Prejudice and Discrimination - Salisbury University

Lecture Outline: Prejudice and Discrimination

Issues to Consider in Group Discussion & RDP’s:

1. “White Privilege” (McIntosh web rdg.) – What is it, & how related to prejudice and discrimination? What impact do Prej. & Discrim. have on whites (as well as on minority group members)?

2. What is Merton’s 4-part typology of Prejudice & Discrimination – Unprej. Nondescriminator, etc. –List, define and give examples. (Schaefer ch 2)

3. What is main idea of each theory of prejudice-- Scapegoating, Authoritarian Personality, Exploitation, and Normative Approach theories? (Schaefer ch 2)

4. How can prejudice be reduced? Ed & media, diversity training, etc.? What is Contact Hypothesis? (Schaefer ch 2)

5. What is total discrimination? How does past playa role, as well as present? (Schaefer ch 3)

6. What is Institutional discrimination? (Schaefer ch 3)

• Examples in Lipsitz (rdg. 19 in Gallagher) of discrimination in seemingly “colorblind” govt. programs? How might this be related to White Privilege?

• How common is discrimination in employment and housing today? (Schaefer ch 3)

o What is redlining? (Schaefer ch 3)

7. What types of discrimination do middle-class African Americans face in public places, & how do victims respond? How do they use middle class resources to sometimes resist? (Feagin rdg. 20 in Gallagher) How might this be related to White Privilege?

8. What sorts of prejudice (esp. stereotypes) and discrimination (intimidation, violence & unequal treatment) have Arabs and Muslim been subjected to in the US pre 9/11? (Akram & Johnson rdg. 18 in Gallagher) What is the role of the media, government, international crises?

• What are similarities and differences to other minority groups’ experiences, esp. African Americans? (e.g., Feagin rdg. 20 in Gallagher)

Lecture (& some group Disc. Points):

-- Prejudice (definition) Scaehfer ch. 2

-- Discrimination (definition) Schaefer ch. 3

Institutional Discrimination

-- Theories of prejudice: Scape-goating theory – (Schaefer ch. 2)

Cal. Proposition 187 example, of anti-immigration scape-goating for Cal econ. probs.….

--Many Seemingly race neutral programs have racial discrimination in them (Lipsitz rdg. 19 in Gallagher

E.G., Social Security & wage laws, FHA & red-lining & bank lending, VA-GI bill, urban renewal, etc.

-- White Privilege (McIntosh web rdg.) – Breifly defined & described and gave some of the examples she has … [Much of it is freedom from racist mistreatment and seeing white not invisible but well represented in media, textbooks, toys, band aids, etc…]

“White Expectation of Fairness” may be better term, b/c much of what she describes are opposite of negative things minority group members experience more often, which puts minority group members at a disadvantage -- & therefore, whites at an advantage , because it is a competitive society…

Theories of prejudice: Exploitation theory (Schaefer ch. 2)

Racial Profiling &Stereotypes (Schaefer ch. 2)

Demonization of Arab/Muslim Americans, esp. in Media (Akram and Johsnon rdg. 18 in Gallagher)

Media perpetuation of Prej. & Discrim. (Schafer ch. 2)

Redlining & Hsg. Discrimination (Schaefer ch. 3)

Types of discrimination do Middle Class African Americans face in Public Places,

& How victims respond, & cumulative effects of this (Feagin rdg. 20in Gallagher)

Also be sure to know (not mentioned in class, or not much):

From Akram & Johnson rdg. 18 in Gallagher – Know more details on what types of prejudice and discrimination did Arabs and Muslims face in the US Prior to Sept. 11, 2001 – Especially Stereotyping (& role of media) & various violence and intimidation targeting Arabs and Muslims (& sources of it, including role of US govt. at rimes). There is a lot of information in this reading, just know the broad outlines of these issues…

What is Institutional discrimination? (Schaefer ch 3)

• Examples in Lipsitz (rdg. 19 in Gallagher) of discrimination in seemingly “colorblind” govt. programs? How might this be related to White Privilege?

• How common is discrimination in employment and housing today? (Schaefer ch 3)

What is main idea of each of 4 theories of prejudice-- Scapegoating, Authoritarian Personality, Exploitation, and Normative Approach theories? (Schaefer ch 2)

How can prejudice be reduced? Ed & media, diversity training, etc.? What is Contact Hypothesis? (Schaefer ch 2)

How does white Privilege relate to all of these various forms of prejudice and discrim?


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