What’s New at MYSPP

What’s New at MYSPP—December 2007

• MYSPP has been selected as the fall recipient for TW (Time Warner) Cares. Time Warner will create a 30 second PSA for airing on over 50 channels for 2 months. They will also make a $1,000 donation to the program.

• A webcast early next year will highlight Maine’s participation in the Campaign for Mental Health Recovery (formerly known as the National Anti-Stigma Campaign). For information on the campaign, go to

• The Beyond the Basics of Suicide Prevention IV conference will be held on April 3-4, 2008 at Atlantic Oakes in Bar Harbor. The 10th anniversary of MYSPP will be recognized at this event. To download a conference brochure, go to the MYSPP web site (available by the end of December).

• The Maine Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention Guidelines have been submitted for possible inclusion on the Suicide Prevention Resource Center’s Best Practices Registry.

• – Several changes have been made to the adult and youth web sites. Your feedback about our site is always welcome.

• Disconnected Youth in Maine—Final Report can be downloaded from the web site.

• We have revised the Survivors of Suicide kit, Helping Resources for You. If you would like to receive one, contact the Information and Resource Center at


• Article on “School Response to Youth Suicide Attempts: What Works” can be accessed at attempt1.htm

• Web site of interest

• Another web site of interest stopstigma. has been redesigned and features many resources collected by the Resource Center to Address Discrimination and Stigma.

• Contact Linda Williams at lwilliams@ or 622-7566 ext. 243 for additional information about any of these items.



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