
Passive Voice – Work Material for Monday, November 9th, 20203335655209550ATTENTION*D.O.: Direct Object. What the subject verbs.*Adverbial: circumstantial complement of:Place: here, at home, in the mall.Manner: fast, carefully, in a nice way.Time: now, tomorrow, at 5:30, every day.0ATTENTION*D.O.: Direct Object. What the subject verbs.*Adverbial: circumstantial complement of:Place: here, at home, in the mall.Manner: fast, carefully, in a nice way.Time: now, tomorrow, at 5:30, every day.Part I – Write 5 sentences in active voice for each tense proposed. Each sentence needs to have a: Subject + Verb + D.O. + AdverbialSentence N°1 is an example. Past PerfectMy neighbor had fixed the problem with his door when I offered him help. Present simpleEngines spend gas when they are running. Simple PastTortillas had the best flavor in the world.Future WillI will close the supermarket because of the weather.Present PerfectI have read many books lately. Present ContinuousFreddy has spent all his money two times.Past PerfectThe problem with his door had been fixed by my neighbor when I offered him help. Present simpleGas is spent by Engines when they are running. Simple PastThe best flavor in the world was had by Tortillas.Future WillPresent PerfectPresent ContinuousAll money has been spent by Freddy two times.Part II – make those 5 sentences Passive Voice. D.O. + BE + Verb in Participle + by Doer + AdverbialPart III - Read the following text and highlight in yellow the 7 sentences in Passive Voice this text has. Mark the elements in the following way: Subject + be + participle + by doer. Example: The regulations mentioned in the law will not be enacted by the Government. Former Vice President Joe Biden, now the president-elect, speaks about climate change and wildfires in western states on September 14, 2020, in Wilmington, Del.ENVIRONMENTThe environment is in trouble. Here’s what Biden can do to address it.Even without the support of Congress, he can do a lot with executive orders and new regulations. Will it be enough?6?MINUTE READBY?LAURA PARKER?AND?ALEJANDRA BORUNDAPUBLISHED?NOVEMBER 8, 2020PRESIDENT-ELECT JOE BIDEN?campaigned for office pushing the most ambitious goals to address climate change proposed by any American president. He also vowed to restore environmental protections dismantled by President Donald Trump.Yet if Republicans retain control of the Senate, it’s unlikely Biden’s plan to spend $2 trillion to reach zero carbon emissions by 2050 will be enacted by the Congress.The question now is, what environmental progress can a Biden presidency actually achieve? As the pandemic and stalled economy command immediate attention, will Biden even be able to restore Obama-era environmental policies?On climate, that wouldn’t be nearly enough, cautions?Kate Larsen?of the?Rhodium Group, a New York-based research firm. Meaningful action, she says, will require moving beyond Obama-era policies and “dialing them up significantly to follow what we now know from the science.”While political divisions place severe limitations on what Biden can do, they don’t tie his hands completely. Here are some of the major areas where Biden could act right away—or at least without new legislation from Congress.The power of the executive orderMany of the changes made by the Trump Administration to the nation’s climate and environmental policies were achieved through executive authority. Biden can use those same tools to undo what Trump did, by reversing any or all of the executive orders Trump has?signed.At the Columbia Law School in New York, researchers at the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law began tracking Trump’s efforts to reshape environmental policy on the first day of his administration. Their list counts 159 climate-related actions that cut back on environmental protections or promote the use of fossil fuels or both. In August, the Sabin Center went a step further and wrote?a 65-page blueprint for reregulation?that lays out how Biden could restore what Trump weakened or wiped away.“It’s all there,” says?Michael Burger,?the Sabin Center’s executive director. “Biden will get back and go further and do it faster. There’s little question that climate was a mobilizing force for at least some of the voters.”For starters, Biden already has promised to?rejoin the Paris climate accord?on day one of his administration, and also to revoke the permit authorizing the Keystone XL pipeline project. Beyond that, Burger says, the new president can quickly issue executive orders that would reverse a slew of other policy rollbacks. That includes, to name two: Trump’s much-heralded “America First” energy strategy aimed at opening United States coastal waters to oil and gas drilling, and Trump’s reversal of an Obama policy that directed federal agencies to cut their own greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent in a decade.Rejoining the Paris accord would require the U.S. to submit new commitments for reducing the nation’s emissions. But it could, in time, reestablish the U.S. as a global leader on climate. Biden could also make good on his promise to publish rankings to “name and shame” countries falling behind on their own climate commitments.Many of Trump’s actions have landed his administration in court. So far, Trump has won just 17 of 54 decisions in key court cases, according to a?Washington Post?tracker.“The number of rule changes that are not subject to a court challenge is fairly small, and the administration has lost most of its cases,” says?Andrew Wetzler, a senior advisor to the Natural Resources Defense Council, one of the leading environmental organizations challenging the Trump Administration in court.Rock formations in Valley of the Gods in Bears Ears National Monument. PHOTOGRAPH BY AARON HUEY, NAT GEO IMAGE COLLECTIONMany cases are still pending, and executive orders from Biden could render some of them moot. A good example involves the lawsuits challenging Trump’s actions to shrink two national monuments in Utah’s red rock country.In the largest reversal of protections to public lands in U.S. history,?Trump cut the area of Bears Ears by 85 percent and of Grand Staircase Escalante by 50 percent.?That set up a court fight over whether the 1906 Antiquities Act, which grants presidents broad authority to create national monuments, was meant to give them the authority?to reverse or limit the actions of their predecessors. (The four-paragraph law is silent on that question.)An executive order has been issued by Biden which could immediately restore the monuments to their original size, protecting those areas from mining and other resource extraction—but it would leave the legal issue unresolved.Rewriting Trump’s rewritten regulationsBiden can also reverse, without Congressional approval, Trump’s efforts to change federal environmental regulations. Any new regulation not finalized by the time Trump’s term expires can simply be scrapped. New regulations that have already taken effect, however, will remain on the books. To change them, Biden would have to start new rulemaking, a complicated, multi-step process that includes extensive public involvement and often takes several years.Trump revised more than 100 regulations, from narrow to consequential. For example, he rolled back efficiency standards on dishwashers and opened up more than half of Alaska’s Tongass National Forest, one of the world’s largest temperate rain forests, to logging.The Trump Administration took what some environmentalists consider one of its most consequential regulatory steps just this past summer, when it issued new rules under the country’s foundational environmental law, the National Environmental Policy Act. NEPA requires federal agencies to consider whether their actions—funding or permitting the construction of a highway or a pipeline, for example—will have significant environmental impact. The new rules shorten those environmental reviews to less than two years, and they free agencies from having to consider impacts that are “remote” in time or space—like, for example, the effect on global climate change of a new oil pipeline.Because the new NEPA rules don’t expressly prohibit taking such impacts into account, however, the Sabin Center argues that President Biden could immediately direct federal agencies to keep doing so, while his administration goes through the long process of rewriting Trump’s rules.Rollbacks to several rules concerning methane, a highly potent greenhouse gas, could also be reversed by Biden. Those rollbacks included the elimination of federal requirements that oil and gas companies monitor and fix methane leaks from wells, pipelines, and storage sites.One of Trump’s signature rollbacks eliminated the Clean Power Plan—President Obama’s most significant policy against climate change. That plan had been expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from power plants by 30 percent by 2030. However, they had never taken effect, because it was challenged in court by a coalition of industry and Republican state governments. Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency replaced the plan with a rule that it estimates will reduce carbon emissions by just 0.7 percent by 2030. That Affordable Clean Energy rule is now also tied up in court, in a suit filed by Democratic-led states.Biden could start all over with a new rule regulating power plant emissions. That would take time, and it too might be challenged in court, Burger points out. ................

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