Sarah Polena

"Big Brother 2.0: 10 New Ways That The Government Will Be Spying On You And Controlling

Your Behavior." The American Dream. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.

In this article, the author talks about all the new ways the government will be able to “spy” or keep track of Americans. Throughout this article, there are new ways that the government can now watch over us. This article makes good arguments for all the new technology but also makes good arguments against all the new technology. Most of the technology that is coming out will be unaware to the American people. Most Americans will have no idea where any of this new technology will be used.

This article proved very accurate information about the government or “Big Brother” using new technology to get track of us Americans. This was a very useful source because it helps me understand everything that the government is trying to do in order to keep track of us. This source was probably my favorite to read because of all the information and depth this article went into. This information in the article is definiterly reliable because you hear about these things every day more and more frequent. The author of this article did a great job with connecting real life situations to this article. The article shows that “Big Brother” can be watching you at any time and you have no idea.

This paper really helped me to understand that the government just doesn’t deal with money and the president. This article showed me how our government can be tracking us at any time. This source fitted my research very well. Not only does it talk about how the government will be tracking us, but it has multiple ways that the government will be tracking us. It gives you a look into what the technology will be like. This article should be seen by everyone so they can all see what the government will be doing in order to keep track of us.

"Big Brother? US Linked to New Wave of Censorship, Surveillance on Web." Fox News. FOX

News Network, 27 Feb. 2013. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.

This article, it has all of the facts that you would think to need. The government or “Big Brother” has been requesting search histories from Google, and not once have they had a warrant to do such. The company has had a seventy percent increase of information from governmental agencies and other companies on its user’s histories, and previously searched items. In Canada the bill C-30 was proposed to help rid children of online predators that wish to use the children

for sexual scandals. Sounds like a noble cause right? Wrong, because it would allow the government to intercept all online communications and transactions that take place on the internet.

This has been a wonderful source considering the fact that it proved to be a UN biased, credible and very informational article. This source has been flawless compared with my other sources because it did not have one fact missing from it, compared to all of the other sources. The goal of this source has been to inform the people on how their government is acting behind the scenes. Also the information has been very comparable to other sources, but it has all of the

information that all of the other sources have put together.

This information has fit into my research seamlessly, because it has shown how the government can try and sneak laws by that we may think help us, when in fact it allows them to invade our lives. This source has only reinforced my view on this topic. And it could fit into anyone’s research on how the government is trying to be involved with every single aspect of our lives and how sneaky they are trying to be

about it.

"2012 Benghazi Attack." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 04 Sept. 2013. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.

This article talks about the horrific attack in Benghazi, Libya. In this article, 4 Americans were shot and killed. This summarizes how the attacks were mapped out and the outcomes. In the article, we can get multiple insights from each side of the attack. This gives multiple information about how both sides react to the attacks.

This source was very useful because it gives multiple sides and detailed account of the attacks in Benghazi. It also gave more details on how tensions in the area would lead to this attack. This source went into depth with not only the attacks, but the aftermath as well. I got different views before and after the attack that helped me to understand it better. Before this article, I only knew about the Americans being killed. I had no idea how or why they were killed.

This source was very helpful and informational. I would definitely use this as a source for a research project. This article goes very in detail about the Benghazi attack. This information will help you write whatever type of research paper was required. This article should be used by many others to help them understand what happened that day and to go more in depth with what didn’t happen.


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