems.

Sec. 124. Limitation on availability of amounts for second Ford class aircraft carrier.

Sec. 125. Refueling and complex overhaul of the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln.

Sec. 126. Designation of mission modules of the Littoral Combat Ship as a major

defense acquisition program.

Sec. 127. Report on Littoral Combat Ship designs.

Sec. 128. Comptroller General review of Littoral Combat Ship program.

Sec. 129. Sense of Congress on importance of engineering in early stages of shipbuilding.

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PUBLIC LAW 112每239〞JAN. 2, 2013

126 STAT. 1633

Sec. 130. Sense of Congress on nuclear-powered ballistic submarines.

Sec. 131. Sense of Congress on Marine Corps amphibious lift and presence requirements.

Sec. 132. Sense of the Senate on Department of the Navy fiscal year 2014 budget

request for tactical aviation aircraft.

Subtitle D〞Air Force Programs

Sec. 141. Reduction in number of aircraft required to be maintained in strategic

airlift aircraft inventory.

Sec. 142. Retirement of B每1 bomber aircraft.

Sec. 143. Avionics systems for C每130 aircraft.

Sec. 144. Treatment of certain programs for the F每22A Raptor aircraft as major defense acquisition programs.

Subtitle E〞Joint and Multiservice Matters

Sec. 151. Multiyear procurement authority for V每22 joint aircraft program.

Sec. 152. Procurement of space-based infrared systems satellites.

Sec. 153. Limitation on availability of funds for evolved expendable launch vehicle


Sec. 154. Limitation on availability of funds for retirement of RQ每4 Global Hawk

unmanned aircraft systems.

Sec. 155. Requirement to set F每35 aircraft initial operational capability dates.

Sec. 156. Shallow Water Combat Submersible program.

Sec. 157. Requirement that tactical manned intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles use specified standard

data link.

Sec. 158. Study on small arms and small-caliber ammunition capabilities.


Subtitle A〞Authorization of Appropriations

Sec. 201. Authorization of appropriations.

Subtitle B〞Program Requirements, Restrictions, and Limitations

Sec. 211. Next-generation long-range strike bomber aircraft nuclear certification requirement.

Sec. 212. Extension of limitation on availability of funds for Unmanned Carrierlaunched Surveillance and Strike system program.

Sec. 213. Limitation on availability of funds for milestone A activities for an Army

medium range multi-purpose vertical takeoff and landing unmanned

aircraft system.

Sec. 214. Use of funds for conventional prompt global strike program.

Sec. 215. Next Generation Foundry for the Defense Microelectronics Activity.

Sec. 216. Advanced rotorcraft initiative.

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Subtitle C〞Missile Defense Programs

Sec. 221. Prohibition on the use of funds for the MEADS program.

Sec. 222. Availability of funds for Iron Dome short-range rocket defense program.

Sec. 223. Authority for relocation of certain Aegis weapon system assets between

and within the DDG每51 class destroyer and Aegis Ashore programs in

order to meet mission requirements.

Sec. 224. Evaluation of alternatives for the precision tracking space system.

Sec. 225. Next generation Exo-atmospheric Kill Vehicle.

Sec. 226. Modernization of the Patriot air and missile defense system.

Sec. 227. Evaluation and environmental impact assessment of potential future missile defense sites in the United States.

Sec. 228. Homeland ballistic missile defense.

Sec. 229. Regional ballistic missile defense.

Sec. 230. NATO contributions to missile defense in Europe.

Sec. 231. Report on test plan for the ground-based midcourse defense system.

Sec. 232. Sense of Congress on missile defense.

Sec. 233. Sense of Congress on the submittal to Congress of the homeland defense

hedging policy and strategy report of the Secretary of Defense.

Subtitle D〞Reports

Sec. 241. Mission packages for the Littoral Combat Ship.

Sec. 242. Study on electronic warfare capabilities of the Marine Corps.

Sec. 243. Conditional requirement for report on amphibious assault vehicles for the

Marine Corps.

Sec. 244. Report on cyber and information technology research investments of the

Air Force.

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126 STAT. 1634

PUBLIC LAW 112每239〞JAN. 2, 2013

Sec. 245. National Research Council review of defense science and technical graduate education needs.

Subtitle E〞Other Matters

Sec. 251. Eligibility for Department of Defense laboratories to enter into educational partnerships with educational institutions in territories and

possessions of the United States.

Sec. 252. Regional advanced technology clusters.

Sec. 253. Sense of Congress on increasing the cost-effectiveness of training exercises for members of the Armed Forces.


Subtitle A〞Authorization of Appropriations

Sec. 301. Operation and maintenance funding.

Subtitle B〞Energy and Environment

Sec. 311. Training range sustainment plan and training range inventory.

Sec. 312. Authority of Secretary of a military department to enter into cooperative

agreements with Indian tribes for land management associated with

military installations and State-owned National Guard installations.

Sec. 313. Department of Defense guidance on environmental exposures at military

installations and briefing regarding environmental exposures to members of the Armed Forces.

Sec. 314. Report on status of targets in implementation plan for operational energy


Sec. 315. Limitation on obligation of Department of Defense funds from Defense

Production Act of 1950 for biofuel refinery construction.

Sec. 316. Sense of Congress on protection of Department of Defense airfields, training airspace, and air training routes.

Subtitle C〞Logistics and Sustainment

Sec. 321. Expansion and reauthorization of multi-trades demonstration project.

Sec. 322. Restoration and amendment of certain provisions relating to depot-level

maintenance and core logistics capabilities.

Sec. 323. Rating chains for system program managers.

Subtitle D〞Readiness

Sec. 331. Intergovernmental support agreements with State and local governments.

Sec. 332. Expansion and reauthorization of pilot program for availability of working-capital funds for product improvements.

Sec. 333. Department of Defense national strategic ports study and Comptroller

General studies and reports on strategic ports.

Subtitle E〞Reports

Sec. 341. Annual report on Department of Defense long-term corrosion strategy.

Sec. 342. Report on joint strategy for readiness and training in a C4ISR-denied environment.

Sec. 343. Comptroller General review of annual Department of Defense report on

prepositioned materiel and equipment.

Sec. 344. Modification of report on maintenance and repair of vessels in foreign


Sec. 345. Extension of deadline for Comptroller General report on Department of

Defense service contract inventory.

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Subtitle F〞Limitations and Extension of Authority

Sec. 351. Repeal of redundant authority to ensure interoperability of law enforcement and emergency responder training.

Sec. 352. Aerospace control alert mission.

Sec. 353. Limitation on authorization of appropriations for the National Museum of

the United States Army.

Sec. 354. Limitation on availability of funds for retirement or inactivation of Ticonderoga class cruisers or dock landing ships.

Sec. 355. Renewal of expired prohibition on return of veterans memorial objects

without specific authorization in law.

Subtitle G〞National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force

Sec. 361. Short title.

Sec. 362. Establishment of Commission.

Sec. 363. Duties of the Commission.

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PUBLIC LAW 112每239〞JAN. 2, 2013









126 STAT. 1635

Powers of the Commission.

Commission personnel matters.

Termination of the Commission.


Subtitle H〞Other Matters

Sec. 371. Military working dog matters.

Sec. 372. Comptroller General review of handling, labeling, and packaging procedures for hazardous material shipments.


Subtitle A〞Active Forces

Sec. 401. End strengths for active forces.

Sec. 402. Revision in permanent active duty end strength minimum levels.

Sec. 403. Annual limitation on end strength reductions for regular component of

the Army and Marine Corps.

Sec. 404. Additional Marine Corps personnel for the Marine Corps Security Guard












Subtitle B〞Reserve Forces

End strengths for Selected Reserve.

End strengths for Reserves on active duty in support of the reserves.

End strengths for military technicians (dual status).

Fiscal year 2013 limitation on number of non-dual status technicians.

Maximum number of reserve personnel authorized to be on active duty

for operational support.

Subtitle C〞Authorization of Appropriations

Sec. 421. Military personnel.


Subtitle A〞Officer Personnel Policy Generally

Sec. 501. Limitation on number of Navy flag officers on active duty.

Sec. 502. Reinstatement of authority for enhanced selective early retirement boards

and early discharges.

Sec. 503. Modification of definition of joint duty assignment to include all instructor

assignments for joint training and education.

Sec. 504. Exception to required retirement after 30 years of service for Regular

Navy warrant officers in the grade of Chief Warrant Officer, W每5.

Sec. 505. Extension of temporary authority to reduce minimum length of active

service as a commissioned officer required for voluntary retirement as

an officer.

Sec. 506. Temporary increase in the time-in-grade retirement waiver limitation for

lieutenant colonels and colonels in the Army, Air Force, and Marine

Corps and commanders and captains in the Navy.

Sec. 507. Modification to limitations on number of officers for whom service-ingrade requirements may be reduced for retirement in grade upon voluntary retirement.

Sec. 508. Air Force Chief of Chaplains.

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Subtitle B〞Reserve Component Management

Sec. 511. Codification of staff assistant positions for Joint Staff related to National

Guard and Reserve matters.

Sec. 512. Automatic Federal recognition of promotion of certain National Guard

warrant officers.

Sec. 513. Availability of Transition Assistance Advisors to assist members of reserve components who serve on active duty for more than 180 consecutive days.

Subtitle C〞General Service Authorities

Sec. 518. Authority for additional behavioral health professionals to conduct preseparation medical exams for post-traumatic stress disorder.

Sec. 519. Diversity in the Armed Forces and related reporting requirements.

Sec. 520. Limitation on reduction in number of military and civilian personnel assigned to duty with service review agencies.

Sec. 521. Extension of temporary increase in accumulated leave carryover for members of the Armed Forces.

Sec. 522. Modification of authority to conduct programs on career flexibility to enhance retention of members of the Armed Forces.

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