ETHICS - University of Portland


What is too serious to be joked about?

To what degree is punishment healthy for a child? What forms?

When was the last time you stole something?

Do you hate anyone?

Would you murder 1 innocent person if it’d end world hunger?

Would you give a dying friend/relative poison if s/he asked you?

How much do you give charity/panhandlers/donations per year?

Would you slaughter a cow in order to continue eating meat?

Could you dissect a cadaver?

What are the boundaries of your circle of moral consideration?

What, to you, are the limits of irony?

In what ways do you lie to yourself to make yourself happy?

What’s a civil right? What’s a human right?


Which do you strive for most in life: Security, Love, Power, Excitement, or Knowledge?

In what ways are you using your job and your time to work for the public good?

In which order would you give up your five senses?

Which friendships will still be important to you in ten years?

What would you like to be doing five years from now?

To what degree are you influenced by a person's physical appearance in forming judgments?

What's more important: professional life or private life?

If you could save only 1 item from a house fire, what’d it be?

What's the worst psychological (non-physical)torture imaginable?

What do you do that the public ought to fund?

What makes you an individual?

What’s one way we can minimize the waste of human talent and skills by bringing out the best in people?

Is there a place that is sacred to you?

How can you be a good ancestor?

What moves you?

What do you feel connected to?

What do you want your legacy to be?


How do you picture your funeral?

What would you like to be famous for?

If you could take a free 1-month trip anywhere, where’d it be?

If those you know were willing to bluntly and honestly tell you what they think of you, would you want to hear?

If you could inhabit another’s body type, whose would it be?

If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?

What does “good conversation” involve for you?

What aspects make another person interesting/attractive to you?

What for you would constitute a perfect evening? Weekend?

What kinds of people inspire you most?

If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one ability or quality, what would it be?

Do your close friends tend to be older or younger than you?

What do you collect?

What is the most ideal economic system for a society?

What permanent tattoo would you get?

What poems or prose have you ever committed to memory?

What author is most similar to your own world outlook?

What makes you laugh out loud?

Are your most meaningful moments collective or individual?


What are your most compulsive habits?

From week to week, how do you replenish yourself?

Do you feel your childhood was happier than most?

In what ways will you treat/ have you treated/ children differently from the way you were treated?

Since adolescence, what three-year period gave you the most growth and change?

When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?

What things are too personal to discuss in front of others?

What's been your best & worst experiences with intoxicants?

When were you last in a physical fight? When did you last yell?

When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?

When you tell a story do you exaggerate or embellish it?

How did you settle upon a college major?

Who do you serve in life? Who serves you?

Who was the most grateful person you ever helped at work?


Do you believe in a God or higher-being that watches over you?

Does God reward the faithful?

On what terms is life worth living?

Why is there something rather than nothing?

Why are we aware of our existence? (what use is it?)

How many people, out of 100 randomly chosen, do you feel are leading a more satisfying life than yours?

Would you like to know the date of your death?

Do you believe in ghosts or spirits?

Will the world be better or worse one hundred years from now?

What's your life's greatest accomplishment so far? In the end, what do you want it to be?

What's been your worst nightmare? Best dream?

What manner of death would you choose?

Are there any transcendent standards for justice? Truth? Beauty? Or is it all relative?

What are the defining trips of your past?

What are the basics necessary for human dignity?

Why is there evil in the world? Then again, why is there beauty and good in the world?

Would you like to be cloned?

What lasts?


What fills you with a sense of wonder?

What is one riveting image/picture you’ll never forget?

What does it take to turn experience into wisdom?

How do we measure the worth and value of a thing?

What is the truth of this moment now?

Where is there still magic for you in the world?

When do you make time for reflective thought?

What’s your definition of personal success? How is it measured? To what degree is the world as it seems?

What makes your heart sing?


What sources compose your identity?

What quotation do you live by?

In what ways are you like everyone else?

Are you at peace with yourself?

Sketch your musical autobiography (what did you listen to when/why?)

What did your grandparents do?

Would the child you were be proud of the adult you are?

What element of wildness do you preserve in your life?

What makes you feel vulnerable?

When were you recently attacked by strangers for some element of your identity?

What games do you remember playing?

What jobs did you have in high school?

What near-death situations have you had?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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