List 6: History Literature - Recommended Literature …

Revised Edition:

Literature for History-Social Science:

Kindergarten Through Grade Eight

Property of California Department of Education

Copyright 1993, Published 1993

Abraham Lincoln (Spanish language biography). Grade(s): 8

Arabian Nights, The (various editions and dates). Grade(s): 7

Bible, The (various versions/translations). Grade(s): 6

California Gold Rush, The. Grade(s): 4

California Missions: A Pictorial History, The. Grade(s): 4

California Women Activities Guide, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve. Grade(s): 4

Cleopatra. Grade(s): 6

Colección "Aqui Se Trabaja". Grade(s): 2

Coleccion Libros parar Mirar. Grade(s): 2

Dioses y Faraones de la Mitología Egipcia. Grade(s): 6

Dragones, Dioses y Espiritus de la Mitología China. Grade(s): 6

El Antiguo Egipto. Grade(s): 6

El Campo y la Ciudad. Grade(s): 1

El Hombre Prehistórico. Grade(s): 6

El Mercado. Grade(s): 2

El Tiempo de los Faraones. Grade(s): 6

En el Tiempo de los Hebreos. Grade(s): 6

En Tiempo de los Romanos. Grade(s): 6

Galileo (Spanish-language biography). Grade(s): 7

Galileo. Grade(s): 7

Historical Atlas of the United States. Grade(s): 5

Koran, The (various editions and dates). Grade(s): 7

Koran, The (various editions and dates). Grade(s): 7

La Biblia para Niños. Grade(s): 6

La Odisea. Grade(s): 6

Little Snowgirl: An Old Russian Tale, The. Grade(s): 2

Los Aztecas: Entre el Dios de la Lluvia y el de la Guerra. Grade(s): 7

Original Constitution of the State of California, 1849. Grade(s): 4

Story Bible (various editions). Grade(s): 6

Thanksgiving Primer, The. Grade(s): 5

Uncle John's Stories for Good California Children. Grade(s): 4

Aardema, Verna. Bimwili and the Zumwi. Grade(s): 1

Aardema, Verna. Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain. Grade(s): 1

Aardema, Verna. Rabbit Makes a Monkey of Lion. Grade(s): 2

Adam, Daisy. Poems from India. Grade(s): 6

Adler, David A. Jackie Robinson: He Was the First. Grade(s): 5

Adler, David A. Picture Book of George Washington, A. Grade(s): K

Adler, David A. Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr., A. Grade(s): 2

Adler, David A. Picture Book of Passover, A. Grade(s): 2

Adler, David A. Thomas Jefferson: Father of Our Democracy. Grade(s): 3

Aesop. Aesop for Children, The. Grade(s): K

Aesop. Aesop's Fables. Grade(s): 1

Agard, John. Calypso Alphabet, The. Grade(s): 1

Akers, Charles. Abigail Adams: An American Woman. Grade(s): 5

Alcott, Louisa May. Little Women. Grade(s): 8

Alcott, Louisa May. Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving, An. Grade(s): 5

Alderman, Clifford Lindsey. Story of the Thirteen Colonies, The. Grade(s): 8

Aldrich, Bess Streeter. Lantern in Her Hand, A. Grade(s): 8

Alexander, Ellen. Llama and the Great Rood: A Folktale of Peru. Grade(s): 1

Alexander, Lloyd. Westmark. Grade(s): 8

Alexander, Michael (Reteller). Beowulf. Grade(s): 7

Alexander, Sue. America's Own Holidays: Dias de Fiesta de los Estados Unidos. Grade(s): 3

Alexander, Sue. Nadia the Willful. Grade(s): 1

Alger, Horatio. Jed, The Poorhouse Boy. Grade(s): 8

Aliki. Corn Is Maize: The Gift of the Indians. Grade(s): 2

Aliki. Go Tell Aunt Rhody. Grade(s): K

Aliki. King's Day: Louis XIV of France, The. Grade(s): 7

Aliki. Medieval Feast, A. Grade(s): 2

Aliki. Weed Is a Flower: The Life of George Washington Carver, A. Grade(s): 2

Allen, Thomas B. On Granddaddy's Farm. Grade(s): K

Allen, W. B. George Washington: A Collection. Grade(s): 8

Almeida, Femanda Lopes de. La Margarita Friolenta. Grade(s): K

Al-Saleh, Khairat. Fabled Cities, Princes and Jinn from Arabic Myths and Legends. Grade(s): 1

Ammon, Richard. Growing Up Amish. Grade(s): 5

Ancona, George. Bananas from Manolo to Margie. Grade(s): 2

Anderson, David. Spanish Armada, The. Grade(s): 7

Anderson, Joan. First Thanksgiving Feast, The. Grade(s): K

Anderson, Joan. From Map to Museum: Uncovering Mysteries of the Past. Grade(s): 7

Anderson, Joan. Pioneer Children of Appalachia. Grade(s): 5

Anderson, Joan. Spanish Pioneers of the Southwest. Grade(s): 5

Anderson, Joan. Williamsburg Household, A. Grade(s): 5

Anderson, Joan. 1787. Grade(s): 8

Anderson, Joy. Juma and The Magic Jinn. Grade(s): 2

Anderson, Margaret. Light in the Mountain. Grade(s): 6

Andronik, Catherine M. Quest for a King: Searching for the Real King Arthur. Grade(s): 7

Angle, Paul. Pictorial History of the Civil War Years, A. Grade(s): 8

Anno, Mitsumasa. All in a Day. Grade(s): 1

Anno, Mitsumasa. Anno's U.S.A. Grade(s): 3

Armstrong, William H. Sounder. Grade(s): 8

Arnold, Guy. Book of Dates: A Chronology of World History. Grade(s): 7

Asbjornsen, P. C. and Jorgen Moe. Norwegian Folk Tales. Grade(s): 2

Ashabranner, Brent. Born to the Land: An American Portrait. Grade(s): 8

Ashan, A. H. Muslim Festivals. Grade(s): 7

Asimov, lsaac. Egyptians, The. Grade(s): 6

Asimov, lsaac. Great Ideas of Science. Grade(s): 7

Asimov, lsaac. Greeks: A Great Adventure, The. Grade(s): 6

Asimov, lsaac. Roman Empire, The. Grade(s): 6

Aurelius, Marcus. Meditations. Grade(s): 6

Austin, Mary (Translator). Favorite Poems Old and New (“A Song of Greatness”). Grade(s): 5

Austin, Mary (Translator). Favorite Poems Old and New (“The Grass on the Mountain”). Grade(s): 4

Ayars, James. We Hold These Truths: From the Magna Carta to the Bill of Rights. Grade(s): 8

Azarian,Mary. Farmer's Alphabet, A. Grade(s): K

Bahree, Patricia. Hindu World, The. Grade(s): 6

Bailey, Thomas A. American Spirit, Volume 1, The. Grade(s): 5, 8

Bailey, Thomas A. and David M. Kennedy. American Spirit, Volume 2, The. Grade(s): 8

Bailkev, Nels (Editor). Readings in Ancient History: Thought and Experience from Gilgamesh to St Augustine. Grade(s): 6

Bakeless, John (Editor). Journals of Lewis and Clark: A New Selection, The. Grade(s): 8

Baker, Betty. Dunderhead War, The. Grade(s): 8

Baker, Betty. Walk the World's Rim. Grade(s): 5

Baker, Charles F., III. Struggle for Freedom: Plays on the American Revolution, The. Grade(s): 5

Baker, Jeannie. Where the Forest Meets the Sea. Grade(s): 1

Balent, Matthew. Palladium Book of Weapons and Castles of the Orient, The. Grade(s): 7

Bales, Carol Ann. Tales of the Elders: A Memory Book of Men and Women Who Came to America as Immigrants, 1900-1930. Grade(s): 8

Bancroft, Anne. Buddhist World, The. Grade(s): 6

Banfield, Susan. James Madison. Grade(s): 8

Barbieri, G. Vida Cotidiana en la Grecia de Pericles. Grade(s): 6

Barnard, Jacqueline. Journey Toward Freedom. Grade(s): 8

Barnes, Beatriz. La Cigarra y la Hormiga. Grade(s): 1

Baron, Robert C. (Editor). Soul of America, Documenting Our Past, 1492-1974. Grade(s): 8

Barth, Edna. Cupid and Psyche: A Love Story. Grade(s): 6

Barton, Byron. Machines at Work. Grade(s): K

Barton, Byron. Trucks. Grade(s): 2

Bates, Katharine (Editor). Once Upon a Time: A Book of Old-Time Fairy Tales. Grade(s): 1

Bauer, Helen. California Indian Days. Grade(s): 4

Baumann, H. Las Cuevas de los Grandes Cazadores. Grade(s): 6

Baylor, Byrd. And It Is Still That Way. Grade(s): 5

Baylor, Byrd. Hawk, I'm Your Brother. Grade(s): 1

Bealer, Alex. Only the Names Remain: The Cherokees and the Trail of Tears. Grade(s): 5

Beasley, Delilah. Negro Trailblazers of California. Grade(s): 4

Beatty, John and Patricia Beatty. Master Rosalind. Grade(s): 7

Beatty, Patricia. Blue Stars Watching. Grade(s): 4

Beatty, Patricia. Charley Skedaddle. Grade(s): 8

Beatty, Patricia. Queen's Own Grove, The. Grade(s): 4

Beatty, Patricia. Turn Homeward, Hannalee. Grade(s): 8

Beatty, Patricia. Wait for Me, Watch for Me, Eula Bea. Grade(s): 5

Beck, Barbara. Aztecs, The. Grade(s): 7

Beck, Warren A. and Inez D. Haase. Historical Atlas of California. Grade(s): 4

Behrens, June. Fiesta! Ethnic Traditional Holidays. Grade(s): 1

Behrens, June. Miss Liberty: First Lady of the World. Grade(s): 3

Behrens, June. Sally Ride, Astronaut: An American First. Grade(s): 2

Bell, Neill. Book of Where: Or How to Be Naturally Geographic, The. Grade(s): 1

Bemelmans, Ludwig. Quito Express. Grade(s): 1

Benchley, Nathaniel. George, the Drummer Boy. Grade(s): 3

Benet, Rosemary and Stephen Vincent Benet. Book of Americans, A (“Western Wagons”). Grade(s): 3, 4

Benet, Stephen Vincent. Ballad of William Sycamore, The. Grade(s): 8

Benezet, Anthony. Views of American Slavery, Taken a Century Ago. Grade(s): 5

Berenson, Bernard. Italian Painters of the Renaissance. Grade(s): 7

Bermsteom, Joanne E. Dmitry: A Young Soviet Immigrant. Grade(s): 5

Beshore, George. Science in Early Islamic Culture. Grade(s): 7

Beskow, Elsa. Pelle's New Suit. Grade(s): 1

Bess, Clayton. Truth About the Moon. Grade(s): 1

Bierhorst, John. Doctor Coyote: A Native American Aesop's Fables. Grade(s): 3

Birch, Beverly (Reteller). Shakespeare's Stories: Histories. Grade(s): 7

Bishop, Robert and Carter Houck. All Flags Flying: The Great American Quilt Contest and Festival. Grade(s): 5

Blackwood, Alan. Ferdinand Magellan. Grade(s): 5

Blaine, Marge. Terrible Thing That Happened at Our House, The. Grade(s): 2

Blassingame, Wyatt. Incas and the Spanish Conquest, The. Grade(s): 7

Blassingame, Wyatt. Jim Beckwourth: Black Trapper and Indian Chief. Grade(s): 5

Blassingame, Wyatt. Look-It-Up Book of Presidents, The. Grade(s): 8

Bloch, Louis M., Jr. Overland to California in 1859: A Guide for Wagon Train Travelers. Grade(s): 4

Blos, Joan. Brothers of the Heart. Grade(s): 8

Blos, Joan. Gathering of Days: A New England Girl's Journal, 1830-32, A. Grade(s): 8

Blumberg, Rhoda. Great American Gold Rush, The. Grade(s): 4

Blumberg, Rhoda. Incredible Journey of Lewis and Clark, The. Grade(s): 5

Bohner, Charles. Bold Journey: West with Lewis and Clark. Grade(s): 8

Boorstin, Daniel J. Landmark History of the American People, The. Grade(s): 8

Bowen, Catherine Drinker. Francis Bacon: The Temper of a Man. Grade(s): 7

Bowman, John S. Andrew Camegie: Steel Tycoon. Grade(s): 8

Boylston, Helen Dare. Clara Barton: Founder of the American Red Cross. Grade(s): 8

Bradford, William. Of Plymouth Plantation, 1620-1647. Grade(s): 5

Brady, Esther Wood. Toliver's Secret. Grade(s): 5

Brand, Oscar. Songs of '76: A Folksinger's History of the Revolution. Grade(s): 8

Branigan, Keith. Prehistory. Grade(s): 6

Branson, Karen. Streets of Gold. Grade(s): 5

Brenner, Barbara. Wagon Wheels. Grade(s): 3

Brett, Bernard. Fighting Ship, The. Grade(s): 7

Brett, Jan. Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Grade(s): K

Brett, Jan (Illustrator). Twelve Days of Christmas, The. Grade(s): 1

Brighton, Catherine. Five Secrets in a Box. Grade(s): 2

Brill, Marlene Targ. John Adams. Grade(s): 8

Brink, Carol Ryrie. Caddie Woodlawn. Grade(s): 5

Broadman, F. W. America and the Virginia Dynasty. Grade(s): 8

Brooks, Lester. Great Civilizations of Ancient Africa. Grade(s): 7

Brooks, Polly Schoyer and Nancy Zinsser Walworth. World of Walls: The Middle Ages in Western Europe, The. Grade(s): 7

Brown, Dee. Lonesome Whistle: The Story of the First Transcontinental Railroad. Grade(s): 8

Brown, John R. Shakespeare and His Theatre. Grade(s): 7

Brown, Marcia. Once a Mouse. Grade(s): 2

Brown, Margaret Wise. Important Book, The. Grade(s): K

Brown, Margaret Wise (Editor). Homes in the Wilderness: A Pilgrim's Journal of Plymouth Plantation in 1620 by William Bradford and Others of the Mayflower Company. Grade(s): 5

Brown, Marion Marsh. Sacagawea: Indian Interpreter to Lewis and Clark. Grade(s): 5

Brown, Sterling A. Negro Caravan, The. Grade(s): 8

Bruns, Roger. Julius Caesar. Grade(s): 6

Bryan, Ashley. Beat the Story-Drum, Pum-Pum. Grade(s): 2

Bryson, Bernarda. Gilgamesh: Man's First Story. Grade(s): 6

Buck, Pearl. Fairy Tales of the Orient. Grade(s): 6

Buehr, Walter. Portuguese Explorers, The. Grade(s): 7

Buehr, Walter. 1812: The War and the World. Grade(s): 8

Bulla, Clyde Robert. Daniel's Duck. Grade(s): K

Bulla, Clyde Robert. John Billington: Friend of Squanto. Grade(s): 5

Bulla, Clyde Robert. Lion to Guard Us, A. Grade(s): 5

Bulla, Clyde Robert. Secret Valley, The. Grade(s): 4

Bulla, Clyde Robert. Squanto, Friend of the Pilgrims. Grade(s): 3

Bulla, Clyde Robert. Viking Adventure. Grade(s): 5

Bulla, Clyde Robert and Michael Syson. Conquista. Grade(s): 5

Bumingham, John. Mr. Gumpy's Outing. Grade(s): K

Bunting, Eve. Wall, The. Grade(s): 3

Bunyan, John. Pilgrim's Progress. Grade(s): 7

Burchard, Peter. Bimby. Grade(s): 8

Burton, Virginia Lee. Katy and the Big Snow. Grade(s): 1

Burton, Virginia Lee. Little House, The. Grade(s): 3

Byam, Michele. Arms and Armor. Grade(s): 7

Cabral, Olga. So Proudly She Sailed. Grade(s): 8

Caduto, Michael J. and Joseph Brohac. Keepers of the Earth: Native American Stories and Environmental Activities for Children. Grade(s): 5

Cain, Wilma Wilson (Editor). Story of Transportation. Grade(s): 5

Cairns, Trevor,. Birth of Modern Europe. Grade(s): 7

Calvert, Patricia. Hadder MacColl. Grade(s): 7

Cameron, Eleanor. Julia and the Hand of God. Grade(s): 4

Campbell, Elizabeth. Jamestown: The Beginning. Grade(s): 5

Camus, William. Azules Contra Grises. Grade(s): 8

Carasusan Ballve, Gloria. Yaci y Su Muñeca. Grade(s): 1

Carasusan Ballve, Gloria (Illustrator). Los Tres Osos y Bucles de Oro. Grade(s): K

Carey, Helen and Deborah R. Hanka. How to Use Your Community as a Resource. Grade(s): 3

Carey, Helen and Judith E. Greenberg. How to Use Primary Resources. Grade(s): 8

Carpenter, Allan. Benin. Grade(s): 7

Carpenter, Frances. Tales of a Chinese Grandmother. Grade(s): 7

Carpenter, Frances. Tales of a Korean Grandmother. Grade(s): 1

Carrick, Carol. Patrick's Dinosaurs. Grade(s): K

Carrick, Donald. Harald and the Giant Knight. Grade(s): 7

Carse, Robert. Early American Boats. Grade(s): 8

Carter, Alden R. Modern China. Grade(s): 7

Carter, Dorothy. His Majesty, Queen Hatshepsut. Grade(s): 6

Cartwright, Sally. What's in a Map? Grade(s): 3

Caselli, Giovanni. El Imperio Romano y la Europa Medioeval. Grade(s): 7

Caselli, Giovanni. First Civilizations, The. Grade(s): 6

Caselli, Giovanni. Las Primeras Civilizaciones. Grade(s): 6

Caselli, Giovanni. Medieval Monk, A. Grade(s): 7

Caselli, Giovanni. Renaissance and the New World, The. Grade(s): 7, 8

Caselli, Giovanni. Roman Empire and the Dark Ages, The. Grade(s): 6

Castillo, Bernal del. Cortez and the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards in 1521. Grade(s): 7

Cather, Willa. My Antonia. Grade(s): 8

Caudill, Rebecca. Did You Carry the Flag Today, Charlie? Grade(s): 1

Caudill, Rebecca. Tree of Freedom. Grade(s): 8

Cazet, Deny. Fish in His Pocket, A. Grade(s): 1

Ceserani, Gian P. Marco Polo. Grade(s): 7

Chaikin, Miriam. Ask Another Question: The Story and Meaning of Passover. Grade(s): 6

Chaikin, Miriam (Adaptor). Exodus. Grade(s): 6

Chambers, Catherine E. Adventures in Frontier America (Series). Grade(s): 5

Chambers, Catherine E. California Gold Rush: Search for Treasure. Grade(s): 4

Chambers, Catherine E. Frontier Village: A Town Is Born. Grade(s): 3

Chase,Richard. Jack Tales, The. Grade(s): 3

Chaucer, Geoffrey. Canterbury Tales. Grade(s): 7

Child, Lydia Maria. Over the River and Through the Wood. Grade(s): 3

Ching Hou-Tien. Chinese New Year, The. Grade(s): 1

Chu, Daniel. Glorious Age in Africa: The Story of Three Great African Empires, A. Grade(s): 7

Claflin, Edward Beecher. Sojourner Truth and the Struggle for Freedom. Grade(s): 8

Clapp, Patricia. Constance: A Story of Early Plymouth. Grade(s): 5

Clapp, Patricia. I'm Deborah Sampson: A Soldier in the War of the Revolution. Grade(s): 5

Clapp, Patricia. Tamarack Tree, The. Grade(s): 8

Clark, Ann. To Stand Against the Wind. Grade(s): 5

Clarke, Richard. Castles. Grade(s): 7

Clemens, Samuel. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The. Grade(s): 8

Clifford, Eth. Remembering Box, The. Grade(s): 2

Clifford, Eth. Year of the Three-Legged Deer, The. Grade(s): 8

Climo, Shirley. City! San Francisco. Grade(s): 4

Climo, Shirley. Egyptian Cinderella, The. Grade(s): 1

Cobb, Vicki. Truth on Trial: The Story of Galileo Galilei. Grade(s): 7

Coblence, Jean-Michel. Earliest Cities, The. Grade(s): 6

Coerr, Eleanor. Bell Ringer and the Pirates, The. Grade(s): 4

Coerr, Eleanor. Chang's Paper Pony. Grade(s): 4

Coerr, Eleanor. Josefina Story Quilt, The. Grade(s): 2

Coerr, Eleanor. Lady with a Torch. Grade(s): 3

Coffey, Ellen Greenman. John D. Rockefeller. Grade(s): 8

Coffey, Vincent J. Battle of Gettysburg, The. Grade(s): 8

Cohen, Barbara. I Am Joseph. Grade(s): 6

Cohen, Barbara. Molly's Pilgrim. Grade(s): 3

Cohen, Barbara. Yussel's Prayer: A Yom Kippur Story. Grade(s): 2

Cohen, Miriam. See You Tomorrow, Charles. Grade(s): K

Cohen, Miriam. Starring First Grade. Grade(s): 1

Collier, James Lincoln and Christopher Collier. Bloody Country, The. Grade(s): 8

Collier, James Lincoln and Christopher Collier. My Brother Sam Is Dead. Grade(s): 5

Collins, David R. Country Artist: A Story About Beatrix Potter, The. Grade(s): 2

Colum, Padraic. Golden Fleece: And the Heroes Who Lived Before Achilles, The. Grade(s): 6

Commager, Henry Steele. Great Constitution: A Book for Young Americans, The. Grade(s): 8

Commager, Lisa (Translator). Fables of La Fontaine, The. Grade(s): 1

Conford, Ellen. Impossible Possum. Grade(s): 1

Confucius. Wisdom of Confucius, The. Grade(s): 6

Connaty, Mary. Armada, The. Grade(s): 7

Conneau, Theophile. Slaver's Log Book: Twenty Years' Residence in Africa, A. Grade(s): 5

Conrad, Pamela. Prairie Songs. Grade(s): 8

Coolidge, Olivia. Marathon Looks on the Sea. Grade(s): 6

Cooney, Barbara. Chanticleer and the Fox. Grade(s): 1

Cooney, Barbara. Island Boy. Grade(s): 3

Cooney, Barbara. Miss Rumphius. Grade(s): 1

Cooper, Ilene. Susan B. Anthony. Grade(s): 8

Cooper, James Fenimore. Last of the Mohicans, The. Grade(s): 8

Corbishley, Mike. Roman World, The. Grade(s): 6

Cordier, Mary Hurlbut and Maria A. Perez-Stable. Peoples of the American West. Grade(s): 8

Cornstock, Esther J. Vallejo and the Four Flags. Grade(s): 4

Costabel, Eva Deutsch. Jews of New Amsterdam, The. Grade(s): 3

Costabel, Eva Deutsch. Pennsylvania Dutch: Craftsmen and Farmers, The. Grade(s): 1

Cottler, Joseph and Jaffee Cottler. 34 Biografías de Científicos y Exploradores, Héroes de la Civilización. Grade(s): 7

Courtalon, Corinne. On the Banks of the Pharaoh's Nile. Grade(s): 1

Cousins, Margaret. Ben Franklin of Old Philadelphia. Grade(s): 5

Cousins, Margaret. Story of Thomas Alva Edison, The. Grade(s): 8

Cox, David. Tin Lizzie and Little Nell. Grade(s): K

Craft, Ruth. Day of the Rainbow, The. Grade(s): 1

Crampton, William. Eyewitness Books: Flags. Grade(s): 6

Credle, Ellis. Down, Down the Mountain. Grade(s): 2

Crews, Donald. School Bus. Grade(s): K

Cribb, Joe. Eyewitness Books: Money. Grade(s): 6

Cummins, Marjorie. Tache-Yokut Indians, The. Grade(s): 4

Cunningham, William. Story of Daniel Boone, The. Grade(s): 3

CurIe, Jock. Four Good Friends, The. Grade(s): K

Curry, Jane Louise. Back in the Before Time: Tales of the California Indians. Grade(s): 4

Curtin, Philip D. (Editor). Africa Remembered, Narratives of West Africans from the Era of the Slave Trade. Grade(s): 5

Cwiklik, Robert. Sequoyah and the Cherokee Alphabet. Grade(s): 8

Dalgliesh, Alice. Courage of Sarah Noble, The. Grade(s): 3

Daly, Bridget. Gopal and the Temple's Secret: My Village in India. Grade(s): 6

Dana, Richard Henry. Two Years Before the Mast. Grade(s): 4

Daugherty, James. Daniel Boone. Grade(s): 5

Daugherty, James. Landing of the Pilgrims, The. Grade(s): 8

Daugherty, James. Magna Charta, The (Landmark Series). Grade(s): 7

D'Aulaire, Ingri and Edgar D’Aulaire. Abraham Lincoln. Grade(s): 5

D'Aulaire, Ingri and Edgar D’Aulaire. D'Aulaire' s Book of Greek Myths. Grade(s): 6

D'Aulaire, Ingri and Edgar P. Parin. Columbus. Grade(s): 3

Davidson, Basil. African Kingdoms. Grade(s): 7

Davidson, Diane (Editor). Shakespeare for Young People. Grade(s): 7

Davidson, Judith. Japan, Where East Meets West. Grade(s): 7

Davidson, Margaret. Louis Braille: The Boy Who Invented Books for the Blind. Grade(s): 2

Davidson, Marshall. History of Art from 25,000 B.C. to the Present, A. Grade(s): 6

Davis, Burke. Black Heroes of the American Revolution. Grade(s): 5

Davis, Mary. Women Who Changed History: Five Famous Queens of Europe. Grade(s): 7

Davis, Russell. Chief Joseph: War Chief of the Nez Perce. Grade(s): 8

Day, Carol Olsen, and Edmond Day. New Immigrants, The. Grade(s): 8

Day, James. Black Death, The. Grade(s): 7

De Angeli, Marguerite. Door in the Wall: Story of Medieval London, The. Grade(s): 7

De Angeli, Marguerite. Yonie Wondernose. Grade(s): 3

de Angulo, Jamie. Indian Tales. Grade(s): 4

De Armond, Dale. Seal Oil Lamp, The. Grade(s): 1

de Kay, lames T. Meet Martin Luther King, Jr. Grade(s): 3

de la Helguera, A. Gutenberg. Grade(s): 7

de la Mare, Walter. Stories from the Bible: From the Garden of Eden to the Promised Land. Grade(s): 6

De Roin, Nancy. Jataka Tales. Grade(s): 6

Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. Grade(s): 7

Delamar, Gloria. Play Aesop. Grade(s): 1

Demi. Dragon Kites and Dragonflies: A Collection of Chinese Nursery Rhymes. Grade(s): 1

Denny, Norman and Josephine Filmer-Sankey. Bayeux Tapestry: The Norman Conquest of 1066, The. Grade(s): 7

Denzel, Justin. Boy of the Painted Cave, The. Grade(s): 6

DePaola, Tomie. Early American Christmas, An. Grade(s): 3

DePaola, Tomie. Legend of the Indian Paintbrush, The. Grade(s): 1

DePaola, Tomie. Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs. Grade(s): 2

DePaola, Tomie. Pancakes for Breakfast. Grade(s): K

Despois, Pauline J. La Vida de un Artista Aorentino en la Epoca del Renacimiento. Grade(s): 7

Dia, E. Pericles. Grade(s): 6

Díaz Cubero, José H. Historia del Pueblo de los Estados Unidos de América. Grade(s): 8

Dickens, Charles. American Notes for General Circulation. Grade(s): 8

Dillon, Ellis. Rome Under the Emperors. Grade(s): 6

Dillon, Ellis. Seekers, The. Grade(s): 8

Dolan, Edward F., Jr. Famous Builders of California. Grade(s): 4

Dolson, Hildegarde. William Penn. Grade(s): 5

Donahue, Marilyn C. Valley in Between, The. Grade(s): 4

Douglass, Frederick. Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, The. Grade(s): 8

Douty, Esther. Forten the Sailmaker: Pioneer Champion for Human Rights. Grade(s): 8

Dr. Seuss (Theodore Geisel). I Had Trouble Getting to Solla Sollew. Grade(s): K

Dragonwagon, Crescent. Home Place. Grade(s): K

Dubowski, Cathy East. Story of Squanto, First Friend of the Pilgrims, The. Grade(s): 5

Duche, Jean. Great Trade Routes, The. Grade(s): 6

Duckworth, John. Muhammad and the Arab Empire. Grade(s): 7

Dujovne, Marta (Editor). La Conquista de México Según las llustraciones del Códice Florentino. Grade(s): 7

Dunbar, Paul Laurence. Candle-Lightin' Time. Grade(s): 3

Dunbar, Paul Laurence. Complete Poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar. Grade(s): 8

Dunrea, Olivier. Skara Brae: The Story of a Prehistoric Village. Grade(s): 6

Dupasquier, Philippe. Colección "Aquí Se Trabaja". Grade(s): 2

Durkán Sapuana, Dalia. Somos Guajiros. Grade(s): 1

Dutton, Davis. Missions of California. Grade(s): 4

Dutton, Maude. Tortoise and the Geese and Other Fables of the Bidpai, The. Grade(s): 6

Dyer, T. A. Way of His Own, A. Grade(s): 6

Eargle, Dolan H. Earth Is Our Mother: A Guide to the Indians of California, The. Grade(s): 4

Edmonds, Walter Dumaux. Drums Along the Mohawk. Grade(s): 8

Edmonds, Walter Dumaux. Matchlock Gun, The. Grade(s): 5

Eger, Jeffrey. Statue in the Harbor: A Story of Two Apprentices, The. Grade(s): 5

Ehrlich, Amy. Story of Hanukkah, The. Grade(s): 2

Eisler, Benita (Editor). Lowell Offering: Writings by New England Mill Women (1840-1845), The. Grade(s): 8

Eliot, George. Romola. Grade(s): 7

Ellis, K. Thomas Edison, Genio de la Electricidad. Grade(s): 8

Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Favorite Poems Old and New (“Concord Hymn”). Grade(s): 5

English, Raymond. Concepts and Inquiry: The Human Adventure Series. Grade(s): 6

Epstein, Sam and Beryl Epstein. Sacramento: Golden River of California, The. Grade(s): 4

Erskine, Dorothy Ward. Big Ride. Grade(s): 4

Esbensen, Barbara Juster. Ladder to the Sky. Grade(s): 5

Evans, Elizabeth. Weathering the Storm: Women of the Revolution. Grade(s): 5

Faber, Doris. I Will Be Heard: The Life of William Lloyd Garrison. Grade(s): 8

Faber, Gail and Michael Lasagna. Whispers Along the Mission Trail. Grade(s): 4

Faber, Gail and Michael Lasagna. Whispers from the First Californians. Grade(s): 4

Fagg, Christopher. Ancient Rome. Grade(s): 7

Fahrmann, Willi. Long Journey of Lucas B, The. Grade(s): 8

Falk, Elsa. Fog Island. Grade(s): 4

Fearotte, Phyllis. You and Me Heritage Tree: Children's Crafts from 21 American Traditions, The. Grade(s): 2, 3

Feelings, Muriel and Tom Feelings. Jambo Means Hello: Swahili Alphabet Book. Grade(s): 1

Feeney, Stephanie. A Is for Aloha. Grade(s): 3

Ferris, Jeri. Arctic Explorer: The Story of Matthew Henson. Grade(s): 5

Ferris, Jeri. Go Free or Die: A Story About Harriet Tubman. Grade(s): 3

Ferris, Jeri. What Do You Mean? A Story About Noah Webster. Grade(s): 2

Fichter, George S. First Steamboat Down the Mississippi. Grade(s): 5

Field, Rachel. Calico Bush. Grade(s): 5

Field, Rachel. General Store. Grade(s): K

Filstrup, Chris and Janie Filstrup. China, from Emperors to Communes. Grade(s): 7

Findlay, Bruce and Esther Findlay. Your Rugged Constitution. Grade(s): 8

Finkelstein, Norman. Other 1492: Jewish Settlement in the New World, The. Grade(s): 7

Fisher, Aileen. Holiday Programs for Boys and Girls (“The Mother of Thanksgiving”). Grade(s): 5

Fisher, Anne B. Stories California Indians Told. Grade(s): 4

Fisher, Dorothy Canfield. Our Independence and the Constitution. Grade(s): 8

Fisher, Leonard Everett. Across the Sea from Galway. Grade(s): 5

Fisher, Leonard Everett. Great Wall of China, The. Grade(s): 6

Fisher, Leonard Everett. Homemakers, The. Grade(s): 5

Fisher, Leonard Everett. Jason and the Golden Fleece. Grade(s): 6

Fisher, Leonard Everett. Oregon Trail, The. Grade(s): 5

Fisher, Leonard Everett. Pyramid of the Sun-Pyramid of the Moon. Grade(s): 7

Fisher, Leonard Everett. Statue of Liberty, The. Grade(s): 3

Fisher, Leonard Everett. Tower of London, The. Grade(s): 7

Fisher, Margaret and Mary Jane Fowler. Colonial America: English Colonies. Grade(s): 5

Flack, Marjorie. Story About Ping, The. Grade(s): K

Fleischman, Paul. Path of the Pale Horse. Grade(s): 8

Fleischman, Sid. By the Great Horn Spoon! Grade(s): 4

Fleming, Alice. King of Prussia and a Peanut Butter Sandwich, The. Grade(s): 3

Fleming, Thomas. Behind the Headlines. Grade(s): 8

Flora. Feathers Like a Rainbow: An Amazon Indian Tale. Grade(s): 1

Flory, Jane. Golden Venture, The. Grade(s): 4

Flournoy, Valerie. Patchwork Quilt, The. Grade(s): 2

Forbes, Esther. Johnny Tremain. Grade(s): 5

Force, Eden. Theodore Roosevelt. Grade(s): 8

Forman, James. Cow Neck Rebels, The. Grade(s): 8

Foster, Genevieve. Andrew Jackson. Grade(s): 8

Foster, Sally. Where Time Stands Still. Grade(s): 1

Fox, Mem. Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge. Grade(s): 2

Fox, Paula. Slave Dancer, The. Grade(s): 8

Foxe, John. Foxe's Book of Martyrs. Grade(s): 7

Fradin, Dennis. California en Palabras y Fotos. Grade(s): 4

Franchere, Ruth. Cesar Chavez. Grade(s): 4

Frank, Rudolph. No Hero for the Kaiser. Grade(s): 8

Franklin, Benjamin. Poor Richard's Almanack. Grade(s): 5

Franklin, John Hope. From Slavery to Freedom. Grade(s): 8

Frazier, Neta. Stout Hearted Seven: The True Adventure of the Sager Children Orphaned on the Oregon Trail in 1844. Grade(s): 8

Freedman, Russell. Buffalo Hunt. Grade(s): 8

Freedman, Russell. Children of the Wild West. Grade(s): 2

Freedman, Russell. Immigrant Kids. Grade(s): 5

Freedman, Russell. Indian Chiefs. Grade(s): 5

Freedman, Russell. Lincoln: A Photobiography. Grade(s): 8

Friedman, Ina R. How My Parents Learned to Eat. Grade(s): 2

Friego, Margot and others. Tortillitas para Mamá. Grade(s): 2

Fritz, Jean. And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? Grade(s): 2

Fritz, Jean. Brady. Grade(s): 8

Fritz, Jean. Brendan the Navigator: A History Mystery About the Discovery of America. Grade(s): 5

Fritz, Jean. Double Life of Pocahontas, The. Grade(s): 5

Fritz, Jean. Early Thunder. Grade(s): 8

Fritz, Jean. Great Little Madison. Grade(s): 8

Fritz, Jean. Make Way for Sam Houston. Grade(s): 5

Fritz, Jean. Shh! We're Writing the Constitution. Grade(s): 5

Fritz, Jean. What's the Big Idea, Ben Franklin? Grade(s): 5

Fritz, Jean. Who's That Stepping on Plymouth Rock? Grade(s): 5

Fritz, Jean. Will You Sign Here, John Hancock? Grade(s): 3

Funcken, Liliane. Age of Chivalry, The. Grade(s): 7

Gag, Wanda. Gone Is Gone. Grade(s): 1

Gag, Wanda. Tales from Grimm. Grade(s): 1

Galbraith, Catherine. India, Now and Through Time. Grade(s): 6

Galbraith, Kathryn O. Laura Charlotte. Grade(s): 2

Galdone, Paul. Monkey and the Crocodile, The. Grade(s): 1

Galdone, Paul (Illustrator). Hare and the Tortoise, The. Grade(s): 1

Galdone, Paul (Illustrator). Jack and the Beanstalk. Grade(s): K

Gallant, Roy. Lost Cities. Grade(s): 7

García de Dios, J. M. Vida de Jesús--Historias de Jesús Contadas a los Niños. Grade(s): 6

Garcia, Ann O'Neal. Spirit on the Wall. Grade(s): 6

Gardner, John and John Maier. Gilgamesh. Grade(s): 6

Garfield, Leon. Night of the Comet, The. Grade(s): 7

Garthwaite, Marian. Coarsegold Gulch. Grade(s): 4

Gates, Doris. Blue Willow. Grade(s): 4

Gates, Doris. Elderberry Bush. Grade(s): 4

Gates, Doris. Fair Wind for Troy, A. Grade(s): 6

Gauch, Patricia Lee. This Time, Tempe Wick? Grade(s): 5

Gauch, Patricia Lee. Thunder at Gettysburg. Grade(s): 8

Geisert, Arthur. Ark, The. Grade(s): 6

Gerrard, Roy. Sir Cedric. Grade(s): K

Gerrard, Roy. Sir Francis Drake and His Daring Deeds. Grade(s): 2

Gerson, Noel B. Mr. Madison's War: The Second War for Independence. Grade(s): 8

Gibb, H. A. R. Mohammedanism: An Historical Survey. Grade(s): 7

Gibbons, Gail. Easter. Grade(s): 2

Gibbons, Gail. From Pathway to Highway: The Story of the Boston Post Road. Grade(s): 3

Gibbons, Gail. Milk Makers, The. Grade(s): 2

Gibbons, Gail. Post Office Book: Mail and How It Moves, The. Grade(s): 1

Giblin, James Cross. Fireworks, Picnics and Hags: The Story of the Fourth of July Symbols. Grade(s): 5

Gifford, Douglas. Warriors, Gods and Spirits from Central and South American Mythology. Grade(s): 7

Gilmore, N. Ray and Gladys Gilmore. Readings in California History. Grade(s): 4

Giovanni, Nikki. Spin a Soft Black Song. Grade(s): K

Glubok, Shirley. Art of Ancient Egypt, The. Grade(s): 6

Glubok, Shirley. Art of Ancient Rome, The. Grade(s): 6

Glubok, Shirley. Art of China, The. Grade(s): 6

Glubok, Shirley. Art of the New American Nation, The. Grade(s): 8

Glubok, Shirley and Alfred Tamarin. Olympic Games in Ancient Greece. Grade(s): 6

Goble, Paul. Buffalo Woman. Grade(s): 3

Goble, Paul. Death of the Iron Horse. Grade(s): 5

Goble, Paul (Illustrator). Her Seven Brothers. Grade(s): 1

Goble, Paul and Dorothy Goble. Friendly Wolf, The. Grade(s): 1

Goff, Denise. Early China. Grade(s): 6

Goffstein, M. B. Laughing Latkes. Grade(s): 2

Goffstein, M. B. Writer, A. Grade(s): K

Goldreich, Gloria. Treasury of Jewish Literature: From Biblical Times to Today, A. Grade(s): 6

Goldsmit, Gersón and Shulamit Goldsmit. La Civilización Maya. Grade(s): 7

Good, Merle. Nicole Visits an Amish Farm. Grade(s): 8

Goodall, John S. Story of an English Village, The. Grade(s): 3

Goode, Diane (Illustrator). Diane Goode Book of American Folk Tales and Songs, The. Grade(s): 3, 5

Goodnough, David. Francis Drake, Sea Pirate. Grade(s): 5

Goor, Ron and Nancy Goor. Pompeii: Exploring a Roman Ghost Town. Grade(s): 6

Gottlieb, Gerald. Adventures of Ulysses, The. Grade(s): 6

Graham, Hugh (Compiler). Great American Stories, Poems and Essays. Grade(s): 8

Gramatky, Hardie. Little Toot. Grade(s): 1

Grant, Neil. Everyday Life in the Eighteenth Century. Grade(s): 7

Gray, Elizabeth. Adam of the Road. Grade(s): 6

Gray, Elizabeth Janet. Penn. Grade(s): 8

Gray, Genevieve. How Far, Felipe? Grade(s): 2

Gray, J. A. B. East Indian Tales and Legends. Grade(s): 6

Gray, Nigel. Country Far Away, A. Grade(s): 1

Greaves, Margaret. Once There Were No Pandas. Grade(s): 2

Green, Roger Lancelyn. King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table. Grade(s): 7

Green, Roger Lancelyn. Tale of Troy. Grade(s): 6

Green, Roger Lancelyn. Tales of Ancient Egypt. Grade(s): 6

Greene, Carol. Benjamin Franklin: A Man with Many Jobs. Grade(s): K

Greene, Carol. Japan. Grade(s): 7

Greenfield, Eloise. Honey I Love and Other Poems. Grade(s): K

Greenfield, Eloise. Mary McLeod Bethune. Grade(s): 3

Greenfield, Eloise. Rosa Parks. Grade(s): 2

Greenfield, Eloise. Under the Sunday Tree. Grade(s): 1

Greenfield, Eloise and Lessie Jones Little. Childtimes. Grade(s): 8

Grifalconi, Ann. Osa's Pride. Grade(s): 2

Grifalconi, Ann. Village of Round and Square Houses, The. Grade(s): 1

Griffin, Judith Berry. Phoebe the Spy. Grade(s): 3

Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Bremen-Town Musicians, The. Grade(s): K

Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Frog King and Other Tales of the Brothers Grimm, The. Grade(s): 1

Gross, Ruth Belov. If You Grew Up with George Washington. Grade(s): 3

Gross, Ruth Belov. Money, Money, Money. Grade(s): 1

Grosseck, Joyce and Elizabeth Attwood. Great Explorers. Grade(s): 5

Guard, Jean and Ray A. Williamson. They Dance in the Sky: Native American Star Myths. Grade(s): 5

Hackwell, W. John. Signs, Letters, Words: Archaeology Discovers Writing. Grade(s): 6

Hadas, Moses. Imperial Rome. Grade(s): 7

Hale, Sarah Josepha. Mary Had a Little Lamb. Grade(s): K

Haley, Alex. Different Kind of Christmas, A. Grade(s): 8

Haley, Gail. Jack Jouett's Ride. Grade(s): 3

Hall, Donald. Ox-Cart Man, The. Grade(s): K

Hall, Donald (Editor). Oxford Book of Children's Verse in America, The. Grade(s): 5

Hamilton, Virginia. Anthony Burns: The Defeat and Triumph of a Fugitive Slave. Grade(s): 8

Hamilton, Virginia. Bells of Christmas, The. Grade(s): 5

Hamilton, Virginia. People Could Fly, The. Grade(s): K

Hamilton, Virginia (Reteller). In the Beginning: Creation Stories from Around the World (“Four Creations to Make Man”). Grade(s): 7

Hamilton, Virginia (Reteller). In the Beginning: Creation Stories from Around the World (“The Sun-God and the Dragon”). Grade(s): 6

Hancock, Sibyl. Famous Firsts of Black Americans. Grade(s): 5

Hanmner, Trudy. Growth of Cities, The. Grade(s): 8

Hansen, Joyce. Out from This Place. Grade(s): 8

Hargrove, Julia. Primary Source, The. Grade(s): 5

Harris, Geraldine. Gods and Pharaohs from Egyptian Mythology. Grade(s): 6

Harris, Nathaniel. Alexander the Great and the Greeks. Grade(s): 6

Harris, Nathaniel. Leonardo and the Renaissance. Grade(s): 7

Harris, Nathaniel. Montezuma and the Aztecs. Grade(s): 7

Hart, George. Exploring the Past: Ancient Egypt. Grade(s): 6

Hart, William. United States and World Trade, The. Grade(s): 8

Harvey, Brett. Immigrant Girl: Becky of Eldridge Street. Grade(s): 3

Harvey, Brett. My Prairie Year: Based on the Diary of Elenore Plaisted. Grade(s): 5

Harvey, Brett. Cassie's Journey: Going West in the 1860s. Grade(s): 4

Haugaard, Erik Christian. Cromwell's Boy. Grade(s): 7

Haugaard, Erik Christian. Rider and His Horse, The. Grade(s): 6

Haugaard, Erik Christian. Samurai's Tale, The. Grade(s): 7

Hauptly, Denis J. Convention of Delegates: The Creation of the Constitution, A. Grade(s): 8

Hautzig, Esther. Endless Steppe, The. Grade(s): 8

Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Tanglewood Tales. Grade(s): 6

Hawthorne, Nathaniel. True Stories from History and Biography (Volume 6 of the Centenary Edition of the Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne). Grade(s): 5

Hayman, Leroy. Death of Lincoln: A Picture History of the Assassination, The. Grade(s): 8

Hazen, Barbara Shook. Even If I Did Something Awful. Grade(s): K

Healton, Sarah and Dick Hackbert. California, So Wondrous to Behold. Grade(s): 4

Heath, Dwight B. (Editor). Mourt's Relation. Grade(s): 5

Heide, Florence Parry. Day of Ahmed's Secret, The. Grade(s): 1

Heine, Helme. Pearl, The. Grade(s): K

Heller, Linda. Castle of Hester Street, The. Grade(s): 2

Hendershot, Judith. In Coal Country. Grade(s): 2

Herrera, Juan Ignacio. Alejandro Magno. Grade(s): 6

Herrera, Juan Ignacio. Miguel de Cervantes. Grade(s): 7

Hetmann, Frederick. Historias de Pieles Rojas. Grade(s): 5

Heuer, Margarita. El Zapato y el Pez. Grade(s): K

Hewitt, Kathryn. King Midas and the Golden Touch. Grade(s): 6

Heyer, Marilee. Weaving of a Dream: A Chinese Folktale, The. Grade(s): 1

Hibbard, Howard. Michelangelo. Grade(s): 7

Hibbert, Christopher. House of Medici: Its Rise and Fall, The. Grade(s): 7

Hicks, Josephus and Ellen Hicks. Black Image Makers. Grade(s): 5

Higgins, Susan Olson. Thanksgiving Book, The. Grade(s): 2

Highwater, Jamake. Moonsong Lullaby. Grade(s): 2

Hilgartner, Beth. Murder for Her Majesty, A. Grade(s): 7

Hill, William E. California Trail Yesterday and Today, The. Grade(s): 4

Hill, William E. Oregon Trail, Yesterday and Today, The. Grade(s): 5

Hilton, Suzanne. Getting There: Frontier Travel Without Power. Grade(s): 5

Hilton, Suzanne. World of Young George Washington, The. Grade(s): 5

Hilton, Suzanne. Way It Was-1876, The. Grade(s): 8

Hilton, Suzanne. We the People: The Way We Were, 1783-1793. Grade(s): 8

Hirsh, Marilyn (Editor). One Little Goat A Passover Song. Grade(s): 2

Hoban, Russell. Bargain for Frances. Grade(s): 1

Hodges, Margaret. Firebringer: A Paiute Indian Legend, The. Grade(s): K

Hodges, Margaret. Saint George and the Dragon. Grade(s): 7

Hodgson, Harriet. My First Fourth of July Book. Grade(s): 3

Hoff, Rhoda. China: Adventures in Eyewitness History. Grade(s): 7

Hoguet, Susan Ramsay. Solomon Grundy. Grade(s): 1

Holliday, J. S. World Rushed In: The California Gold Rush Experience; An Eyewitness Account of a Nation Heading West, The. Grade(s): 4

Holling, Holling Clancy. Tree in the Trail. Grade(s): 5

Hollister, C. Warren. Medieval Europe: A Short Sourcebook. Grade(s): 7

Holme, Bryan. Medieval Pageant. Grade(s): 7

Hooks, William. Legend of the White Doe, The. Grade(s): 6

Hort, Lenny. Boy Who Held Back the Sea, The. Grade(s): 1

Horwitz, Elinor. Bird, the Banner and Uncle Sam, The. Grade(s): 8

Horwitz, Joshua. Night Markets: Bringing Food to a City. Grade(s): 2

Hotze, Sollace. Circle Unbroken, A. Grade(s): 5

Household, Geoffrey. Exploits of Xenophon, The. Grade(s): 6

Howard, C. Pizarro y la Conquista del Perú. Grade(s): 7

Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald. Chita's Christmas Tree. Grade(s): K

Howe, John (Reteller). Rip Van Winkle. Grade(s): 5

Howitt, Mary. Favorite Poems Old and New (“The Spider and the Fly”). Grade(s): 1

Hoxie, Frederick E. Crow, The. Grade(s): 8

Hoyt, Harlowe R. Town Hall Tonight! Grade(s): 8

Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane. Totem Pole. Grade(s): 5

Hughes, Jill. Aztecs. Grade(s): 7

Hughes, Jill. Imperial Rome. Grade(s): 7

Hughes, Langston and Arna Bontemps. Book of Negro Folklore, The. Grade(s): 5

Hughes-Stanton, Penelope. See Inside an Ancient Chinese Town. Grade(s): 6

Humble, Richard. Age of Lei! Erikson, The. Grade(s): 5

Hunt, Irene. Across Five Aprils. Grade(s): 8

Hunt, Jonathan. Illuminations. Grade(s): K

Hunt, W. Ben. Complete How-to Book of Indian Craft, The. Grade(s): 5

Hurmence, Belinda. Tancy. Grade(s): 8

Hutchins, Pat. Doorbell Rang, The. Grade(s): K

Hutt, Julia. Understanding Far Eastern Art. Grade(s): 7

Hutton, Warwick (Reteller). Theseus and the Minotaur. Grade(s): 6

Ions, Veronica. Egyptian Mythology. Grade(s): 6

Ipsen, D. C. Archimedes: Greatest Scientist of the Ancient World. Grade(s): 6

Ipsen, D. C. Isaac Newton, Reluctant Genius. Grade(s): 7

Irving, Washington. Sketch Book, The (“Old Christmas”). Grade(s): 8

Irwin, Constance. Strange Footprints on the Land: Vikings in America. Grade(s): 7

Isenberg, J. Julio César. Grade(s): 6

Ish-Kishor, Sulamith. Boy of Old Prague. Grade(s): 7

Jacobs, William Jay. Ellis Island: New Hope in a New Land. Grade(s): 5

Jacobs, William Jay. Mother, Aunt Susan and Me. Grade(s): 8

Jaffrey, Madhur. Seasons of Splendour: Tales, Myths, and Legends from India. Grade(s): 6

Jakes, John. Susanna of the Alamo: A True Story. Grade(s): 5

Jakoubek, Robert. Martin Luther King, Jr. Grade(s): 8

James, Grace. Japanese Fairy Tales. Grade(s): 7

James, Simon. Rome, 750 B.C. -500 A.D. Grade(s): 6

Jaspersohn, William. Ice Cream. Grade(s): 2

Jeffers, Susan (Illustrator). Silent Night. Grade(s): 2

Johnson, Neil. Battle of Gettysburg, The. Grade(s): 8

Johnson, Spencer. Value of Believing in Yourself: The Story of Louis Pasteur, The. Grade(s): 2

Johnston, Tony. Pages of Music. Grade(s): 1

Johnston, Tony. Quilt Story, The. Grade(s): 2

Joly, Dominique. Grains of Salt. Grade(s): 2

Josephy, Alvin M. Patriotic Chiefs: A Chronicle of American Indian Resistance, The. Grade(s): 5

Jukes,Mavis. Blackberries in the Dark. Grade(s): 2

Kamen, Gloria. Ringdoves: From the Fables of Bidpai, The. Grade(s): 6

Kamerman, Sylvia (Editor). Patriotic and Historical Plays for Young People. Grade(s): 8

Kane, Harnett T. Young Mark Twain and the Mississippi. Grade(s): 8

Kantor, MacKinlay. Gettysburg. Grade(s): 8

Kassem, Lou. Listen for Rachel. Grade(s): 8

Katz, William L. Black Indians: A Hidden Heritage. Grade(s): 8

Katz, William L. Black People Who Made the Old West. Grade(s): 4

Keats, Ezra Jack. John Henry: An American Legend. Grade(s): 1

Keith, Harold. Obstinate Land, The. Grade(s): 8

Keith, Harold. Rifles for Watie. Grade(s): 8

Keithahn, Edward L. Alaskan Igloo Tales. Grade(s): 3

Keller, Werner. Bible as History, The. Grade(s): 6

Kellogg, Steven. Johnny Appleseed. Grade(s): 2

Kellogg, Steven. Pecos Bill. Grade(s): 3

Kelly, Eric P. Trumpeter of Krakow, The. Grade(s): 7

Kemble, Fanny. Description of Life on a Southern Plantation. Grade(s): 8

Kendall, Martha E. Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Grade(s): 8

Kent, Louise. He Went with Drake. Grade(s): 7

Kent, Zachary. George Washington. Grade(s): 5

Kent, Zachary. Story of Clara Barton, The. Grade(s): 2

Khayyam, Omar. Ruba'iyat, The. Grade(s): 7

Kherdian, David. Bridger: The Story of a Mountain Man. Grade(s): 8

Kherdian, David. Road from Home: The Story of an Armenian Girl, The. Grade(s): 8

Kherdian, David. Song for Uncle Harry, A. Grade(s): 5

Kightley,Rosalinda. Postman, The. Grade(s): K

Kimmelman, Leslie. Frannie's Fruits. Grade(s): 2

Kinder, Herman and Werner Hilgemann. Anchor Atlas of World History. Grade(s): 6

Kingsley, Charles. Heroes, The. Grade(s): 6

Kingsley, Charles. Westward Ho! Grade(s): 7

Kipling, Rudyard. Puck of Pook's Hill. Grade(s): 7

Kleeburg, lrene. Separation of Church and State. Grade(s): 8

Knappert, Jan. Kings, Gods, and Spirits from African Mythology. Grade(s): 7

Knight, James E. Adventures in Colonial America. Grade(s): 5

Knight, James E. Boston Tea Party, Rebellion in the Colonies. Grade(s): 5

Knill, Harry. Early Los Angeles. Grade(s): 4

Knowlton, Jack. Geography from A to Z: A Picture Glossary. Grade(s): 1

Koestler, Arthur. Watershed: A Biography of Johannes Kepler, The. Grade(s): 7

Konigsburg, E. L. Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver, A. Grade(s): 7

Kramer, Samuel N. History Begins at Sumer: Thirty-Nine "Firsts" in Man's Recorded History. Grade(s): 6

Krementz, Jill. Visit to Washington, D.C., A. Grade(s): 1

Krensky,Stephen. Witch Hunt: It Happened in Salem Village. Grade(s): 8

Kroeber, Theodora. Ishi, Last of His Tribe. Grade(s): 4

Kupperman, Karen O. Captain John Smith: A Select Edition of His Writings. Grade(s): 5

Kurelek, William. They Sought a New World: The Story of European Immigration to North America. Grade(s): 8

Kuskin, Karla. Jerusalem, Shining Still. Grade(s): 6

Kuskin, Karla. Philharmonic Gets Dressed, The. Grade(s): 1

L'Amour, Louis. How the West Was Won. Grade(s): 8

L'Amour, Louis. Last of the Breed, The. Grade(s): 8

Lang, Andrew. Fairy Book Series, The. Grade(s): 2

Langstaff, John. Hot Cross Buns and Other Old Street Cries. Grade(s): K

Langstaff, John (Editor). What a Morning! The Christmas Story in Black Spirituals. Grade(s): 5

Lanier, Sidney. Boy's King Arthur, The. Grade(s): 7

Lapp, Rudolph. Afro-Americans in California. Grade(s): 4

Las Casas, Bartholomew (Transcriber). Log of Christopher Columbus' First Voyage to America: In the Year 1492, As Copied Out in Brief by Bartholomew Las Casas, The. Grade(s): 5

Lasker, Joe. Greek Alexander the Great, The. Grade(s): 6

Lasker, Joe. Tournament of Knights, A. Grade(s): 7

Lasky, Kathryn. Sugaring Time. Grade(s): 2

Latham, Jean Lee. This Dear-Bought Land. Grade(s): 5

Lattimore, Deborah Nourse. Dragon's Robe, The. Grade(s): 6

Lattimore, Deborah Nourse. Flame of Peace, The. Grade(s): 7

Lauber, Patricia. Tales Mummies Tell. Grade(s): 6

Lauber, Patricia. Who Discovered America? Settlers and Explorers of the New World Before the Time of Columbus. Grade(s): 5

Laurgaard, Rachel Kelly. Patty Reed's Doll: The Story of the Donner Party. Grade(s): 4

Lawson, Don. United States in the Mexican War, The. Grade(s): 8

Lawson, Robert. Ben and Me, Benjamin Franklin as Written by His Good Mouse Amos. Grade(s): 5

Lawson, Robert. Mr. Revere and I. Grade(s): 5

Lawson, Robert. They Were Strong and Good. Grade(s): 2

Lawson, Robert. Watchwords of Liberty: A Pageant of American Quotations. Grade(s): 3

Lazarus, Emma. Favorite Poems Old and New (“The New Colossus”). Grade(s): 5

Leaf, Margaret. Eyes of the Dragon. Grade(s): 7

Lebrun, Francoise. Days of Charlemagne, The. Grade(s): 7

Lebrun, Francoise. Days of the Cave People, The. Grade(s): 6

Leckie, Robert. War Nobody Won: 1812, The. Grade(s): 8

Lee, Gregory. Los Angeles, California. Grade(s): 4

Lee, Jeanne. Toad Is the Uncle of Heaven. Grade(s): 2

Lee, Melicent. Indian of the Oaks. Grade(s): 4

Lelord, Bijou. Joseph and Nellie. Grade(s): 2

Lens, Sidney. Strikemakers and Strikebreakers. Grade(s): 8

Lenski, Lois. Little Auto, The. Grade(s): K

Lenski, Lois. Strawberry Girl. Grade(s): 5

Lent, Blair. Bayberry Bluff. Grade(s): 3

Leopold, A. Starker, et al. Wild California: Vanishing Lands, Vanishing Wildlife. Grade(s): 4

Lepthien, Emilie U. Corazon Aquino, President of the Philippines. Grade(s): 2

LeShan, Eda. Grandparents: A Special Kind of Love. Grade(s): 2

Lesser, Rika (Reteller). Hansel and Gretel. Grade(s): 1

Lester, Julius. Tales of Uncle Remus: The Adventures of Brer Rabbit, The. Grade(s): 3

Lester, Julius. To Be a Slave. Grade(s): 8

Levine, Ellen. If You Lived at the Time of the Great San Francisco Earthquake. Grade(s): 4

Levine, Ellen. If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon. Grade(s): 5

Levinson, Nancy Smiler. Christopher Columbus: Voyager to the Unknown. Grade(s): 5

Levinson, Nancy Smiler. First Women Who Spoke Out, The. Grade(s): 8

Levinson, Nancy Smiler. I Lift My Lamp: Emma Lazarus and the Statue of Liberty. Grade(s): 8

Levinson, Riki. I Go with My Family to Grandma's. Grade(s): 3

Levinson, Riki. Watch the Stars Come Out. Grade(s): 3

Levitin, Sonia. Journey to America. Grade(s): 5

Levitin, Sonia. Roanoke: A Novel of the Lost Colony. Grade(s): 8

Levy, Elizabeth. If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution. Grade(s): 5

Lewis, Naomi. Cry Wolf and Other Aesop Fables. Grade(s): 6

Lewis, Naomi. Proud Knight, Fair Lady: The Twelve Lais of Marie de France. Grade(s): 7

Lewis, Naomi. Twelve Dancing Princesses and Other Tales from Grimm, The. Grade(s): 1

Lewis, Patrick J. Tsar and the Amazing Cow, The. Grade(s): 1

Lewis, Thomas P. Clipper Ship. Grade(s): 3

Lin, Adet. Milky Way and Other Chinese Folk Tales, The. Grade(s): 2

Lincoln, Abraham. Favorite Poems Old and New (“The Gettysburg Address”). Grade(s): 8

Ling, Roger. Greek World, The. Grade(s): 6

Lionni, Leo. It's Mine. Grade(s): K

Livingston, Myra Cohn. Celebrations. Grade(s): 3

Lobel, Arnold. Fables. Grade(s): 1

Lobel, Arnold. Frog and Toad Are Friends. Grade(s): K

Lobel, Arnold. On Market Street. Grade(s): 1

Lobel, Arnold. On the Day Peter Stuyvesant Sailed into Town. Grade(s): 2

Locker, Thomas. Family Farm. Grade(s): 2

Loeper, John J. Going to School in 1776. Grade(s): 5

Loeper, John J. Going to School in 1876. Grade(s): 8

Lomask, Milton. Great Lives: Exploration. Grade(s): 5

Long, Hamilton Albert. American Ideal of 1776: The Twelve Basic American Principles, The. Grade(s): 8

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Hiawatha. Grade(s): 3

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Selected Poems (“Paul Revere’s Ride”). Grade(s): 5

Lord, Bette Bao. In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson. Grade(s): 5

Lord, Bette Bao. Spring Moon. Grade(s): 6

Low, Alice. Macmillan Book of Greek Gods and Heroes, The. Grade(s): 6

Lydon, Kerry Raines. Birthday for Blue, A. Grade(s): 3, 5

Lyngheim, Linda and others. Father Junipero Serra: The Traveling Missionary. Grade(s): 4

Lyons, Grant. Pacific Coast Indians of North America. Grade(s): 4

Lyttle, Richard B. Land Beyond the River: Europe in the Age of Migration. Grade(s): 7

Maalouf, Amin. Leo the African. Grade(s): 7

Macaulay, David. Castle. Grade(s): 7

Macaulay, David. City: A Story of Roman Planning and Construction. Grade(s): 6

Macaulay, David. Mill. Grade(s): 8

Macaulay, David. Pyramid. Grade(s): 6

MacLachlan, Patricia. Sarah, Plain and Tall. Grade(s): 5

Madison, Arnold. How the Colonists Lived. Grade(s): 5

Maestro, Betsy. Ferryboat. Grade(s): 2

Maestro, Betsy. More Perfect Union: The Story of Our Constitution, A. Grade(s): 5

Maestro, Betsy and Ellen Del Vecchio. Big City Port. Grade(s): 1

Magley, Beverly. California Wildflowers. Grade(s): 4

Magnusson, Magness and Herman Pallson. Vinland Sagas and Norse Discovery of America. Grade(s): 5

Manniche, Lise. Prince Who Knew His Fate, The. Grade(s): 6

Marri, Noemi Vicini. Marco Polo. Grade(s): 7

Marrin, Albert. Aztecs and Spaniards: Cortes and the Conquest of Mexico. Grade(s): 7

Marrin, Albert. War for Independence: The Story of the American Revolution, The. Grade(s): 8

Marrin, Albert. Struggle for a Continent: The French and Indian Wars 1690-1760. Grade(s): 5

Marston, Elsa. Mysteries in American Archaeology. Grade(s): 7

Martelli, Stelio. Illiada: La Guerra de Troya, Odisea: Aventuras de Ulises. Grade(s): 6

Martin, Bill, Jr. and John Archambault. Knots on a Counting Rope. Grade(s): 1

Martin, J. P. Private Yankee Doodle. Grade(s): 5

Martin, Paul. Indians Before Columbus: Twenty Thousand Years of North American History Revealed by Archaeology. Grade(s): 5

Matthews, Rupert. Voyage of Columbus, The. Grade(s): 5

May, Robin. Julius Caesar and the Romans. Grade(s): 6

Mayo, Gretchen Will. Earthmaker's Tales: North American Indian Stories About Earth Happenings. Grade(s): 5

McAlpine, Helen. Japanese Tales and Legends. Grade(s): 7

McCall, Edith. Message from the Mountains. Grade(s): 8

McClard, Megan and George Ypsilantis. Hiawatha and the Iroquois League. Grade(s): 5

McCunn, Ruthanne L. Illustrated History of the Chinese in America, An. Grade(s): 4

McCurdy, Michael. Hannah's Farm: Seasons on an Early American Homestead. Grade(s): 2

McDermott, Gerald. Anansi the Spider: A Tale from the Ashanti. Grade(s): 1

McDermott, Gerald. Arrow to the Sun. Grade(s): K

McDermott, Gerald. Sun Flight. Grade(s): 6

McDermott, Gerald. Voyage of Osiris: A Myth of Ancient Egypt, The. Grade(s): 6

McEvedy, Colin. Atlas of African History. Grade(s): 7

McEvedy, Colin. Penguin Atlas of Ancient History. Grade(s): 6

McEvedy, Colin. Penguin Atlas of Medieval History, The. Grade(s): 7

McEvedy, Colin. Penguin Atlas of North American History to 1870, The. Grade(s): 5

McGovern, Ann. Defenders, The. Grade(s): 5

McGovern, Ann. If You Lived in Colonial Times. Grade(s): 5

McGovern, Ann. Pilgrims' First Thanksgiving, The. Grade(s): 2

McGovern, Ann. Secret Soldier: The Story of Deborah Sampson. Grade(s): 3

McGraw, Eloise. Mara, Daughter of the Nile. Grade(s): 6

McGraw, Eloise. Master Cornhill. Grade(s): 7

McGraw, Eloise. Moccasin Trail. Grade(s): 8

McGuffey, William Holmes. McGuffey's Eclectic Readers. Grade(s): 8

McGuffey, William Holmes. McGuffey's Third Eclectic Reader. Grade(s): 1

McKinley, Robin. Outlaws of Sherwood, The. Grade(s): 7

McKissack, Patricia. Aztec Indians. Grade(s): 7

McKissack, Patricia. Jesse Jackson: A Biography. Grade(s): 8

McKissack, Patricia. Mary McLeod Bethune: A Great American Educator. Grade(s): 5

McKissack, Patricia. Mirandy and Brother Wind. Grade(s): K

McLean, Mollie and Anne Wiseman. Adventures of the Greek Heroes. Grade(s): 6

McLeish, Kenneth. Seven Wonders of the World, The. Grade(s): 7

McLenighan, Valjean. China: A History to Nineteen Forty-Nine. Grade(s): 7

McMahan, Jackie. California Rancho Cooking. Grade(s): 4

McNeer, May. California Gold Rush, The. Grade(s): 4

McPhillips, Martin. Battle of Trenton, The. Grade(s): 8

McPhillips, Martin. Constitutional Convention, The. Grade(s): 8

McRae, Lee. Handbook of the Renaissance. Grade(s): 7

Meadowcroft, Enid La Monte. By Wagon and Flatboat. Grade(s): 5

Meigs, Cornelia. Master Simon's Garden. Grade(s): 8

Meller, Eric. Value of Friends, The. Grade(s): 1

Meltzer, Milton. All Times, All Peoples: A World History of Slavery. Grade(s): 8

Meltzer, Milton. Black Americans, A History in Their Own Words, The. Grade(s): 5

Meltzer, Milton. Columbus and the World Around Him. Grade(s): 7

Meltzer, Milton. George Washington and the Birth of Our Nation. Grade(s): 8

Meltzer, Milton. Voices from the Civil War. Grade(s): 8

Merrell, Leigh. Tenach. Grade(s): 4

Meyer, Carolyn and Charles Gallenkamp. Mystery of the Ancient Maya, The. Grade(s): 7

Middleton, Haydn. Everyday Life in the Sixteenth Century. Grade(s): 7

Mikolaycak, Charles. Babushka: An Old Russian Tale. Grade(s): 2

Millard, Anne. Incas, The. Grade(s): 7

Millender, Dharathula H. Crispus Attucks: Black Leader of Colonial Patriots. Grade(s): 5

Miller, Henry. Account of a Tour of the California Missions and Towns, 1856: The Journal and Drawings of Henry Miller. Grade(s): 4

Miller, Luree. Black Hat Dances: Two Buddhist Boys in the Himalayas, The. Grade(s): 6

Miller, Marilyn. Transcontinental Railroad, The. Grade(s): 8

Miller, Natalie. Story of the Lincoln Memorial, The. Grade(s): 3

Miquel, Pierre. Days of Knights and Castles, The. Grade(s): 7

Mitchell, Barbara. Pocketful of Goobers: A Story About George Washington Carver, A. Grade(s): 3

Mitchell, Barbara. Shoes for Everyone: A Story About Jan Matzeliger. Grade(s): 2

Mitgutsch, Ali. From Beet to Sugar. Grade(s): 2

Moktefi, Mokhtar and Veronique Ageorges. Arabs in the Golden Age, The. Grade(s): 7

Monjo, F. N. Drinking Gourd, The. Grade(s): 3

Monjo, F. N. House on Stink Alley, The. Grade(s): 5

Monjo, F. N. Me and Willie and Pa. Grade(s): 8

Monjo, F. N. One Bad Thing About Father, The. Grade(s): 2

Monjo, F. N. Secret of the Sachem's Tree, The. Grade(s): K

Montgomery, Jean. Wrath of Coyote, The. Grade(s): 4

Moore, Clement Clarke. Night Before Christmas: Or, A Visit from St. Nicholas, The. Grade(s): 5

Morgan, Gwyneth. Life in a Medieval Village. Grade(s): 7

Morris, Richard. Constitution, The. Grade(s): 8

Morris, Richard. Founding of the Republic, The. Grade(s): 8

Morrison, Dorothy. Under a Strong Wind: The Adventures of Jessie Benton Fremont. Grade(s): 4

Morrison, Faye and Kathryn Cusick. Golden Poppies: California History and Contemporary Life in Books and Other Media for Young Readers: An Annotated Bibliography. Grade(s): 4

Morrison, Marion. Atahualpa and the Incas. Grade(s): 7

Moskin, Marietta. Waiting for Mama. Grade(s): 5

Moss, Carol. Science in Ancient Mesopotamia. Grade(s): 6

Mott, Michael. Master Entrick. Grade(s): 8

Mukerji, Dhan Gopol. Gay-Neck: The Story of a Pigeon. Grade(s): 6

Müller, Jorg. Changing City, The. Grade(s): 3

Mundy, Simon. Usborne Story of Music, The. Grade(s): 6

Munro, Roxie. Inside Outside Book of Washington, D.C., The. Grade(s): 3

Murasaki, Lady. Tale of Genji, The. Grade(s): 7

Murrow, Liza Ketchum. West Against the Wind. Grade(s): 8

Mwalimu. Awful Aardvark. Grade(s): 2

Nancarrow, Peter. Early China and the Wall. Grade(s): 6

Nashone. Grandmother Stories of the Northwest. Grade(s): 3

Nashone. Where Indians Live: American Indian Houses. Grade(s): K

Nesbit, E. Children's Shakespeare, The. Grade(s): 7

Nesbit, E. Story of the Amulet, The. Grade(s): 6

Ness, Evaline. Sam, Bangs and Moonshine. Grade(s): 1

Neurath, Marie. They Lived Like This in Ancient Mesopotamia. Grade(s): 6

Nhuong, Huynh Quang. Land I Lost, The. Grade(s): 5

Nister, Ernest (Illustrator). Visiting Grandma. Grade(s): K

Noble, Iris. Courage in Her Hands. Grade(s): 8

Norris, Olga (Reteller). Legends of Journeys (“The City of Ultimate Beauty and Happiness”). Grade(s): 7

North, Sterling. Abe Lincoln: Log Cabin to White House. Grade(s): 8

Oakes, Catherine. Exploring the Past: The Middle Ages. Grade(s): 7

Ochoa, George. Fall of Mexico City, The. Grade(s): 8

O'Connor, Jim. Jackie Robinson and the Story of All-Black Baseball. Grade(s): 5

O'Dell, Scott. Amethyst Ring, The. Grade(s): 7

O'Dell, Scott. Carlota. Grade(s): 4

O'Dell, Scott. King's Fifth, The. Grade(s): 5

O'Dell, Scott. Road to Damietta, The. Grade(s): 7

O'Dell, Scott. Sarah Bishop. Grade(s): 8

O'Dell, Scott. Serpent Never Sleeps: A Novel of Jamestown and Pocahontas, The. Grade(s): 5

O'Dell, Scott. Sing Down the Moon. Grade(s): 5

O'Dell, Scott. 290, The. Grade(s): 8

Odijk, Pamela. Egyptians, The. Grade(s): 6

Odijk, Pamela. Incas, The. Grade(s): 7

Odijk, Pamela. Romans, The. Grade(s): 6

Oliphant, Margaret. Egyptian World, The. Grade(s): 6

O'Neill, Judith. Martin Luther. Grade(s): 7

Oppenheim, Joanne. Osceola, Seminole Warrior. Grade(s): 5

Orczy, Baroness Emma. Scarlet Pimpernel, The. Grade(s): 7

Osborne, Mary Pope. Favorite Greek Myths. Grade(s): 6

Oxenbury, Helen. Helen Oxenbury Nursery Story Book, The. Grade(s): K

Ozaki, Yei Theodora. Japanese Fairy Book, The. Grade(s): 7

Pack, Janet. California. Grade(s): 4

Paine, Thomas. Common Sense. Grade(s): 8

Papp, Joseph and Elizabeth Kirkland. Shakespeare Alive! Grade(s): 7

Parish, Peggy. Let's Be Early Settlers with Daniel Boone. Grade(s): K

Parkman, Francis. Oregon Trail, The. Grade(s): 5

Parnall, Peter. Mountain, The. Grade(s): 3

Parramón, J. M., María Rius, and Carmen Sole Vendrell. Colección las Cuatro Edades. Grade(s): 2

Parsons, Ellen. Rainy Day Together. Grade(s): K

Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw. Wheat: The Golden Harvest. Grade(s): 2

Paterson, Katherine. Sign of the Chrysanthemum, The. Grade(s): 7

Patterson, Charles. Thomas Jefferson. Grade(s): 5, 8

Payne, Elizabeth. Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, The (Series). Grade(s): 6

Pelta, Kathy. Alexander Graham Bell. Grade(s): 8

Pelta, Kathy. Bridging the Golden Gate. Grade(s): 4

Pelz, Ruth. Black Heroes of the Wild West. Grade(s): 5

Peretz, I. L. and Uri Shulevitz. Magician, The. Grade(s): 1

Perez, N. A. Breaker. Grade(s): 8

Perez, N. A. Slopes of War, The. Grade(s): 8

Perham, Molly. People at Work. Grade(s): 2

Perl, Lila. Mummies, Tombs, and Treasure: Secrets of Ancient Egypt. Grade(s): 6

Perl, Lila. Slumps, Grunts, and Snickerdoodles: What Colonial America Ate and Why. Grade(s): 5

Perl, Lila and Alma Flor Ada. Piñatas and Paper Flowers - Piñtatas y Flores de Papel: Holidays of the Americas in English and Spanish. Grade(s): 4

Petersen, David and Mark Coburn. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark: Soldiers, Explorers, and Partners in History. Grade(s): 5

Petersham, Maud. David. Grade(s): 6

Peterson, Helen S. Abigail Adams: Dear Partner. Grade(s): 5

Petry, Ann. Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad. Grade(s): 8

Phelan, Mary Kay. Story of the Boston Massacre, The. Grade(s): 5

Phelan, Mary Kay. Story of the Louisiana Purchase, The. Grade(s): 8

Phelps, Ethel J. Tatterhood and Other Tales. Grade(s): 1

Picard, Barbara. One Is One. Grade(s): 7

Piggott, Juliet. Japanese Mythology. Grade(s): 7

Piggott, Juliet. Mexican Folk Tales. Grade(s): 7

Pimlott, John. First World War, The. Grade(s): 8

Pinchot, Jane. Mexicans in America. Grade(s): 4

Polacco, Patricia. Keeping Quilt, The. Grade(s): 2

Polacco, Patricia. Rechenka's Eggs. Grade(s): 1

Politi, Leo. Little Leo. Grade(s): 3

Politi, Leo. Nicest Gift, The. Grade(s): 1

Politi, Leo. Pedro, the Angel of Olvera Street. Grade(s): 3

Politi, Leo. Song of the Swallows. Grade(s): 4

Politi, Leo. Three Stalks of Corn. Grade(s): 2

Polo, Marco. Travels of Marco Polo, The. Grade(s): 7

Pomerantz, Charlotte. Chalk Doll, The. Grade(s): 2

Pope, Elizabeth. Perilous Gard, The. Grade(s): 7

Powell, Anton. Greek World, The. Grade(s): 6

Preble, Donna. Yamino Kwiti: A Story of Indian Life in the Los Angeles Area. Grade(s): 4

Precek, Katharine Wilson. Penny in the Road. Grade(s): 3

Price, Margaret Evans. Child's Book of Myths and Enchantment Tales, A. Grade(s): 1

Prolman, Marilyn. Story of Mount Rushmore, The. Grade(s): 3

Provensen, Alice. Shaker Lane. Grade(s): 3

Provensen, Alice. Town and Country. Grade(s): K

Provensen, Alice and Martin Provensen. Glorious Flight: Across the Channel with Louis Bleriot, The. Grade(s): 2

Pryor, Bonnie. House on Maple Street. Grade(s): 3

Pryor, Bonnie. Seth of the Lion People. Grade(s): 6

Purdy, Carol. Iva Dunnit and the Big Wind. Grade(s): 3

Purdy, Susan. Ancient Greece. Grade(s): 6

Purdy, Susan. Ancient Rome. Grade(s): 6

Pyle, Howard. Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, The. Grade(s): 7

Quackenbush, Robert. Along Came the Model T! Grade(s): 2

Quackenbush, Robert. Don't You Dare Shoot That Bear! Grade(s): K

Quackenbush, Robert. Old Silver Legs Takes Over: A Story of Peter Stuyvesant. Grade(s): 3

Quayle, Eric. Shining Princess and Other Japanese Legends, The. Grade(s): 2

Quigley, Charles. We the People. Grade(s): 8

Raboff, Ernest. AIbrecht Durer. Grade(s): 7

Ram, Govinder. Rama and Sita: A Folk Tale from India. Grade(s): 6

Rappaport, Doreen. Trouble at the Mines. Grade(s): 3

Ravitch, Diane (Editor). American Reader, Words That Moved a Nation, The. Grade(s): 5, 8

Ray, Deborah Kogan. My Daddy Was a Soldier. Grade(s): 3

Red Hawk, Richard. A, B, C's The American Indian Way. Grade(s): 3

Red Hawk, Richard. Grandmother's Christmas Story: A True Tale of the Quechan Indians. Grade(s): 2

Reese, Lyn. Spindle Stories. Grade(s): 7

Reinstedt, Randall A. More Than Memories: History and Happenings of the Monterey Peninsula. Grade(s): 4

Reinstedt, Randall A. (Reteller). Stagecoach Santa. Grade(s): 4

Reische, Diana. Patrick Henry. Grade(s): 5

Reit, Seymour. Behind Rebel Lines: The Incredible Story of Emma Edmonds, Civil War Spy. Grade(s): 8

Retan, Walter. Story of Daniel Boone, Wilderness Explorer, The. Grade(s): 5

Rettich, Margret. Suleiman the Elephant. Grade(s): 1

Reyher, Becky. My Mother Is the Most Beautiful Woman in the World. Grade(s): 2

Reynolds, Quentin. Custer's Last Stand. Grade(s): 8

Rice, Alice Hegan. Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch. Grade(s): 8

Rice, James. Texas Alphabet. Grade(s): 3

Richardson, Frederick. Great Children's Stories: Classic Volland Edition. Grade(s): K

Richmond, Merle. Phillis Wheatley. Grade(s): 5

Rickard, Graham. Airports. Grade(s): 2

Riis, Jacob. Children of the Tenements. Grade(s): 8

Riley, James Whitcomb. Family Album of Favorite Poems, The (“When the Frost Is on the Punkin”). Grade(s): 3

Rinaldi, Ann. Time Enough for Drums. Grade(s): 8

Robart, Rose. Cake That Mack Ate, The. Grade(s): K

Roberson, John R. China from Manchu to Mao (1699-1976). Grade(s): 7

Roberts, Margaret. Pioneer California: Tales of Explorers, Indians and Settlers. Grade(s): 4

Roberts, Naurice. Henry Cisneros. Grade(s): 2

Robinson, Charles Alexander. First Book of Ancient Mesopotamia and Persia, The. Grade(s): 6

Rockwell, Anne. Three Sillies and Ten Other Stories to Read Aloud, The. Grade(s): K

Rodanus, Kristana. Story of Wali Dad, The. Grade(s): 1

Rogers, Fred. Making Friends. Grade(s): K

Rogers, Paul. From Me to You. Grade(s): 2

Rogow, Zack,. Oranges. Grade(s): 2

Roland, Donna. More of Grandfather's Stories from Cambodia. Grade(s): 1

Roland, Donna. More of Grandfather's Stories from the Philippines. Grade(s): K

Rolle, Andrew F. California: A History. Grade(s): 4

Rollo, Vera. American Flag, The. Grade(s): 3

Rolvaag, O. E. Giants of the Earth. Grade(s): 8

Roop, Peter and Connie Roop. Buttons for General Washington. Grade(s): 3

Roop, Peter and Connie Roop. Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie. Grade(s): 2

Ross, Stewart. Crusading Knight, A. Grade(s): 7

Rothe, Bertha. Daniel Webster Reader. Grade(s): 8

Rourke, Constance. Davy Crockett. Grade(s): 8

Roux, Georges. Ancient Iraq. Grade(s): 6

Rowland-Entwistle, Tehadore. Confucius and Ancient China. Grade(s): 6

Russell, William F. Classic Myths to Read Aloud: The Classic Stories of Greek and Roman Mythology Specially Arranged by an Education Consultant. Grade(s): 6

Rutland, Jonathan. See Inside a Roman Town. Grade(s): 6

Rylant, Cynthia. When I Was Young in the Mountains. Grade(s): 1

Sabin, Louis. Marie Curie. Grade(s): 2

Sachs, Marilyn. Call Me Ruth. Grade(s): 5

Sadler, Catherine. Heaven's Reward: Fairy Tales from China. Grade(s): 6

San Souci, Robert (Reteller). Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The. Grade(s): 5

San Souci, Robert (Reteller). Talking Eggs, The. Grade(s): 3

Sancha, Sheila. Luttrell Village: Country Life in the Middle Ages, The. Grade(s): 7

Sandburg, Carl. Abe Lincoln Grows Up. Grade(s): 3

Sanders, Scott. Aurora Means Dawn. Grade(s): 3

Sandin, Joan. Long Way Westward, The. Grade(s): 3

Santrey, Laurence. Young Frederick Douglass: Fight for Freedom. Grade(s): 3

Saunders, Tao T. Dragons, Gods and Spirits from Chinese Mythology (Part of a Series). Grade(s): 6, 7

Say, Allen. Bicycle Man, The. Grade(s): 1

Schaefer, Jack. Shane. Grade(s): 8

Schiller, Barbara. Vinlanders' Saga, The. Grade(s): 5

Schlesinger, Arthur. Peter the Great: Russian Emperor. Grade(s): 7

Schneider, Bill and D. D. Dowden. Tree Giants: The Story of the Redwoods, the World's Largest Trees, The. Grade(s): 4

Scholderer, Victor. Johann Gutenberg, the Inventor of Printing. Grade(s): 7

Schwartz, David M. If You Made a Million. Grade(s): 1

Schwartz, Lynne. Four Questions, The. Grade(s): 6

Segal, Lore (Reteller). Juniper Tree and Other Tales from Grimm, The. Grade(s): 1

Selden, Bernice. Mill Girls: Lucy Larcom, Harriet Hanson Robinson, and Sarah G. Bagley, The. Grade(s): 8

Sendak, Maurice. Pierre. Grade(s): K

Seredy, Kate. White Stag, The. Grade(s): 7

Serraillier, Ian. Beowulf, the Warrior. Grade(s): 7

Sethus, Michel. Days of the Pharaohs, The. Grade(s): 6

Sewall, Marcia. Pilgrims of Plimoth, The. Grade(s): 3

Seymour, Peter. Discovering Our Past. Grade(s): 6

Sgroi, Peter. This Constitution. Grade(s): 8

Shapiro, Mary J. How They Built the Statue of Liberty. Grade(s): 5

Sheppard, E. J. Ancient Egypt. Grade(s): 6

Shimer, Dorothy Blair. Rice Bowl Women. Grade(s): 7

Shorto, Russell. Geronimo and the Struggle for Apache Freedom. Grade(s): 8

Shub, Elizabeth. White Stallion, The. Grade(s): 3

Shute, Linda. Momotaro, the Peach Boy. Grade(s): 1

Siebert, Diane. Mojave. Grade(s): 4

Siebert, Diane. Truck Song. Grade(s): K

Siebert, Diane and Wendell Minor. Heartland. Grade(s): 5

Siegel, Beatrice. Fur Trappers and Traders: The Indians, the Pilgrims and the Beaver. Grade(s): 5

Siegel, Beatrice. Sam Ellis's Island. Grade(s): 3

Simoes Coelho, Ronaldo. Macaquino. Grade(s): 2

Simon, Norma. Passover. Grade(s): 6

Singh, Daljit and Angela Smith. Sikh World, The. Grade(s): 6

Skurzynski, Gloria. Tempering, The. Grade(s): 8

Sliker, Harold G. Our Heritage. Grade(s): 8

Sloane, Eric. ABC Book of Early Americana, An. Grade(s): 5

Sloane, Eric. Once Upon a Time: The Way America Was. Grade(s): 8

Sloane, Eric. Diary of an Early American Boy, Noah Blake, 1805. Grade(s): 5

Smith, Betsy Covington. Women Win the Vote. Grade(s): 8

Smith, Kathie Billingslea. Martin Luther King, Jr. Grade(s): 3

Smith, Lacey. Elizabeth Tudor: Biography of a Queen. Grade(s): 7

Smith, T. H. Cry to the Night Wind. Grade(s): 5

Smucker, Anna Egan. No Star Nights. Grade(s): 2

Smucker, Barbara. Runaway to Freedom. Grade(s): 8

Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk. Dancing Teepees: Poems of American Indian Youth. Grade(s): 5

Sonneborn, Ruth. Friday Night Is Papa Night. Grade(s): 2

Souby, Anne Rose. Tales of the Wise and Foolish. Grade(s): 1

Soule, Gardner. Christopher Columbus on the Great Sea of Darkness. Grade(s): 5

Speare, Elizabeth. Bronze Bow, The. Grade(s): 6

Speare, Elizabeth. Sign of the Beaver. Grade(s): 5

Speare, Elizabeth. Witch of Blackbird Pond, The. Grade(s): 8

Spencer, Cornelia. Made in China. Grade(s): 7

Spier, Peter. Erie Canal, The. Grade(s): 5

Spier, Peter. Legend of New Amsterdam, The. Grade(s): K

Spier, Peter. Tin Lizzie. Grade(s): 1

Spier, Peter. We the People: The Constitution of the U.S. Grade(s): 3

Stanley, Diane. Peter the Great. Grade(s): 2

Steele, William O. Daniel Boone's Echo. Grade(s): 5

Steele, William O. Magic Amulet, The. Grade(s): 6

Steele, William O. Perilous Road, The. Grade(s): 8

Steig, William. Amos and Boris. Grade(s): 1

Stein, R. Conrad. Story of Marquette and Jolliet, The. Grade(s): 5

Stein, R. Conrad. Story of the Nineteenth Amendment, The. Grade(s): 8

Steptoe, John. Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters: An African Tale. Grade(s): 1

Steptoe, John. Stevie. Grade(s): K

Steptoe, John. Story of Jumping Mouse, The. Grade(s): 2

Sterne, Emma Gelders. Slave Ship, The. Grade(s): 5

Stevenon, Burton (Editor). Poems of American History. Grade(s): 8

Stevens, Janet. Androcles and the Lion. Grade(s): K

Stevenson, Augusta. Molly Pitcher: Young Patriot. Grade(s): 5

Stevenson, Augusta. Paul Revere: Boston Patriot. Grade(s): 3

Stevenson, James. When I Was Nine. Grade(s): 1

Stewart, George. Pioneers Go West, The. Grade(s): 4

Stolz, Mary. Cat in the Mirror. Grade(s): 6

Stolz, Mary. Storm in the Night. Grade(s): 2

Stone, Melissa. Clouds of War. Grade(s): 8

Stone, Melissa. Rebellion's Song. Grade(s): 3, 5

Stott, Ken (Illustrator). Columbus and the Age of Exploration. Grade(s): 5

Stoutenberg, Adrien. American Tall Tales. Grade(s): 5

Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Grade(s): 8

Stuart, Gene. Secrets from the Past. Grade(s): 7

Surat, Michele Maria. Angel Child, Dragon Child. Grade(s): 1

Sutcliff, Rosemary. Bonnie Dundee. Grade(s): 7

Sutcliff, Rosemary. Eagle of the Ninth, The. Grade(s): 6

Sutcliff, Rosemary. Lantern Bearers, The. Grade(s): 7

Sutcliff, Rosemary. Light Beyond the Forest: The Quest for the Holy Grail, The. Grade(s): 7

Sutcliff, Rosemary. Warrior Scarlet. Grade(s): 6

Sutton, Felix. How and Why Wonder Book of the American Revolution, The. Grade(s): 5

Suyeoka, George. Issun Boshi. Grade(s): 2

Swift, Hildegard. Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge, The. Grade(s): 1

Switzer, Ellen and Costas Switzer. Greek Myths: Gods, Heroes and Monster - Their Sources, Their Stories and Their Meanings. Grade(s): 6

Syme, Ronald. De Soto, Finder of the Mississippi. Grade(s): 5

Szilagyi, Mary. Adventures of Charlie and His Wheat-Straw Hat, The. Grade(s): 1

Tadjo, Veronique. Lord of the Dance: An African Retelling. Grade(s): 2

Talbot, Charlene. Orphan for Nebraska, An. Grade(s): 5

Tames, Richard. Muslim World, The. Grade(s): 7

Tappan, Eva March. American Hero Tales. Grade(s): 3

Taylor, Mildred. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. Grade(s): 8

Taylor, Theodore. Walking Up a Rainbow. Grade(s): 8

Tejima, Keizaburo. Fox's Dream. Grade(s): 1

Terrell, John Upton. Discovery of California, The. Grade(s): 4

Thompson, Brian. Story of Prince Rama, The. Grade(s): 6

Tocqueville, Alexis de. Democracy in America. Grade(s): 8

Tolstoi, Alexi. Great Big Enormous Turnip, The. Grade(s): K

Tolstoy, Leo. Shoemaker Martin. Grade(s): 1

Townsend, Maryann. Pop's Secret. Grade(s): 2

Trafzer, Clifford. California's Indians and the Gold Rush. Grade(s): 4

Trafzer, Clifford and Lee A. Smith-Trafzer. Creation of a California Tribe: Grandfather's Maidu Indian Tales. Grade(s): 4

Tran-Khanh-Tuyet. Little Weaver of Thai-Yen Village, The. Grade(s): 3

Trease, Geoffrey. Red Towers of Granada, The. Grade(s): 7

Trease, Geoffrey. Viking's Sunset. Grade(s): 5

Treviño, Elizabeth de. I, Juan de Pareja. Grade(s): 7

Tunis, Edwin. Colonial Craftsmen: The Beginnings of American Industry. Grade(s): 8

Tunis, Edwin. Colonial Living. Grade(s): 5

Tunis, Edwin. Indians. Grade(s): 5

Tunis, Edwin. Young U.S.: 1783 to 1830, The. Grade(s): 8

Turkle, Brinton. Thy Friend, Obadiah. Grade(s): K

Turnbull, Ann. Maroo of the Winter Caves. Grade(s): 6

Turner, Ann. Dakota Dugout. Grade(s): 2

Turner, Ann. Grasshopper Summer. Grade(s): 5

Turner, Ann. Heron Street. Grade(s): 3

Turner, Ann. Third Girl from the Left. Grade(s): 8

Turner, Ann. Time of the Bison. Grade(s): 6

Turner, Dorothy. Queen Elizabeth I. Grade(s): 7

Turner, Glennette Tilley. Take a Walk in Their Shoes. Grade(s): 2

Tusquets, Esther. La Conejita Marcela. Grade(s): K

Uchida, Yoshiko. Dancing Kettle, The. Grade(s): 2

Uchida, Yoshiko. Jar of Dreams, A. Grade(s): 4

Uchida, Yoshiko. Journey Home. Grade(s): 4

Uchida, Yoshiko. Magic Listening Cap: More Folktales from Japan. Grade(s): 1

Uchida, Yoshiko. Samurai of Gold Hill. Grade(s): 4

Unstead, R. J. See Inside an Aztec Town. Grade(s): 7

Unstead, R. J. See Inside an Egyptian Town. Grade(s): 6

Untermeyer, Louis (Reteller). Firebringer and Other Great Stories: Fifty-Five Legends That Live Forever, The. Grade(s): 6

Urrutia, Cristina. El Maíz. Grade(s): 2

van der Meer, Ron and Dr. Alan McGowan. Sailing Ships. Grade(s): K

Van Loon, Hendrik. Life and Times of Rembrandt, The. Grade(s): 7

Van Loon, Hendrik. Story of Mankind, The. Grade(s): 6

Van Woerkom, Dorothy. Becky and the Bear. Grade(s): K

Van Woerkom, Dorothy. Pearl in the Egg: A Tale of the Thirteenth Century. Grade(s): 7

Vanagas, Patricia. Imperial Rome. Grade(s): 6

Vance, Marguerite. Jacksons of Tennessee, The. Grade(s): 8

Ventura, Piero. There Once Was a Time. Grade(s): 6

Ventura, Piero. Venice: Birth of a City. Grade(s): 7

Ventura, Piero and Gian Carlo Ceserani. El Viaje de Marco Polo. Grade(s): 7

Vining, Elizabeth. I Will Adventure. Grade(s): 7

Viorst, Judith. Alexander Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday. Grade(s): 1

Von Canon, Claudia. Inheritance, The. Grade(s): 7

Von Tscharner, Renata and Ronald Fleming. New Providence: A Changing Cityscape. Grade(s): 3

Walker, Barbara. Little House Cookbook: Frontier Foods from Laura Ingalls Wilder's Classic Stories, The. Grade(s): 5

Walker, Barbara (Reteller). Treasury of Turkish Folktales, A. Grade(s): 1

Walker, David and Henry H. Garnet. Walker's Appeal and Garnet's Address to the Slaves of the United States of America. Grade(s): 8

Walsh, Jill Paton. Crossing to Salamis. Grade(s): 6

Walsh, Jill Paton. Parcel of Patterns, A. Grade(s): 7

Walter, Mildred Pitts. Justin and the Best Biscuits in the World. Grade(s): 5

Walworth, Nancy. Augustus Caesar. Grade(s): 6

Warren, Fred. Music of Africa. Grade(s): 7

Watts, Bernadette. Elves and the Shoemaker, The. Grade(s): K

Weidhorn, Manfred. Robert E. Lee. Grade(s): 8

Weil, Lisa. Let's Go to the Museum. Grade(s): K

Weinstein-Farson, Laurie. Wampanoag, The. Grade(s): 5

Weisgard,Leonard. Beginning of Cities: The Recreating in Pictures and Text of Mesopotamian Life from Farming to Early City Building, The. Grade(s): 6

Weisgard,Leonard. Plymouth Thanksgiving, The. Grade(s): 3

Weitzman, David. My Backyard History Book. Grade(s): 2

Weitzman, David. Windmills, Bridges, and Old Machines: Discovering Our Industrial Past. Grade(s): 8

Wells, Rosemary. Shy Charles. Grade(s): K

West, Jessamyn. Favorite Poems Old and New (“Song of the Settlers”). Grade(s): 5

Wheatley, Nadia and Donna Rawlins. My Place. Grade(s): 3

Wheatley, Phillis. Imaginary Gardens (“Should You, My Lord”). Grade(s): 5

Whelan, Gloria. Next Spring an Oriole. Grade(s): 3

White, Rosalyn (Illustrator). Precious Life, A. Grade(s): 2

Wibberley, Leonard. Attar of the Ice Valley. Grade(s): 6

Wibberley, Leonard. John Treegate's Musket. Grade(s): 5

Wiggin, Kate Douglas. Birds' Christmas Carol, The. Grade(s): 8

Wilder, Laura Ingalls. Little House in the Big Woods. Grade(s): K

Wilder, Laura Ingalls. Little House on the Prairie. Grade(s): 5

Wilder, Laura Ingalls. Little House Series. Grade(s): 2

Wilder, Laura Ingalls. On the Way Home. Grade(s): 8

Wilder, Laura Ingalls. West from Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder to Almanzo Wilder, San Francisco, 1915. Grade(s): 4

Willard, Nancy. Voyage of the Ludgate Hill: Travels with Robert Louis Stevenson, The. Grade(s): 1

Williams, Earl P. What You Should Know About the American Flag. Grade(s): 5

Williams, Jay. Everyone Knows What a Dragon Looks Like. Grade(s): 1

Williams, Selma. Demeter's Daughters: The Women Who Founded America 1587-1787. Grade(s): 5

Williams, Vera B. Chair for My Mother, A. Grade(s): 2

Williams, Vera B. Music, Music for Everyone. Grade(s): K

Williams, Vera B. Stringbean's Trip to the Shining Sea. Grade(s): 2

Wilson, Vincent, Jr. (Editor). Book of Great American Documents. Grade(s): 5, 8

Windrow, Martin. Roman Legionary, The. Grade(s): 6

Windrow, Martin and Richard Hook. Foot Soldier, The. Grade(s): 7

Winter, Jeanette. Follow the Drinking Gourd. Grade(s): 3

Wisler, G. Clifton. This New Land. Grade(s): 5

Wisler, G. Clifton. Thunder on the Tennessee. Grade(s): 8

Wisniewski, David. Warrior and the Wise Man, The. Grade(s): 2

Witlock, Ralph. Everyday Life of the Maya. Grade(s): 7

Wolf, Bernard. In This Proud Land: The Story of a Mexican- American Family. Grade(s): 8

Wolkstein, Diane. Red Lion: A Persian Story, The. Grade(s): 7

Wong, Don and Irene Dea Collier. Chinese Americans, Past and Present. Grade(s): 4

Woodford, Susan. Parthenon, The. Grade(s): 6

Woods, Geraldine. Science in Ancient Egypt. Grade(s): 6

Worm, Piet. La Biblia Ilustrada. Grade(s): 6

Wright, Blanche Fisher. Real Mother Goose, The. Grade(s): K

Wright, Sylvia. Age of Chivalry in English Society, 1200-1400, The. Grade(s): 7

Wynne, Annette. Sung Under the Silver Umbrella (“Indian Children”). Grade(s): 3

Yarborough, Camille. Cornrows. Grade(s): 1

Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn. Locadio's Apprentice. Grade(s): 6

Yashima, Taro. Crow Boy. Grade(s): 2

Yashima, Taro. Umbrella. Grade(s): 1

Yates, Elizabeth. Amos Fortune, Free Man. Grade(s): 5

Yee, Paul. Tales from Gold Mountain. Grade(s): 4

Yep, Laurence. Dragonwings. Grade(s): 4

Yolen, Jane. Favorite Folktales from Around the World. Grade(s): 2

Young, Ed. Lon Po Po. Grade(s): 7

Yue, Charlotte. Tipi: A Center of Native American Life, The. Grade(s): 5

Zalben, Jane. Beni's First Chanukah. Grade(s): 1

Zane, Polly and John Zane. American Women: Four Centuries of Progress. Grade(s): 8

Zelinsky, Paul (Reteller). Rumpelstiltskin. Grade(s): K

Ziefert, Harriet. New Coat for Anna, A. Grade(s): 2

Ziner, Feenie. Squanto. Grade(s): 5

Ziter, Cary B. Moon of Falling Leaves: The Great Buffalo Hunt, The. Grade(s): 5

Zolotow, Charlotte. Sky Was Blue, The. Grade(s): 3


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