ACTIVE LEARNING - Texas State University

Course Management and Workload Tips

Teaching an online course can be very time consuming. Faculty typically put several hours into administering an online course especially the first time the course is offered. Here are some tips that will help you save valuable time.

Before the Course Begins

• Create a well-organized course. The more easily students can find what they need, the less they will be emailing the instructor.

✓ Maintain as much consistency as possible in the structure of your learning modules.

✓ Place assignment descriptions and due dates in a consistent location.

• Write a detailed syllabus that includes a course schedule with due dates for every assignment.

• Map out assignments week by week.

✓ Adjust your and your students’ workload.

✓ Limit to 1 forum/week.

✓ Adequately space written assignments.

✓ Use peer review.

• Write detailed assignment instructions. You cannot provide too much detail.

• Create rubrics for papers, projects, and forum discussions to provide detailed expectations of what’s required.

✓ Keep scoring simple for forum discussions (e.g., 0, 1, or 2 points).

• Establish a routine for planned interactions (e.g., first discussion forum post due by Wednesday; comments on posts due by Sunday at midnight).

• Collect frequently asked questions the first few times you teach a course and then create a FAQ section in your course.

At the Beginning of the Course:

• Establish clear guidelines as to when you will return email, provide feedback, and return grades (a prompt response shows the student that his or her efforts are being recognized and allows them to move forward on their work), e.g.,

On weekdays, I will respond by midnight to emails that I receive by 5 p.m. I will only respond to weekend e-mails the week prior to the mid-term and final exam. If I plan to be away from my computer for more than a couple of days, I will let you know in advance.

I will return feedback and post grades on your papers within 3 days of the due date.

• Quiz students using TRACS Assessments on what’s in the syllabus.

• Create a forum for general Q&A (versus email). Encourage students to answer each other’s questions.

During the Course

• Forums

✓ Comment only when discussion lags or is off track.

✓ Post a summary of important points and correct misconceptions.

✓ Track participation and points earned as you go (e.g., on an Excel spreadsheet).

• Announcements

✓ Clarify assignments

✓ Remind students of important deadlines (negotiate deadlines if needed).

✓ Auto send announcements via email to be sure students get the information.

Communication Tips

Many researchers have reported that interaction with the instructor and among students is one of the most important factors in determining student satisfaction and success in online courses. Timeliness of instructor feedback and the amount of communication with the instructor contribute to student motivation, learning, and completion of online courses. Interaction among students promotes social, collaborative learning.

At the Beginning of the Course

• Send a welcome announcement to your students.

• Give students an opportunity to get to know you (e.g., Meet the Instructor video, Connect meet-and-greet sessions).

• Provide students with opportunities to interact with their classmates.

✓ Ask them to introduce themselves either in a Connect session or through a forum discussion. If using a forum for this purpose, encourage them to post a picture of themselves (if they feel comfortable with that) as a way to strengthen connections between students.

✓ Create group discussion forums and team assignments (keep in mind that group work is more time consuming—keep a balance between individual and group tasks).

✓ Create an off-topic forum for socializing.

During the Course

• Be friendly (in your own style) and provide encouragement on a regular basis, e.g.,

Hello everybody!! It was so nice to "see" you at the session. It is also nice to get to know you from your introductions. If you missed the session, here is the link to the recording: . Have a wonderful day.

Thanks again for your good work. The material you are learning is challenging, so hang in there. Please do not hesitate to post any questions you may have to General Course Questions in Forums.

• Privately contact students who aren’t participating—ask if you can help them with anything and encourage them to participate.

• Ask students for feedback about the course (e.g., mid semester and/or end of semester survey). Provide a summary of the feedback and how you will respond.

• Use Connect periodically throughout the semester for:

✓ Office hours

✓ Review sessions

✓ Q&A


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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