Florida Department of Management Services - DMS


Usage Based Network Service - User Guide


1.0 Usage Based Network Service User Guide 3

1.1. Purpose of User Guide 3

2.0 Usage Based Network Service Overview 3

2.1. Description 3

2.2. Diagram 4

2.3. User Eligibility and Florida Administrative Code Rules 5

2.4. What’s included in the Service 5

3.0 Usage Based Network Rates 5

4.0 Network Issues and Trouble Reporting Procedures 6

5.0 Ordering Services 7

5.1. Prerequisites for Ordering 7

5.2. Order Process 7

5.3. CSA Order Instructions 7

5.4. Activation of IP Addresses 9

5.5. Relocation of Existing IP Addresses 9

5.6. Discontinuance of Existing IP Addresses 9

5.7. Mandatory Use of the Online CSA System 10

5.8. Incomplete CSAs 10

6.0 Billing 11

6.1. Billing Cycle and Monthly Charges 11

6.2. Audit Invoices 11

6.3. Sample Invoice 11

7.0 Usage Based Network Service - FAQ 12

Usage Based Network Service User Guide

1 Purpose of User Guide

The Usage Based Network Services user guide describes the service, as well as the operational handling and support of the service between the Department of Management Service (DMS), Division of Telecommunications (DivTel) and its users. This user guide will be reviewed periodically by DMS-DivTel, and revisions will be made as necessary. We invite your valuable ongoing feedback in improving this guide. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know by contacting your SUNCOM consultant.

Thank you for choosing Usage Based Network Service. 

Usage Based Network Service Overview

1 Description

Usage Based Network Service provides eligible users with access to the State Intranet and Internet through the Southwood Shared Resource Center (SSRC). DMS-DivTel provides this access through aggregate network facilities installed at the SSRC.  Users will be invoiced based on their actual bandwidth utilization. The measurement of bandwidth utilization will be accomplished by monitoring and collecting the NetFlow information of IP addresses.


The DivTel will be responsible for the design, implementation and management of this service. This includes the configuration of the Core infrastructure at the SSRC that provides the aggregate circuits and access to the State Intranet and Internet.

2 Diagram


4 User Eligibility and Florida Administrative Code Rules

End users eligible to use SUNCOM services can order Usage Based Network Service. Eligibility for SUNCOM services is defined in Chapter 282, Florida Statutes, and basically includes,

• State Agencies

• State Universities and Community Colleges

• City or County Governments in Florida

• Non-Profit Corporations (receiving the majority of their funding from the State, County or City)

• Some Commissions & Boards

• Water Management Districts

Florida Administrative Codes related to SUNCOM Services:

Please visit the DMS-DivTel web site by clicking HERE to access the Florida Statutes and Administrative Code Rules related to SUNCOM Service.

• F.A.C. Chapter 60FF-1 SUNCOM Definitions; Qualifications; Exemptions; Clearances

• F.A.C. Chapter 60FF-2 SUNCOM Order Processing and Billing

• F.A.C. Chapter 60FF-3 SUNCOM Usage and Security Policies

5 What’s included in the Service

Customers that subscribe to this service will benefit from the features listed below.

• State Intranet (Common Services) and Internet Access

• IP address assignment

• Online ordering

• Technology refresh of equipment, as necessary

• Design, Management and Maintenance of Core switches

• Technical support and troubleshoot of network issues related to access to State Intranet and Internet through the State provided aggregate circuits.

Usage Based Network Rates

Customers will be invoiced at a rate of $0.47 per GigaByte (GB). The total invoice amount will depends on the total bandwidth usage for the relevant month. The monthly invoice amount will be calculated as follows:

Total Monthly Bandwidth Usage (in GB) x $0.47 = Amount Invoiced

These charges are in addition to any charges currently paid for Local Area Network (LAN) ports. LAN port rates will be unchanged at $36 (in the SSRC) and $28 (at the CCOC) per port.

There are no non-recurring costs.

Network Issues and Trouble Reporting Procedures

Please contact the Southwood Shared Resource Center (SSRC) Services Desk for any troubles experienced accessing services at the SSRC, State Intranet or Internet. The SSRC Services Desk is the single point of contact for logging and escalating network troubles to the appropriate DMS-DivTel Engineer through the SUNCOM Network Operations Center (NOC). The DMS-DivTel Engineers will work with the customer to resolve any network issues.

The SSRC Services Desk and SUNCOM NOC is in operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, for coordination and resolution of network events with the assistance of DMS-DivTel Engineers.

SSRC Services Desk Contact:

• Local Number: (850) 487-1746

• Toll Free Number: (877) 299-7772

• Email: help@ssrc.

When contacting the SSRC Services Desk, please have the following information available:

• IP address (source and destination)

• CSA number

• Agency Name and Location

• Type & description of service

• Detailed description of the trouble

• Exact date and time of the trouble

• Contact information including name, telephone number, Email and access hours

• Hours of operation (When can you be contacted?)

• Advise SSRC Services Desk if you have been performing any activity on your system (i.e., patches, maintenance, software/hardware changes, etc) or if you have any special requirements or constraints.

Ordering Services

A Communications Service Authorization (CSA) form order must be used to establish, update, or discontinue billing of IP addresses.  IP addresses or network ranges should not be assigned, activated or disconnected without submitting a CSA. It is a requirement that all Customers utilize only the CSA process to request Adds/Deletes/Moves/Changes to IP address assignments.  

If an IP address (or ranges) is not needed any longer, Users shall submit a CSA to update billing records.  Failure to submit a CSA will result in continued billing of the original IP address to the end user.


Please use the online CSA system to submit CSAs.  The system can be accessed from the link below:



If you need assistance in filling out a CSA, please call 1-888-4SUNCOM (Option 3) or email the SUNCOM Helpdesk at SUNCOM.Helpdesk@dms.

1 Prerequisites for Ordering

SUNCOM Network Services Agreement (SNSA) and Online CSA Registration:

If not already on file, eligible users who wish to subscribe to SUNCOM services are required to submit a SUNCOM Network Services Agreement (SNSA) form to determine eligibility for SUNCOM services. After eligibility is determined, customers are required to register to use the Online CSA system. Both the SNSA form and access to the online CSA system are available by clicking HERE.

2 Order Process

Once the above prerequisites are satisfied, logon to the online CSA system to complete and submit to DMS-DivTel a completed CSA.

Information to be provided on the CSA form includes the CSA Number used to track and invoice for services, the physical address for the site where service is to be provided, a working phone number at the location, and a local contact for the location. Additional instructions for each block of the CSA are listed in section 5.3 below.

3 CSA Order Instructions

Listed below are the CSA instructions to help you complete the CSA online. The information below provides instructions on each block of the CSA order form.

Block 1: Authorization Number: The CSA Number in the top right corner is VERY IMPORTANT: this is the billing number SUNCOM uses. The format of a CSA is "AGY-CDRT-SEQ#-YR-OC".

AGY: This is your three character agency code assigned to your agency by our billing department. You must have an assigned agency code prior to requesting service.

CDRT:  $SRU (which is the product code for SSRC Usage Based Network Service)

SEQ# - Sequence: A number for identification of this CSA number within your agency code. For example: if this is your first Usage Based Network Service CSA this year the number would be 0001, if it is your 14th it would be 0014. Be sure your agency does not have another Usage Based Network Service CSA with the same sequence number in the same year.

YR: The year the CSA was submitted (ex. 11)

OC: Insert as "00"

Block 2: Type of Service: always choose DATA.

Block 3: From: Address of the agency office (where the bill should be sent each month)

Block 4: Mail to: Leave blank.

Block 5: Location of Service: This should be the SSRC. On Site Contact:  This should be the contact person for the agency needing service.

Block 6: Service Supplier: Insert DMS-DivTel as the company. Leave the rest of the fields blank.

Block 7: For Telco use only: Leave blank.

Block 8: Date Needed: You can put the date you want the service to be installed, but please understand we generally need up to five (5) business days to process the order and activate the service. This is under normal circumstances.

Block 9: Description of Request: List the IP addresses (or ranges) with this text: “Please register the following IP addresses utilizing the state intranet and internet through the aggregate circuits at the SSRC.” Or if it is a disconnect “Please remove the following IP addresses from billing and utilizing the state intranet and internet through the aggregate circuits at the SSRC. These IPs are no longer needed”

Block 10: Non-Recurring: There are no installation charges for the Usage Based Network Service.

Block 11: Recurring: Total cost for the month will depend on your total bandwidth usage for the relevant month. Per GB rate is $0.47.

Block 12: CSA Total: total of 10 and 11 together.

Block 13: Total No. of Attachments: If space is limited in block 9, Customers have the option to attach a spreadsheet with IP addresses.

Block 14: Work with CSA/CPLA Authorization Nos.: Leave blank.

Block 15: Justification: Reason you need to add IP addresses i.e., Access network, applications, additional personnel.

Block 16: Communications and Information Comments: Leave blank.

Block 17: Authorizing Official: The official in your agency authorized to approve funds for this purpose.

Block 18: DMS Division of Telecommunications: Leave Blank, for approval by DMS administration.

4 Activation of IP Addresses

IP addresses will only be activated when customers submit a CSA through the DMS-DivTel Online CSA system. Once the IP addresses are activated, billing will commence. Refer to the CSA instructions in section 5.3.

5 Relocation of Existing IP Addresses

Existing IP Addresses can only be modified through the Online CSA system. For example, if an IP address is moving from one customer or program area to another, a CSA is required to update billing records.  Failure to submit a CSA will result in continued billing of the original IP Addresses.

6 Discontinuance of Existing IP Addresses

Discontinuation of IP Addresses will be initiated by issuance of an Online CSA from the customer to DivTel. The CSA will contain at a minimum the following:

• Agency location name, address, city, phone number, office number

• Local contact and phone number,

• Requested due date for discontinuation of IP Addresses

• The installing CSA Authorization Number

Billing will not stop unless a CSA is submitted by the customer to disconnect the service. Please refer to the billing chapter and FAQ for additional information related to billing.

Note: While DMS-DivTel will work to facilitate as accurate records and invoicing as possible, ultimate responsibility to ensure that invoicing has been discontinued for a disconnected service lies with the customer. If invoicing is not discontinued for the billing cycle coinciding with the discontinuance of the service, the customer must contact DMS-DivTel immediately to determine why the invoicing has not ceased.

7 Mandatory Use of the Online CSA System

All requests for Usage Based Network Service including activation, relocation and discontinuation of service, will be submitted by the customer to DMS-DivTel via the Online CSA System.

8 Incomplete CSAs

CSAs submitted to DMS-DivTel must contain all the information necessary to successfully fulfill the service requested by the customer as described in this document. Incomplete CSAs delay the delivery of the requested service. If a customer is unsure of what is required on the CSA form, the customer should review Chapter 5 of this document or call SUNCOM Helpdesk at 1-888-4SUNCOM (Option 3) for assistance prior to submitting a CSA.

Any CSA that is incomplete or missing information will be brought to the attention of the customer either by phone, E-mail, or by returning the CSA to the customer, requesting the additional information needed. For this reason, it is imperative that customers monitor the status of their CSAs through use of the Online CSA System. CSAs submitted to DMS-DivTel may be retracted for correction or modification until DMS-DivTel begins processing of the CSA. This can be determined by attempting to retract the CSA via the Online CSA System. If DMS-DivTel has already begun processing the CSA, the system will refuse to allow retraction of the CSA. In these cases, DMS-DivTel must be contacted by phone or E-mail and acknowledgement received by the customer, to discuss the changes required by the customer and what procedure is to be followed. In most cases, the CSA will have to be returned to the customer for modification or correction. Any changes made to the CSA after submission to DMS-DivTel will delay the requested action until the CSAs can be modified or corrected by the customer and resubmitted to DMS-DivTel.


1 Billing Cycle and Monthly Charges

After the IP Addresses are registered and activated, the Customer will receive monthly invoices. The billing cycle for this service will be from the 5th of the month through the 4th and as follow:

• If the install date is the 1st through the 15th it bills the current month

• If the install date is the 16th through the 30th it bills the next month

Fractional charges will bill effective the date of install. For example:

Completion Date: October 12th, 2009

Effective Bill Date: October 13th, 2009

Initial Bill Date: November 5th, 2009

Fractional Charges: 10/13/2009 – 11/4/2009

MRC: 11/5/2009 – 12/4/2009

2 Audit Invoices

It is the responsibility of the Customer to review their monthly invoices on a regular basis for accurate billing. Customers must report any discrepancies to the DMS-DivTel Billing Section by either calling the number on your invoice or toll free 1-888-4SUNCOM (Option 2).

3 Sample Invoice

The attached copy is a sample of the Usage Based Network Service invoice. Double click on the file below to open and view it.


Usage Based Network Service - FAQ

Please refer to the “Frequently Asked Questions” list below.

Q1: What is Usage Based Network Service?

A1: Usage Based Network Service provides eligible users with access to the State Intranet and Internet through the Southwood Shared Resource Center (SSRC). DMS provides this access though aggregate network facilities installed at the SSRC.  Users will be invoiced based on their actual bandwidth utilization. The measurement of bandwidth utilization will be accomplished by monitoring and collecting the NetFlow information of IP addresses.

Q2: How much does it cost to subscribe to Usage Based Network Service?

A2: Customers will be invoiced at a rate of $0.47 per GigaByte (GB) of traffic. The total invoice amount will depend on the total bandwidth usage for the relevant month.

Q3: What is included in the Usage Based Network Service?

A3: Customers that subscribe to this service will benefit from the features listed below.

• State Intranet (Common Services) and Internet Access

• IP address assignment

• Online ordering

• Technology refresh of equipment, as necessary

• Design, Management and Maintenance of Core switches

• Technical support and troubleshoot of network issues related to access to State Intranet and Internet through the State provided aggregate circuits.

Q4: Do you pro-rate access for less than 1 month usage?

A4: For installs - if the install date is between the 1st – 15th it will bill for that month; if it is the 16th – 30th it will bill the next month.

For disconnects - if it disconnects between the 1st – 15th it will not bill for that month, if it disconnects between the 16th – 30th it will bill for the entire month and then charges will not bill the next month.

Timely completion of the CSAs is needed in order for this to work correctly.

Q5: Are there any one time charges for installing or deleting this service?

A5: There are no one time charges for installing or deleting an IP Addresses.

Q6: What is the billing Cycle?

A6: The billing cycle for this service will be from the 5th of the month through the 4th and as follow:

• If the install date is the 1st through the 15th it bills the current month

• If the install date is the 16th through the 30th it bills the next month

Q7: What are the instructions to submit a CSA?

A7: Please refer to section 5.3 of this document.

Q8: What is the contact information for help regarding submitting CSAs?

A8: Please use the following contact information if you need help with a CSA Order.

Email – SUNCOM.Helpdesk@dms.

Toll Free – 888-4SUNCOM (888-478-6266) Option 3

Q09: What is the contact information for help regarding Billing issues?

A09: Please use the following contact information if you have any questions on your bill.

Email – SUNCOM.Helpdesk@dms.

Toll Free – 888-4SUNCOM (888-478-6266) Option 2

Q10: What is the contact information for the SSRC Services Desk to resolve any network issues?

A10: Please contact the SSRC Services Desk to report any network troubles. For further details, please refer to section 4.0 of this document.

• Local Number: (850) 487-1746

• Toll Free Number: (877) 299-7772

• Email: help@ssrc.

Q11: Can I view my bill on-line?

A11: No. Customers will be provided with a paper invoice. See sample invoice in section 6.3.

Q12: What is the time frame to register and activate an IP Address? 

A12: Under normal circumstances, it can take up to five (5) business days.

Q13: What is the minimum billing period?

Q13: The minimum billing period will be a minimum of 30 days.

Q14: When will billing start after I order the service through a CSA?

A14: Billing will start one day after the IP Addresses have been registered and activated.

Q15: When will billing stop after I issue a disconnect order?

A15: Billing will stop depending on the completion date. Typically it will stop within five (5) business days.

Q16: How is the IP utilization being measured? Where is the collection point located in the DMS-DivTel Network and how is the data being reported and recorded?

A16: DMS-DivTel built a custom application to collect all IP addresses traversing the consolidated aggregate network facilities. This flow information is collected from the interfaces on the routers where these consolidated aggregate network facilities terminate.  The traffic data is then stored in the SUNCOM billing system and invoiced monthly according to the CSAs received from customers registering their IP(s).

Q17: What is the process and procedure being used by DMS-DivTel for authorizing the billing of a specific IP address?

A17: The CSA order submitted by a Customer gives DMS-DivTel authorization to invoice.  The CSA links the IP address with customer’s SUNCOM billing account (CSA code).

Q18: What if my IP Addresses are not registered through the CSA process?

A18: DMS-DivTel will be implementing measures to prevent data from traversing the State Intranet and Internet through the SSRC if the associated IP address is not properly registered with a SUNCOM CSA billing account. So all customers with IP addresses traversing the network, where those addresses are not yet registered for SUNCOM billing, must submit CSAs to make the IP address/billing account association. Also, when you intend to use new IP addresses, or change or discontinue the billing associated with existing ones, you must submit the appropriate CSA prior to the change.

Q19: How do I know I need to register an IP Address through the CSA process?

Q19: Customers must submit a CSA to register IP addresses if:

- IP addresses assigned to equipment at the SSRC transverse the aggregate network facilities installed at the SSRC (State Intranet and Internet)

- IP addresses from devices outside of the SSRC complex that access Common Services or Internet through the aggregate network facilities installed at the SSRC.

Please refer to the diagram in section 2.2 for additional detail.  If you are unsure, please select from any of the following options:

1. Contact your Network Administrator

2. Contact the SUNCOM Helpdesk at SUNCOM.Helpdesk@dms. to determine if you’re IP needs to be registered through the CSA process.

3. Just register the IP addresses.  If the IP addresses do not transverse the aggregate network facilities, Customers will not be billed.

Q20: Where can I request additional detail related to the utilization of our IP addresses?

A20: Please send a request to SUNCOM Helpdesk by email to SUNCOM.Helpdesk@dms. and provide as much detail as possible for your request.



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