Houston Independent School District / Houston …

right22503600Heights High School 9th Grade Course Selection SheetFirst Name: _________________________ Last Name: ________________________Middle School Attended: ____________________ Student ID#: _____________Please circle one. I am a: Zoned Student, Magnet Student, Transfer Student: IB or CTEDid you take any High School credits in Middle School? YES NOIf, “yes”, please list classes taken:Career Pathway: Rank your choice of Career Pathway in order of your preference (1,2,3,4)_____Business _____Engineering/STEM _____Health Science _____Transportation EnglishChoose one: English I English I Pre – IBMathematics (If you have received high school credit for Algebra I, select Geometry. If you have received high school credit for Algebra I and Geometry, select Algebra II)Choose one: Algebra I Algebra I Pre-IB Geometry Geometry Pre-IB Algebra II Algebra II Pre-IB Science (if you have received high school credit for Biology, select Chemistry.)Choose one: Biology Biology Pre-AP Chemistry Chemistry Pre-AP Social Studies:Choose one: World Geography World Geography Pre-IB AP Human Geography (college-level course)Foreign Language:Choose one: French I French II German I German II Mandarin Chinese I Mandarin Chinese IISpanish I Spanish II Spanish II Pre-AP Spanish Native Speakers AP Spanish Lang AP Spanish LitElectiveChoose one: Art I Art II Drawing Art II Painting Band Choral Music Dance Mariachi Piano Tech Theater Theater Arts Coed PE (not athletics)If you plan on playing a sport, please indicate which one: _________________________Parent Name: _________________________ Parent Phone #: _________________ Student Phone #________________Parent Signature: _________________________ Student Signature: ________________________ Date: _____________ ................

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