Paper: Title Style

Paper title uses the title style

Do not include any identifying information; CIC is a double-blind review process.


Please include a brief abstract of this paper. Avoid using figures or equations in the abstract.

Overall Document Guidelines: Head

Clear document of any fonts other than Times, Arial, and Symbol. The paper should be formatted using the tags provided in the template, i.e., title, author, head, subhead, tertiary Head, body copy, eq./fig., references, etc. in a 2 column format on A4 size paper.

Set the left and right margins to 2 cm (0.79"), and the top and bottom margins to 2.5 cm (0.98"). Set the document to a 2-column format with column widths set at 8.15 cm. (3.21") and the gutter—the space between columns— at 0.7 cm (0.28").

Submissions should be a draft of 4-6 pages (including figures).

Graphics and Equations

Graphics and equations should fit within one column (8.15 cm. or 3.21" wide), but full width (19 cm) figures are also acceptable. Equations, figures and figure captions each have their own style tags. Number equations using parentheses flushed right as shown below.

IS&T + members ( Confs. = Success (1)

Helpful Hints and Style Tags: Subhead

For a complete listing of the style tags for use in this template refer to Table 1. These are the style tags for conference proceedings; if you use the wrong template/style tags your paper will be sent back to you to be reformatted. All of these forms and templates related to the publication of submissions for review are available at [1]


Select the specific conference and download the Authors Kit. The template may vary from one conference to another.

The template is set up for MS Word, but you may recreate it in other text programs, including LaTEX. After keying the text into a word file, apply the style tags. Please check the paper carefully to confirm that the styles have been applied correctly, then print it out and double check to ensure that the paper appears as intended.

Style Tag Table: Table head

|1. Title |18 pt Times Bold, flush left; line |

| |spacing exactly at 22 pt; 11 pt. |

| |after |

|2. Byline: Author/Affiliation |8 pt. Arial Bold Italic, flush left; |

| |line spacing exactly at 11 pt; 22 pt.|

| |after |

|3. Head |11 pt. Arial Bold, flush left; line |

| |spacing exactly at 11 pt; |

| |Spacing at 11 pt before. |

|4. Subhead |10 pt. Arial Bold Italic, flush left;|

| |line spacing exactly at 11 pt. |

| |Spacing at 11 pt before. |

|5. Tertiary head |10 pt. Times Bold Italic, flush left;|

| |line spacing exactly at 11 pt. |

| |Spacing at 11 pt before. |

|6. Abstract |9 pt. Times Italic, justified; indent|

| |first line by 0.63 cm (.25”); line |

| |spacing exactly at 11 pt. No spacing |

| |before or after |

| | |

|7.0. Body text |9 pt Times, justified; indent first |

| |line by 0.63 cm (.25”), line spacing |

| |exactly at 11 pt;. Non-justified |

| |body text may be used if |

| |justification is inappropriate. |

|8.0 Equation |Equation flush left, equation number |

| |flush right. Base font of equation |

| |Times 9 pt. |

|8.1 Figure |Flush left line spacing at least 22 |

| |pt. Bold the word “figure” the figure|

| |number. |

|8.2 Figure caption |7 pt. Arial Italic, flush left; line |

| |spacing at exactly 11 pt; spacing at |

| |11 pt after. |

|9. Table head |8 pt. Arial Bold, flush left; line |

| |spacing exactly at 11 pt; Spacing at |

| |11 pt before. |

|10. Table text |9 pt Arial; line spacing exactly at |

| |11 pt; no space before or after (must|

| |be put in manually if needed) |

|11. References |8 pt Times, flush left; line spacing |

| |exactly at 11 pt; no space before or |

| |after; hanging indent at 0.63 cm |

| |(.25”). Square brackets [ ] should be|

| |used to offset reference numbers. |

|12. Author Bio text |8 pt. Times Italic, justified; indent|

| |first line .25”; line spacing exactly|

| |at 10 pt; 10 pt after. |

|13.1 List, bullet |9 pt Times, hanging indent at 0.25”. |

| |No space before or after each item. |

| |Add a hard return at the end of the |

| |bullet list. |

|13.2 List, numbered |9 pt Times, hanging indent at 0.25”. |

| |No space before or after each item. |

| |Add a hard return at the end of the |

| |list. |

Submitting Your Paper

Once you have finalized your draft 4-6 page paper for review, please save the file as a PDF. You may then submit your file per the instructions on color.

Document Specs: Table Head

|Paper Size |A4. |

|Left/right margin |2 cm (0.79") |

|Top/bottom margin |2.5 cm (0.98") |

|Columns |2 at 8.15 cm. (3.21") wide. |

| |Spacing between columns: |

| |0.7 cm (0.28") |

Please contact IS&T with any questions or requests for assistance in helping prepare your submission.


Figure 1. IS&T logo (note the use of bold and italics)

Reference Preparation

Note that for references a tab should be placed between the reference number and information; a hanging tab is set to .15 inches. Samples for references styles are shown below. Reference [1] style should be used for books, Reference [2] style should be used for Journals, and Reference [3] style should be used for Proceedings.

After your references, apply the template tag “Title”. This tag will align your 2 columns to an equal depth.


[1] John Doe, Recent Progress in Digital Halftoning II (IS&T, Springfield, VA, 1999) pg. 173.

[2] M. Smith, “Digitial Imaging J. Imaging. Sci. and Technol., 42, 112 (1998).

[3] X.E. Jones, An Inexpensive Micro-Goniophotometry You Can Build, Proc. PICS, pg. 179. (1998).


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