University of North Carolina Wilmington

Designing Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary Grades and Special Education

You just got hired to teach math and science in middle or high school. Or, you just got hired to teach third grade in elementary school. No need to panic. This is what the whole thing looks like. Your job is simply to flesh it out. Just follow the steps.

Curriculum for each knowledge system

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4



Final curric performance

Task 1. Final unit performance and objectives:

Gain attention and objectives a. Review, firm, reteach

Frame instruction a. Review, firm, reteach b. Integrate

Present information b. Integrate


Test/check. “Your turn.”

Task 2---

Gain attention

Frame instruction

Present information



Task (Final)

Final lesson performance:

a. Review, firm, reteach

b. Integrate


1. There is assessment, review, error correction (“That sound is rrr. What sound?”), firm up (“Let’s multiply the numbers in the ones column until you are firm on that part.”), or reteach, after every Task, Lesson, Unit, and the whole curriculum.

2. The EXIT performance for any Task, Lesson, Unit, or whole curriculum is supposed to BE the entry skills for the next Task, Lesson, Unit, or whole curriculum. So, do NOT go on until kids are firm!!

Easy Steps

First, we get a good set of objectives.

1. Get on the web and open the docs (“Common Core” and/or “Essential Standards”) for the subjects you’ll be teaching.

2. Open a bunch of blank Word docs.

3. Copy and paste all of the “objectives” from each “subject” doc into the docs you opened.

State Curriculum

|English Language Arts Standards. Foundational Skills Grade 1 ELA-Literacy/RF/1 |

|Note. The first objective for each area---the one that has just numerals (such as |

|1.1)---is a general objective. The specific objectives---to work on—are below the |

|general one, and have numerals plus letters, such as 1.1a. |

|Print Concepts |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.1 Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic |

|features of print. |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.1a Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence |

|(e.g., first word, capitalization, ending punctuation). |

|Notice, the above list of print sentence features is not complete. Can you think |

|of the MOST general print feature?....How about WORDS? Isn’t that the first thing |

|to teach? “Boys and girls. I’ll read you a story. Look at this. These squiggles |

|are words. Every one of these words SAYS something. Look at this word…It says, |

|BEANS.”….etc. and so forth. |

|Phonological Awareness |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and |

|sounds (phonemes). |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.2a Distinguish long from short vowel sounds in spoken |

|single-syllable words. |

|Let me ask you something. Do YOU distinguish long and short vowels in SPOKEN |

|words? Did you identify long U and O vs. o in long when you read that sentence? |

|No. Why? Because you aren’t NUTS! Kids read just fine without meeting this |

|objective. So, maybe we can put it on the back burner. |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.2b Orally produce single-syllable words by blending sounds |

|(phonemes), including consonant blends. |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.2c Isolate and pronounce initial, medial vowel, and final |

|sounds (phonemes) in spoken single-syllable words. |

|Question. Is that needed in order to read? Nnnnoooo. So why teach it? |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.2d Segment spoken single-syllable words into their complete |

|sequence of individual sounds (phonemes). |

|Phonics and Word Recognition |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis |

|skills in decoding words. |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.3a Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common |

|consonant digraphs. |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.3b Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.3c Know final -e and common vowel team conventions for |

|representing long vowel sounds. |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.3d Use knowledge that every syllable must have a vowel sound|

|to determine the number of syllables in a printed word. |

|Does anyone need to do this when reading? If not, do we need to teach it? |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.3e Decode two-syllable words following basic patterns by |

|breaking the words into syllables. |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.3f Read words with inflectional endings. |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.3g Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled |

|words. |

|Fluency |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support |

|comprehension. |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.4a Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding. |

|Do you have any idea what that means? Does ‘with understanding’ mean that kids |

|answer questions about the text? If so, maybe we ought to rewrite the objective. |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.4b Read grade-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate |

|rate, and expression on successive readings. |

|Notice that that is three separate objectives. Should we state it as three? |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.4c Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition |

|and understanding, rereading as necessary. |

|If you read using knowledge of letter-sound relationships, do you ever NEED to |

|confirm “word recognition?” |

You need to fix the lists of state objectives. Why and how?

a. The objective are vague. You don’t know exactly what behavior they point to. YOU have to make them clear and concrete. For each one, state what the Teacher says, what materials students respond to, what the students are supposed to do, how they are supposed to do it, and how fast they should do it.

b. The state objectives are not complete. You need to add important ones>

c. Some objectives are not needed.

To improve the objectives, you need additional resources---below. But don’t go making all the vague objectives clear, concrete, and complete NOW. Look them over to see which ones are REALLY in need of improvement. Improve them when you are planning lessons later on.

4. Now look at

a. Research. Just google, “research on_________.”

b. Expert opinion.

c. Tested programs. SRA McGraw-Hill, Singapore Math, Core Knowledge, Sopris West, Curriculum Associates.

d. Scope and sequence charts. google “scope and sequence for ______” and you’ll get a bunch. And

e. Your own knowledge of each subject.

These resources will tell you:

a. “You ought to teach A, B, and C.” Add A, B, and C to the docs with all the state objectives.

b. “Don’t bother teaching E and F.” If E and F are in the docs of state objectives, put a ? next to them.

Here are some resources.

Florida Center for Reading Research. Assesses lots of programs!

Mathematically Correct. Tells you how to teach math correctly. Tells you what to use and what NOT to use.

(reviews of materials)

GET THESE. Elementary

GET THESE. Secondary.

Especially Language for Learning and Language for Thinking. Reach System [!!!]

Especially Reading Mastery, Corrective Reading (grade three and up), DISTAR Arithmetic


DISTAR Arithmetic.


Look up these.

Now that we have objectives, let’s make a curriculum map that show what objectives we will teach, and when.

5. Look at the docs you made for objectives for each subject. What would make a good couple of performance objectives for the END of the whole curriculum?

a. Projects that integrate a lot of knowledge elements/objectives.

b. Review of concepts, facts, etc. Circle these or make a separate list of Final Curriculum Objectives.

6. Now do a knowledge analysis of the final curriculum performance objectives. What knowledge elements (objectives from your list) do students need to meet the final curriculum performance objectives?

List these.

7. Look at the objectives documents again. Do the objectives fall into topics?

a. In some knowledge systems, there really aren’t units in the sense of obvious breaks by topics or tool skills. For instance, spelling, language, and beginning reading. In this case, just think of the objectives/knowledge to teach lined up from basics to more complex skills.

But if there aren’t really TOPIC units, then how will you assess, review, firm, or reteach, as it shows in the diagram. Easy! You give curriculum-based mastery tests. Here are examples. Example of Mastery Tests/Checkouts for  100 Easy Lessons. 

Blank template for Mastery Tests/Checkouts for 100 Easy Lessons

For other subjects---especially content---YES, you can think of units. For example,

Science: astronomy, ecosystems, animals, plants.

History: pre-colonial, colonial, revolution and constitution, first strains.

Math: counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. But even here, all of the earlier pre-skills are integrated into later-taught routines, and so we’re not really talking about TOPIC units.

Anyway, if there are obvious TOPCS, these will be UNITS in the curriculum.

And you will specify final performance objectives (from your objectives documents) for assessment and review for each unit.

In what order will you teach these units? How do you know what comes first? EASY. What do students have to know (knowledge elements) to do something else?

Let’s say the final performance objectives for a science curriculum include making posters and PPTs and dioramas, mobiles that define parts of plants and animals and show processes in plants and animals; define ecosystems and describe plant-animal-terrain-climate connections; define concepts and discuss processes in stars, planets, systems, galaxies, and nebula.

What order of UNITS (sequences of lessons in each unit) will lead to the final performance?

Unit 1. Plants. Simpler than animals (less to teach), many concepts and processes generalize to animals.

Unit 2. Animals. Builds on Plants.

Unit 3. Ecosystems. Integrates Plants and Animals and adds Terrain and Climate.

Unit 4. Astronomy. Builds on Units 1-3---the BIG IDEA of parts and wholes, smaller systems organized into larger systems, and each system has its own processes.

Remember, you have a list of objectives/knowledge elements for each UNIT.

Your curriculum map is just a table that displays the main objectives from your improved docs of objectives for each subject. Here are words to review. knowledge systems knowledge elements integrated Translate into clear and concrete objectives

Now make the curriculum map.

Here’s a sample curriculum map that could have been made from the state curriculum, curriculum materials that you have to use, research, expert opinion, and your own knowledge. Items IN each lesson/subject are listed from top to bottom---teach earlier in the strand---teach later.

Curriculum Map of what knowledge to be taught in lessons, and the logically progressive sequence (top to bottom) in which the knowledge will be taught, so that pre-skill elements are taught BEFORE knowledge that NEEDS these elements.

|8:00-8:30 |8:40-9:20 |

|Lesson |Lesson |

|Task 1 Facts knowledge here | |

|Review: name of city, state, country, school, | |

|principal [retention] | |

| | |

|Objective. With error correction and restart, all kids (group and individual turns) | |

|are 100% and within 4 seconds. | |

| | |

|Procedure:… | |

|Gain attention. Boys and girls. Show me ready…. Yes, you got ready sooooo fast! | |

| | |

|Frame. Let’s review our facts. When I ask a question, you answer that question fast. | |

| | |

|What’s the name of our school principal? [write word on board and show how to sound it | |

|out.] | |

| | |

|“Ms. Jennings.” | |

|Question/instruction (because this is review/assessment) | |

| | |

|Verification/error correction | |

|“YES. The name of our school principal IS Ms. Jennings.” | |

| | |

|[repeat and go fast?] | |

| | |

|Next fact…. | |

| | |

|You are sooo smart. | |

|Task 2 | |

|Recite days of the week. Routine knowledge [Acquisition] | |

| | |

|Objective. All kids (group and individual turns) say the whole list within 15 seconds. | |

| | |

|Procedure | |

| | |

|Boys and girls. | |

|Today we’re going to learn the days of the week. | |

|I’ll say the first days…. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. | |

|Your turn to say the first days of the week…. | |

|Yes, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. | |

|The next days are Thursday, Friday. | |

|Say those 2 days… | |

|Now say all the days WITH me…. | |

|Now say all the days by yourself…. | |

|The last two days are Saturday and Sunday. | |

|Say those last two days… | |

|Now, say all the days of the week with me… | |

|Now your turn to say ALL the days of the week… | |

|Yes,…. | |

|Task 3 | |

|Color green. Sensory concept knowledge [acquisition.] Acquisition set consists of | |

|circles, squares, blocks, balls, birds, house, trees. Several nonexamples are the same | |

|as examples, but not green. Same relevant features; different irrelevant features. | |

| | |

|Objective. After error correction and restart, all kids (group and individual turns) | |

|correctly identify all examples and nonexamples 2 seconds. | |

| | |

|Procedure. | |

|Boys and girls. Show me ready. | |

|Yes, I looove the way you showed me ready!!! | |

|New color. Green. What’s our new color… | |

|Yes, green. | |

|This is green…. What color? | |

|Yes, green,. | |

|THIS is green….What color is this? | |

|Yes, green. | |

|This is green, too. What color? | |

|Yes, green. | |

|This is NOT green. Is this green? | |

|No. | |

|… | |

| | |

|Test all examples and nonexamples in the acquisition set. | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Task 4. Review/test all colors: red, blue, yellow, green. To ensure discrimination | |

|among different colors. | |

| | |

|Objective. All kids (group and individual turns) are 100% after correction and restart.| |

| | |

| | |

|Procedure | |

| | |

|Task 5 [throughout] | |

|Say the whole thing. Higher-order concept. “Whole thing” means subject and | |

|predicate.” | |

| | |

|All kids (group and individual turns) are 100% within 5 seconds, after correction and | |

|model. | |

| | |

|“This IS green/not green.” | |

|“The principal is Ms. Jennings.” | |

| | |

|“I live in the state of North | |

|Carolina.” | |

| | |

|“His name is Melvin.” | |

| | |

|“I am six years old.” | |

| | |

|Procedure. | |

| | |

| | |

|8:40-9:20 Reading | |

| | |

|Task 1. | |

|Phonemic Awareness, Pronunciation (a, m, s) | |

|Rule and motor task. “Say what teacher says.” | |

| | |

|Objective: All kids (group and individual turns), after correct and restart, are 100% | |

|within 4 seconds. | |

| | |

|Procedure | |

| | |

|Gain Attention: “Boys and girls!” | |

|Frame: “Let’s review our sounds. First I’ll say a sounds and then you’ll say that sound”| |

|Model: “First sound: aaaaaa” | |

|Test: “Now you say that sound” (aaaaaa) | |

|Verify: “Yes! Aaaaa!” | |

|Correct: “This sound is aaaaa. Say the sound” | |

|Model: “Next sound: mmmmmm” | |

|Test: “Now you say that sound” (mmmmm) | |

|Verify: “Yes! Mmmm!” | |

|Correct: “This sound is mmmmm. Say the sound” | |

|Model: “Next sound: ssssss” | |

|Test: “Now you say that sound” (ssssss) | |

|Verify: “Yes! Ssssss!” | |

|Correct: “This sound is ssssss. Say the sound” | |

| | |

| | |

|Task 2. Alphabetic principle. Letter-sound correspondence. | |

|New sound. long e | |

| | |

| | |

|Objective. All kids (group and individual turn, after correction and repeat, correctly | |

|say the sound within 3 seconds when I touch under the letter. | |

| | |

|Procedure | |

| | |

|Gain attention: “Boys and girls!” | |

|Frame: “New sound! First I’ll say a sound and then you’ll say that sound!” | |

|Model: “New sound: eeeee” | |

|Lead: “Now we’ll say the sound. Get ready! Eeeeee.” | |

|Test: “Now you’ll say that sound. Get ready!” (eeeeee) | |

|Verify: “Yes! Eeeeee!) | |

|Correct: “This sound is eeeeee. What sound?” | |

| | |

| | |

|Task 3. Phonemic awareness. Blending, or say it fast. | |

|Review/retention: motorboat, ice cream, sister, if, me | |

| | |

|Objective. All kids say it fast within 3 seconds, after correction and repeat. | |

| | |

|Procedure | |

| | |

|Gain attention: “Boys and girls!” | |

|Frame: “Let’s play say it fast with our old words. First I’ll say a word slowly then | |

|I’ll say that word fast.” | |

|Model: “Listen. Motor…Boat. Now I’ll say it fast- motorboat.” | |

|Test: “Your turn to say it fast. Listen. Motor…Boat. Say it fast!” (motorboat) | |

|Verify: Yes, motorboat! You said it fast!” | |

|Model: “Listen. Ice...Cream. Now I’ll say it fast- ice cream.” | |

|Test: “Your turn to say it fast. Listen. Ice…Cream. Say it fast!” (ice cream) | |

|Verify: Yes, ice cream! You said it fast!” | |

|Model: “Listen. Sis…ter. Now I’ll say it fast- sister.” | |

|Test: “Your turn to say it fast. Listen. Sis…ter. Say it fast!” (sister) | |

|Verify: Yes, sister! You said it fast!” | |

|Model: “Listen. iiiiifffffff. Now I’ll say it fast- if.” | |

|Test: “Your turn to say it fast. Listen. iiiiiffffff. Say it fast!” (if) | |

|Verify: Yes, if! You said it fast!” | |

|Model: “Listen. mmmmmeeeee. Now I’ll say it fast- me.” | |

|Test: “Your turn to say it fast. Listen. mmmmmmeeeee. Say it fast!” (me) | |

|Verify: Yes, me! You said it fast!” | |

| | |

|Task 4. Phonemic awareness. Blending. words: see, that, if | |

| | |

|Objective. All kids correctly say the words fast within 3 seconds, after correction and| |

|repeat. | |

| | |

|Gain attention: “Boys and girls!” | |

|Frame: “Let’s play say it fast with our new words. First I’ll say a word slowly then | |

|I’ll say that word fast.” | |

|Model: “Listen. Ssseeeeeeeee. Listen again. Sssssseeeeee. Now I’ll say it fast. See.” | |

|Test: “Your turn to say it fast. Listen. Ssssseeeeee. Say it fast.” (see) | |

|Verify: “Yes, see! You said it fast! | |

|Model: “Listen. Ththththaaaatttt. Listen again. Ththththaaaaaat. Now I’ll say it fast. | |

|That.” | |

|Test: “Your turn to say it fast. Listen. Ththththaaaatttt. Say it fast.” (that) | |

|Verify: “Yes, that! You said it fast! | |

|Model: “Listen. iiiiifffffff. Now I’ll say it fast- if.” | |

|Test: “Your turn to say it fast. Listen. iiiiiffffff. Say it fast!” (if) | |

|Verify: Yes, if! You said it fast!” | |

| | |

| | |

3rd Grade Physical Science Matter, Property and Change

3.P.2 Understand the structure and properties of matter before and after change

3.E.1.1 Recognize that the earth is part of a system called the solar system that includes the Sun (a star), planets, and many moons and the earth is the third planet from the Sun in our solar system.

|Final performances for all chunks (What students will do.) and Objectives (definition of proficient |Guided Notes on Astronomy |

|performances). | |

| | |

|Chunk 1. Overview of the Solar System |Overview of the Solar System |

| |You will learn about all the different parts of the solar system. |

|Task 1.Definition of the solar system | |

|Objective. Students will be able to say the definition of the solar system. |Definition of solar system: The Solar System is made up of all the planets that go |

| |around the Sun. The Solar System also has moons, comets, and asteroids. |

|“Boys and girls, show me ready.” | |

|“Today we’re going to learn what a solar system is.” Point to the solar system. |Definition of the parts: |

|“What are we going to learn?” |Planets: Round objects that circle around stars. |

|Solar system. |Moons: A small, round object that circles around a planet. |

|“That’s right. Spell solar system.” |Stars: A big glowing object in space. |

|S O L A R S Y S T E M. | |

|“Yes. That’s how you spell solar system.” | |

|“The Solar System we call all the planets that go around the Sun.” | |

|“Say it with me.” | |

|The Solar System is all the planets that go around the Sun. | |

|“That’s right. What is the solar system?” | |

|All the planets that go around the Sun. | |

|“Good, yes. The solar system is all the planets that go around the Sun.” | |

| | |

|Task 2. Brief definition of each part. | |

|Objective. Students will be able to say the definitions of different types of celestial objects—planets, | |

|moons, and stars. | |

| | |

|“Now we’ll learn about the different types of things in the solar system.” | |

|“What are we going to learn?” | |

|The different types of things in the solar system. | |

|“That’s right. First we’ll learn about planets. What are we learning about?” | |

|Planets. | |

|“That’s right; planets. Planets are round objects that circle around stars. Say it with me.” | |

|Planets are round objects that circle around stars. | |

|“That’s right! What are planets?” | |

|Planets are round objects that circle around stars. | |

|“Good, yes. Planets are round objects that circle around stars.” | |

|“Now we’ll learn about moons. What are we learning about?” | |

|Moons. | |

|“That’s right; moons. A moon is a small, round object that circles around a planet. Say it with me.” | |

|A moon is a small, round object that circles around a planet. | |

|“That’s right! What is a moon?” | |

|A small, round object that circles around a planet. | |

|“Good, yes. A moon is a small, round object that circles around a planet.” | |

|“Now we’ll learn about stars. What are we learning about?” | |

|Stars. | |

|“That’s right; stars. A star is a big glowing object in space. Say it with me.” | |

|A star is a big glowing object in space. | |

|“That’s right! What is a star?” | |

|A big glowing object in space. | |

| | |

|Task 3. Identifying each part | |

|Objective. Students will correctly identify planets, moons, and stars. | |

|[pic] | |

|Point to a planet. “Boys and girls, what is this?” | |

|A planet. | |

|“That’s right, a planet. This is a round object circling around a star.” | |

|Point to the sun. “What is this?” | |

|A star. | |

|“That’s right, a star. This is a big glowing object in space.” | |

|[pic] | |

|Point to moon. “Boys and girls, what is this?” | |

|A moon. | |

|“That’s right, a moon. This is a small, round object circling around a planet.” | |

|Chunk 2. The Sun |The Sun. |

| |You’ll be learning about the Sun and what it does for us. |

|Task 1. Definition of the Sun | |

|Objective. Students will be able to define the Sun. |Definition of the Sun—the Sun is the star that Earth circles around. |

|“Boys and girls, show me ready!” | |

|“I love the way you’re ready. Today we’re going to learn about the Sun. What are we going to learn about?” |Features of the Sun: |

|The Sun. |The Sun is in the middle of the solar system |

|“That’s right, the Sun. The Sun is the star that Earth circles around. Say it with me.” |All the planets in our solar system move around the Sun |

|The Sun is the star that Earth circles around. |The Sun is what makes Earth warm |

|“That’s right. What is the Sun?” |The Sun is what gives Earth light |

|The star that Earth circles around. | |

|“Yes. The Sun is the star that Earth circles around.” | |

| | |

|Task 2. Features of the Sun | |

|Objective. Students will be able to name four features of the Sun. | |

|“Boys and girls, we’re going to learn about what the Sun can do.” | |

|“The Sun has four features. How many features does the Sun have?” | |

|Four. | |

|“That’s right.” Hold up one finger. “The Sun is in the middle of the solar system.” Hold up two fingers. | |

|“All the planets in our solar system move around the Sun.” Hold up three fingers. “The Sun is what makes | |

|Earth warm.” Hold up four fingers. “The Sun is what gives Earth light.” | |

|“What is the first feature of the Sun?” | |

|The Sun is in the middle of the solar system. | |

|“Yes. The Sun is in the middle of the solar system. What is the second feature of the Sun?” | |

|All the planets in our solar system move around the Sun. | |

|“That’s right. All the planets in our solar system move around the Sun. What is the third feature of the | |

|Sun?” | |

|The Sun is what makes Earth warm. | |

|“That’s right. The Sun is what makes Earth warm. What is the fourth feature of the Sun?” | |

|The Sun is what gives Earth light. | |

|“That’s right. The Sun is what gives Earth light.” | |

|“Let’s review the four features. Say them with me. The Sun is in the middle of the solar system. All the | |

|planets in our solar system move around the Sun. The Sun is what makes Earth warm. The Sun is what gives | |

|Earth light.” | |

|Chunk 3. The Planets |The Planets |

| |You’ll learn about all the planets in our solar system and be able to tell me facts |

|Task 1. Naming the planets |about each one. |

|Objective. Students will be able to name all eight planets in order. | |

|“Boys and girls, show me ready.” |Mercury |

|“I love the way you’re ready! We’re going to learn about the planets in our solar system. What are we going |Smallest planet in the solar system |

|to learn about?” |Venus |

|The planets in our solar system. |Brightest planet in the sky |

|“That’s right. There are eight planets in our solar system. How many planets are in our solar system?” |Earth |

|Eight. |Where we live |

|“That’s right. The closest planet to the sun is Mercury. What planet is closest to the sun?” |Mars |

|Mercury. |Called the red planet |

|“That’s right; Mercury is the first planet from the sun.” |Jupiter |

|“The second planet from the sun is Venus. What’s the second planet from the sun?” |The biggest planet |

|Venus. |Saturn |

|“That’s right; Venus is the second planet from the Sun.” |Has a big ring around it |

|“The third planet from the sun is Earth. What’s the third planet from the Sun?” |Uranus |

|Earth. |The coldest planet |

|“That’s right. Earth is the third planet from the Sun.” |Neptune |

|“The fourth planet from the sun is Mars. What’s the third planet from the Sun?” |Has the strongest winds |

|Mars. | |

|“That’s right. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun.” | |

|“The fifth planet from the Sun is Jupiter. What’s the fifth planet from the Sun?” | |

|Jupiter. | |

|“That’s right. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun.” | |

|“The sixth planet from the Sun is Saturn. What’s the sixth planet from the Sun?” | |

|Saturn. | |

|“That’s right. Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun.” | |

|“The seventh planet from the Sun is Uranus. What’s the seventh planet from the Sun?” | |

|Uranus. | |

|“That’s right. Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun.” | |

|“The eighth planet from the Sun is Neptune. What’s the eighth planet from the Sun?” | |

|Neptune. | |

|“That’s right. Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun.” | |

|“All the planets in order are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Say them with | |

|me.” | |

|Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. | |

|“That’s right. Now just you say them.” | |

|Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. | |

|“Good! Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are all the planets in our solar | |

|system.” | |

| | |

|Task 2. Identify the planets. | |

|Objective. Students will identify planets when the teacher points to them. | |

|[pic] | |

|“Now we’re going to look at all the planets. When I point to a planet, you tell me what planet it is.” | |

|Point to Mercury. “What planet is this?” | |

|Mercury. | |

|“That’s right. The first planet is Mercury.” | |

|Point to Venus. “What planet is this?” | |

|Venus. | |

|“That’s right. The second planet is Venus.” | |

|Point to Earth. “What planet is this?” | |

|Earth. | |

|“That’s right. The third planet is Earth.” | |

|Point to Mars. “What planet is this?” | |

|Mars. | |

|“That’s right. The fourth planet is Mars.” | |

|Point to Jupiter. “What planet is this?” | |

|Jupiter. | |

|“That’s right. The fifth planet is Jupiter.” | |

|Point to Saturn. “What planet is this?” | |

|Saturn. | |

|“That’s right. The sixth planet is Saturn.” | |

|Point to Uranus. “What planet is this?” | |

|Uranus. | |

|“That’s right. The seventh planet is Uranus.” | |

|Point to Neptune. “What planet is this?” | |

|Neptune. | |

|“That’s right. The eighth planet is Neptune.” | |

| | |

|Task 3. Features of the planets | |

|Objective. Students will be able to tell one feature of each planet. | |

|“Boys and girls, now we’re going to learn more about each planet.” | |

|“First we’ll learn about Mercury. Fun fact: Mercury is the smallest planet. Say it with me.” | |

|Mercury is the smallest planet. | |

|“What’s our fact?” | |

|Mercury is the smallest planet. | |

|“That’s right; Mercury is the smallest planet.” | |

|“Next is Venus. Fun fact: Venus is the brightest planet in the sky. Say it with me.” | |

|Venus is the brightest planet in the sky. | |

|“What’s our fact?” | |

|Venus is the brightest planet in the sky. | |

|“That’s right; Venus is the brightest planet in the sky.” | |

|“Next is Earth. Fun fact: Earth is the planet we live on! Say it with me.” | |

|Earth is the planet we live on. | |

|“What’s our fact?” | |

|Earth is the planet we live on. | |

|“That’s right. Earth is the planet we live on.” | |

|“Next is Mars. Fun fact: Mars is called the red planet. Say it with me.” | |

|Mars is called the red planet. | |

|“What’s our fact?” | |

|Mars is called the red planet. | |

|“That’s right. Mars is called the red planet.” | |

|“Next is Jupiter. Fun fact: Jupiter is the biggest planet. Say it with me.” | |

|Jupiter is the biggest planet. | |

|“What’s our fact?” | |

|Jupiter is the biggest planet. | |

|“That’s right. Jupiter is the biggest planet.” | |

|“Next is Saturn. Fun fact: Saturn has a big ring around it. Say it with me.” | |

|Saturn has a big ring around it. | |

|“What’s our fact?” | |

|Saturn has a big ring around it. | |

|“That’s right. Saturn has a big ring around it.” | |

|“Next is Uranus. Fun fact: Uranus is the coldest planet. Say it with me.” | |

|Uranus is the coldest planet. | |

|“What’s our fact?” | |

|Uranus is the coldest planet. | |

|“That’s right. Uranus is the coldest planet.” | |

|“Next is Neptune. Fun fact: Neptune has the strongest winds of all the planets. Say it with me.” | |

|Neptune has the strongest winds of all the planets. | |

|“That’s right. Neptune has the strongest winds of all the planets.” | |

|“Now we know facts about all the planets!” | |

|Chunk 4. The Moons |Moons |

| |You will learn about moons on our planet and others. |

|Task 1. Our moon | |

|Objective. Students will be able to name 3 features of Earth’s moon. |Our moon |

|“Boys and girls, show me ready!” |The moon goes around the Earth once every month. |

|“Today we’re going to learn about the moon. What are we going to learn about?” |The moon’s surface is full of craters. |

|The moon. |The moon is the reason our oceans have tides. |

|“That’s right. The moon. Remember, a moon is a small, round object that circles around a planet. What is a |Other moons |

|moon?” |Mercury: 0 moons |

|A moon is a small, round object that circles around a planet. |Venus: 0 moons |

|“Earth has one moon. How many moons does Earth have?” |Earth: 1 moon |

|One. |Mars: 2 moons |

|“That’s right. We’re going to learn three features of Earth’s moon. One: The moon goes around the Earth once|Jupiter: 50 moons |

|every month. Two: The moon’s surface is full of craters. Three: The moon is the reason our oceans have |Saturn: 53 moons |

|tides.” |Uranus: 27 moons |

|“What is the first feature of the moon?” |Neptune: 13 moons |

|The moon goes around the Earth once every month. | |

|“Yes. The moon goes around the Earth once every month.” | |

|“What is the second feature of the moon?” | |

|The moon’s surface is full of craters. | |

|“Yes. The moon’s surface is full of craters.” | |

|“What is the third feature of the moon?” | |

|The moon is the reason our oceans have tides. | |

|“Yes. The moon is the reason our oceans have tides.” | |

|“Let’s review the features of the moon. Say them with me. One: The moon goes around the Earth once every | |

|month. Two: The moon’s surface is full of craters. Three: The moon is the reason our oceans have tides.” | |

| | |

|Task 2. Other moons | |

|Objective. Students will be able to name other planets with moons. | |

|“Now we’re going to learn about other planets in our solar system with moons. What are we going to learn | |

|about?” | |

|Other planets in our solar system with moons. | |

|“That’s right. Mercury has no moons. How many moons does Mercury have?” | |

|None. | |

|“That’s right. Mercury has no moons.” | |

|“Venus has no moons. How many moons does Venus have?” | |

|None. | |

|“That’s right. Venus has no moons.” | |

|“Mars has two moons. How many moons does Mars have?” | |

|Two. | |

|“That’s right. Mars has two moons.” | |

|“Jupiter has fifty moons! How many moons does Jupiter have?” | |

|Fifty. | |

|“That’s right. Jupiter has fifty moons.” | |

|“Saturn has fifty-three moons. How many moons does Saturn have?” | |

|Fifty three. | |

|“That’s right. Saturn has fifty three moons.” | |

|“Uranus has twenty seven moons. How many moons does Uranus have?” | |

|Twenty seven. | |

|“That’s right. Uranus has twenty seven moons.” | |

|“Neptune has thirteen moons. How many moons does Neptune have?” | |

|Thirteen. | |

|“That’s right. Neptune has thirteen moons.” | |

|Chunk 5. Comets and Asteroids |Comets and Asteroids |

| |You’re going to learn about the difference between a comet and an asteroid. |

|Task 1. Definition of comets and asteroids | |

|Objective. Students will be able to identify comets and asteroids. |Comets |

|“Boys and girls, show me ready. I love the way you’re ready!” |A comet is a big ball of dust and ice with a tail on the end. |

|“Today we’re going to learn about comets and asteroids. What are we going to learn about?” | |

|Comets and asteroids. |Asteroids |

|“A comet is a big ball of dust and ice with a tail on the end. What is a comet?” |It is a rocky ball that goes around the sun. |

|A big ball of dust and ice with a tail on the end | |

|“That’s right. A comet is a big ball of dust and ice with a tail on the end.” | |

|“An asteroid is a rocky ball that goes around a star. What is an asteroid?” | |

|A rocky ball that goes around a star. | |

|“That’s right.” | |

|[pic] | |

|“This is a comet. It is a big ball of dust and ice and it has a tail on the end.” | |

|[pic] | |

|“This is an asteroid. It is a rocky ball that goes around the sun.” | |

|[pic] | |

|“Is this a comet or an asteroid?” | |

|A comet. | |

|“That’s right. This is a comet because it is made of ice and dust and it has a tail.” | |

|[pic] | |

|“Is this a comet or an asteroid?” | |

|An asteroid. | |

|“That’s right. This is an asteroid because it is rocky and orbits around a star.” | |

|Chunk 6. Assessment | |

| | |

|Task 1. Identifying objects in space. | |

|Objective. Students will correctly identify all eight planets, the moon, the sun, a comet, and an asteroid | |

|when looking at a picture of the solar system. | |

|“Boys and girls, show me ready.” | |

|“It’s time to show me what you learned about space now.” | |

|[pic] | |

|Point to the sun. “What is this?” | |

|The sun. | |

|“That’s right. What are the four features of the sun?” | |

|The Sun is in the middle of the solar system. All the planets in our solar system move around the Sun. The | |

|Sun is what makes Earth warm. The Sun is what gives Earth light. | |

|“That’s right.” | |

|Point to Mercury. “What is this?” | |

|Mercury. | |

|“That’s right. What is one feature of Mercury?” | |

|Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system. | |

|Point to Venus. “What is this?” | |

|Venus. | |

|“That’s right. What is one feature of Venus?” | |

|Venus is the brightest planet in the sky. | |

|Point to Earth. “What is this?” | |

|Earth. | |

|“That’s right. What is one feature of Earth?” | |

|Earth is where we live. | |

|Point to Mars. “What is this?” | |

|Mars. | |

|“That’s right. What is one feature of Mars?” | |

|Mars is called the red planet. | |

|Point to Jupiter. “What is this?” | |

|Jupiter. | |

|“That’s right. What is one feature of Jupiter?” | |

|Jupiter is the biggest planet. | |

|Point to Saturn. “What is this?” | |

|Saturn. | |

|“That’s right. What is one feature of Saturn?” | |

|Saturn has a ring around it. | |

|Point to Uranus. “What is this?” | |

|Uranus. | |

|“That’s right. What is one feature of Uranus?” | |

|Uranus is the coldest planet. | |

|Point to Neptune. “What is this?” | |

|Neptune. | |

|“That’s right. What is one feature of Neptune?” | |

|Neptune has the strongest winds. | |

|Point to the moon. “What is this?” | |

|The moon. | |

|“That’s right. What are three features of the moon?” | |

|The moon goes around the Earth once every month. The moon’s surface is full of craters. The moon is the | |

|reason our oceans have tides. | |

|Point to the comet. “What is this?” | |

|A comet. | |

|“That’s right. Why is it a comet?” | |

|It is a ball of dust and ice with a tail on the end. | |

|Point to the asteroid. “What is this?” | |

|An asteroid. | |

|“That’s right. Why is it an asteroid?” | |

|It is a rocky ball circling around the Sun. | |


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