Classroom Debate Instructions

Classroom Debate

Review the following instructions before Wednesday at 10 am. I suggest your group coordinate before class about main arguments (for example, through a shared Google doc), but you will also have time in a breakout room before the debate to coordinate arguments.

Students will be divided into the following groups.

Group 1A: 3 NAMES

Group 1B: 3 NAMES

Group 1C: 3 NAMES

Group 1D: 2 NAMES

Moderator: 1 NAME

Group 2A: 3 NAMES

Group 2B: 3 NAMES

Group 2C: 3 NAMES

Group 2D: 2 NAMES

Moderator: 1 NAME

Group 3A: 3 NAMES

Group 3B: 3 NAMES

Group 3C: 3 NAMES

Group 3D: 2 NAMES

Moderator: 1 NAME

Group 4A: 3 NAMES

Group 4B: 3 NAMES

Group 4C: 3 NAMES

Group 4D: 2 NAMES

Moderator: 1 NAME

Group 5A: 3 NAMES

Group 5B: 3 NAMES

Group 5C: 3 NAMES

Group 5D: 2 NAMES

Moderator: 1 NAME

Group A will be supporting the pro-mid-level provider position.

Group B will be supporting the anti-mid-level provider position.

Group C will be providing and supporting an alternative solution.

Group D will be asking questions and judging which of the three groups they found the most convincing. The Moderator will be in charge of time keeping, issues with the Zoom room (e.g., inform students if issues with volume or muting, click the “ask for help” button if any issues), and will also vote. If issues with the breakout rooms, the Moderator will be in charge of setting up a new Zoom room (directions below).

Pro-Mid-Level Provider Position: Support the establishment of dental hygiene practitioners. This group will have a Master’s Degree (two years training in addition to Bachlor’s Degree) and will be permited to do everything that hygienists can do and also place fillings (after dentist does prep work), do extractions, handle medical emergencies, administer some drugs, provide restorations, administer anesthesia, and extract primary teeth and loose permanent teeth. This provider would be under the supervision of a dentist, although could work offsite with approval from that dentist. They would not be able to provide dental crowns, bridges, or other complicated procedures.

Anti-Mid-Level Provider Position: Against the establishment of dental hygiene practitioners (described above). Supports the status quo of dentists (licensed with four year professional degree in addition to Bachelor’s degree) and dental hygiensts (as well as other similar groups).

Alternative Solution Position: Suggests and supports an alternative to the above.


Everyone will log on to Zoom by 10 am for the Debate: ZOOM LINK

Password: ______________

At the beginning of the meeting, students should change their name as displayed on the screen to read their group number and name (e.g., Group 2D Mieke Thomeer). To change name, click the “Participants” tab on the bottom of the screen, by your name click “More,” and click “Rename.” (If can’t figure this out, just use a piece of paper wth your group letter on it--A, B, C, D, or M for Moderator--to display on your screen.)


After this brief introduction with me on Zoom, students will all be made co-hosts of the meeting. (This may take a minute, so please be patient. We’re doing this-- -- minus the fun party part.) If you can’t move to a breakout room, send me a message through Zoom with where you need to be, and I’ll move you. Once students are cohosts, they can move to their breakout room with their small debate group. (These are listed below.) Students should use these breakout rooms to strategize. By 10:25, they should move into their main debate room (where the Moderator and Group D have been—Rooms 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20, see below).

Breakout Rooms:

Room 1 Group 1A Discussion

Room 2 Group 1B Discussion

Room 3 Group 1C Discussion

Room 4 Group 1 Debate site (1D and Moderator start and stay here)

Room 5 Group 2A Discussion

Room 6 Group 2B Discussion

Room 7 Group 2C Discussion

Room 8 Group 2 Debate site (2D and Moderator start and stay here)

Room 9 Group 3A Discussion

Room 10 Group 3B Discussion

Room 11 Group 3C Discussion

Room 12 Group 3 Debate site (3D and Moderator start and stay here)

Room 13 Group 4A Discussion

Room 14 Group 4B Discussion

Room 15 Group 4C Discussion

Room 16 Group 4 Debate site (4D and Moderator start and stay here)

Room 17 Group 5A Discussion

Room 18 Group 5B Discussion

Room 19 Group 5C Discussion

Room 20 Group 5 Debate site (5D and Moderator start and stay here)

Debate Procedure

Visuals may be used at any time. Groups are not required to use all of the time allocated to each debate component, but speakers must stop immediately when the time runs out. (Moderator can adjust time accordingly.) In other words, the Moderator needs to ensure that your group does not get behind schedule, but it is okay to get ahead of schedule.

There is no immediate, reciprocal interchange of comments between the groups; groups should only speak to each other at the allotted times. During the position presentation, groups should not reference points made by other groups, but should only provide what they view as the strongest arguments for their position. During the rebuttal, groups should directly address points raised by any of the other groups. During the position summary, new information should not be introduced; just provide what you feel is the strongest defense of your position.

The TA and I will be visiting the room periodically to see how things are going. If any participants have issues, message the Moderator. The moderator should then send me a message or email me immediately with the Group # so I can address.

Keep your camera on at all times, but keep your microphone muted when it is not your group’s turn to talk.

Debate Format (70 minutes)

10:15-10:25: Preparation time (in breakout rooms)

10:25-10:30: Group A’s Position Presentation

10:30-10:35: Group B’s Position Presentation

10:35-10:40: Group C’s Position Presentation

10:40-10:45: Groups discussion/preparation for rebuttal (in breakout rooms, see above)

10:45-10:48: Rebuttal –Group A

10:48-10:51: Rebuttal – Group B

10:51-10:54: Rebuttal – Group C

10:54-11:04: Questions – Group D and Moderator to other groups

11:04-11:09: Groups discussion/preparation for summary (in breakout rooms, see above)

11:09-11:12: Position Summary – Group C

11:12-11:15: Position Summary – Group B

11:15-11:18: Position Summary – Group A

Everyone but Group D and Moderator exit breakout room to main room.

11:18-11:25: Group D and Moderator discuss which position was best supported and which group they felt had the strongest argument. They will try to come to a consensus regarding this.

Everyone: Complete the Poll when enter the Zoom meeting.

11:25: Everyone back in main Zoom room for wrap-up. I will close breakout rooms at this time.

After Class

In your reflection, students will discuss:

1. What their current position is on the issue of mid-level providers and why.

2. How the debate did or did not change their original position on this issue.

3. What they think will happen with mid-level providers over the next two decades, both in Alabama and nationwide, and what the consequences of these changes will be?

Be sure to also complete the quiz.

Supporting Documents

• Summary article of both positions

o Shaefer, H. L., & Miller, M. (2011). Improving access to oral health care services among underserved populations in the US: is there a role for mid-level dental providers?. Journal of health care for the poor and underserved, 22(3), 740-744.

• Alternative workforce models chart (by state)


• Dental Group Statements

o ADA statement on the role of alternative workforce in reducing oral health disparities

▪ (especially pp. 10-12)

o AGD statement on increasing access to care

o AAOMS statement

• Op-eds against MLPs




• Op-eds in favor of MLPs




o Rodriguez, T. E., Galka, A. L., Lacy, E. S., Pellegrini, A. D., Sweier, D. G., & Romito, L. M. (2013). Can midlevel dental providers be a benefit to the American public?. Journal of health care for the poor and underserved, 24(2), 892-906.

▪ (13-4-8%20Rodriguez%20et%20al,%20JHCPU).pdf



• News articles about mid-level practitioners:


▪ Tends to lean pro-mid-level providers


▪ Interesting discussion in comments section as well

o 2010/11/02/health/02dental.html


▪ See links in article


o Kansas

• Pew Reports on expanding dental teams



• Research

o Review of global research on mid-level providers

▪ -/media/pdfs/dental-therapy/nash-dental-therapist-literature-review.ASHX

▪ Response from the ADA:


o Bolin, K. A. (2008). Assessment of treatment provided by dental health aide therapists in Alaska: a pilot study. The Journal of the American Dental Association, 139(11), 1530-1535.

▪ Response by Guay:

o Dental school deans’ attitudes toward MLPs

o To access more research, use Google Scholar or other search engines (like PubMD) and search key terms discussed in above articles

• ADA position on Community Health Coordinators


Instructions for Moderators if Zoom Room Issues:

If needed (will be instructed by Dr. Thomeer the morning of the debate), the moderator needs to set up two Zoom rooms—one to open at 10:15 am and another to open at 10:50 am. (This is because UAB students have a Basic account, and meetings restricted to 40 minutes. If you have an account that allows for longer meetings, you only need to set up one meeting.) Instructions are here: Scroll down to the middle of the page to “Log in to/Create Zoom Account.” Once logged in, on the left side of the screen, click the second box, “Meetings.” Select “Schedule a New Meeting.” Do this twice to create two meetings—one for 10:15 am, one for 11 am. Be sure breakout rooms are enabled (but not preassigned). You will then email the link and password to me, and I will send to the participants in the group.

At 10:15 am (or later is delays), everyone will join the first room, and the Moderator will then create breakout rooms for Groups A, B, and C. (If need more information, see here: ). Groups will have ten minutes in the breakout rooms, and then the debate will start promptly at 10:25. During the breakout room, time, the Moderator and Group D will stay in main room and discuss key questions they want to ask. The Moderator will facilitate moving to the second room if/when necessary.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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