What Makes a Hero - ENGLISH I

What Makes a Hero?

Honors Essay Assignment

Odysseus makes mistakes, succumbs to temptation, and loses every single one of his men.

He doesn’t seem to fit the description of a modern hero.


Compare and contrast Odysseus with a modern hero (Superman, a specific fireman, a single mother, etc.).

Explain how the differing societal values have dictated the development of heroes in each society, ancient Greece and modern-day America.


Format- Your paper must be two to three pages in length. It must be typed according to MLA standards (12 point font, double spaced, Times New Roman).


Introduction-Your essay should begin by briefly introducing how the public’s perception of what makes a hero has changed over the years. Be sure you define (1) Greek epic hero and (2) a modern day hero. Do not use the dictionary to define these terms; instead, define them in your own words!! Your introduction should narrow to a thesis statement that indicates which heroes you are comparing (Odysseus and ….).

Body Paragraphs- Your body paragraphs will focus on two issues: (A) explaining how understandings of what it means to be a hero differs based on the values of each society (Ancient Greece and modern America) (B) how Odysseus demonstrates the qualities of a Greek epic hero, and (C) how (insert the name of your hero of choice) demonstrates the qualities of a modern hero. You will need to use transitions between paragraphs to make logical connections that relate your ideas.

Conclusion- At the end of your essay, explain how the different values of each society, ancient Greek and modern-day American, have shaped each culture’s definition of a hero.

Example: Odysseus boasts about his accomplishments, a quality that his society would have admired, whereas Superman has an alias so that he can avoid people knowing about his powers because modern day Americans think one should wait for others to acknowledge his deeds instead of bragging about them himself.


Your paper must include a minimum of three quotations, integrated according to MLA standards.

You must have at least one quotation per body paragraph. You must include a works cited page at the end of your essay.

Due Date

This essay is due Wednesday, October 26th.


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