Hi, is ______________ there

Example of a Door-knocking Rap on Public Education and the Trump/DeVos BudgetHi, My name is ______________, from ____________. We are out here today talking with our neighbors about the future of public education. Did you attend a public school, or do you know some young people who do now?Do you have children in public schools? People all across the city, even across the state and country, are fed up with the attacks on our schools. You can insert a local issue here such as “Right here in ___, the district is considering closing East High School because of budget problems. Have you heard about that? Now, on top of local budget cuts, Donald Trump and Betsy DeVos are proposing drastic federal cuts to programs like Title I and after-school . Have you heard about that? Does it make sense to you? (insert more local detail if you have it) We’re coming together in the neighborhood to talk about how to fight back and protect our students. TIP: Talk issues, action and convey URGENCY. IssuesDo you have kids in school? What do you think of the school? Why?Have things been getting better or worse? What are the biggest issues facing the school? (it helps if you can name an issue or two that others are talking about)How long have you lived in the neighborhood? How has it changed? What would you change?How do you think the cuts/closings will impact your community?Do you think this is happening to every neighborhood?TIP: Make it a conversation, not a survey. Listen and REACT. Make sure you know what THEY care about.Examples of PolarizationThose are the types of issues that everyone is upset about. People are fed up with decisions being made that affect our schools, our students and our community that we don’t have any say in. The Mayor and his Board of Ed are making huge decisions about education and cutting from our community, but haven’t gotten any real input from the parents, students and educators that are affected.OrThe Mayor and his billionaire friends keep demanding sacrifice from students, workers, and schools in our neighborhood- but when are they going to do their share? They’re saying the schools are broke because we spend too much on students or pay teachers too much while [insert as much detail as you can here – like “Comcast gets a local tax break in our town that amounts to $500 million a year] the wealthy get away with tax breaks and make money off our schools! Not to mention, that the schools they send their children to have everything that all children deserve. Don’t our young people deserve art and music and computer and science labs? What else do they need that they are missing? Do you think we should come together and do something?VisionEveryone is fed up with the attack on public schools. And now Trump and DeVos are proposing drastic federal cuts and want to take from our neighborhood schools and move funds to private schools, hurting our students even more. We know we have a huge fight ahead of us so we are organizing across the city, and with families and teachers across the country.The more of us that come together, the more we can have some real power and those we elected to represent us will be forced to listen. On _____________ we are meeting with Congress member______________ to discuss the federal budget and say NO to cuts to public education and to privatization. Will you join us? TIP: Talk about power in numbers and give examples of victory. Avoid passive words like “trying” and use stronger, active language like “organizing,” “fighting,” “pushing.” Get consensus as you mitmentsExactly. It’s going to take big numbers, so we need to start bring everyone together now. So glad you can be there. Can you think of others to invite? Will you come talk to some of your neighbors with me? Great. Let’s go. And… So can I count on you to be there?Would you please sign this petition (statement/contact sheet) so that we can be sure to let you know of upcoming events or meetings?TIP: Be confident and make them confident that these are ways they can fight and win. You are not a salesman or begging. You are challenging someone to take actions on the issues they care about to improve their own life. If they are reluctant, go back to THEIR issues and thoughts. “You said we need …” “How will … ever change if we don’t…” “You said it would take … to fight the budget cuts to our schools” ................

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