Preparing to Analyze a Song

Preparing to Analyze a SongWhen a music critic analyzes a song they choose a song to critique, they analyze the lyrics and they analyze the way the music is arranged and how it works with the words to the song.Lyrical ElementsLyrics are the words of a song. They can be broken down into many elements.Here are some elements of the lyrics to consider:Setting: We have seen setting in our travels before. The setting consists of the time an event occurred as well as the place where it occurred. Voice: There are two basic categories: Active – songwriter/character involved in songPassive - songwriter/character does not participate in the song. The songwriter becomes the reporter or observer of the events in the song. The songwriter tells a story about someone else.Characters: Who are the characters in the song? What part do they have to play in the actions?Mood:What kind of feelings or emotions is expressed in the lyrics? This is the mood. The mood could be happy, angry, sad or any other emotion. The mood could also have mixed emotions such as sad/angry.Literary Devices:Simile, metaphor, personification, symbolism, alliteration, foreshadowing, etc. Let us now analyze the lyrics.012954000Let us look at a classic song you may know. This one is called “Trees”. Rush recorded it in the 70s. Instructions: Read the following lyrics to the song “Trees”. The TreesWords by Neil Peart, music by Geddy Lee and Alex LifesonThere is unrest in the forestThere is trouble with the treesFor the maples want more sunlightAnd the oaks ignore their pleasThe trouble with the maples(and they’re quite convinced they’re right)They say the oaks are just too loftyAnd they grab up all the lightBut the oaks can’t help their feelingsIf they like the way they’re madeAnd they wonder why the maplesCan’t be happy in their shade? There is trouble in the forestAnd the creatures all have fledAs the maples scream `oppression!`And the oaks just shake their headsSo the maples formed a unionAnd demanded equal rights’The oaks are just too greedyWe will make them give us light’Now there’s no more oak oppressionFor they passed a noble lawAnd the trees are all kept equalBy hatchet,Axe,And saw ...Lyrical ElementEvidence in the LyricsSetting: in the forestThe song starts with: “There is unrest in the forest”Characters: maple and oak treesThe song has the following lyrics: “As the maples scream `oppression!` And the oaks just shake their heads”Voice: passiveThe songwriter is using the third person plural: “they”Mood: anger and unrestThe song has the following lyrics: “There is unrest in the forest. There is trouble with the trees”Literary DevicePersonification is used to compare trees with people. The words that demonstrate personification are: “maples scream ‘oppression!`” and “the oaks can’t help their feelings”Elements of MusicHere are some elements of music to consider:Style of music – Is this a country song? A rock song? A disco song? A rap song? Or another style of music? Think about how this style of music is appropriate for the message of the song. “Trees” is a rock song. When you listen to the song try to guess which instruments are being used.Types of instruments – In modern music you will usually find guitars, drums, bass, piano/keyboards but in addition you may find others such as: violin, mandolin, flute, and so on. How do the instruments express the feelings of the songwriter? In “Trees,” the instruments express at first the calmness of the forest and then it changes to the anger of the maple trees by using distorted guitar as the other instruments get loud. Tempo – Music can be slow or fast. It can have a medium tempo as well. It can also start at one tempo and then change to a different tempo. Rush or Coldplay among other bands likes to use this technique. My personal favourite is when the song starts slow and then builds faster until it reaches breakneck speed. As you listen to “Trees” think why this tempo was chosen.Volume of music – Music can be quiet or loud but more frequently it is a combination of both. Think about how the volume can be used to enhance the message of the song.Practice Activity: Analyze song of your choiceInstructions: 1- Listen to the song “Trees”. As you listen, pay close attention to the music in terms of its style, instruments, tempo and volume. How does the music enhance the message of the lyrics? What mood does the music create? 2- Answer the questions below.What style of song is it? (e.g.: country, rap, etc.)________________________________________________What types of instruments are used?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is the song’s tempo?________________________________________________What is the volume of music? Indicate whether it changes or not.________________________________________________________________________________________________How do all these elements enhance the message of the songwriter’s lyrics?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LyricsInstructions: Answer the following questions related to your song’s lyrics.What is this song about?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What literary devices are used? Give evidence.________________________________________________________________________________________________What is the song’s setting?________________________________________________________________________________________________What voice is the song using? (passive or active)________________________________________________Who are the characters in the lyrics?________________________________________________________________________________________________What mood is expressed in the lyrics? (Hint: take words from the text)________________________________________________________________________________________________Why do you think the author wrote this song?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-104775476250Instructions:Listen to your song. Then, answer the following:00Instructions:Listen to your song. Then, answer the following:MusicWhat style of song is it? (eg: country, rock, etc.)________________________________________________What types of instruments are used?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is the song’s tempo?________________________________________________________________________________________________What is the volume of the music?________________________________________________________________________________________________How do all these elements enhance the message of the songwriter’s lyrics?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Check your Answers:When you are finished bring your answers to your teacher for feedback.Practice Activity: Writing a Song CritiqueSelect a song: Choose a song based on its lyrics and present them to your teacher for approval. Make sure the song is an oral commentary, that is, it is trying to make a comment about something in the world. Here are some examples: political song, protest song, a song about something that should be done or changed.Write a song analysis by answering the following questions in one paragraph in your notebook:What is the setting of the lyrics?What voice is the song using?Who are the characters in the lyrics?What mood is expressed in the lyrics? (Hint- take words from the text)What literary devices are used? Provide evidence from the lyricsWhy do you think the author wrote this song? Add another paragraph to this analysis by listening carefully to the music. Focus on how the following elements effect the message of the song:Style of song (ex: rap, metal, etc.)Types of instrumentsTempoVolume of musicAdd another paragraph and give your opinion. In this paragraph choose a position. State whether you like or dislike the song. Then proceed with explaining why you like or dislike the song in terms of its music and lyrics. Take words or phrases from the song to use as proof.Check your Work:When you are finished bring your song critique to your teacher for feedback. ................

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