What employers are looking for - JobSearch

TranscriptWhat employers are looking forG'day my name's Ivan Neville I head the labour market research and analysis branch in the Australian Government. My area talks with thousands of employers around the country every year, so we've got a pretty good understanding of what they're looking for when they fill their vacancies. What I want to do today is talk to you about our jobs market and the sorts of things employers are looking for when they fill those vacancies. In simple terms employers want the whole package, they're looking for people with the relevant qualifications and training to enable them to do the job. They want people to have the right skills and technical expertise for that job and perhaps most importantly they want personal qualities and attributes that make the individual a good fit for the job or business. When I talk about personal qualities and attributes I'm talking about things like being able to communicate we'll, having the ability to work as part of a team and being highly organised. Our jobs market is changing and changing pretty rapidly and we know that most new jobs will be at the higher end of the skilled spectrum and therefore they will require people to have post-school qualifications. We also know that more and more people have those post-school qualifications, so if you want to be competitive for a job you'll need to get those qualifications as well. These days year 12 or equivalent is really the minimum standard, so the first step is to actually finish year 12 but you need more than that to be competitive in today's jobs market. If you haven't finished year 12 or equivalent you seriously need to consider some form of post-school training. What's fortunate though is there are many options and university is not the only pathway to success. We know that many people who undertake and finish a trade qualification do just as well in our jobs market as somebody who undertakes a university degree. Most importantly whatever option you choose whether it's doing a trade qualification or whether it's going to university you need to finish your course or studies and get that qualification. There's no point in starting that qualification or those studies and then dropping out along the way. The reality is you probably need to study throughout your career, our jobs market is changing so much and you need to be able to keep up to date with those changes in the jobs market and that means continuing your studies. My final piece of advice is to actually get some advice about what you want to do and what course opportunities there are for you to achieve what you want to do. Work experience is very important and it's the sort of thing that employers are looking for, for a start, it demonstrates to employers that you are work ready, that you're ready to start in that job and you've got the skills and the qualities that they're looking for. It also shows to an employer that you are willing to work, you have those personal qualities, you're motivated, you're hard-working. Having any sort of job will give you some confidence and often young people in particular lack confidence. They may have missed out on some jobs along the way, but you have some work experience you become more confident. It gives you insight into different jobs there may be some jobs that you think this job is suitable for me, there may be other jobs where you think well this is not for me, but that's all good experience and you can learn from that experience. And, finally having some work experience will give you contacts in the workplace and most importantly you will gain a reference, you'll gain a referee and somebody who can comment on your ability to do another job. There are many jobs where experience is an advantage but not necessarily essential, we also know that in some industries there are employers who are willing to give the right person ago and industries such as hospitality and retail are very good examples. It's also worth remembering though that even though you might be looking for a full-time job you may not necessarily get a full-time job immediately. You might have to start by taking on a part-time job or indeed several part-time jobs. You might look at having a contract position, doing some shift work or a casual job. And don't rule out the experience that you can gain from volunteering or working in a local sports club. Whatever you're doing, whatever work experience you have and whether it's volunteering or in a pay job, you're actually building your skills your building your experience and you're gaining confidence along the way and most importantly you're getting those references which will help you in your future career. If you're having trouble finding a job or getting some experience you may need to expand your job search, the way you look for work and you may need to think more broadly. Ask family and friends, tap into your networks if you're going to a barbecue strike up a conversation with somebody about you're looking for a job, don't rule out social media we know that employers these days are using social media more and more to fill their vacancies. What you need to remember though is that many vacancies these days are not advertised at all so, it pays to ask around. Thanks very much for watching I hope you found this information useful good luck in your job search, the jobs market is fairly competitive but if you're resilient and stick at it I'm sure you'll end up in a very satisfying job. ................

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