Little BIG Books

Little BIG Books

MONDAY 9/24/2007

|Materials Needed: Copies of Chapter 3 |

1. Do Now (QUIZ) 5 min (10 points):

a. What happened when Eddie went to drop off the refrigerator at his house?

b. What do you think of Eddie’s response to what happened?

c. Who comes to visit Eddie? What do they want?

d. How does Eddie respond to the request?

e. What would you have done (in response to a & c) if you were in Eddie’s shoes?


|Housekeeping: Hand back weekly point sheets. Students should keep assignments but I will keep their sheets in a binder. ****Take |

|attendance – SALESFORCE |

2. Activity #1: DISCUSSION (10): Review responses to Quiz.

3. Have two students act out scene between Eddie and Aunt on p. 32-33. (T reads narration)

a. What is Aunt Dolores doing?

b. How does she try to get him to do what she wants?

c. If you were Eddie, how would you feel when she brought up how close you were to Jesús?

d. Would you seek revenge?

4. Activity #2: Start Reading Chapter 3 & annotate the text.

Explain what to annotate:

a. Star next to important details – note why it is important

b. Question mark (& write the question)

c. Exclamation point – surprising events & write why it’s surprising

|HOMEWORK: Read to p. 43 |


• Last week’s point sheet (T keeps these)

• Today’s point sheet

Little BIG Books

TUESDAY 9/25/2007


1. Do Now (10): Quiz -

a. What is significant about Angel’s visit to Eddie?

b. What does Eddie do to Mr. YELLOW SHOES?


|Housekeeping : Hand back weekly point sheets |

|Collect HW |

|[pic]Take attendance – send to room 115B |

2. Activity #1 Discussion (40 min): What was Eddie’s attitude about getting revenge up until this point?

a. Why would he have changed his mind? What has happened in this chapter that might have caused a change?

b. Brainstorm list of reasons for attack (Why did Eddie approach El Yellow Shoes?) record responses on board

c. In Pairs (see attached handout): find textual evidence to show what might have caused Eddie’s change of heart.

d. Discuss TWO examples for each character

e. Respond to last prompt: Explain in no less than four sentences why you NOW think Eddie attacked El Yellow Shoes.

• Collect responses, read a few aloud



|HOMEWORK:   Complete Chapter 3 (read to p. 53) |



• Today's point sheet

• Today's Handout – Eddie & Yellow Shoes[pic]

Name ________________________________ Section _____________

Little BIG Books Tuesday, 9/25/07

BURIED ONIONS: Pages 31-43

How does Eddie’s conversation with his aunt lead to his fight with El Yellow Shoes?



How does Eddie’s conversation with Angel lead to his fight with El Yellow Shoes?



Explain in no less than FOUR sentences why you NOW think Eddie attacked El Yellow Shoes.

Little BIG Books

WEDNESDAY 9/26/2007

|Materials Needed: Do Now (chart paper); COPIES OF CHAPTER 4; Response copies |

Do Now/Activity 1 (20):

Mr. Stiles resurfaces in this section of the reading.

a. What do you think of how Mr. Stiles dealt with the missing truck?

b. How does Eddie respond to Mr. Stiles?

c. Did Eddie do the right thing? Why or why not?

Response Paper/Classwork

In last night’s reading, Eddie tries to return the keys to the truck to Mr. Stiles. During the attempt, the boy on the bike spots him and starts calling attention to Eddie – someone the people assume is doing wrong. The boy says that Eddie stole the truck, even though no one in that community knows for sure. Eddie must run, and even hide, to get out of the situation.

“I felt for the envelope in my back pocket and scolded myself for being such a good Boy Scout. I should have just tossed the keys in the trash and forgotten about it.”

|Housekeeping: Hand back weekly point sheets |

|Take attendance – send to room 115B |

Activity #2: Review last night’s homework

Have students share out to the board which quotes they chose (Eddie’s Change of Heart) and explain specifically how the quote relates directly to Eddie’s confrontation of Mr. Yellow Shoes.

Use a T-chart to record their findings on the board.

|Quote (incl pg#) |Explanation |

| | |

|HOMEWORK: Read Chapter 4 |


• Today’s point sheet

• Today’s Do Now & Guided Reading sheets (if complete)

• HW from last night

Little BIG Books

THURSDAY, September 27, 2007

|Materials Needed: Do Now (chart paper); COPIES OF CHAPTER 5; Response copies |

Do Now/Activity 1 (10): Quiz

a. What gossip does Eddie hear from Norma? Do you believe it?

b. What does Eddie start getting paranoid about in this chapter?

c. Who comes to visit Eddie? Give at least 2 facts about this person (give 3 for 1 extra point)

d. Eddie sees something very important in this chapter – what is it?

e. What significant thing happens to Eddie’s visitor? How does this connect to the doubts he’s been having?

|Housekeeping: Hand back weekly point sheets |

|Take attendance – send to room 115B |

Activity 1: Read newspaper excerpts & talk about which story is the more compelling one.

(One excerpt from the newspaper about a death with very few details, another that gives many details on the victim’s life, family & future plans)

• How did you feel about Jose being stabbed?

• What is most upsetting about the incident? Not the actual stabbing but the descriptions before & after that make us really upset.

• How do the people in the city treat Jose?

• How does he behave? What kind of person is he?

• People die every day, but some deaths shake us up more than others.

• How would he feel if Angel had been stabbed?

• What’s compelling about this incident is what we know about him… today we’re going to catalog this character – what does Eddie tell us about him & why this is a significant event.

Activity #2: HAND OUT WORKSHEET (The Jose Incident)

Give students 10 min. to find passages & explain why – Share out.

Exit Ticket: Final reflection on back of sheet (students may complete for HW if time runs out)

|HOMEWORK: Read 1st half of Chapter 5 (p. 69-80) |


• Today’s point sheet

• Today’s Do Now & In-class writing

Name ________________________________ Section _____________

Little BIG Books Thursday, 9/27/07


What is most upsetting to you about Jose’s stabbing?

|Nikki’s example: |

|This makes me most upset: “It was Jose Dominguez, a friend from school I used to sniff glue with. He was a cop in the marines and had learned a |

|lot of in-close fighting techniques that could mess up people for life. After my eyes cleared and my tongue fixed itself back into place, I punched|

|him for real in the stomach. Jose took it with a stutter step backward, and with a grin bellowed, ‘You can’t hurt this soldier, homes’”(p.57). |

| |

|This is why: This scene between Eddie and Jose doesn’t just describe their close friendship. It also tells me that Jose is trying to turn his life|

|around. Eddie wants us to know that he is strong now. Jose is happy that he rose above the days of sniffing glue and Eddie admires him for this. |

|Knowing that, and then finding out that some pathetic thirteen year old thugs stab Eddie, makes me very angry. |

This makes me most upset:

This is why:

FINAL REFLECTION: Now that you have heard other opinions, consider this event from Eddie’s perspective. What do you think are the top three things that are most upsetting to him about Jose’s stabbing?

FRIDAY, 9/28/07

Little Big Books LESSON PLAN

DO NOW: (10) Quiz (CHAPTER 5):

a. Who is Queenie?

b. What questionable thing does Eddie do that relates to Queenie?

Discussion (10 mins):

o Why does Eddie take the money?

o Is he wrong for taking the money? Was he wrong for stopping by his house to drop off the fridge?

o What does he mean when he says, “Something got fried, and it might very well have been my soul”(80)

o Is Eddie making things worse for himself?

o In what ways, if any, could he take up more responsibility for his actions?

ACTIVITY ONE: (30) Read passage on page 80 & Complete POV Activity

1) Explain activity (10)– elicit responses on Point of View & elicit ideas on what Eddie has to be sad and angry about. Record these on the board & have students take notes.

2) Students write until the end of the period

|Homework: Complete Chapter 5 & Read All of Chapter 6 |

Hand in at end of period:

• Point Sheet

• POV Activity

Name ___________________________________ Date _____________

Little BIG Books Section ___________

Buried Onions – pages 69-80

POV Activity: Eddie’s Sadness & Anger

“I’m sorry, Queenie,” I whispered, and gave her one last hug, which squeezed a whimper from her throat. She didn’t know me. She was blind and deaf. I could only press some of my love into her, this poor dog who did twelve years of living – hundred or so years of dog life – and now was going to be put down.

“The dude took her away, carefully because he could see that I was ready to burst with sadness that bordered on anger…”(80).

Besides having to put Queenie down, what else in Eddie’s life makes him ready to burst with sadness and anger?

o You must take into account the two major events occurring between pages 69-80

o You must write from Eddie’s point of view






Little BIG Books: Weekly Point Sheet

|Monday |On Time (5) ___________ |______/25 |

|9/24 |Do Now – QUIZ on Chap 2 (10)___________ | |

| |Prepared (5) __________ | |

| | | |

| |–Pen(1) –Literature(2) | |

| |–Binder open on desk(2) | |

| | | |

| |Behavior (5) ___________ | |

|Tuesday |On Time (5) ___________ |______/25 |

|9/25 |Do Now – QUIZ on Chap 3 (10)___________ | |

| |Prepared (5) __________ | |

| | | |

| |–Pen(2) –Literature(2) | |

| |–Binder open on desk(1) | |

| | | |

| |Behavior (5) ___________ | |

|Wednesday 9/26 |On Time (5) ___________ |______/25 |

| |Prepared (5) __________ | |

| | | |

| |–Pen(2) –Literature(2) | |

| |–Binder open on desk(1) | |

| | | |

| |Homework (5)___________ | |

| |Class Work (5)___________ | |

| |Behavior (5) ___________ | |

|Thursday |On Time (5) ___________ |______/25 |

|9/27 |Prepared (5) __________ | |

| | | |

| |–Pen(2) –Literature(2) | |

| |–Binder open on desk(1) | |

| | | |

| |Homework (5)___________ | |

| |Class Work (5)___________ | |

| |Behavior (5) ___________ | |

|Friday |On Time (5) ___________ |______/25 |

|9/28 |Prepared (5) __________ | |

| | | |

| |–Pen(2) –Literature(2) | |

| |–Binder open on desk(1) | |

| | | |

| |Homework (5)___________ | |

| |Class Work (5)___________ | |

| |Behavior (5) ___________ | |

| | |______/75 |

|Weekly Assignments |Eddie & YS (20) __________ | |

| |____________________________ (20): _____________ | |

| |Dialectical Journal (20): __________ | |

| |Class Discussion (15): ___________ | |

|Total for week of ______9/24 – 9/28_____ | |

| |______/200 |

|Comments: |

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Week of: _9/24-9/28__

__5___ Days

Possible points this week: ____200_____

Comments on other side

Name ________________________ Section ______

LBB Week 3


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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