FACT Inquiry Criteria Checklist

CFT/ATP Criteria Checklist


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|Copy of State Consent Form Confirmation submitted |

|Copy of On-line Contact Form Information submitted |

|Learning Zone My History submitted showing enrollment in 55-22-219 for 2012-13 DEC 10-DEC 14 |

|also serves as evidence of Single Sign On activation |


|Accepted Invitation to DropBox Folder |

|Set Up DropBox Sub-Folders as indicated on directions |

|LAUSD Participants ONLY--Registered for MOODLE class-55-22-219 |

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|Orientation: Learning Zone My History submitted showing enrollment in 2.1 BTSA Year 2 Orientation (or 3.1 Extended Orientation)--updated to complete |

|by 11/1/12 |

|Fall Seminar: Learning Zone My History submitted showing enrollment in 2.2 BTSA Year 2 Fall Seminar updated to complete by 12/14/12 |

CFT/ATP Criteria Checklist--FACT

All documents must be word-processed unless otherwise noted. Although we will focus more on content than writing skills submissions with numerous grammatical and/or spelling errors will be returned for revision.

|1.1 Operational Information--Updated |

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|1. All information for each submission date (as indicated on schedule) complete |

|5.1 Pedagogy Signature Card |

|1. Initialed and signed by Support Provider and Participating Teacher for each document. |

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|5.2 Review class requirements and criteria chart |

|Verified by Support Provider signature on 2.1 Signature Card--line 5.2 |

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|5.3 Teaching and Learning Framework |

|The notes section for 5.3 is filled in on the Teaching and Learning Framework Document |

|Evidence is cited, using the codes (additional notes are optional) |

|Each of the target elements is assessed (highlighted to show the teacher’s current level of practice) |

|1d, 1e 2b, 3e, 4b, 4c, 5a (selected elements in each) |

|The Support Provider and Participating Teacher have signed the document |

|A readable digital copy of the document showing all information, including signatures, is submitted |

|5.4 Conversation Guide: Assessment of Teaching Practice and Areas of Personal Interest or Concern |

|Response reflects insights connected to the assessment of practice on the Teaching and Learning Framework |

|Additional areas of concern may or may not be present |

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|5.5a Class Profile |

|Part 1 |

|There is a class profile provided that indicates student first name--no last names |

|The columns for EL, SEL, Special needs are checked as appropriate or the printed roster includes these areas |

|There are anecdotal notes for at least some students (3 or more) |

|Part 2 |

|Information is completed, marked as N/A or evident on the printed roster for the following areas |

|Students with Medical Conditions, Students with IEP, Students with 504 Plans, students with previous SST Interventions, Students who are gifted and |

|Talented, Students who are English Learners |

|There are anecdotal notes for at least some students (3 or more) |

|Part 3 |

|Students at risk are identified |

|Areas of need/trends are identified |

|A course of action to meet the needs of the students is described |

|A criteria for success is described |

|There is a clear and connected progression of all components of the at-risk section--the action plan should address the needs, the criteria should be |

|connected to the action plan |

|5.5b Conversation Guide: Class Profile |

|The participant has responded to each of the prompts |

|At least one prompt in each section is responded to with some depth |

|There are specific references to the data collected on individual student needs within the responses |

|The responses show a clear connection between the student needs and the strategies/action steps listed |

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|5.6a Classroom Environment & Conversation Guide |

|Learning Zone My History with 55-22-216 complete OR all of the following |

|The participating teacher has responded to the prompts |

|There are pictures of the classroom environment which have captured, among other elements: all student seating, wall spaces, centers, bulletin boards, |

|student work displays, etc. |

|Seating for students with special needs are indicated as appropriate |

|There is a rationale for how they determined: |

|The room arrangement |

|Where the students are seated |

|How the materials are organized |

|If there are students with special needs on the class profile the rationale includes information on how that impacted the room arrangement and/or |

|seating chart |

|There is a clear connection between the students and their needs identified on the class profile and the reflection on the layout and seating |

|arrangement |

|Responses on cultural relevance make specific references to the student demographics and interests in the class profile |

|5.6b Effective Environments for Teaching and Learning with Conversation Guide: Classroom Management |

|Learning Zone My History with 55-22-216 complete OR all of the following |

|The participating teacher briefly describes: |

|The implications of the school-wide discipline plan on their classroom management plan |

|Their classroom management philosophy and discipline plan |

|How they provide a fair and respectful climate for student learning |

|Classroom environment |

|Classroom rules |

|Designing Instruction |

|Fostering attitudes/behaviors in my students |

|How they address conflicts in the classroom--As an immediate response/intervention--To foster conflict resolution skills in their students |

|How they determine which behavior issues they will handle in the classroom and which need to be referred |

|How they develop a safe and culturally responsive environment to maximize academic achievement for students from all ethnic, racial, socio-economic, |

|cultural, academic and linguistic backgrounds |

|How they help students develop responsibility for their behavior outside of their classroom and during transitions |

|How they ensure that all students, regardless of gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation; students with disabilities and advanced learners; and |

|students with a combination of special instructional needs are provided equal access to a safe and respectful learning environment |

|How they address bullying behavior in and out of the classroom (physical, name calling, derogatory remarks, etc.) |

|What additional questions and/or concerns they have in this area if they wish to address this |

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|5.7a Observation----K-W-O Chart |

|Lesson Plan/Student Work |

|Each of the cells is completed |

|What I know and what I want to know areas identified should be consistent with the evidence examined (ie, should correlate with the identified needs of |

|the students in the class or concerns identified in the conversation guide or other reflections) |

|5.7b Pre-Observation Classroom Environment/Lesson Plan--Signed by the Support Provider |

|this document may be completed by hand or electronically |

|notes do not need to be on the actual form |

|this section is to be completed by the Support Provider--if all components are present it should be marked as ‘Satisfactory’ |

|Classroom Environment notes are included--optimally these provide evidence that will help co-assessment on the Teaching and Learning Framework) |

|Lesson Plan Notes are included (optimally these provide evidence that will help co-assessment on the Teaching and Learning Framework) |

|5.7c Classroom Observation Notes--signed by the Support Provider |

|this document may be completed by hand or electronically |

|notes do not need to be on the actual form |

|this section is to be completed by the Support Provider--if all components are present it should be marked as ‘Satisfactory’ |

|references to Teaching and Learning Framework elements or CSTPs should be only those that show trends the PT and SP are looking at--not all connections |

|that can be made |

|Observation Notes are present |

|The notes are dated and signed by the Support Provider |

|Optimally the notes should provide evidence to guide the post observation conference, have data that connects to the inquiry question and focus |

|students, and assist with the co-assessment on the Continuum of Teaching Practice |

|5.7d Conversation Guide: Post-Observation Reflection |

|Uses evidence from the observation to document key insights related to K-W-O or other new areas of insight |

|Documents key insights related to student learning |

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|5.8a School and District Information/Resources |

|Learning Zone My History with 55-22-216 complete OR all of the following |

|Site administrator(s) listed |

|Boxes marked as appropriate to indicate school characteristics |

|School Accountability Information complete and school’s academic focus indicated |

|School enrollment and demographic information complete |

|Grade level/department information completed |

|School Personnel and Material resources identified |

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|5.8b Site Orientation Checklist |

|Learning Zone My History with 55-22-216 complete OR all of the following |

|Boxes are checked |

|Site Administrator has signed and dated it |

|5.8c Conversation Guide: School and District Information |

|Learning Zone My History with 55-22-216 complete OR all of the following |

|Each prompt is briefly addressed |

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|a, b, c Community and Home/School Communication |

|5.9a Cross-cultural Community Information |

|Learning Zone My History with 55-22-216 complete OR all of the following |

|Photographs of the school community where the participant teaches are submitted (original, taken by participant)--8 to 10, selected to show significant |

|elements of the school community |

|Other additional artifacts may be submitted (news article, flyers about activities available to students, etc.) |

|Reflection is submitted describing how the characteristics of the community impact the school and classroom, as well as implications for the class |

|environment and instructional design, reflection should refer to the pictures (and artifacts if included) |

|5.9b Home/School Communication Log--ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE |

|Home contact documented |

|Evidence of some contacts based on individual student needs in addition to school/class wide communications (minimum of 5 students) |

|5.9c Home/School Conversation Guide |

|Learning Zone My History with 55-22-216 complete OR all of the following |

|Each prompt is addressed |

|Responses demonstrate understanding of how the characteristics of the community impact the school and classroom, as well as implications for the class |

|environment and instructional design |

|Reflections provide insight into the community and the teacher’s level of practice in creating a safe, caring, class environment that is responsive to |

|the needs of the students and their families |

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|5.10 Revisit Teaching and Learning Framework |

|The notes section for 2.10 is filled in on the Teaching and Learning Framework Document |

|Evidence is cited, using the codes (additional notes are optional) |

|Each of the target elements is assessed (highlighted to show the teacher’s current level of practice) |

|1d, 1e 2b, 3e, 4b, 4c, 5a (selected elements in each) |

|The Support Provider and Participating Teacher have signed the document |

|A readable digital copy of the document showing all information, including signatures, is submitted |

|5.11 Conversation Guide: Educator Growth and Personal Educational Concerns |

|Response reflects insights connected to the assessment of practice on the Teaching and Learning Framework |

|Connections should be made between the activities in the CFT/ATP 1 class (The portfolio modules just completed) and the elements of the Teaching and |

|Learning Framework |

|Additional areas of concern may or may not be present |

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|5.12 Fall Seminar Assignment |

|Guidelines and Criteria for the FALL Seminar Assignment are distributed at the Year 2 Orientation |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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