Comparing Performance of Universal Health Care Countries, 2016

 October 2016 Fraser Institute

Comparing Performance of Universal Health Care Countries, 2016

by Bacchus Barua, Ingrid Timmermans, Ian Nason, and Nadeem Esmail

Comparing Performance of Universal Health Care Countries, 2016 ? Barua, Timmermans, Nason, and Esmail ? i


Executive Summary/iii Introduction/1 1 Method/2 2 How much does Canada spend on health care compared to other countries? / 8 3 How well does Canada's health-care system perform? / 11 4 Health status and outcomes / 34 Conclusion/40 Appendix--additional tables and data / 41 References/51

About the Authors / 57 Acknowledgments/58 Publishing Information/59 Purpose, Funding, and Independence / 60 Supporting the Fraser Institute / 60 About the Fraser Institute / 61 Editorial Advisory Board / 62


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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