I thought you might like to know about a great new book on ...

New hope for inmates

and their families.

A remarkable new book features men and women across the United States who discover the life-changing power of faith in prison.

You can preview the book on the website and read sample pages.

Author Frederick Hermann was inspired to write this extraordinary book after hearing powerful faith testimonies from inmates during his years of prison ministry. He wrote it as a labor of love to comfort and inspire the 6 million people currently in jail or prison across the U.S. and their families.

The Spirit Set Me Free is endorsed by many of the largest prison ministries in the country, including the American Association of Prison Chaplains, Kairos Prison Ministry International, the National Convocation of Jail and Prison Ministry, Kolbe House Prison Ministry, and the Paulist National Catholic Evangelical Association. It has also been endorsed by prominent people of all denominations, including the editor of Guideposts Magazine, the head of the Salvation Army, and Florida Governor Jeb Bush.

“You discover the miracles of faith, hope, and love on every page,” Hermann says. “Family members find it nurtures their faith, and provides them with the hope and comfort they desperately need for their loved ones in jail or prison. Many send them as gifts for encouragement.”

“The Spirit Set Me Free” (Paulist Press, 2004) is available

at and bookstores everywhere, and is expected

to be a Christian bestseller.

Frederick Hermann’s email address is: fhermann@


"Like having a front row seat at a miracle."

                  -- John Thompson, Executive Director

          Kairos Prison Ministry International

"Tells of God's forgiveness and hope

  in God's time and God's place."

                 -- Juanita Ujcik

                    National Convocation of Jail and Prison Ministry

"A treasury of living testimonies of salvation.  People rejecting evil and embracing God's grace for a meaningful life both outside and inside prison."

                  -- Paul E. Rogers, President

                     American Correctional Chaplains Association

"We look forward to using this inspiring, faith-filled book in our PNCEA Prison Minsistries."

                  -- Kenneth Boyack, President

                     Paulist National Catholic Evangelization Association

"Reminds us that we all need Christ's freedom."

                       -- Lawrence Craig, Executive Director

                          Kolbe House Jail/Prison Ministry

"Wonderful testimonies affirming the truth that 'When the Son makes you free, you are free indeed.'"

                  -- W. Todd Bassett, National Commander

          The Salvation Army

"These moving testimonies bear witness to the power of God's grace to overcome the greatest of obstacles and the ability of faith to uplift from any circumstance."

                  -- Jeb Bush, Governor

State of Florida

"Gives the reader a chance to see change -- deep change -- while it's happening.  Each prisoner's story is different but they all show how 'God is the God of second chances.'  That's good news for all of us."

                  -- Rick Hamlin, Executive Editor

          Guideposts Magazine

"Thanks for your hard work that has produced a lasting witness for our Lord Jesus."

                      -- David Perko

                          Volunteer prison minster for 23 years, and still serving.

"I pray that the book may inspire and comfort others and serve to draw them closer to Christ and His Church."   

                  --  Most Rev. Raymond L. Burke

           Archbishop of Saint Louis.


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