Present continuous: affirmative and negative

Present continuous: affirmative and negative

1 Complete the table with the -ing form of the verbs in the box.

|+ -ing |e + -ing |double final consonant|

| | |+ |

| | |-ing |

|doing | | |

| | | |

| | | |

2 Write affirmative (() and negative (() present continuous sentences.

she / watch / TV

(() She’s watching TV.

(() She isn’t watching TV.

1 they / swim



2 I / have / lunch



3 we / get / up / early



4 the dog / run / in the park



5 I / revise / English



6 Jaime / exercise / at the moment



Present continuous: questions

3 Correct the mistakes. One question is correct.

1 Your brothers are sleeping? (

2 Why am I helping her? (

3 What is they hunting? (

4 Where he is hiding? (

5 Who are she looking for? (

4 Write questions for the answers. Use the present continuous.

(I / watch TV) Am I watching TV?

No, you aren’t.

1 (swim) ?

Yes, they are.

2 (what / study) ?

She’s studying French.

3 (run) ?

No, he isn’t.

4 (where / you go) ?

I’m going to school.

5 (why / run) ?

Because he’s late for school.

Present continuous and present simple

5 Match 1–6 with a–f to make sentences.

1 I never a doing our homework.

2 At the moment, he b a student at this school.

3 He isn’t c go to bed before 10.30.

4 We are d aren’t studying English.

5 Now, they e is having breakfast.

6 She always f walks to school.


1 Write the animal.

1 _________________ 4

2 _________________ 5

3 _________________ 6

2 Complete the sentences with an animal or bird.

1 An _______________ flies at night and eats mice.

2 A _______________ has got eight legs.

3 A _______________ is usually brown. These animals eat fish. Sometimes sharks eat them!

4 A _______________ is a very big animal in the sea. It’s bigger than all the other animals.

5 A _______________ has got two legs. Many of them read and write!

6 A _______________ flies faster than an owl. It lives in Britain and Spain.

7 A _______________ changes its colour.

8 An _______________ is a big, grey animal. It lives in Asia or Africa.

9 A _______________ hasn’t got any legs. It lives in the sea, and it’s often dangerous.

10 A _______________ is an insect. It likes flowers.

Verbs: animal survival

3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in

the boxes.

Bears catch fish in rivers. Then they eat them.

1 Lots of animals eat mice. Mice ______________ these animals.

2 Some animals ______________ colour. One day, they are orange. The next day, they are green!

3 Some animals are dangerous. They ______________ humans.

4 Animals and birds ______________ their babies from bigger animals or birds.

5 The frog doesn’t always catch the flies. The flies sometimes ______________!

6 Every day the elephants ______________ water.

7 Crocodiles ______________ lots of different animals, including people!

4 Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of animal survival verbs.


1 3

The cat is hunting.

1 The birds .

2 The dogs .

3 The fish .


1 Complete the table with the subjects and activities in the box.

|School subjects |After school activities |

|_______________ |_______________ |

|_______________ |_______________ |

|_______________ |_______________ |

|_______________ |_______________ |

|_______________ |_______________ |

|_______________ |_______________ |

2 Look at Claudía’s timetable. Then complete the sentences about her week.

|Monday |Friday |

|Wednesday |Saturday morning |

|Thursday |Saturday afternoon |

She’s got drama class on Mondays.

1 every Wednesday.

2 twice a week.


on Saturday mornings.


on Saturday afternoons.

3 Complete the table with the words in the box.

|Drinks |Fish |

|__________________ |__________________ |

|__________________ |__________________ |

|Meat |Snacks |

|__________________ |__________________ |

|__________________ |__________________ |

|__________________ |__________________ |

|Vegetables |Fruit |

|__________________ |__________________ |

|__________________ |__________________ |

4 Complete the sentences with a food or drink.

1 In a paella, we use vegetables, meat or fish. The main food in paella is ________________.

2 _______________ is a food, but it isn’t a meat, fish, vegetable or fruit. People make it with milk. We often eat it in sandwiches or on pizzas.

3 Pizza and ________________ are popular Italian foods.

4 _______________ is a very cold food. We eat it in summer. It isn’t healthy, but it’s delicious.

5 We often eat _______________ with burgers. People make them from potatoes.

5 Complete the text with a food, drink or school subject.

For breakfast I eat cereal and I drink orange

(1) _______________. In the morning, I study places in a (2) _______________ class and numbers in a (3) _______________ class. For lunch, I meet my friends. We eat cheese and ham (4) _______________ with brown bread, and we drink (5) _______________ drinks, like cola and lemonade. Afterwards, I eat some

(6) _______________ – usually an apple or a banana. In the afternoon, we learn about France and its language in a (7) _______________ class and we study biology, chemistry and physics in a

(8) _______________ class.


6 Complete the gaps with a or an and the correct word from the box.

nurse chef housewife plumber mechanic reporter receptionist politician waitress actor engineer cashier

0 A mechanic repairs cars. 1__________ serves food in a restaurant. 2 __________ repairs baths and sinks. 3__________ interviews people for a newspaper. 4 __________ cooks in a restaurant. 5 __________ takes money in a shop. 6 __________ performs in a play or film 7 __________ works in a hospital. 8 __________ welcomes people who arrive at a hotel.

7. Choose the correct endings from the box to complete the occupations.

|er |or |ian |ist |ant |

1 art .............. 7 scient ..............

2 farm.............. 8 engine ..............

3 doct .............. 9 dent..............

4 electric .............. 10 teach ..............

5 reception .............. 11 librar..............

6 sales assist ..............

2 Read the sentences and complete the words.

1 This person drives a taxi. t...................................2 This person works on a farm .f...................................

3 He makes furniture and other things from wood. c...................................

4 She wears new fashions for photographers .m...................................

5 He makes things in a factory. f................................... w...................................

6 She hasn’t got a job at the moment. An u................................... p...................................

7 This person cooks in a restaurant. c...................................

8 I’m looking after my home and family. h...................................

9 She works with thousands of books.l...................................

10 He works in a showroom and sells cars. s...................................

11 This person tries to make sick people better. d...................................

12 She works in a laboratory, doing experiments. s...................................

13 This person appears on stage in the theatre. a...................................

14 He keeps our offices clean. c...................................

15 She looks after people’s teeth. d...................................

16 He creates beautiful paintings .a...................................

17 This person makes and repairs machines.2e...........................1

8 Circle the correct answer.

0 That film star is very loyal / generous / polite. She gives a lot of money to charity.

1 Something boring is bad-tempered / annoying / dull.

2 Mark is very selfish / serious / moody and never shares with his friends.

3 Robert is the best chess player in school but he never talks about it. He’s very honest / patient / modest.

4 Her brother is so sensitive / cheerful / sensible. He smiles all the time.

5 We must wait for ten minutes. Don’t be so big-headed /self-confident / impatient.

6 I don’t like unfriendly / bossy / dishonest people who tell me what to do.



1) Suzanne ____ to school when it began to rain. She got very wet. A was walking B  walked 

2) Ferris ____ English for two hours last night because he had a test today. A studied  B was studying

3) My friend lives in Korea, but he ___ California when I met him. A was visiting  B visited

4) Lee ____ from Korea. His hometown is Seoul. A came B was coming  

5) ____ you ___ a new notebook? A B  Were...buying 

6) ____ you ___ to the store when the accident happened? A Did...go  B Were...going 

7) Sylvia and Mary ___ friends. They liked to go shopping at the mall together. A were being  B were

8) One day, they ____  lunch at the mall when they saw a thief. A were eating B ate 

9) The thief ____ into a woman's purse when Sylvia screamed and pointed at him.

A was reaching  B Reached

10) When Sylvia screamed, the thief ___ away. Fortunately, the police caught him outside the mall.

A was running  B ran

10.-Give the correct forms of the verbs:

1. I………………………….. (fall) when I ……………………………(cross) the road.

2. I ………………………..(drop) my bag when I…………………….. (board) the plane.

3. I ……………………………(get) wet while ………………………..(walk) in the rain.

4. Whenever the politician ……………..(open) his mouth to speak the crowd …………………..(shout) insults.

5. While the maid ……………………..(clean) the room a skeleton …………………..(fall) out of the cupboard.

6. As soon as he……………………………. (get) under the shower, the doorbell……………………….. (ring).

7. They…………………….. (slip) and………………….. (fall) while they………………… (climb) the mountain.

8. While I…………………………… (sightsee) in London I………………………. (hide) my money in my socks.

9. As they……………………………… (fly) from Stockholm to Moscow, the starboard engine

………………………….. (burst) into flames.

10. When she ……………………….(have) lunch a waiter…………………… (drop) a plate of soup in her lap.

11 Choose which verb tense (present/past simple or continuous) fits better.

1.-I ________ - I didn't hear you come in. a. was sleeping b. slept

2.-I ________ to see her twice, but she wasn't home. a. was coming b. came

3.-What ________? I was watching TV. a. did you do b. were you doing

4.-Robin Hood was a character who ________ from the rich and gave to the poor.

a. stole b. was stealing

5.-Hey, did you talk to her? Yes, I ________ to her. a. was talking b. talked

6.-I ________ home very late last night. a. came b. was coming

7.-How long ________ the flu? a. did you have b. were you having

8.-________ a good time in Brazil? Yes, I had a blast! a. Were you having b. Did you have

9.-We ________ breakfast when she walked into the room. a. had b. were having

10.-Last month I decided to buy a new car, and today I finally ________ it.

a. bought b. was buying

11.-I ________ when the waitress took my plate. a. still ate b. was still eating

12 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 My parents met while they _______________ (study) law at university.

2 I _______________ (not want) to go to the cinema tonight.

3 We _______________ (go) to Disneyland when I was eight

4 Peter _______________ (prefer) rock to heavy metal.

5 When you called, I _______________ (get) ready for school.

6 He’s an author but he _______________ (not write) at the moment.

7 We _______________ (play) basketball every day.

8 I _______________ (not see) her yesterday. 5


| |

|James Ellis ……………………. (go) on a business trip last week. He ………….. ….…………….. (visit) some customers in Frankfurt. |

|He (leave) home early on Monday morning and ……………….. (take) a taxi to the airport. He ……………. (get) there at about 8 o'clock. |

|He …………………(check in) and ……………………….. (go) to the airport lounge. He …………………. (buy) a newspaper and ………………. (go) to get a coffee. |

|He ……………. …………….. (drink) his coffee when he …………… (see) an old friend, Bob. He ……………. (be) very surprised that Bob……… |

|(be) in London and ……………(find out) that he ………………… (start) a new job in the city. As they …………… (speak) they …………………. (hear) an announcement. "Would all |

|passengers for the 9.30 flight to Frankfurt please go to boarding gate 10". James ………………….. (say) goodbye to Bob and as they …………………(leave) Bob ……………. |

|(give) him his business card and ……………. (ask) him to phone when he (return) from Frankfurt. |

|After boarding James …………… (put) his briefcase in the overhead locker and |

|……………….. (sit) down. During the flight, James ……………… (do) some paper work and …………. (speak) to the woman sitting next to him, while they ………………………(speak) the|

|flight attendant …………….. (bring) breakfast. When the plane ……………………. (land) in London, it was almost 11 o'clock. |

|James ………………….. (take) a train to his hotel. Then he ………………… (walk) to the customer's office. He ……………….. (get) there at 1.00 pm and …………………… (go) to |

|the reception desk. The receptionist …………….. (ask) him to wait. While he ………………….(wait) she ……………….. (offer) him a drink. He and his customer …………….. (talk)|

|all afternoon. When Bob ……………… (get) to his hotel at 7 o'clock that night, he ………………. (phone) his wife and then ………………….. (go) to the hotel restaurant. |

14 Write phrases for 1–5. Add a possessive ’s to each person.

the teacher / car the teacher’s car

1 Consuelo / bag

2 the girl / friend

3 Jack / bag

4 my brother / laptop

5 Emily / desk

6 César – favourite colour is red.

7The boys – pens are blue.

8 Mr White – dogs are brown.

9 The girls – bikes are pink.

10 The students – bags are green

Final del formulario


|why |when |which |how |

|reason(because) |time / date |animals ,things , actions, |manner |

|Who |whose possession (something belongs |what |where |

|people |to someone) |animals ,things , actions, etc |places |

|how many |How much |How often |how long duration |

|Quantity (countable nouns) |Quantity (uncountable nouns) |frequency | |



|1. _______ is Mr. Baker dressed this way? |11. _____ room is Jack painting? The bedroom. |

|2. _____ is Mrs. Brown feeling? She is feeling down. |12. _____ is Peter going to work? By car |

|3. _____ is Jack going to bed? When he finishes the project. |13. _____ finger did John hurt? He hurt many fingers . |

|4. ________ is Peter studying? because he is going to have a |14. _____ story is grandma reading? She is reading Little Red Riding Hood. |

|test | |

|5. _____ mobile phone is Tom going to answer first? He doesn’t |15. _____ is Tom on the roof? Because there is a flood. |

|know. | |

|6. _____ is Paul going to work? When he has finished the |16. _____ is James going to perform? On Saturday |

|sandwich | |

|7. _____ is Tom feeling now? He has got a terrible headache. |17. _____ is Ann happy? Because she has just graduated. |

|8. _____ are they going to get married? Maybe next year. |18. _____ am I going to get better? In a two years time. |

|9. _____ is Kevin? He is mad. |19. _____ item is Tim going to sell? Maybe the book. |

|10. _____ is the baby going to be born? Next month. |20. _____ is Jennifer shouting at the soldier? Because he isn’t well dressed. |


|1. _______ is Mr. Jones doing? He is giving Ann a bunch of flowers |11. _____ is Jack? He is at a party. |

|2. _____ is Mrs. Baker? She is next to the sunflower. |12. _____ is having trouble with his computer? T |

|3. _____ is John eating? He is eating a hamburger. |13. _____ is Jill? She is in the garden. |

|4. ________ books are these? They are Ann’s books. |14. _____ is Pat doing? She is eating an ice-cream. |

|5. _____ is Ann talking to? She is talking to Paul. |15. _____ is Tim? He is at the Echo Point. |

|6. _____ birthday is it? It is Jane’s birthday |16. _____ is James going? He is going to the beach. |

|7. _____ is Tom doing? He is playing with a water pistol. |17.. _____ is she very angry with her husband? Jane is very angry. |

|8. _____ motorbike is this? It is Kevin’s motorbike. |18. _____ book is Mrs. Brown reading? She is reading a novel. |

|9. _____ gave Ian a present? His mother gave him a present. |19. _____ box is this? Paul doesn’t know. Maybe it belongs to James. |

|10. _____ balls are these? They’re Kate’s balls. |20. _____ has just graduated? Paul has just graduated |


|1._______ books does Ann have? She has got four books. |11. _____ has Jack been running? For ten minutes. |

|2._____ money have they got? |12. _____ rice is he taking? A full bowl. |

| 3. _____ has he been working at the petrol station? For five years |13. _____ presents did Tom receive? Six presents |

|4. ________ dices are there? There are two |14. _____ eggs fell on the floor? Two |

|5. _____ things did Ann buy? She bought five things. |15.. ____ have they been friends? For five years. |

|6. _____ has he been sleeping? He has been sleeping for two hours. |16. _____ has James been playing? For half an hour. |

|7. _____ balls are on the table? There are four balls on the table. |17. _____papers are on the table? There are a lot of papers. |

|8. _____ has he had problems with his computer? Since April. |18. _____ has Mr. Brown been cleaning the house? For two long hours |

|9. _____ letters is he going to deliver? Two |19. _____ things is he selling? A lot of things |

|10. _____ money did he make? A lot. |20. _____ has he had problems? Since his childhood |


17.-Make questions for these answers, according to the underlined expressions

1. He came to London one month ago

2. He comes to London about once a month

3. It takes four hours to get there.

4. They flew to Ohio

5. Sheila usually comes by bus

6. I have never visited The USA

7. Mary and Tina are doctors at the Memorial.

8. The concert begins at 11 p.m.

9. The concert began at 11 p.m.

10. He earns a hundred Euros a week.

11. The Chinese Restaurant is near the train station.

12. This is Tom’s car.

13. I play the piano twice a day.

14. They went to Paris last weekend.

15. The film was so boring.

16. They didn’t come because they didn’t have enough money.

17. My brother pays for the meal.

18. Monica wrote down her address.

19. We had our cameras.

20. John painted the wall carefully.

21. I liked the jokes because they were so funny.

22. The Smiths usually play tennis on Sundays.

23. My birthday party is next month.

24. It’s 20 €, sir.

25. My uncle lived in L.A. and in New York when he was young.

26. He is going to the library now.

27. That red motorbike is Larry’s.

28. I always go jogging on Tuesdays.

29. She likes pizzas.

30. He explained what he has seen that day.


she came to New York in 1980 she came to New York in 1980

She came to New York in 1980 They flew with their family to Paris yesterday

They flew to Paris with their family yesterday They flew to Paris with their family yesterday

I have never eaten raw fish I have never eaten raw fish

It takes no time to get to the airport I bough some cheese

Peter and Jack work at the university Peter and Jack work at the university

My lecture begins at 10 a.m. The Embassy is near the park

We go to French classes twice a week I met Peter last weekend.

I met Peter last weekend. She won´t go to the party because she is tired

My father sometimes lends me his car My father sometimes lends me his car 8

We took some notes We got some money for the trip

We got some money for the trip

She typed the report carefully

She typed the report carefully

She typed the report carefully

We like action films

My birthday party is next month.

We are going to the market

19 Match the questions (1–10) with the correct answers (a–k).

|0Have you got our tickets? |a Yes, here they are. |

|1What’s your boyfriend like? |b He’s watching the news. |

|2What time does the film start? |c At five o’clock. |

|3What does Bob do in his free time? |d He’s a teacher. |

|4How long does the train take? |e It’s Matthew. Can I speak to Nick, please? |

|5What does your father do? |f He’s very intelligent and nice. |

|6How are things? |g He likes playing football. |

|7What’s ‘soccer’ called in British English? |h Football. |

|8What’s a ‘holiday’ in American English? |i About two hours. |

|9What’s Tom doing? |j I’m fine, thanks |

|10Who is it? |k Vacation. |

20.- The Tower of London Choose the correct answers

What' do you know / you don't know / you know about the Tower of London? This famous tower 2 have got / has got / is 1,000 years old. In the past, it3 is / was / were a home for kings and queens, and a prison, too. In the 13th century,4 there was / there were / there are also a zoo with wild animals in the Tower. Today, the Tower5 are / is / was a museum. Tourists from all over the world 6 are visiting / visit / visits it to see objects from British history and also to see the famous tower ravens.7 This / That / These birds are very special. According to legend, the birds8 protect/ protects / protecting England, and England 9 can / must / mustn't always have ravens in the Tower.

21.-Frankenstein's Monster

You ' are looking / is looking / look at a picture of Frankenstein's monster. You probably2 have got / knows / know him from films, but Frankenstein'smonster3 is / am / hasn't got from a book by the 19th century British writer Mary Shelley. In the book, the scientist Victor Frankenstein 4 create / creates / is creating the monster. He is5 taller/tall/ more tall than a man and he6 have got /has got / is very large hands and feet.7 He / Him / His face an d body are very ugly because they are parts of different bodies. In the beginning, the monster8 know / don't know / doesn't know about his terrible appearance. He9 is trying / try / tries to communicate with people, but he hasn't got.'0 any/some/the friends. Finally, he understands " his/her/them problem. He is very ugly and everyone is afraid of 12 he / him / them. He starts killing people because he wants to punish '3 some / any /the scientist Victor Frankenstein


22.-Choose the correct answers and write the sentence; in your notebook.

1. the swimming pool at the moment a. is swimming b. are swimming

2. My friend and I......our bikes:

a. aren't riding b. am not riding

3.......I......this correctly?

a. Are ... doing b. Am ... doing

4. me! a. isn't listening b. aren't listening

5. The teacher is driving to school.......

a. at the moment b. every day

6. Dave matches.

a. wins b. is winning

7. Mr Simpson is at the cinema right now. He.....

.a western. a. watches b. is watching

8. We...... to school on Sundays.

a. don't walk b. aren't walking to the sports centre now?

a. Are ... skiing b. Do ... ski

10. Lucy loves music. She.....sing very well and she is in a band. a. can b. can't

11. Mr Milton is old so he......walk very fast.

a. can b. can't

12. In football, you......kick the ball.

a. must b. mustn't

13. Many people......juggle five balls. It's very hard. a. mustn't b. can't

14. their homework.

a. must b. mustn't

15. a film. I've got some new DVDs. a. must b. can

23.-Choose the correct answers

|1. Tom and Lucy......hard-working students. a. is |21.......wolves usually......birds? |

|b. are |a. Do ... eat b. Does ... eat |

|2. ES01. a. am b. is | cake? |

|3 .......the rabbit in your room? |a. Do ... like b. Does ... like |

|a. Is b. Are |23. Mrs Smith loves animals, so |

|4. My ears. |TV programmes about animals. |

|a. has got b. have got |a. rarely b. often |

|5. hair. |24. Oliver doesn't like meat. He......eats meat! |

|a. hasn't got b. haven't got |a. usually b. never |

| eyes? |25. I have fish for lunch every day. I......have fish! It's my favourite meal.|

|a. Have ... got b. Has ... got |a. always b. sometimes |

|7. My friends......very good-looking. |24.-Choose the correct answers |

|a. haven't got b. aren't |1 Have you got / Has you got / Are you a birthday soon? 2 Are you planning some|

|8. Jean.....short curly hair. a. has got b. is |/ a / an party?3 There is / There are / There aren't a great place in London |

|9. My new dog......really clever. |for birthday celebrations. It 4 am / is / are the London Dungeon! Many |

|a. has got b. is |children6 are celebrating / is celebrating / celebrate birthdays at the dungeon|

|10. Look! There's.....elephant! a. a b. an |every year. They6 love / loves / are the exciting attractions and the fun |

|11. Is there......cheese in the fridge? |rides.The7 person / people / people's in this picture8 ride / is riding / are |

|a. any - b. some |riding on the Boat Ride to Hell.The attractions9 aren't / haven't got / is just|

|12. There are.....bananas on the table. |frightening. They also ,0 teach / teaches / are teaching visitors about 11 a / |

|a. any b. some |any / the history of London. In one attraction, the year '2 has got /have got /|

|13. The small pizza is for me and......big pizza is for you. a. |is 1666. The Great Fire is destroying London, and 13 there are / is there / |

|the b. some |there isn't any way to stop the fire. |

|14. Oh, no!.....any milk! |14 Do you want / Are you / Have you got a special birthday party? Then call |

|a. There aren't b. There isn't |the London Dungeon now! People '5 forget / don't forget / doesn't forget |

|15.......any giraffes in the zoo? |celebrations at the London Dungeon! |

|a. Is there b. Are there | |

|16.....apples are there on the tree? | |

|a. How much b. How many | |

| have you got in your schoolbag? a. How much b.| |

|How many | |

|18. Holly......her hair every day. | |

|a. washes . b. wash | |

|19. school on Sunday. | |

|a. doesn't go b. don't go | |

|20. My dog......with a ball. | |

|a. doesn't play b. don't play | |


School life: verbs

bully someone cheat in exams copy a friend’s work do your homework expel someone fail an exam get a bad mark get a qualification get good marks leave school make friends pass an exam play truant revise for an exam suspend someone

School life: nouns

boarding school mixed school primary school private school school holidays school rules 

school subjects school uniform school-leaving age secondary school single-sex school state scho

25 School life: verbs

|1 Match 1–8 with a–h to make sentences. |a she only got 21%. |

|1 I passed all my exams at school, so now [pic] |b who play truant. |

|2 Kate failed an exam today, [pic] |c he never revises for them. |

|3 You get bad marks because [pic] |d he found it hard to make friends. |

|4 Mario sometimes cheats in exams because [pic] |e you never do your homework. |

|5 Our school sometimes suspends students [pic] |f I work hard. |

|6 The school expelled a girl because [pic] |g she was bullying some students. |

|7 I get good marks because [pic] |h I’ve got a lot of qualifications. |

|8 Jack started bullying children because [pic] | |

26 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the school life verbs from the summary.

I passed the exam because I revised a lot.

1 Don’t ______________ my ______________ ! Find your own answers! 2 Tom ______________ ______________ when he was sixteen and started working in a radio station.3 When Joe and Ben ______________ ______________ from school, they usually spend all day in the park.

4 Sally is really shy and it’s hard for her to ______________ ______________.

5 I got a ______________ ______________ for my history essay and I have to write it again.

27 Home school: a good thing or a bad thing?

Some children don’t go to school. Well, they don’t learn in a classroom with a lot of other children; they stay at home and study with their mum or dad. They don’t learn at home because they have to, but because some parents think their children don’t learn enough at normal schools.

‘School isn’t good for my son,’ says Miranda Peeler, who teaches her son, Ben, at home. ‘Ben doesn’t work in class. He plays with his friends all the time and he doesn’t listen to the teacher. There are 30 children in his class, and it’s difficult for the teacher to teach ALL of them. Now I teach him at home. He learns all the important subjects and he does a lot of work. He has to; he’s the only one in the class! We study on the computer too. At school there is only one computer for all the children in the class. Ben likes home school. He’s a clever boy and he wants to learn. Here he can do that.’

Brenda Masters is a teacher. She doesn’t think it’s a good idea. ‘Yes, children learn a lot at home school. But they don’t play with their friends. They don’t learn how to work in a group. Work is important but play is important too. Friends are important. Sport is important. School is important!’

Choose the best answers.

1 A lot of children study at home because

A their parents want to teach them at home. B the teachers don’t want the children at school.

2 Ben’s mother thinks A Ben doesn’t study important subjects at school. B the classes are very big.

3 At Ben’s school A there are some computers. B the children don’t use computers.

4 Brenda thinks A parents aren’t good teachers. B children have to work and play.

5 Brenda thinks that home school is A a good thing. B a bad thing.


28Match the instructions 1–4 with the pictures A–C. One picture matches two instructions.

|a |b |c |1 Use a torch.( |

| | | |2 Wear sunscreen.( |

| | | |3 Sleep in a tent.( |

| | | |4 Wear waterproof clothes.( |

29 Write words for the definitions. Use words from the summary.

1 You can sleep in this in a tent. ______________

2 This thing protects you from mosquitoes.______________

3 You can use this to help people. It is usually red and white. ______________

4 You can use this to make hot food and drinks. ______________

5 You can use this to talk to people in different countries. ______________

6 This is a bag for your things. ______________

7 These things help you find out where you are.____________ and ____________

30 Look at the table. Then complete the sentences 1–5 with the names of the cities.

|Cardiff | |London | |Leeds | |

|Portsmouth | |Aberdeen | | | |

1 It is going to be sunny in _______________.2 It is going to be cloudy in _______________.

3 It is going to be hot in _______________.4 It is going to be stormy in _______________.

5 It is going to be rainy in _______________.

31 Complete the text with six of these the words. cold fog heat icy snow stormy sunny

Winter in Canada is a very (1) ________________ time. The average temperature in the city

of Winnipeg in January is –9°C! Skiing is popular in Canada, because there is a lot of

(2) ________________ in winter. But it can be dangerous, because the roads are sometimes

(3) ________________. There is more (4) ________________ in summer, of course, and temperatures can rise to about 26°C. It is usually hot and (5) ________________ in the summer, but sometimes the weather is bad and it is rainy or (6) ________________. 12

32 Complete these sentences.

1 What’s the .................................... like today?2 It’s ...................................., you must take your umbrella.

3 It’s always very .................................... at the North Pole.4 The sun is shining. Today is a 5 It’s too .................................... to drive there today. I can’t see anything!

6 I need my warmest coat – it’s.................................... ! 7 It’s so .................................... , my hat just blewaway!

33 Answer these questions.

1 What’s the weather like today................................................................................................

2 What was the weather like last summer?................................................................................................

3 What was the weather like yesterday?................................................................................................

4 What was the weather like last week?................................................................................................

5 What’s the weather like at the North Pole?................................................................................................

6 What kind of weather do you like best?................................................................................................

7 What was the weather like for your holiday?................................................................................................

34 Write sentences. Use will, won’t, might or might not.

the sports centre / need / sponsors (definitely) The sports centre will need sponsors.

1 we / go / to the march (maybe)___________________________________________

2 the government / not help / us (definitely not)___________________________________________

3 the protests / not change / anything (maybe not)___________________________________________

4 your support / make / a difference (definitely)___________________________________________

5 we / start / a petition (maybe)___________________________________________

35 Complete the first conditional sentences with the prompts in the box. Use the correct form of the verbs.

|I / make / some posters for you |

|if / it / not rain things / not change |

|Tim / not go / to it if / you / go / to the meeting |

|we / boycott / them |

|if / we / not support / the library |

Circuses will get better if we boycott them.

1 __________________________________________, it will close.

2 __________________________________________ if you need more publicity.

3 Mum and Dad will go to the march __________________________________________.

4 If we do nothing, __________________________________________.

5 If the circus comes to town, __________________________________________.

6 __________________________________________, you’ll find out why people are unhappy.

36Choose the correct forms.

1 How much do / will you give me if you sponsor / will sponsor me?

2 People don’t / won’t come to the meeting if you don’t / won’t tell them about it.

3 If we need / will need help, do / will you volunteer?

4 Does / Will the circus close if we boycott / will boycott it?

5 If they organize / will organize a march, does / will it make a difference?

37 Complete the sentences. Write one word in each gap.

1 Jack _______________ going _______________ make the dinner. (()

2 We _______________ going _______________ watch TV this evening. (()

3 _______________ the swimming pool _______________ to close?

4 _______________ you _______________ to help me?

5 Helen _______________ going _______________ sign the petition. (()


38 Complete the sentences with the correct form of will (prediction) or be going to (plan).


I’ll feel (feel) tired later after marching all day.

1 You probably _______________ (not like) the film.

2 I’m sure Jack _______________ (help) you.


3 Jenny __________________ (clean) the kitchen.

4 They ___________________ (not go) to the concert.

5 _____________________________ (you / watch) the documentary?

39 Correct the mistakes. One sentence is correct.

1 We’re going campaign for PETA.


2 What film is the girls going to see?


3 Is Emma going to boycott the circus?


4 I’m no going to sponsor you.


4 Complete the sentences with the will or be going to form of the verbs.

1 We’ve bought tickets for the concert. We ____________________ (see) Beyoncé.

2 My little brother is very good at singing. I think he ____________________ (be) a pop star when he’s older.

3 I have to get up at 5.30 a.m. tomorrow, so I ____________________ (go) to bed early tonight.

4 How many people ____________________ (come) to the demonstration, do you think?

5 My uncle has got a new job. He ____________________ (teach) History at my school.

(4) ____________ with me. You should come too!

Leo Yes, why not!



Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens is one of England’s most famous writers. He lived from 1812 to 1870 and he wrote fifteen major novels and lots of short stories. There are over 180 TV and film adaptations of his books. Some of his most famous books are Oliver Twist, Great Expectations and David Copperfield.

Dickens was born in Portsmouth in the south of England, but the family moved to London when he was ten years old. He had a difficult childhood. His father spent a long time in prison and Charles had to work in a factory from the age of twelve. Later his family received money from his father’s family and their life became better. Charles studied law but he hated it and became a journalist. This was when he started writing his books.

Dickens’ books are wonderful pictures of life in the big city of London at that time and are full of amazing characters. These characters are often very sad and very funny at the same time. Dickens wrote about poor people a lot and he wanted to show what life was like for them, so his characters’ lives are not very happy. But Dickens’ way of writing is very clever and funny and the characters can make us laugh!

Charles Dickens had ten children but his marriage wasn’t very happy. He died in 1870 and is buried in Westminster Abbey. Some people say he was one of the greatest writers in history. It is certainly true that his books are as interesting today as they were when he first wrote them.

Answer the questions.

1. When and where was Charles Dickens born?_________________________________

2. Why was his childhood difficult?_________________________________

3. What was his first job?_________________________________

4. What are his books about?_________________________________

5. How old was he when he died? _________________________________

The Kitchen Cupboard

Tania Francis is the owner of a new food store called The Kitchen Cupboard. Our reporter, Fran Peters, asked her about the business.

Fran Your food store is very popular Tania. Why do you think this is?

Tania Well, healthy food is big news these days. Our store sells healthy food and we tell you how to cook it!

Fran Do you tell every customer?

Tania We give recipes every time you buy something at our store.

Fran And do you eat the food from your store?

Tania I certainly do! I try to stay healthy. I go to the gym, I go jogging every day and I write the recipes for the store. Of course, I have to cook them first!

Fran Which is your favourite recipe?

Tania That’s difficult. I really like the chicken and tomato burgers and, of course, the fish and cheese pie. That’s very popular.

Fran Do you think people really want to be healthier these days?

Tania Yes. There are a lot of reports in the newspapers and magazines about people who are too heavy. It’s so dangerous. People are learning to cook and eat healthier food. But healthy doesn’t mean boring! Come along to The Kitchen Cupboard and see how many delicious meals you can cook with healthy food.

Choose the best answers.

1 At The Kitchen Cupboard you can A have a cooking lesson. B eat a good meal. C buy healthy food.

2 Tania A has a lot of cookery books. B loves eating. C does a lot of exercise.

3 One of her favourite recipes includes A meat and vegetables. B fish and vegetables. C fruit and vegetables.

4 Tania thinks people want to be healthy because A they know it’s dangerous to be heavy.

B they like healthy food. C they want to be in the newspapers.5 Healthy food A is usually boring .B is often expensive. C can be delicious.


Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote a very famous story called Tarzan of the Apes.

This story involves a shipwreck on the West coast of Africa. The passengers on the ship include a certain Lord and Lady Greystoke from England. Lord and Lady Greystoke are the only survivors of the shipwreck.

Lord Greystoke builds a kind of shelter high up in the trees - a treehouse - for his pregnant wife and does his best to make them comfortable in their new jungle home. Lady Greystoke gives birth to a boy. They call the boy John. Unfortunately, she dies and leaves Lord Greystoke to take care of the baby on his own. Lord Greystoke is killed by an enormous ape that comes to investigate the strange house in the trees. The baby is left all alone. Fortunately, a female ape, whose baby has recently died, finds the human baby alone in the treehouse. Even though the baby is white and hairless, she feels a mother's love for it and begins to feed and take care of it. She becomes John's mother. John - who later takes the name Tarzan, never having known his real identity - grows strong and powerful living among the apes. He has the advantage of human intelligence and eventually grows up to be leader of the apes and, eventually, lord of the jungle.

The books tell many stories of Tarzan's adventures in the jungles, his fights with savage animals, his encounters with other human beings (many of whom are as dangerous as the animals) and his re-discovery of his true identity.

Tarzan eventually teaches himself to read by returning to the treehouse where he was born and finding some children's books that his parents brought from England. He later finds out who he really is (an English Lord!) and travels to England to visit his home, where he falls in love with a young woman called Jane.

1. How many people escape from the shipwreck on the African coast?    

a) one    b) two    c) three    d) four

2. Where is Tarzan during the shipwreck?   

 a) He is in the jungle.    b) He is in a treehouse.    c) He isn't born yet

3. Who is John?   a) Lord Greystoke    b) Tarzan    c) A large ape

4. Who brings up the baby?   a) A female ape    b) Lord Greystoke    c) Lady Greystoke

5. Why does Tarzan become Lord of the Jungle?   

 a) He can speak English.    b) He kills many apes.    c) He has human intelligence.

Rearrange the sentences to create s sumary of the story

1.{period} after escaping from into jungle shipwreck survivors the the the went

2 {period} a building by comfortable Greystoke his Lord make to treehouse tried wife

3{comma} {period} after baby died Greystoke Greystoke Lady leaving look Lord the to

4 {period} an ape baby be by fortunate rescued the to was

5{period} books from himself read some Tarzan taught the to treehouse using

6 {period} difficult English found it learn Tarzan to

7{period} England his home Tarzan to to visit went

8 {period} dealing humans not Tarzan to used was with

1. Read the text about Andrew Harper.

|Trekking in australia |

|In 1999, Andrew Harper walked 4,637 kilometres across Australia. The walk took 229 days and some of the journey was through hot, dry desert.|

|Harper didn’t see many people in the desert, but he wasn’t alone. He had three camels and a dog with him. However, he didn’t ride on the |

|camels. While Harper was trekking through the desert, the animals were walking behind him. |

|Why did Harper choose to take camels with him? Because camels are strong, hard-working animals and they can carry heavy equipment across the|

|desert. It isn’t possible to cross the desert in ordinary transport such as a car, jeep or van. Two hundred years ago, people tried taking |

|horses across the Australian desert. The horses needed to drink and many of them died while they were trying to find water. Camels survive |

|well in the desert because they don’t need water every day. They drink before their journey and they carry the water inside their bodies. |

|They also get some water from the plants in the desert. During Harper’s journey, his camels carried his food, water, clothes, sleeping bag, |

|tent and other important equipment. The trek wasn’t easy, but he loved it. Harper wrote a diary about it and put it on the Internet. |

|Harper loves the Australian desert and he wants other people to experience its special atmosphere. Today, he takes tourists into the desert |

|with his camels. The participants sleep outside and cook their meals on a campfire. They must also help with the camels and learn how to |

|care for them. It’s not the perfect holiday for everybody, but it is an amazing experience. |

2. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous. Then tick the sentences true (T) or false (F).


1. In 1999, Harper ………………… (spend) 229 days in the desert. …… ……

2. Harper ………………… (see) many people while he

………………… (walk) in the desert. …… ……

3. The camels carried Harper’s equipment while he

………………… (trek). …… ……

4. Horses ………………… (drink) water from plants while they

………………… (cross) the Australian desert 200 years ago. …… ……

3. Answer the questions.

1. What animals did Harper take with him?

2. Why does Harper take tourists into the desert?

3. What do the tourists do in the desert? Give two answers.

4. Imagine you are interviewing Andrew Harper. Write five questions to ask him.

The fastest dinosaurs

| |

|According 1) __________ computer models that were used to estimate the running speeds of dinosaurs, the Tyrannosaurus Rex would have been able to |

|outrun a footballer. The study shows that the dinosaur could reach a top 2) __________ of 8 metres a second, which is 3) __________ faster than the |

|average professional footballer. There has been a lot of controversy 4) __________ whether the Tyrannosaurus Rex was a predator or a scavenger; some |

|believe that its highly developed sense of smell indicates that it was a scavenger, 5) __________ others say that its keen eyesight shows that it was|

|a hunter. The 6) __________ group will appreciate the recent study, as a hunter is more 7) __________ to require such speed |

|The University of Manchester study used a powerful supercomputer to calculate the running speeds of five meat-eating dinosaurs and used data taken 8)|

|__________ from dinosaur fossils, 9) __________ than referring to previous work on modern animals.  The Tyrannosaurus Rex, 10) __________, was not |

|the fastest dinosaur. A small dinosaur 11) __________ Compsognathus, which was about the 12) __________ of a chicken, could run at 18 metres a |

|second, 13) __________ is faster than the ostrich, the fastest two-legged animal today. It could run 100 metres in a little over six seconds, which |

|would 14) __________ modern Olympic 15) __________ more than a third of the track behind. |


1 with to

2 fast speed swift rate

3fraction fractional fractionally fractionals

4about as at to

5since while however as

6 former later latter first

7likely probable probably possible

8directs direction directed directly

9instead rather

10therefore hence since however

11called named as known name

12shape size form same

13who that when which

14leave chase run beat

15athlete athletic athletics athletes


|change do get have read run |

|swim walk write |


bear butterfly chameleon crocodile elephant falcon fly frog

human owl parrot seal shark snake spider whale

Verbs: animal survival

attack catch change escape from fly hide from hunt jump look for  do get have read run

swim walk write | |


bear butterfly chameleon crocodile elephant falcon fly frog

human owl parrot seal shark snake spider whale

Verbs: animal survival

attack catch change escape from fly hide from hunt jump look for protect run swim

|attack catch change hide from |

|escape hunt look for protect |

|chemistry choir dance geography |

|guitar history literature orchestra PE |

|physics table tennis volunteering |

|bacon beef chicken cherries crisps |

|cod juice milk mushrooms nuts |

|peppers plums sweets tuna |

Travel equipment

compass first-aid kit insect repellent map rucksack sleeping bag

satellite phone stove sunscreen tent torch waterproof clothes

The weather

cloud cloudy cold fog foggy heat hot ice icy rain rainy

snow snowy storm stormy sun sunny wind windy






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