Program Committee Call - SBM

Council on SIGs Minutes

Date: Friday, April 25, 2014

Time: 2:30pm Eastern Standard Time (EST)


SIG Chairs

Reginald Tucker-Seeley, ScD

Sara Folta, PhD

Tim Bickmore, PhD

Eric Hekler, PhD

Laura A. Young, MD, PhD

Michael Diefenbach, PhD

Bernard Fuemmeler, PhD, MPH

Caroline Richardson, MD

Erin A. Olson

Hayley S. Thompson, PhD

Frank Sotelo

Karen Oliver, PhD

E. Amy Janke, PhD

Jennifer L. Hay, PhD

Erika Waters, PhD, MPH

Mark E. Vogel, PhD

David E. Goodrich, EdD

Michael Ann Glotfelter

Jerry M. Suls, PhD

Lisa M. Quintilliani, PhD, RD

Marcella H. Boynton, PhD

Amy A. Gorin, PhD

Stephanie L. Fitzpatrick, PhD

Martin Cheatle, PhD

Matthew P. Buman, PhD

David Williams, PhD

Lila Finney Rutten, PhD, MPH

Jennifer L. St. Sauver, PhD, MPH

Amy B. Wachholtz, PhD, MDiv

John M. Salsman, PhD

Julie Cessna, MPH

Susan Michie, DPhil, Cpsych, FBPS, ACSS

Alex Rothman, PhD

Stephanie Case

Gina Merchant

Christina Psaros, PhD

Valessa St. Pierre, MS

Board of Directors: Information from Dr. Lisa Klesges

Dr. Klesges attended the meeting in order to convey the support and encouragement that the Board of Directors feels for the Special Interest Groups and their chairs. She explained that the Board sees the SIGs as both an important outlet and impetus of novelty and innovation for SBM members and member activities. Dr. Klesges encouraged SIGs to continue to work on identifying topics for health policy briefs, topics for evidence-based reviews and thinking of ways in which SBM leadership can ensure that connections relevant to members and SIGs are made throughout the year. While discussing policy briefs and statements, SIG chairs asked that SBM leadership find a way to better inform and include SIG leadership in the authoring and dissemination process. Dr. Klesges indicated that one way to ensure this exchange of information would be to set up a repository on the SBM website where minutes and documents could be available to chairs. Staff will coordinate the implementation of this repository.

Tracking and Coordination of SIG Listserv Subscriptions

Staff described the two databases which are used to house SBM membership information, including SIG membership and listserv subscriptions. Staff will research the possibility of connecting those databases, and once prepared will present viable options for changes to the tracking and renewing portions of the membership forms related to the SIG portion. Chairs brainstormed several possibilities that might help the process go more smoothly: ability to see current group subscriptions and membership when renewing dues online, ability to opt-in to listservs while renewing online, and the possibility of a detailed annual email reminder in which current SIG memberships are reviewed/described.

All-SIG Special Supplement/Issue

Dr. Matt Buman facilitated the discussion and SIG chairs were excited about topics such as intervention techniques, Health psychology, and the state of the science in measuring behavior change. Several chairs volunteered to help coordinate this further, and it will require further discussion on upcoming SIG calls.

SIG Chair and SBM Leadership Roles

Several new and outgoing chairs in attendance discussed the need for a training call or presentation in which they can become better oriented with the responsibilities and annual activities associated with the chair/co-chair position. Staff will present an orientation as the subsequent call to today’s meeting. Related to this idea, was the need for chairs to be apprised of what the SBM organizational structure entails. There is a need to identify and/or culminate a leadership path, so that volunteers can easily plan their involvement in the organization, and have the opportunity to pursue a leadership trajectory within the society.

The next call – February 20, 2014

Date: February 20, 2014

Time: 9:00am Hawaii Time (HT)

11:00am Pacific Standard Time (PST)

12:00pm Mountian Standard Time (MST)

1:00pm Central Standard Time (CST)

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7:00pm Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

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