Double-Entry Journal - Weekly Homework
Double-Entry Journal - Weekly Homework
|Name & Course Section: Danuel James Sec. 07 |
|Week: 2 |
|Reading / Viewing Assignment: The History of the idea of race, Racitatif, and Understanding Race |
|Date: 08-29-2008 |
|Understanding/Note taking: Identify thesis and main points of |Interpretation/reflection: Connect notes from the left side to yourself and to |
|article. Summarize text that is intriguing, puzzling, or moving,|the world around you. How do you “feel” about what you read? What ideas does |
|or which connects to a previous entry or situation. Note |the reading stimulate? How does it relate to the learning objectives indicated |
|vocabulary and major concepts. |for the unit? How does it impact you as a scholar/activist? Metacognition: |
| |Examine how you’re “thinking” about this topic? Why was that your first |
| |reaction? After reflection, how might you broaden you perspective? |
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|The History of the idea of Race |The History of the idea of Race |
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|The article titled “The History of the idea of Race” main point |In the first reading I also reed a section that said “especially the role |
|was when and how the separation of the people came about. |Africans in the making of this country”. If that’s true then why isn’t black |
|Information that I see moving in this reading selection was the |the main race that seems as the cream of the crop like whites? Why slavery was |
|way that Colonists bluntly stated “We can not survive without |even started? Every man was created equal and all walked on two feet; no one |
|Africans” but in today’s society we are considered as the out |should be able to control the free movement of others in any shape, form of |
|cast and ruled out against. |fashion. This reading makes want to over power the stereotype and make black |
| |people inferior to the world with my future decisions. It goes great with the |
|Racitatif |objectives because these two reading helped me to understand the role African |
| |Americans played in shaped the world as it is today that is un noticed. My |
|The article title “Racitatif” main point was that the two girls |first reaction was anger, I immediately went into defense and wanted to argue |
|were of different races and back grounds. Different hard ships |the point that race was created for no major reason just to make one race feel |
|tried to tear them apart over the years as they grew up; but in |of importance. I would rather hear why race was created from the white mans |
|the end race was not a factor and they still ended up being |point of view and see if a better reason will surface. |
|friends. What I see puzzling in this insert was when Roberta’s | |
|mother was known to be sick, was it because they were considering| |
|her being racist a sickness? |Racitatif |
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|Understanding Race |The second reading was very confusing to me. At times in the passages it didn’t|
| |tell the reader who was speaking. Like the situation in the grocery store; who |
|The video explains where and why race classifications were |was talking to the Big Bozo, Twyla or Roberta? In response to when they were at|
|started. Mostly in the western part of Europe and United States. |the Howard Johnson Twyla left and went to the grocery store because Roberta was|
|Slavery started out under the name of indentured servitude then |with her friends; so who was in the grocery store. Over all the reading points |
|the servants lost all rights then they were called slaves. The |out the girls, who are of two different races see different views of things |
|main point in this segment was that race was created to social |going on through out their lives They also encounter feuds and arguments but |
|hierarchy. |over come all that in the end and acknowledge that they were wrong about a lot |
| |of what they did and remained friends. Upon reading this insert the girls never|
| |really planned to visit each other they just ended up in the same place at the |
| |same time a lot. This insert played more on goal thirteen with the since of |
| |diverse world cultures. |
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| |Understanding Race |
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| |From this short clip I interpreted that whites were know to be superior to |
| |blacks, which is still in play today. Back in the 19th century scientist were |
| |pushing the theory of race inferiority. They then tried to use your family’s |
| |genes to classify your race. Characteristics such as work ethics, education or |
| |criminal behavior were all things that affected mostly blacks so this tactic |
| |worked. My view of race is similar to Darwin; everybody is the same and made |
| |the same way just different back grounds. I can’t see the word being any |
| |different today than if we didn’t have races to classify the people. This video|
| |doesn’t do a job to me explaining the evolution of race, just elaborates on |
| |what were the reasons it was created not too much on why and is it effective. |
| |It does help better explain objective nine about political economic. |
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Double-Entry Journal - Weekly Homework
|Name & Course Section: Danuel James, 07 |
|Week: 3 |
|Reading / Viewing Assignment: “Race Matters”, and “Ethnic Notions” |
|Date: 09/05/2005 |
|Understanding/Note taking: Identify thesis and main points of |Interpretation/reflection: Connect notes from the left side to yourself and to |
|article. Summarize text that is intriguing, puzzling, or moving,|the world around you. How do you “feel” about what you read? What ideas does |
|or which connects to a previous entry or situation. Note |the reading stimulate? How does it relate to the learning objectives indicated |
|vocabulary and major concepts. |for the unit? How does it impact you as a scholar/activist? Metacognition: |
| |Examine how you’re “thinking” about this topic? Why was that your first |
| |reaction? After reflection, how might you broaden you perspective? |
|Race Matters |Race Matters |
|1. The thesis and main point of this article is to understand |About the text “Race Matters” it really goes deep inside and takes a look at |
|Nihilism |several reasons and perspectives on how the black community does things and |
| |things they need to do in order to get ahead. For example the black candidate |
|2. Majority of this text was confusing and puzzling to me because|Obama running for president. Like their failure in leadership and the vigorous |
|it didn’t really point to why race matters. It just spoke a lot |attempts buy Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton. This reading doesn’t really give |
|on how Nihilism is to be a philosophic doctrine that there are no|me any ideas. The objective thirteen really goes well with this reading because|
|rational grounds fro legitimate standards or authority. |you must first understand the role of the human conditions in diverse world |
| |cultures in order to be able to right about another culture. Objective fourteen|
| |also goes well because this whole article is trying to resolve social issues |
|3. Major vocabulary that should be understood to be able to |with the AA race. I really didn’t have a reaction to this reading because I was|
|process this text is the reoccurring word Nihilism. |a little confusing to me. |
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| |Ethnic Notions |
|Ethnic Notions |The video displayed a very strong message to me, that some of the products that|
|1. The main point was to see how poor drawn and over exaggerated |I buy today may have been part of the reason my race has a negative image. |
|ugly cartoons and sculptures have shaped the image of how blacks |Maybe I should research everything I buy so I won’t help build an empire that |
|look today. |has torn me down all my life behind my back. Both objectives are on the bases |
| |of understanding a role such as the division of cultures and professional |
|2. I was intrigued by how the most popular brands such as Aunt |issues. This video makes me think negative. It helps me to see that past |
|Jemima, and Parker Bros. helped shape the negative image created |brands/products got rich off of downing a race that has continuously supported |
|of blacks. |its product and has done nothing but live under the shadow it has cased on us. |
| |I am going to broaden my knowledge on the history of the bigger brands that I |
|3. Major concept(s) is/are can blacks live down all the hype and |buy to see if they helped to down play my race and hopefully buy black produced|
|negative tone they have been given. Should cartoons be able to |products. |
|give a entire race a image? | |
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Double-Entry Journal - Weekly Homework
|Name & Course Section: Danuel James 07 |
|Week: 4 |
|Reading / Viewing Assignment: “The Life of Olaudah Equiano”, “African, Slavery, and the Shaping of Black Culture”, and The Slave Auction” |
|Date: 09/12/2008 |
|Understanding/Note taking: Identify thesis and main points of |Interpretation/reflection: Connect notes from the left side to yourself and to |
|article. Summarize text that is intriguing, puzzling, or moving,|the world around you. How do you “feel” about what you read? What ideas does |
|or which connects to a previous entry or situation. Note |the reading stimulate? How does it relate to the learning objectives indicated |
|vocabulary and major concepts. |for the unit? How does it impact you as a scholar/activist? Metacognition: |
| |Examine how you’re “thinking” about this topic? Why was that your first |
| |reaction? After reflection, how might you broaden you perspective? |
|1. Equiano |1. Equiano |
|The main point of this article was to show from a first person |I see this similar situation were facilities are created to hold our black |
|point of view; the life and journey of how the slave trade was |people and are filled over capacity and have poor living conditions. I call |
|and the way it worked. When the Africans were on the boat and the|this place jail, more and more are being created everyday. Then when you go to |
|way conditions that they lived in was very touching. Even when |jail it’s also a form of hidden slavery where they make you work along side |
|the slaves would jump over board the boat to commit suicide to |roads and other places to do work. This work should be the responsibility of |
|escape the white men. |the state or city like the crops were property of the slave master. I feel sad |
| |to see how humans were treated so wrong just because the color of there skin or|
|2. Shaping of Black Culture |the place they lived. When we all were created the same way just in different |
|Of this reading the main point that I grasped and stood out was |places. It really doesn’t stimulate me at all just a little sad because I |
|that “The African influenced American slavery in a number of |couldn’t help those people. These readings are great for the set of objectives |
|ways.” That is very un clear to me how Africans are at fault for |like in week. Which both objectives deal with culture, and the way people live |
|being kidnapped. Major concept was that there were more than one |such as living conditions. As an activist I would love to educate blacks on the|
|type of slave and depending on how you became one you could be |past and show them how we are still being put in this situation but in a hidden|
|free or not be sold. |way which is jail. I know racism is wrong but after reading how they treated |
| |people of innocence especially children makes me think why cant we do the same |
|3. The Slave Auction |back to them and shape their culture like they did ours. The way I’m thinking |
|This who poem created the scene in the reader’s head of what an |is quick and ill tempered but this is how the reading makes me feel |
|auction looked like from the slaves being sold to the family | |
|losing someone. The major concept was the children being sold. |2. Shaping of Black Culture |
| |I guess I would say this is true about blacks influencing slavery. Just like in|
| |the above paragraph, blacks do things and whites use that as a way to get them |
| |in jail and use them for service. So I would say blacks influenced the out come|
| |of them going to jail or not. I feel that it was not true back around those |
| |times because how could they influence slavery when they were poor and could |
| |barely feed themselves. Unlike today we have money and goods that we can use to|
| |go places and do things. For example using money to buy drugs and reselling it |
| |for a higher profit would be influencing the person to go to jail. Not just |
| |living like they did in Africa. These readings are great for the set of |
| |objectives like in week. Which both objectives deal with culture, and the way |
| |people live such as living conditions. I feel as if I can’t do anything about |
| |our young people falling for this brighter future for the white race by locking|
| |them all away. Because they are ignorant to their past and the way the world is|
| |going. I am thinking as if I were in some of those peoples shoes how I would |
| |not fall into there plan/glory hole. |
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| |3. The Slave Auction |
| |This is an example of basketball and the way they give endorsement deals to the|
| |players to be on there team. But its reversed and you are being paid for your |
| |work. But if you don’t do what they say they will find away to take all of what|
| |they gave you away like if you didn’t cooperate a slave. This can be seen |
| |happening to Mike Vick, Pac man Jones and a host of others blacks being bought |
| |buy record companies and franchises to perform a certain task for them. I give |
| |my heart out to the families that have to stand there and watch there children |
| |being sold off as if they were a product. These readings are great for the set |
| |of objectives like in week. Which both objectives deal with culture, and the |
| |way people live such as living conditions. I really can say I was thinking too |
| |much about when reading this exert because it is too short. |
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Double-Entry Journal - Weekly Homework
|Name & Course Section: Danuel James 07 |
|Week: 10 |
|Reading / Viewing Assignment: The Rise and fall of Jim Crow; If we must Die. |
|Date: |
|Understanding/Note taking: Identify thesis and main points of |Interpretation/reflection: Connect notes from the left side to yourself and to |
|article. Summarize text that is intriguing, puzzling, or moving,|the world around you. How do you “feel” about what you read? What ideas does |
|or which connects to a previous entry or situation. Note |the reading stimulate? How does it relate to the learning objectives indicated |
|vocabulary and major concepts. |for the unit? How does it impact you as a scholar/activist? Metacognition: |
| |Examine how you’re “thinking” about this topic? Why was that your first |
| |reaction? After reflection, how might you broaden you perspective? |
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|If we must die |If we must die |
|The way we died back then was vulgar and unjust. Accursed is an |Common foe? What did the author mean by this? Was he talking about our |
|unfamiliar word in my vocabulary but according to the context |ancestors or others that are of our predecessors? How can we honor our selves |
|clues I interpret the word. The word seems like it was talking |when we are dead? A lot of things in this poem didn’t make sense to me but it |
|about whites making their mark at our home land which they use |still was a great poem to show the pain and hurt blacks felt toward the |
|accursed. |execution of our fellow African Americans. |
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|The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow |The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow |
|Integrated schools, Brown vs. Board of Education all are a thing |Slaves were considered property, not people but thanks to the 13th, 14th, and |
|in my past that I appreciate. If it wasn’t for Charles Hamilton |16th amendment that all men were considered equal, and given the right to vote.|
|Houston how would my education be, is all I can think about. |The NAACP was started and was the start of a black coalition that focused on |
| |equal rights of blacks. This movement led to the continued unjust treatment of |
| |blacks by lynching. After Houston’s death his movement was continued and is |
| |not history to all African Americans because he has set the tone of out future|
| |and past. |
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Double-Entry Journal - Weekly Homework
|Name & Course Section: Danuel James 07 | |
|Week: 11 | |
|Reading / Viewing Assignment: The Atlanta Exposition Address and | |
|The Talented Tenth | |
|Date: 11/31/2008 | |
|Understanding/Note taking: Identify thesis and main points of |Interpretation/reflection: Connect notes from the left side to yourself and to |
|article. Summarize text that is intriguing, puzzling, or moving,|the world around you. How do you “feel” about what you read? What ideas does |
|or which connects to a previous entry or situation. Note |the reading stimulate? How does it relate to the learning objectives indicated |
|vocabulary and major concepts. |for the unit? How does it impact you as a scholar/activist? Metacognition: |
| |Examine how you’re “thinking” about this topic? Why was that your first |
|The Atlanta Exposition Address |reaction? After reflection, how might you broaden you perspective? |
|The main points were to let the white race in the south know what| |
|the blacks could do for them if given the chance. But if they |The Atlanta Exposition Address |
|continue to leave blacks ignorant and inexperienced then the two |I see Barack Obama as the new era Washington. The way he gets up in front of |
|races will continue to be separate as the fingers , and not one |crowds and addresses several issues people have been wanting to hear about , |
|as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress. A |like George Bush’s wrong doing in office. Obama is the hope blacks are excited |
|puzzling situation to me was after Washington gave his address at|about just like Washington was when they all wanted to shake his hand after |
|the exposition and returned to his the city and the men wanting |the his speech. I liked selection because it reminds me what our race has been |
|to shake his hand. Were the men black or white, or both? If so |fighting for, for so long and its finally in reach. The idea of me being able |
|then it meant they respected what he said at the address. They |to get a top notch job and not be categorized since Obama made it this far, |
|may have been waiting for someone to speak on that topic as |shows racism is no so bad and maybe a thing of the past. Washington tries to |
|Washington had done. |get whites to understand the AA culture and his speech is political and |
| |challenges the social aspects of both races. He talks about AA condition in the|
| |white world. This impacts me by wanting to fight harder for what I want and die|
| |doing that even if I don’t get the chance, maybe someone in the future will get|
| |that spot I fought for and died. I’m thinking like a demarcate which is for the|
| |people. I was glad to see the president was on his side after the speech. |
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Double-Entry Journal - Weekly Homework
|Name & Course Section: Danuel James 07 |
|Week: 12 |
|Reading / Viewing Assignment: “Ballot or the Bullet’; “Letter From Birmingham Jail”; Bullet Holes in the Wall” |
|Date: November 07, 2008 |
|Understanding/Note taking: Identify thesis and main points of |Interpretation/reflection: Connect notes from the left side to yourself and to |
|article. Summarize text that is intriguing, puzzling, or moving,|the world around you. How do you “feel” about what you read? What ideas does |
|or which connects to a previous entry or situation. Note |the reading stimulate? How does it relate to the learning objectives indicated |
|vocabulary and major concepts. |for the unit? How does it impact you as a scholar/activist? Metacognition: |
| |Examine how you’re “thinking” about this topic? Why was that your first |
| |reaction? After reflection, how might you broaden you perspective? |
|Ballot or the Bullet |Ballot or the Bullet |
|The main point of this article was to express the importance of |I don’t agree with X when he was saying how blacks make their own neighborhoods|
|blacks to vote for the officials from their community and not |slums. If there aren’t any black owned business too patronize then where else |
|some fake Republican or Democrat (Dixiecrat). Who acts like he is|will they get what they need to survive. From the white man which gives them no|
|for the community but really isn’t, just looking for their vote. |other choice. This reading makes me see how important the black vote is and how|
| |easily I placed my vote in this year’s election without thinking what our |
|Letter From Birmingham Jail |ancestors did to get us that right to vote. The 13 objective is not very clear |
|This was focused on MLK’s views on a lot of things that he came |in this reading but the other two talking about governments which is what the |
|to Birmingham to do and the things they thought he was there for |whole document deals with and how we should vote. Professional issues in the 14|
|but was not the truth. |objective also I a good relation to politics. This makes me take my voting |
| |rights moor serious than I have in the past. My thoughts are very mixed right |
|Bullet Holes in the Wall |now on whether I should claim any political party with X saying they both are |
|Revolt that happened at A&T was a struggle for racial and social |against the black man. |
|justice here, and every where else in the world. As seen in the | |
|presentation by Claude Barnes the revolt started only because of |Letter From Birmingham Jail |
|a student not being able to run for a school student body |“Oppressed people can’t be oppressed for ever” was probably something that MLK |
|government position. |saw happening in the future. What I think he meant by that was that black |
| |people will be on top one day. Like now with the upcoming president Obama, |
| |black people have finally come from under that rock and without the violence |
| |that MLK thought would do it for our people. This shows me that a bright future|
| |and a big dream is in reach for anybody regardless of race or color of your |
| |skin. Objective 13 talks about celebration of the human condition is a great |
| |objective when MLK said he came to Birmingham to try and get whites to see |
| |justice. My continuous readings of these articles that are from our past are |
| |creating a simple hatred for anybody who believes or believed that treatment of|
| |people according to the color of your skin is ok. |
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| |Bullet Holes in the Wall |
| |Several roles where played in the revolt at A&T. Claude Barnes who is a current|
| |professor at our university gave several names that are significant in the |
| |revolt. He called it Phase III- Black Power. The revolt was for the unjust |
| |treatment of black in their community, like Sandra Mae Benton who was thrown |
| |off a bus and beaten then taken to jail because she wanted to sit in the front |
| |of the bus. This then inspired the revolt but the famous Greensboro Four. |
| |Willie Drake who was the SGA President at the time of the revolt died last year|
| |who was a vital source for the complete story of what happened. Claude Barnes |
| |was one of the main advocates in the revolt, who was at the time a junior at |
| |Dudley High School. He started a picket for his seat in the student body |
| |government which he won but could not take do to his race. This reading |
| |stimulates the idea that our school is a mark in history and a bookmark in the |
| |book of revolts that took place during phase III to get blacks the rights we |
| |have today. Objective 15 was strong in this one when talking about social |
| |economic inequality. This whole article is based off of social inequality. |
| |After this reading I can let other students know the significance of the events|
| |that took place on our campus that gave way to our/their future. |
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