Dakota State University

Dakota State University

College of Education  


Name: Jennifer Trewatha

Grade Level: 1st Grade

School: Howard Elementary School

Date: April 20, 2005

Time: Afternoon


Background,  Context, and Purpose 

Lesson Goal(s)

Nature of Science Indicator 2:

Students will apply the skills necessary to conduct scientific investigations.

Physical Science Indicator 1:

Students describe structures and properties of, and changes in, matter.

Speaking Standard Indicator 1: 

Students are able to use appropriate structure and sequence to express ideas and convey information.

Lesson Objectives 

Recognize that everything around us is matter

Observe and describe the properties of a solid

Materials Needed: 

Brown paper bags filled with mystery objects.

WB74 and WB75

A.  The Lesson 


1.  Introduction  (getting attention,  relating to past experience and/or knowledge, creating a need to know, sharing objective, in general terms)

Today we start a new unit is science we have been working on the human body. We are going start talking about energy and matter. First we want to know what you know so we want you to draw a picture of what you think matter is. Then what do you think energy is. (After this is completed) Today we will be examine different mystery objects and we will be discussing some properties that objects have in common.


2.  Methods (include adaptations and extensions for different needs of learners) 

• Break the class into small groups using the sandwich method.

• Give each group a bag with a mystery object.

• Explain to them that are to guess what the mystery object is. Then after they have written their guess down on paper, have the students write down the properties that made them think that it was the object it was. Basically why do they believe it is that object.

• Have the group come back together and discuss what properties that they thought made the object the item they thought it was. Make a list on the board.

• Discuss the similarities and differences of the properties.

o Discuss such properties such as size, color, or shape did you use to classify your objects.

o What more would you like to know about solid objects.

3.  Closure (providing students with opportunities to reflect and express what they are learning)

•  Make a concept map of matter and then of solids.

• Possible Questions to ask

o What other examples of solid matter can you think of?

o Is sugar a solid?

B. Assessments Used

Assessments (in introduction, lesson development, or summative assessment)

Students will apply the skills necessary to conduct scientific investigations by writing down what they think the mystery object is and describing the properties and their observations on what makes that object that item.

Students will describe structures and properties of, and changes in, matter by discussing and creating a story map of properties of matters and of solids.

Students will also compete WB74 and WB75

C. Extensions and Adaptations

What the video Understanding science Vol. 2 Matter


D.  Resources

Harcourt Science Physical Science Units E and F. Harcourt School Publishers. 2000


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