Demographics File

Demographics File

For any field, -9 Not ascertained

-8 Unknown

-7 Refused to answer

DUID=household identifier

PID=Person identifier (within household)

DUPERSID=DUID+PID=individual identifier

DOBMM=Month of birth

DOBYY=Year of birth

SEX: 1 Male

2. Female

RACEX 1 White-no other race reported

2. Black-no other race reported

3. American Indian/Alaska Native-no other race reported

4. Asian-no other race reported

5. Native Hawaiian/Pacific islander-no other

6. Multiple races reported

RACEAX 1 Asian-no other race reported

2. Asian-other race(s) reported

3. All other race assignments

RACEBX 1 Black-no other race reported

2. Black-other race(s) reported

3. All other race assignments

RACEWX 1 White-no other race reported

2. White-other race(s) reported

3. All other race assignments

RACETHNX 1 Person is Hispanic

2. Person is black-no other race/not Hispanic

3. Person is Asian-no other race/not Hispanic

4. Other Race/not Hispanic

HISPANX 1 Hispanic

2. Not Hispanic

HISPCAT 1 Puerto Rican

2. Cuban/Cuban American

3. Dominican

4. Mexican/Maxican American

5. Central or South American

6. Non-Hispanic

91 Other Latin American

92 Other Hispanic/Latino

MARRY 1 Married

2. Widowed

3. Divorced

4. Separated

5. Never Married

6. Under 16 inapplicable

EDUCYEAR 0 Never attended school

8. Grades 1-8

11. Grades 9-11

12. Grade 12

13. 1 year college

14. 2 years college

15. 3 years college

16. 4 years college

17. 5+ years college

Income Interval Individual’s total income

Poverty 1 Poor/negative

2 Near Poor

3 Low Income

4 Middle Income

5 High Income


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