GB2RS News Script


Sunday the 13th of September 2020

The news headlines:

• RSGB Online Convention announces two more great talks

• AMSAT-UK Colloquium news

• Six Metre Group AGM goes online

During the online RSGB Convention for 2020, you will be able to enjoy some excellent lectures. On Saturday the 10th of October, the RSGB will be putting on two streams online for everyone to enjoy. In An introduction to… we will have a pictorial introduction to data modes by Mike Richards, G4WNC. He will guide viewers through the basics of data modes operation, explaining the commonly used terms and the development of the modes in general use today. In the Learn more about… stream, Alwyn Seeds, G8DOH will look at VHF/UHF radios for contesting and DXing. The talk will discuss the important specifications for high performance VHF and UHF radios and how these can most easily be achieved. For transmitters, the importance of achieving low radiated noise will be explained. The talk will be illustrated with measurements for a variety of radios based on both conventional and software defined radio design approaches. You can find out more at .uk/convention.

The AMSAT-UK Colloquium 2020 will also be online this year. Taking place on Sunday 11th of October, there will be one lecture stream from 11am to 4pm. You can find out more at colloquium. The registration URL is .

The UK Six Metre Group will hold its Annual General Meeting by videoconference on Sunday the 27th of September at 1700UTC, that’s 6pm UK time. The brief formal part of the meeting will be followed by a talk from Peter Lund, JW7QIA on his recent 50 and 70MHz operations from Svalbard, which is the northernmost year-round settlement on Earth and only 1000km from the North Pole. Non-members of the Group will be welcome to join the call, but will not be able to vote. Connection instructions will be issued the week before the meeting via the group website, .

The RSGB administers a number of award programmes for HF and VHF, including the enhanced special awards for Foundation and Intermediate licence holders. A vacancy has arisen for a volunteer to promote and manage these programmes. For further information about the role, including how to apply, visit the Society’s volunteer web page at volunteers.

The IARU R1 has just published a further news release following the online CEPT-PTC and CEPT-PTA meetings for WRC-23 prep. The RSGB Spectrum Forum Chair and the RSGB Microwave Manager have been closely engaged at these meetings. Details at iaru-.

Details of the Portable Operations Challenge given in last week’s news should have read the 3rd and 4th October. Find out all you need to know at challenge.

The RSGB 2020 Construction Competition is open for entries. There are four categories, including one specifically for people who are new to amateur radio. The deadline for entries is the 25th of September. For more details, including how to enter, see construction-competition.

Mark, G0KZZ, has started a new internet forum for CW enthusiasts. It is wide ranging, covering amateur CW operating to radiotelegraphy history and key collecting to internet based CW contacts.

In the UK, the 5MHz, or 60m band, has been available to Full UK licensees since August 2002. This we owe to the initiative of the late Gordon Adams, G3LEQ, who at the time was Spectrum Director of the Radio Society of Great Britain. He was central to negotiations with the Regulator and the UK Ministry of Defence, the Primary User of the band. One of the elements of Gordon’s proposals was a country-wide news reading of the GB2RS. This has taken place regularly on a Sunday since the band’s inception by a team of newsreaders. Gordon became a Silent Key in February 2018 and the GB2RS 5MHz newsreading team, as The 5MHz Pioneers Group, applied for and received the call G5MHZ. The call will be on the air in recognition and remembrance of the work done by Gordon at 5MHz for UK radio amateurs.

Now the special event news

Since the change of regulations applying to special event stations in the UK, many activations are now able to go ahead. UK amateurs would like to thank Ofcom for their help in making this happen.

Members of the Royal Air Force ARS will be operating GB80BOB from the 1st to the 28th of September to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain. Due to Covid-19, Ofcom are allowing this call to be operated from homes. A list of operators and postcode locations will be displayed on the RAFARS website. A special QSL card is available. Details are at GB80BOB/ and .

Now the contest news

Please remember to check before the contest for new rules due to lockdown and social distancing, which may differ around the world. The RSGB strongly advises obeying your own national and local government’s advice first and foremost, especially in the instance of local lockdowns.

The WAE DX SSB contest runs for 48 hours ending 2359UTC today, the 13th. Using SSB on the 3.5 to 28MHz contest bands, the exchange is signal report and serial number. Note the EU stations only work non-EU stations.

The UK Microwave Group contest runs from 0900 to 1700UTC today, the 13th. Using all modes on the 24 to 248GHz bands, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

Also today, the 13th, the IRTS 70cm Counties contest runs from 1300 to 1330UTC. This is followed by the IRTS 2m Counties contest from 1330 to 1500UTC. Both use SSB and FM only and the exchange is signal report and serial number, with EI and GI stations also giving their county.

On Tuesday the 1.3GHz UK Activity Contest runs from 1900 to 2130UTC. Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

On Wednesday the CW leg of the 80m Autumn Series runs from 1900 to 2130UTC. The exchange is signal report and serial number.

On Thursday it’s the turn of the 70MHz UK Activity Contest, running from 1900 to 2130UTC. Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

Next Sunday, the 20th, the 70MHz AFS Contest runs from 0900 to 1200UTC. Using all modes on the 4m band, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

The BARTG Sprint 75 contest takes place next Sunday, the 20th, from 1700 to 2100UTC. Using the 3.5 to 28MHz contest bands, the exchange is serial number.

Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA and G4BAO on Friday the 11th of September.

It was another week with zero sunspots, but the upside was that we had settled geomagnetic conditions. The maximum Kp index of two, but more often than not just one, was brought about by an absence of coronal holes last week. This meant that the ionosphere was pretty stable, with Maximum Useable Frequencies over a 3,000km path heading towards 18MHz at times.

Next week, NOAA predicts the solar flux index to be 70 and the largest Kp index to be two, so expect similar conditions. NOAA also predicts the Kp index could rise to a maximum of three on the 18th and 19th, due to a high-speed stream from a returning coronal hole.

Due to seasonal changes we do expect ionospheric conditions to improve slightly as we head towards the end of the month. We also expect to see transatlantic paths and openings to South Africa and South America improving around the time of the Autumnal equinox. There will also be a gradual improvement in daytime maximum useable frequencies as we head towards Autumn, but night-time MUFs will decline. Expect October to probably be the best month all round for HF propagation.

And now the VHF and up propagation news.

It seems like the main Sporadic-E season is over for the summer. With even FT8 paths hard to spot on the DX clusters. So, unless something exceptional turns up you’ll have to wait at least until the small secondary December Sporadic-E peak for that DX mode again.

The basic weather pattern to end the current week and take us into early next week has high pressure over southern areas of the UK and cloudy unsettled weather over the north-western areas with wind and rain. This means that there is likely to be Tropo on offer over the next few days, with paths to the south across Biscay initially and later biased more towards northern Europe.

There could be an unsettled showery period of weather in the south as the high weakens by midweek and, typically after a few hot days, there may be thundery showers, which is great news for the GHz rain scatter operators.

A temporary return of high pressure later will probably put Tropo back into play again, but with a further return of unsettled weather after a day or two.

Expect a good week for EME, with the Moon at maximum declination this weekend followed by shortening Moon windows as the week progresses. Declination goes negative on Friday and this coincides with perigee where losses are at their lowest. 144MHz sky temperatures are low apart from next Thursday morning when the Sun and Moon are very close in the sky.

No meteor showers this week, so look for the best random meteors around local dawn while the Earth is rotating towards the orbital random meteor flux.

And that’s all from the propagation team this week.

Next, the Local News:

Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies can be found on the RSGB website, including email addresses and website links where known.

[Note to Newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to the service area of your transmission.]


We strongly advise you to check with organisers before travelling, as events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Government regulations are changing rapidly and it is not necessarily the same across the whole of the UK. Above all, please observe all national or local restrictions, including social distancing and wearing face coverings where required.

Cheltenham Amateur Radio Association has daily nets at 8.10am on 145.400MHz and GB3CG, followed by a net at 8.40am on 28.450MHz. On Sundays there is also a net on 50.220MHz USB. Tuesday sees slow CW around 3540kHz from 8pm. More information via email to

Loughborough & District Amateur Radio Club has nets on Sundays from 7.30pm around 145.425MHz. Tuesday sees a club net from 7.30pm around 145.425MHz. Contact Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319.

Wythall Radio Club has a net on Sundays from 8pm on 145.225MHz. Tuesday sees a net on GB3WL or 145.225MHz from 8.30pm. More information from Chris, G3YHF, on 0795 839 5904.

Rugby Amateur Transmitting Society has weekday nets on 144.275MHz SSB from 8.30am. More from Steve, G8LYB on 01788 578 940.

Coventry Amateur Radio Society has nets on Monday from 8pm on 145.375MHz FM and 7.175MHz SSB. On Wednesday there’s a DMR net from 8.30pm on Talk Group 2345974, and Thursday sees a net from 7pm on 50.175MHz SSB. Contact John, G8SEQ, on 0795 877 7363.

Midland Amateur Radio Society has open nets on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7.30pm on 145.425MHz. Wednesday also sees an AGM planning committee meeting. Details from Norman, G8BHE, on 0780 807 8003.

Nunsfield House Amateur Radio Group has a net on Monday from 8pm on 433.450MHz, and on Thursday from 8pm on 145.325MHz. Friday sees a Zoom meeting from 8pm. For details, email

Stourbridge & District Amateur Radio Society has a net on Monday from 8pm on 145.325MHz instead of the normal meeting. Contact John, M1EJG, on 01562 700 513.

Sutton Coldfield Amateur Radio Society has an open net on Monday from 7.30pm, starting on 145.250MHz. Details from Robert, via email to rob2e0zap@.

Welland Valley Amateur Radio Society is having a socially distanced fox hunt in Welland Valley on Monday. For more information contact Peter D Rivers, G4XEX, on 01858 432 105.

South Birmingham Radio Society has its Zoom coffee morning on Tuesday from 11am. Contact Martin, M0JZT, via email to m0jzt@.

Gloucester Amateur Radio & Electronics Society has a net on Wednesday from 7.30pm on 145.475MHz FM. Thursday sees a net from 7.30pm on 145.475MHz FM, which moves to 80m SSB later. On Friday there’s a net from 7.30pm on 432.220MHz SSB. Contact Anne, 2E1GKY, on 01242 699 595, daytime.

On Wednesday Malvern Hills RAC has a net on 145.350MHz FM from 8pm. Contact Dave, G4IDF, on 01905 351 568.

On Wednesday Mid-Warwickshire Amateur Radio Society has a net from 8pm on 145.275MHz. Contact Don, G4CYG, on 01926 424465.

On Wednesday Telford & District Amateur Radio Society has a 2m net plus a general Webex ragchew. Contact John, M0JZH, on 0782 473 7716.

On Thursday Kettering & District Amateur Radio Society has a net from 7pm on 145.300MHz FM Details from Ed, M0TZX, via email to M0TZX@.

On Thursday Solihull Amateur Radio Society has a net on 145.450MHz from 8pm. For details, email solihullradioclub@.

On Friday Spalding & District Amateur Radio Society has a net around 145.300MHz from 7.30pm. Contact Graham, G8NWC, on 0775 461 9701.

On Saturday 19 September Central Radio Amateur Circle has a net from 12.30pm on 145.575MHz. Details by text to 0737 552 3259.


We strongly advise you to check with organisers before travelling, as events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Government regulations are changing rapidly and it is not necessarily the same across the whole of the UK. Above all, please observe all national or local restrictions, including social distancing and wearing face coverings where required.

We strongly advise you to check with organisers before travelling, as events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. In particular, the English government’s Rule of Six was announced after our deadline this week. We have not been able to include any last-minute programme changes this may have caused. Above all, please observe all national or local restrictions, including social distancing and wearing face coverings where required.

South Manchester Radio and Computer Club has a net on Sundays from 10.30am around 3,637kHz. Tuesday sees a net from 7.30pm around 145.475MHz. On Wednesday there’s a net from 8pm on 51.530MHz. On Thursday there’s a Morse net followed by the main net from 7.30pm around 145.475MHz. Details from Ron, G3SVW on 0161 969 3999.

Houghton-Le-Spring Amateur Radio Club has an open SSTV net on Sundays from 8pm on 144.700MHz FM. There’s Morse practice for beginner to expert levels at various times during the week on 144.700MHz FM. Tuesday sees a club night from 6.30pm, under social distancing conditions. There’s an open chat around 145.450MHz FM from 9pm on Friday. Details from George, M5GHT, on 0191 5488995.

Central Lancs Amateur Radio Club has an open net on Sundays from 11am on 1.940MHz. Most days see a CQ and brew from about 2.30pm on 70.450MHz. On Tuesday there’s also net from 7.30pm around 70.450MHz. Details from Peter, G3UCA on 01772 494 474.

Wakefield and DRS has suspended all meetings for the time being. On Sundays the 2E0IPC memorial net runs from 10.15am, just after the GB2RS News, on 144.600MHz FM. Friday sees a net from 7pm, also on 144.600MHz FM. Details from Charles, M0OXO, via email to

Oldham Radio Club has a multimode net on XLX305A 9.30am on Sundays. On Monday there’s a DMR net on GB7MR TG9 S2 from 9.30am, then a D-Star simplex net starting at 8pm on 144.6125MHz. Wednesday and Friday sees nets beginning on 145.500MHz at 8pm. Details from Mike, M1CVL, on 0740 276 3203.

Stockport Radio Society has a daily CW net at 4pm around 3.564MHz. On Monday there’s a C4FM Fusion net from 7.30pm on 144.950MHz. Tuesday sees net around 145.375MHz from 7.30pm. Contact Heather, M6HNS, on 0750 690 4422.

Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society has a net on Sundays from 11am on 1.969MHz. On Monday there’s a digital-only net on GB7CY from 7.30pm. Thursday sees a net from 8pm on 145.425MHz. Contact John, G4FRK, on 01253 862 810.

Halifax & District Amateur Radio Society has a net on Monday at 7pm on 144.390MHz USB, an open net from 7pm on Tuesday via GB3WY and an open net on GB3HD from 7pm on Wednesday. Thursday sees a SSTV net on 144.525MHz from 1pm and a joint net with RAFARS on 145.350MHz from 7pm. Contact Martin, M0GQB on 01422 341 317.

Hull & District Amateur Radio Society has nets on Monday and Thursday from 7pm around 145.350MHz. There’s a Zoom meeting at 7pm on Wednesday and Friday. Thursday sees a net from 7pm around 145.350MHz. Contact Tony, G0WJK, on 0794 464 8924.

Keighley Amateur Radio Society has a Zoom meeting from 8pm on Tuesday. On Thursday there’s a socially distanced meeting at the Flappit Pub, Cullingworth. Details from Geoff, G7JZM, on 0777 489 1641.

York Radio club has its net on Wednesday from 8pm on 145.450MHz. For details see

Bishop Auckland Radio Amateur club has resumed meetings on Thursday evenings, with Covid-19 precautions including social distancing. A net will run on GB3CD from 7.30pm for those unable to attend. Sunday sees a net from 8pm on 1.969MHz. Details are at .uk.

Spen Valley Amateur Radio Society has a net on Thursday from 8pm on 28.750MHz. Details from Russell, G0FOI, on 01274 875 038.

On Friday East Cleveland Amateur Radio Club meets for a bring in something interesting evening. Contact Alistair, G4OLK, on 01642 475 671.

On Friday Rochdale & District Amateur Radio Society has an open net from 8.30pm on 145.3875MHz FM. Contact Robert, M0NVQ, on 0777 811 3333.


We strongly advise you to check with organisers before travelling, as events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Government regulations are changing rapidly and it is not necessarily the same across the whole of the UK. Above all, please observe all national or local restrictions, including social distancing and wearing face coverings where required.

The Mid Ulster ARC AGM is today, the 13th, at 3pm on Zoom. All members are welcome. Especially welcome are past and returning club members. On Tuesday the club continues its run of Tuesday night open lectures via Zoom. This week sees a talk on BYLARA by Sharon, 2I0SHZ. Everyone is welcome. Zoom details are available from Dave, 2I0SJV via email to dcparkinson@.


We strongly advise you to check with organisers before travelling, as events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Government regulations are changing rapidly and it is not necessarily the same across the whole of the UK. Above all, please observe all national or local restrictions, including social distancing and wearing face coverings where required.

We start by thanking Andy Hood, GM7GDE for his long service as West of Scotland GB2RS Newsreader on 2m and 70cm. He has now stepped down, which means there is a vacancy for a new volunteer to join the team. You’ll need to be a Full licence holder and a Member of the RSGB. You will also need to be equipped for 2m, 70cm and preferably also 4m, and have a good takeoff covering Ayr to the south, east out to the Lothians and north into Stirlingshire, plus good coverage to the city of Glasgow to the west. In the first instance please contact Steve Thomas, M1ACB, via email to

We also have volunteer vacancies for RSGB District Representatives in three areas. These are Glasgow Central & Lanarkshire, Ayrshire, Dumfries & Galloway, and Borders. If you live in or close to these areas and would be interested in joining the RSGB Regional Team, please email for more information.

Viking Amateur Radio Net runs daily from 5 to 6am on 3.770MHz. Details are on group’s Facebook page.

Ayr Amateur Radio Group has daily nets on 7.035MHz ± QRM at 10.15am, QSYing to 7.065MHz for SSB and 145.450MHz at 10.30am with CW on 144.295MHz at 7.30pm. On Sundays there a CW net on 144.295MHz from 7pm and 145.450MHz FM at 7.30pm. Contact Derek, MM0OVD on 0744 793 1941.

Dundee Amateur Radio Club has an open net today via GB3AG from 7.30pm. Activities for International Air Ambulance Week will also take place. Contact Martin, 2M0KAU, on 0776 370 8933.

Kilmarnock & Loudoun Amateur Radio Club has a net on Sundays from 2pm around 3.720MHz SSB, moving to around 3.540MHz for a CW net after the SSB net ends. On Tuesday there’s a net on 145.475MHz FM from 7.30pm. Contact Len, GM0ONX by email to Klarcinfo@.

Mid Lanarkshire Amateur Radio Society has a net on Sundays from 10pm on 28.475MHz. On Wednesday it’s the DMR Scotland net on TG23550 from 8pm. Friday sees the club Zello chat from 7.30pm, which later moves to 2m. Details are at .

Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Club has a net on Sundays from 7.30pm on GB3DG, which usually moves to Zoom around 8pm. On Thursdays the net is on GB3DG from 7pm. Members are also invited to join the daily RAYNET net on GB3DG at noon. For details see .

The Glasgow local lockdown means that West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society meetings are presently suspended. The club is operating a trial SSTV net at 12 noon after the RSGB News on 144.500 FM today. There is a daily Net on the club’s Zello channel and 145.425MHz at 11.30am. Friday sees a net on 145.425MHz from 8pm. Please see for details of all known club nets and activities across the region, compiled by RSGB Region 1 Regional Representative Tony Miles, MM0TMZ.

Glenrothes & District Radio Club has open nets on Monday to Saturday at 10am on 3.790MHz. On Tuesdays and Thursdays they are also on 145.425MHz at 7.20pm. Supplemental to the VHF nets there will be Morse training. Contact Tam on 07753 526 498.

Paisley Amateur Radio Club has a net from 8pm on144.550MHz and Zello on Monday. Tuesday sees the club using DMR room 4415 at 8pm. On Thursday there’s a net on 144.550MHz and the Zello channel from 7.30pm.

Stirling and District Club is running web presentations live at user/GM6NX. There is a net on GB3FE on Mondays from 7pm. For details, email secretary@.

On Monday Edinburgh & District Amateur Radio club has its net, starting on 433.525MHz FM at 8pm. Contact Norman, GM1CNH, on 0774 094 6192.

On Tuesday Livingston and District Amateur Radio Society will either have a net. Wednesday sees a net on DMR Scotland channel TG23550 from 2000. Details from Cathie, 2M0DIB, on 01506 433 846.

On Wednesday Lothians Radio Society has a net on 144.350MHz SSB at 8pm. Details by email to secretary@.

Inverness & District Amateur Radio Society has a net from 8pm on 145.575MHz and via GB7BI or GB7II slot 1 475 on Wednesday. For details, email InvernessRadioSociety@.

The Lomond Club will be using MB7IBH on 144.9625MHz in the Dumbarton area from 7.30pm on Thursday and they will be also connected on EchoLink using the same gateway. More from Barrie, GM4HEL by email to gm0kzx@.

On Friday Strathclyde Park Amateur Radio Club runs a net from 7.30pm on 145.400MHz, and also on the BATC channel from 8pm. Contact Bill, MM0SFB for information.


We strongly advise you to check with organisers before travelling, as events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Government regulations are changing rapidly and it is not necessarily the same across the whole of the UK. Above all, please observe all national or local restrictions, including social distancing and wearing face coverings where required.

A volunteer position has arisen for an RSGB District Representative for Region 124, East Essex. If you live in or close to these areas and would be interested in joining the RSGB Regional Team, please email for more information.

South Essex Amateur Radio Society has a daily net at 4pm on 145.225MHz FM. Details from Terry, G1FBW, on 0798 607 0040.

Burnham Beeches Radio Club has a net on Sundays from 10.30am that settles on 145.275MHz, with a Zoom meeting running concurrently. For details, email ebytronics@.

Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society has a net on Sundays on 50.220MHz USB. Thursday sees a net on 3700kHz, 145.400MHz and GB3CG. For details, email Jon, M0KGX, via jon@.

Colchester Radio Amateurs has an open CW net on 144.163MHz from 9.30. Monday sees an open CW net on 144.163MHz from 9.30pm. On Tuesday there’s an open net from 7pm on 433.425MHz and from 8pm on 1.920MHz. On Wednesday there’s a net on 145.350MHz from 7pm. Contact Mark, M0LTG, on 0770 374 5369.

Edgware & District Radio Society runs a weekday open net from 3pm, starting on 145.500MHz FM. On Monday there’s a net from 9pm, commencing on 145.500MHz FM, moving to around 1988kHz at 9.30pm. More information is at

Felixstowe & District Amateur Radio Society has an open net on Sundays from 10am on 145.400MHz. Monday sees an open net from 7.45pm on GB3IH, and on Tuesday there’s an open CW net from 7pm on 144.070MHz. Wednesday sees an open DMR net from 7pm on TG840. More information from Paul, G4YQC, by email to pjw@.

Guildford & District Radio Society has a net on Sundays from 9.15pm on 145.525MHz. Monday sees a net on 28.535MHz from 9pm. There’s a Zoom meeting on Friday. Details from Tim, G7JYQ, on 020 8241 9396.

Lowestoft District & Pye Amateur Radio Club has a net on Sundays on 433.575MHz. Monday and Thursday see nets on 70.400MHz and GB3YL. On Tuesday there’s a net on 145.475MHz and Friday’s net is on 51.490MHz. For details, email

Verulam Amateur Radio Club has an open Morse conversion net on 50.040MHz from 8.30pm on Sundays. Send QRS for slow Morse. Details from Bob, by email to g4pvb@.

Radio Society of Harrow has a net on Sundays from 2pm on 145.350MHz. On Tuesday there is a net on GB3HR from 8pm followed by a club net on Thursday from 8.15pm on 145.350MHz. Details from Linda, G7RJL via email to lcasey100@.

Shefford & District Amateur Radio Society holds a net on Monday evenings from 7pm on 1985kHz. On Thursday evenings there is a net starting on 145.500MHz at 8pm. There is also a Zoom meeting at the same time for those not on the air. Latest details are at

Fort Purbrook Amateur Radio Club has an open net on Monday from 8pm on 145.275MHz. Friday sees an open net from 7pm on 433.450MHz, moving later to GB3IW for a joint net with the Isle of Wight Amateur Radio Society. Contact Rod, G4SPS, via email to

Norfolk Amateur Radio Club has its net on GB3NB from 7.30pm on Monday. Wednesday is the NARC Live! show from 7.30pm on Facebook and the BATC stream. For details see .

Bath & District Amateur Radio Club has an open net on Tuesday from 7.30pm on 70.475MHz FM. Contact Paul, G4PDC, on 01761 412 994.

Braintree & District ARS has its net on Tuesday from 8pm on 145.375MHz. For details see

On Wednesday Bracknell Amateur Radio Club has a mixed net from 7.40pm via MB7IBK and DMR Brandmeister TG23529, followed from 8pm by the club net on 145.375MHz FM. Details from David, M0XDF, via email to

Bromley & District Amateur Radio Society has its net on Wednesday from 9pm, usually settling around 145.400MHz. Contact Andy, G4WGZ, on 01689 878 089.

Crystal Palace Radio and Electronics Club has its net from 8pm on Wednesday around 145.525MHz. On Saturday the net is on 51.55MHz at 8pm. Contact Damien, 2E0EUI on 0790 024 2541.

Bishop's Stortford Amateur Radio Society has its net on Wednesday from 8pm on 145.5625MHz FM. Details are at .

Loughton & Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society has nets on Wednesday on DMR Brandmeister TG23511 from 8pm plus 70.475MHz FM. On Thursday there’s a net from 8pm on 144.725MHz. Details are at .uk.

Whitton Amateur Radio Group plans Jitsi online meetings on Wednesday and Friday from 8pm, accompanied by a net on 145.375MHz FM and/or 28.395MHz SSB. If Covid-19 restrictions permit, there will be a normal meeting on Friday instead. Contact Ian, G0OFN, on 0795 620 3495.

Harlow & District Amateur Radio Society has its net on 145.425MHz from 7.30pm on Friday. Contact Matt, G7VAB, on 0790 824 2098.

Horndean & District ARC has a club meeting on Friday. Contact Stuart, G0FYX, on 02392 472 846.

Itchen Valley Amateur Radio Club has a Zoom meeting on Friday from 7.30pm. Details from Chris, G7LWV, via email to

Silverthorn Radio Club meets at 7.30pm on Friday at Friday Hall. Contact Colin, 2E1FQE, on 07973 350 421.

On Friday Thurrock Acorns Amateur Radio Club has an open net starting on 145.500MHz at 7.30pm. For details, email


We strongly advise you to check with organisers before travelling, as events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Government regulations are changing rapidly and it is not necessarily the same across the whole of the UK. Above all, please observe all national or local restrictions, including social distancing and wearing face coverings where required.

Thornbury & South Gloucestershire ARC has a daily net on GB3ZB from 10.30am. Wednesday sees a Zoom meeting from 8pm and Friday sees a net from 8pm around 145.450MHz. For details, email

Torbay Amateur Radio Society has nets on Sundays on 14.270MHz from 9.30am and on 145.575MHz from 12 noon. Monday’s nets are 3.663MHz from 10.30am, 1.982MHz from 8pm and 50.155MHz from 8.30pm. Wednesday sees nets on 14.270MHz from 9.30am and 3.663MHz from 10.30am. On Friday there’s a club meeting from 7.30pm and a net on 3.663MHz from 9.15pm. Saturday’s net is on 3.663MHz from 10am. Contact Kerry, M0KRE, on 0772 599 9973.

Cornish Radio Amateur Club has a net on Tuesdays on 70.425MHz FM and Thursdays on 29.150MHz FM. The Friday net is on 145.350MHz FM. Details from Steve, G7VOH, on 01209 844 939.

On Tuesday Exeter Amateur Radio Society club has its net on GB3EW from 7.45pm. Contact Ivor, G6ATJ, on 0792 762 8685.

Isle of Avalon Amateur Radio Club has a digimode net on Tuesday at 9pm on 28.115MHz USB. There’s a net on Wednesday from 9pm on 145.475MHz FM with CW practice on 28.118MHz. On Thursday there’s a net on 433.475MHz from 9pm. Friday sees a net on 145.475MHz from 7pm. Contact Matt, 2E0FNT, on 0730 554 9614.

Saltash & District Amateur Radio Club has a net on GB3PL on Thursday. Contact Mark, M0WMB, on 0781 054 8445.

Weston Super Mare Radio Society has its net via GB3WB on Thursday from 8pm. Details from M0JOG on 0750 066 8674.


We strongly advise you to check with organisers before travelling, as events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Government regulations are changing rapidly and it is not necessarily the same across the whole of the UK. Above all, please observe all national or local restrictions, including social distancing and wearing face coverings where required.

Carmarthen Amateur Radio Society has an 80m SSB net from 2.30pm on Sundays. On Wednesday there’s an FM or Fusion net via GB3CM from 7.30pm. Thursday sees a net via GB3FG from 8pm. Contact Andy, GW0JLX, on 0776 828 2880.

Cleddau Amateur Radio Society is doing outside maintenance on Monday. Next Sunday sees a social at the Station Inn. Details from Heinz, MW0ECY, on 0774 804 7008.

Dragon Amateur Radio Club has a series of open nets on Monday. These are online from 7pm, then from 8pm on 145.550MHz and finally from 9pm via GB3AN. Next Saturday and Sunday may see a Marconi event at Waunfawr. For details, email


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